@BoneyM would it be possible for Mathilde to visit the ladies pocket dimension and come back alive, sane , and without centuries going by?
Try it and find out.
@BoneyM would it be possible for Mathilde to visit the ladies pocket dimension and come back alive, sane , and without centuries going by?
Heh heh, right, um...Yet more evidence for my theory that Boney and chocolote are secretly the same person.![]()
Yep. And also accept the possibility of a bunch of people telling you it's a terrible idea.You know, someday boney is gonna tell us to try something, and we're actually gonna have the collective balls to try it.
But until then, i imagine boney is growing ever closer to exploding into some sort of thermonuclear rage ball over us asking all these inane questions that we never actually have the guts to follow up on.
Basically stop asking, if you want to try something vote for it and accept the possibility of it not going well... because you knows its a game, boney isn't gonna spoil shit, just because you ask.
Alive, Sane: Sounds like a lot of worldbuilding to dump on Boney. Also, not sure the world has "centuries" left.
Alive, On-Time: It's tricky to portray madness well from the inside, but Boney's a good author. Feasible.
Sane, On-Time: Hmmm. Sounds like something for @Omegahugger 's faction to work towards.![]()
Ah but you see what's common sense for a Wizard just seems like insanity to those poor limited unenlightened non-Wizards!Well, I mean, Mathilde did say that you can't be held back by common sensein Gensokyowhen you're a Wizard.![]()
You know, I wonder how much Runelore the White Tower has. And for that matter, how much mage lore the Dwarves have. And if we could convince anyone to compare notes.He snorts, and busies himself with a long draw from his tankard. "A week ago, if you'd asked me what I thought of applying the lost secrets of golem construction to an Earth Elemental, I'd have thought you even more insane than you have to be for your magic. But now..." He sighs. "If you'd found an ordinary golem, I'd have been ecstatic. But one tied up in Elven wizardry, a relic of our failed partnership with the Elgi of that floating rock of the Great Ocean..." He waves a hand at nothing in particular. "Five Runes, you say. I'd travel to the end of the world to see something with five Runes in it. But five Runes carved into the soul of an Elemental? I can't even look upon it. I wouldn't know where to start on reverse-engineering it. It's not an opportunity, it's a reminder of how far we've fallen, that even I cannot begin to comprehend what my Ancestors built here."
Well for the first, quite a bit.You know, I wonder how much Runelore the White Tower has. And for that matter, how much mage lore the Dwarves have. And if we could convince anyone to compare notes.
Well for the first, quite a bit.
There is a slight chance that some of the mages who worked with the Dwarfs yet live. More likely they just have people who met the mages involved. Even if not, the White Tower has not been sacked so their records should all be intact.
On the flip-side the Asur have never displayed any ability to forge Runes beyond what they taught to the Imperial Collages of Magic.
Lots, time to steal shit from hoeth.You know, I wonder how much Runelore the White Tower has. And for that matter, how much mage lore the Dwarves have. And if we could convince anyone to compare notes.
Isnt melekiths armor made of runes empowered by Vaul?Well for the first, quite a bit.
There is a slight chance that some of the mages who worked with the Dwarfs yet live. More likely they just have people who met the mages involved. Even if not, the White Tower has not been sacked so their records should all be intact.
On the flip-side the Asur have never displayed any ability to forge Runes beyond what they taught to the Imperial Collages of Magic.
As to the second… get triple digits of Favour, not reputation but Favour, with both and they will agree to think about maybe doing it. Eventually. If paid enough.
Yea the high elves have their own runic system and its far more advanced than humanities given they can make high magic items.
Humans explicitly have runes, see Mathilde enchanting her robes. If humans have runes, so do elves. There is, however, a vast difference between runes and dwarf Runelore.I think they are just doing enchancements to create them, not using runes.
Granted, ultra advanced enchancements, but point is they aren't runes.
Plot twist: Given the most likely elves to be friendly to Dwarves would remain in close geographic proximity to them, all the elven ruins in Bretonnia and Tilea are full of secret wizard labs with the necessary information.It should also be noted that the White Tower was only founded by Phoenix King Bel-Korhadris, almost a millennia after the end of the War of the Beard/Vengeance. Before that, Ulthuan seemingly had no central institution of magical learning. Any Runelore gained by individual archmages would be contained in those individuals heads or notes, and potentially those of their students. And more than a thousand years isn't a trivial amount of time even for elves. Given that the Asur were bled dry by cataclysmic wars against Dwarves and Druuchi in that time period and large parts of Ulthuans outer Kingdoms were under Dark Elf occupation or subject to raiding, chances are the knowledge simply might not have survived to be collected at the White Towers creation.
Empire college runes, and as far as mathilde knows elven ones, are basically supplemental preparations to make enchantments easier or more powerful, rather than an entire type of artifice on their own.
Tssh. Amateurs. I can see Dame Mathildes talk to the Knight Errants now.
"So, you want to be a Knight Errant? That's a fine thing.
... and better hope you get one of those luck gods tilting the odds in your favour.
In conclusion, try being lucky when doing something stupid for glory. Luck. That's what works for me."
Yeah, its a common thing. The commoners can, ironically, usually trust the Liege of their Liege, because said superior has no personal interest in them, but their direct leader is the one who'd immediately and significantly gain materially from their suffering.If you're defining authority as the king and not the local nobility, sure.
Kings love excuses to crack down on and restrict nobility. Calling a mechanism for doing that "scapegoating" is highly misleading as to what's actually going on.
I reiterate I'm not a fan of Brettonia, but that's because I just don't understand how it's meant to be appealing. That heroic and Arthurian idyllic King? Oh he got his powers by proving to his god he would choose her over his kingdom if need be. At the very best, it denies these heroes agency in their own right.
If you think of it as duty perhaps. However, they think of it as a privilege, some material rewards for carrying out their duty. And in the cultural context, bad rulers seem to be caused by greedy, ambitious, nepotistic and generally grasping rulers.Yes, it's about disrupting the bad values and sense of entitlement- but it's also about discarding your duty to your country and as a knight in favor of the Lady. The symbolism is fundamentally rooted in subordinating any obligations you have to your liege, your family, and the people over whom you preside to the Lady. Now, you can apparently wield a lance- but only if the Lady blessed it. I'm probably over thinking it, but it just strikes me as perverse you have to abandon your duties up until and only if the Lady gives you permission.
This one is wrong by WoG...because casinos in this time period mainly act as arbitrators between gamblers, rather than the massive House Vs Punters deal that modern casinos use. They profit from taking a cut from all winnings and from the sale of food and drink.The gambling aspect of Ranald isn't Ranald the Gambler, it's Ranald the Dealer. I.e. Ranald represents the house, the casino, the institution that fleeces the punters.
Ranald is the dealer. The one both players trust to deal the cards fairly, play from unmarked decks, and use unweighted dice, without cheating because the dealer profits no matter who wins, and what the dealer wants is everyone making huge bets back and forth.Those options are popular now. In the quests time period, gambling usually happens between players with very portable dice or cards, instead of against a casino with bulky and complicated paraphernalia.
*Eyes Wizard Chic Suspiciously*Rumour of bounty, rumour of dearth instils a vague sense in the locals that something is about to become more common, reducing the prices, or that something is about to become more scarce, increasing the prices.
IIRC, still on offer. It's basically a way to double down on time expenditure to achieve a stronger enchantment than you'd otherwise be capable of.I recall we didn't actually take the rune crafting class back in the colleges are they still on offer or did we surpass them?