Ok, so I realized that if this is about the Ulrikadrin, we've already had this conversation from the other side. It confused us and we made some commitments, so let's look back:
Loyalty to the empire in question, with the strong hint of a false figurehead. *Someone* was claiming to speak in the empire's name, and it was one that Wulfhart disagreed with but couldn't push back on. This seems to point to his doubts about Al-Ulric, and very definitely implies an agenda. Probably one greater than strife with Sigmarites, as I don't think there grandmaster would have disagreed unless something nasty was tied up in it. Also, this was his opening gambit. He was expecting to be hit immediately with disloyalty charges, and was trying to get out in front.
What, technically, are the Ulrican knights sworn to?
Next, the justifications for going with the dwarves. First, implications that the dwarves were disliked broadly where he was coming from; this was not a first choice option. And he immediately levels himself down: he's feeling guilty about something. The bit about honoring or dishonoring as allies is also interesting.
Followed by the relief in the choice of enemies. Implications are that he has gone to battles, at the order of his nominal superiors, against those he didn't really consider enemies with 'allies' that he thought dishonoured them.
So our string of 'say-nothings' told him that A) the empire did not consider him and his traitors, B) we agree that he chose a path that let him keep his honor and loyalties intact, instead of setting this as fleeing his responsibilities. Very validating, probably let him sleep a lot better at night.
So looking back, he was probably worried the empire knew he was at whatever battle, and considered it treason the side he was on. The fact he left and took his people with him says that repetition was expected, and he didn't feel like he could 'switch sides' for his honor, he had to bug out.
This says that the Al-Ulric is probably compromised, at very least by contacts and allies that could be considered treasonous. And that, we should be worried about.