In regards to the favor, I lean towards something that would provide a long-term benefit to the forces of Order (or at the Empire).
I figure there's three areas that mankind/the Empire could seriously use as a boost to its ability to survive: the ability to make and maintain new steam tanks, Dwarven-quality gunpowder, or Dwarven-quality firearms.
- Steam Tanks: The steam tank discussion caught my attention, but tanks are complex vehicles requiring a lot industrial knowledge, production of mass-produced parts, etc to make and maintain. Sure, we could ask the Dwarves to reverse-engineer and then hand over schematics and parts to reproduce, but understanding WHY those parts were engineered the way they were would still be an educational understanding the Empire doesn't have.
- Dwarven gunpowder: This would probably be the easiest to do, due to knowing the proper proportions (unless the Dwarves add something special to the mix). However, it would also be VERY easy for non-Imperials to learn the same recipe and use it for malevolent ends.
- Dwarven firearms: Possible, bc Dwarves would still be the only manufacturers of runed firearms thus still having an edge with guns, but I imagine there would be considerable political friction with this one, as many Dwarves would be hesitant to uparm humans more than they already have.
However, there's a huge problem with all of the above, namely the EMpire's ability to actually use any of those weapons systems to their logical end, and that boils down to: insufficient industry. In addition, the Empire is hilariously fragmented in terms of actual industrial capacity and education. There basically is no mass educational system, nor standardized tools and measurement systems in use consistently across all territories, at least as far as I know. So the actual ability for the Empire to more rapidly industrialize doesn't exist.
So, an action at least starting the process of reversing this would be a good one possibly. Dwarves providing basic educators to the Elector provinces and the Emperor, to found schools to teach and spread basic Dwarven scientific and industrial knowledge and the standardized tools to work with, would provide a MUCH better foundation for advancement than the schizo tech that WHF has going now, barring a few geniuses like Leonardo da Miragliano. Then mankind could advance quicker on its own, and with more reliable means.
Possible Future Projects We Could Use Our Favor to Ask Dwarves to Work On:
- Steam Tank Mark 2, Dwarf Edition: the funny thing is, Belegar would not be averse to us wanting to have a team of Dwarven engineers reverse engineer steam tanks, as he thinks very highly of us and we have a buttload of Dwarven Favor. I'd say we push for steam tank knowledge/schematics using our Favors. And they don't have to be Dwarven quality, so the Dwarves would still have an edge on humans in that sense and can have their own RUNED Steam Tank designs.
- Runed Cannons: This sounds like they could be potentially be very powerful. @BoneyM , do Dwarves use runed cannons? I don't think they do, just curious. Maybe that's something we can push Kragg to develop bc we have an in with him now. EDIT: Already exists, thanks
@Doomed Wombat !
- Dwarf Cannon Design, Gen-2: refining the base design of cannons, creating more types of cannon for uses in the field or in siege fortifications, etc? IDK, but pushing for some form of Dwarven weapons development seems like a good idea.
-- Naval Cannons (Ironclad) Gen-2: Specifically pushing the performance envelope of Dwarven Cannons on their Ironclads. This would allow for noticeably increasing the combat power of Dwarf Ironclads (which is already extreme), but also reducing logistics/maintenance, extending range, etc. And that's without runes, this is just the base design.
-- Naval Cannons (Non-Ironclads) Gen-2: Basically, this is creating better cannons that can be used on non-Ironclad, wooden warships, like the Empire and Brettonia still use. This will help enhance the offensive power of human navies, which there are more of than Dwarves, and it will go far to indirectly helping Dwarves bc of it. I supposed Runed variants could be offered at high prices by Dwarves to humans, but Runes should be a Dwarven-only thing.
-- Siege Cannons, Gen-2: Pushing siege cannon design is a good idea bc it would benefit the Empire and Dwarves immensely. This would allow for noticeably increasing combat power, but also reducing logistics/maintenance, extending range, etc. And that's without runes, this is just the base design. Dwarves don't normally build large cannon designs from what I've read, so pushing this development would help everybody bc it would fill in a critical gap in knowledge.
-- Field Cannons, Gen-2: Smaller, more mobile, lighter cannons that can be rapidly deployed on battlefields. The Dwarves normally build smaller cannons so probably starting from those designs, but this would allow for noticeably increasing combat power, but also reducing logistics/maintenance, extending range, etc. And that's without runes, this is just the base design.
- Non-Rifle Fouling Gunpowder: ie, Guncotton. We know OOC its possible, and the Dwarves are in the best position to push this development. Then every firearm could be a rifle, thus radically extending range and performance.
- Human Gyrocopters: Again, developing a slightly simpler version that is slightly enlarged so humans can use them. At minimum huge for aerial reconnaissance or delivering fast messages, at max great for combat. And they don't have to be Dwarven quality, so the Dwarves would still have an edge on humans in that sense.
- Human Ironclads: A simpler ironclad design with less Dwarf bits, modified for human use. This could allow Imperial fleets to have substantial naval performance increases without having to have Dwarves around to keep them going. Would have to include the education and standardized tools needed to build and maintain these, of course. And they don't have to be Dwarven quality, so the Dwarves would still have an edge on humans in that sense.
- Steam Tech - Basics: Humans need steam power, and Dwarves are the masters of that right now in WHF. So, they need to teach the basics to humans to insure humanity's steam tech can hold its own and malfunctions less often.
- Steam Tech, Gen-2: Basically asking the Dwarves to work on perfecting and miniaturizing steam tech, for Dwarves at minimum, and possibly for sale to trusted outside parties if it goes well. The Dwarves could certainly use a push to refine and expand on this branch of the tech tree.