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Do keep in mind it's very possible there are assassins laying in wait in the darkness here.

You know, doing the same thing we are.
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I don't think the destruction of a Traitor-Clan would count as zero value. If Mors is destroyed, then the Council has at least gotten something out of this (even if their forces had little to do with that taking place).
Actually, as far as Skaven plans go this is a total success! Traitor-Clan gone- destroyed and rivals killed-dead! Perfect victory!
And we didn't, IIRC, because there wasn't really anything worth sharing.
We brought up the existence of an Eshin Master Assassin immediately after that.

What we never specified was how we knew.
You look up from the letters. "Eshin," you say simply.

There's a chorus of Khazalid expletives. "Where?" King Belegar asks with a sigh.

"Under, or possibly in, Karag Yar. Uncorroborated intelligence from a single source," and if they took that to mean interrogation rather than you and an assassin accidentally terrifying each other, that's on them,
Nope, we both promised never to bring it up again. And we didn't, IIRC, because there wasn't really anything worth sharing.

Are you saying the Skaven assassin would lie?!

I think that Eshin would notice that they aren't doing the things that the other skaven are blaming them for. Mors and Skryre might mistake our actions for Eshin, but I doubt Eshin would mistake our actions for their own doing.
This all also has an interesting consequence in that all of the loyalist Great Clans got the shit kicked out of them here, with plausibly Eshin coming out the best depending on how the next three or so updates go.

Now this could provide an opportunity for lesser Warlord clans to reach for bigger slices of the Under-Empire pie depending very heavily on how the rest of the Civil War is going. Pestilens may well be kicking holes in their powerbases as they go down, and if they are the Great Clan losses here may not be all that noticeable except on the largest strategic scales. And we have no way to know how the War is going at the moment.

With that large caveat said, if this does cause the warlords to move against Skryre, Moulder and Eshin it is more likely that the closest Warlord clans to K8P will do things if there are Great Clan outposts nearby. Crookback Mountain comes to mind, though I don't recall who holds it.
So on an entriely different note, what is everyone's favourite thing about Mathilde?

My favourite single detail about Mathilde is something that didn't even happen in the quest proper, which is Mathilde, at the age of 10, having nearly been murdered by her own neighbours and having been abandoned by her family and everyone she ever knew, deciding to circumvent her own Doom by befrending a Cat and naming it Morr.

"When abandoned and alone, Morr shalt befriend thee."
After she first arrived at the Grey College, she adopted a cat and called it Morr.
It might explain a lot about her, that she considered her doom fulfilled at age 10 and she's been completely free of the strings of fate ever since.

It also explains a lot about her relationship with Ranald, as a big facet of that seems to be both of them both pointing at fate and laughing uproariously.

Otherwise, I love the contrast between how loyal she is and the fact that despite her distase for politics she's hugely ambitious** and loves games of exact words peadantry (see: Morr the cat, the Liber Mortis & Dwarf Friend Weber's money) to allow her to get away with what she wants that the grey order is institutionally paranoid over.

**No one who wants to revolutionse magic like Mathilde is not ambitious. Also I don't understand why some wizards seemed to think Mathilde wasn't ambitous before the "unleash the battlewizards" proclomation because she took a less visible post outside the empire. Look at her list of known accomplishments: as a very young journeywoman became spymaster to an elector count***, gathering a fearsome reputation amongst the populace. Leveraged that into an actual title of nobility (if a small one) in defiance of practically all convention, essentially took over and successfully completed the campaign that killed Abelheim, a battlewizard and the Amethyst Patriarch, became the first Wizard to have actual and formal power in a dwarf hold since the war of the beard and published/contributed to a series of significant academic papers.

***Yes she had the position forced on her and it was the crappiest province but it's still massively impressive for her age.
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Also known to be rivals to Mors IIRC. The other two things about them are being very rich from Goblin slave labor, and having an extraordinarily large number of Stormvermin.
They've also got the Lord of Decay with the absolute greatest name.

Step aside Lord Gnawdwell, this day belongs to...

Kratch Doomclaw!

(Insert rumble of thunder)

My favorite thing about Mathilda is how over the top she is while being somewhat unaware of it and playing it very straight. See wanting to use the fires of dwarfen hell for more efficient weeding, the entire thing with Francesco being called to our tower to talk, mugging Mork, how she became the Dämmerlichtreiter, ect..

After that I really like her loyalty to her friends, it is nice and heartwarming.
[X] Both must die.
- [X] Let the Sorcerer's attack play out, then finish off whoever survives.
That sounds like a fake name someone would make up to impress the Skaven.
If you took a list of canon skaven names, a list of Redwall villain names, and a list of rat-themed pun names made up by a Saturday morning cartoon writer, jumbled them all up, and gave me the output, I cannot believe I would do better than like 50% on guessing which one was which.
You know, the more I think about it, the more I think that when we have to Learn more Battle Magic, (and let's be honest that day will come.) we should learn Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma first. (And probably only MMM, battle magic scary.)

1) it fits what we would need the most outside of battle as well as in battle e.g a GTFO button if we get surround behind enemy lines again.

2) we have two traits (Warrior of Fog and Mantle of Mist) that should help with the learning and casting, not to the point that Melkoth can, but it is our type of spell.

Everyone love pit of shades, I do too! But sadly Mathy is just a Miasma kind of girl e.g it is comparatively safer for her... comparatively, and fits her style.
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[X] Both must die.
-[X] Let the Sorcerer's attack play out, then finish off whoever survives.
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