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Well sure, but good luck convincing them of that. Morrites are notorious for taking naps while other people get things done.
True but it would be a good idea to at least approach them.

Just add a small bit to the proposal with something like this
-[ ] With possible assistance from the Church of Morr, assuming we can persuade them to help.

or something like that. Basically make an attempt at getting help from the people dedicated to guarding the dead.
True but it would be a good idea to at least approach them.

Just add a small bit to the proposal with something like this
-[ ] With possible assistance from the Church of Morr, assuming we can persuade them to help.

or something like that. Basically make an attempt at getting help from the people dedicated to guarding the dead.
I'd be careful with that.

Aside from the "not getting things done" issue, there are also fanatics in the other direction who will not stand the existance of Undead a second longer than they have to.
If we want to take live specimen we'll run into problems with a large subection of Morrites.
Here is a list of Morr priest miracles for those wondering
  • Blessing of Morr: Your stirring words inspire someone to understand truly pitiable state of the Undead, rendering them immune to fear or terror regarding the undead.[1g]
  • Blessing of Passage: You invoke the blessing of Morr to extend the God's outrage at the presence of Undead. Any weapon the target wields counts as magic for the purposes of harming Undead opponents until the effect expires.[1g]
Divine Lore of Morr
As the God of the Dead and of Dreams, Morr grants his priests guidance and aid in dealing with the restless dead. By tradition, the wisdom he grants as God of Dreams is associated with Darkness, and his aid against the Undead with Daylight, while those who choose to balance the two are associated with Twilight. The Morr in Darkness list is generally taken only by augurs, while those priestly members of the Black Guard blessed with the ability to work miracles have the Morr in Daylight list.[1h]

Almost all Priests of Morr learn the prayers and rituals to put a corpse to rest (Eternal Rest), and many also study the rituals to bring about prophetic dreams (Guiding Dream).[1h]

  • Destroy Undead: Using a wooden stake as a conduit, cause damage to an undead target.[1i]
  • Dooming: Morr grants you a vision of one important fact about a character's future. This is most often his manner of death, but not always. The fact is always isolated: you might that learn someone will be killed by Orcs, but not where or when.[1i]
  • Dream Message: You appear in the dreams of one character and deliver a message no longer than 30 seconds long. The receiver must be someone you have met personally, must speak a common language, and must be asleep when the spell is cast.[1i]
  • Eternal Rest: You chant a solemn prayer over a corpse, ensuring that the soul is sent to Morr's Realm. This makes the corpse permanently immune to Necromancy spells.[1i]
  • Glimpse Ahead: Upon casting glimpse ahead, you gain a sudden powerful insight about some future event, though the circumstances of this event are not immediately known to you.[1i]
  • Guiding Dream: You receive a dream concerning a particular course of action Morr wishes you to undertake. The dream is always clear, but never complete. It never explains why Morr wants you to do something. The vision generally shows you performing a particular action, in a particular place, at a particular time, and you somehow know the name of the place, and where it is, and exactly what date is meant, even if those would not be obvious from the things seen in the dream. You have no control over the contents of the dream, and there is no guarantee that you will survive to carry out the actions you see. Repeated castings almost always yield the same dream, at least until the priest has done what was required, or the time during which he was supposed to perform the deed has passed. Failing to follow such a dream counts as violating the strictures of the cult; if you have prayed for an illuminating dream, you should follow it.[1i]
  • Preserve Corpse: You temporarily stop the decomposition of one corpse, keeping it perfectly preserved.[1i]
  • Sign of the Raven: You summon a ghostly raven (the symbol of Morr) that casts the shadow of death over the field.[1i]
  • Sleep of Death: Your prayers cause a group of enemies within range to slumber like the dead. This prayer is often chanted to calm the bereaved, particularly the noisy ones.[1j]
  • Speech of Morr: The spirit of a dead Human appears before you, and answers a number of questions. You must have the body or a portion of the body the spirit once possessed. The spirit cannot lie and must answer, but it can choose how much information to give. The spirit is limited to information it knew in life. If asked something it does not know the answer to, it says nothing, and the question counts against those you may ask. Since the spirit is released from the realm of the dead with Morr's permission, any corpse may only be targeted by this spell, regardless of the caster, once.[1j]
  • Threshold Line: You draw up to an 8-yard long line on the ground while chanting to Morr. Any Undead creature has difficulty crossing it. The line retains its power until sunrise, and each Undead creature only gets one attempt to cross it. If the line is not a closed loop, Undead may go around the ends, so the line is normally drawn as a ring or across a doorway.[1j]
  • Vision of Morr: You pray to Morr and ask for a vision relating to a problem you are currently experiencing.[1j]
...since Tilea and Estalia have so much chaos and intrigue-heavy stuff going on all the time, I wonder if they have better or at least more experienced locksmiths than the Empire...?
Umm so quick question, why aren't we at least considering getting some support from the Church of Morr for the undead investigation group? I mean don't their priests have any "pacify undead" sort of holy spells or something, seriously what do they have because I don't know?

Sounds like all of those are very useful things to have on hand for our undead hunter organization.

The current leading plan has discarded the proposal for an undead hunter organisation, so it doesn't really matter.
I'm still not 100% married to the mechanics yet, but the way I'm envisioning it so far is this: it costs one action to manage two organizations, to a maximum of six; the ultimate conclusion of this is having six subordinate branches of your demesne and three personal actions, or to put it another way, your default CK2 quest. So far I've been rounding in your favour, but I'm likely to change that if it looks like there's a deliberate attempt to maintain an odd number of organizations to game the system.
Fun. Thinking about it:

Intrigue = Information network
Martial = the new Watch
Stewardship = ?? maybe our part of the EIC?
Faith = ?? maybe thief-priests later on?
Diplomacy = let's not have this, a spymaster doesn't need a court or international relations, but it might be useful to raise Mathilde's personal Diplomacy and work off some of that thousand-yard-stare she's probably accumulating
Learning = let's not have this either, this seems like something Mathilde should do personally. Unless perhaps we can leverage wizard favors for apprentices.

So I'd consider stopping around 2 or 4, unless we're allowed to have multiple separate Intrigue-oriented branches, in which case I'd totally go for 6 so as to be able to put all the organizational actions towards official work and all the personal actions on reading Light and its Properties or The Witch and her Hunter.

On a related note, is Ranald's Blessing limited to personal actions?
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by HanEmpire on Feb 13, 2018 at 1:45 PM, finished with 158 posts and 40 votes.

  • [X] Plan Everything Checks Out
    -[X][Information Network] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    -[X][Stirland Watch] Hire administrators and clerks from Altdorf and Nuln.
    -[X][Personal] Expand the Watch into the rest of the County of Wurtbad.
    -[X][Personal] Expand the Watch into the Barony of Purgg.
    -[X][Personal] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead, this time with the addition of Van Hal's personal library. (NEW-ish)
    -[X][Personal] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X][Personal] Use a Personal Action to perform another Organizational Action; can be taken once per organization.
    --[X][Stirland Watch] Openly expand your information network into the military in the form of an Intelligence Attaché (Second Division)
    ---[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X][Free Time] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Wilhelmina
    [X] Plan Constant Vigilance!
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    -[X] Seek out a new leader for the Watch.
    -[X] Investigate the possibility of adding a River Warden branch of the Watch. (Additional)
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the Barony of Purgg.
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the rest of the County of Wurtbad.
    -[X] Formalize and organize the payments people make for the Gong Farmers to perform their service, as well as having the Watch start enforcing existing laws against dumping human waste in the street or the Stir. (Additional)
    -[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X] Enchantment: You've finally got the equipment, now you've just got to unpack it all and set up your laboratory. (NEW)
    [X] Plan Proposed Watching
    -[X][Information Network] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    -[X][Stirland Watch] Hire administrators and clerks from Altdorf and Nuln.
    -[X][Personal] Expand the Watch into the rest of the County of Wurtbad.
    -[X][Personal] Expand the Watch into the Barony of Purgg.
    -[X][Personal] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead, this time with the addition of Van Hal's personal library. (NEW-ish)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X][Personal] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X][Personal] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team was received poorly, but Van Hal is still open to the idea in theory. Write in details: Name, who it is technically a part of (Watch, Witch Hunters, Military, College, none), and whether it reports directly to you (becomes a new Organization you command) or, if not, who it would report to.
    --[X] Name: Autopsy Agency
    --[X] Parent Organization: The Watch
    --[X] Reports to: Mathilde
    --[X] Investigators comprised of Witch Hunter trained hunters. Initial batch will draw from veteran scouts and woodsmen, but will shift to training their own.
    --[X] Combatants comprised primarily of Sewer Jacks and veterans. Considering the hazards of crypt fighting, the Sewer Jacks would find their experiences more representative of the demands than anyone but the limited numbers of Witch Hunters out there.
    --[X] Support would mainly consist of surgeons trained to dissect and study undead, with optional wizard support for studying the more exotic undead which require magic to interact with at all, and supporting the unfortunate cases where they run into actual necromancers rather than wild undead.
    ---[X] You'll fill the wizard role personally for now, though you'd look into getting someone once the finances straighten out.
    -[X][Free Time] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Wilhelmina
    [X][Information Network] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    [X][Stirland Watch] Hire administrators and clerks from Altdorf and Nuln.
    [X][Actions] Plan: The Guns of Stirland.
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the rest of the County of Wurtbad.
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the Barony of Purgg.
    -[X] In Wissenland, there are a number of techniques in use to derive saltpeter from urine. It would take a great deal more effort than selling to tanneries, but saltpeter could be exported to Nuln for fantastic profit, or used to start gunpowder production in Stirland.
    -[X] Enchantment: You've finally got the equipment, now you've just got to unpack it all and set up your laboratory. (NEW)
    -[X] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead, this time with the addition of Van Hal's personal library. (NEW-ish)
    [X] Plan Proposed Watching
    -[X][Information Network] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    -[X][Stirland Watch] Hire administrators and clerks from Altdorf and Nuln.
    -[X][Personal] Expand the Watch into the rest of the County of Wurtbad.
    -[X][Personal] Expand the Watch into the Barony of Purgg.
    -[X][Personal] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead, this time with the addition of Van Hal's personal library. (NEW-ish)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X][Personal] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X][Personal] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team was received poorly, but Van Hal is still open to the idea in theory. Write in details: Name, who it is technically a part of (Watch, Witch Hunters, Military, College, none), and whether it reports directly to you (becomes a new Organization you command) or, if not, who it would report to.
    --[X] Name: Autopsy Agency
    --[X] Parent Organization: The Watch
    --[X] Reports to: Mathilde
    --[X] Investigators comprised of Witch Hunter trained hunters. Initial batch will draw from veteran scouts and woodsmen, but will shift to training their own.
    --[X] Combatants comprised primarily of Sewer Jacks and veterans. Considering the hazards of crypt fighting, the Sewer Jacks would find their experiences more representative of the demands than anyone but the limited numbers of Witch Hunters out there.
    --[X] Support would mainly consist of surgeons trained to dissect and study undead, with optional wizard support for studying the more exotic undead which require magic to interact with at all, and supporting the unfortunate cases where they run into actual necromancers rather than wild undead.
    ---[X] You'll fill the wizard role personally for now, though you'd look into getting someone once the finances straighten out.
    -[X][Free Time] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Sir Markus
Question: it's apparently expected in the Empire for children to go through Dooming by their tenth birthday, in which a Morrite priest prophesizes how they'll die. Did Mathilde go through this, and does she know the results?
Question: it's apparently expected in the Empire for children to go through Dooming by their tenth birthday, in which a Morrite priest prophesizes how they'll die. Did Mathilde go through this, and does she know the results?
"You will die.... after tripping over a cat and falling down some stairs onto a bunch of trashy romance novels? The hell is this? I've been a Priest of Morr for years, this is the saddest death I've seen."
On a related note, is Ranald's Blessing limited to personal actions?

Unless the organization in question has embraced Ranald, yes.

Question: it's apparently expected in the Empire for children to go through Dooming by their tenth birthday, in which a Morrite priest prophesizes how they'll die. Did Mathilde go through this, and does she know the results?

"When abandoned and alone, Morr shalt befriend thee."
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It might explain a lot about her, that she considered her doom fulfilled at age 10 and she's been completely free of the strings of fate ever since.

Also it'd be a lot easier to write this update if you'd stop either critting or failing ever single roll.
It might explain a lot about her, that she considered her doom fulfilled at age 10 and she's been completely free of the strings of fate ever since.

Also it'd be a lot easier to write this update if you'd stop either critting or failing ever single roll.
Later -- Mathilde sits quietly with a thousand yard stare and a smug cat sitting where her poor hat used to be. No report is needed. Everyone already knows. Everyone.
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