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The answer is clear: Shed our mortal flesh, and become a dragon of shadows. Time to start chugging our health shakes (can you guess the primary ingredient? Hint: It starts with sna and ends with eblood)
Actually, I had a thought, but what if the Snakejuice turns out to be what the old ones used for things like Geomancy and their gates and the like? Or is that completely off-base?
The thing is that we've repeatedly dunked all over the skaven without using it.
The Night Prowler allows a fantastic amount of automatic penetration into a settlement or city.
A settlement or city that isn't in civil war, anyway. Things might have turned unpleasant that last run into Skryre, given their political situation.

Night Prowler, when it applies, lets us get away with taking lots of penalties to our infiltration roll, 'cause we'll pass it anyway - so we can do otherwise high-risk shit like hang around a vampire's classroom and listen in on what he's teaching his students up close and personal.

But a) that mostly applies to when we're doing stuff alone - Gretel, Johann, and Adela aren't protected by it, which means it's not going to do much if we're using the Duckling or Hired Mage actions for our infiltrations - and b) doesn't help if wherever no longer counts as a civilian settlement, which, well. I don't think any of the areas we've been in during this war sequence would have counted. Maybe our deep penetration into the Trench before we started tossing fear spells, but we were there in the first place to toss fear spells, so.
There's also conceptual trickiness in that there's only so much chaos you can apply to a city before it's not so much a city as it is a disaster area, and the Night Prowler has no sway there. Not really a problem most faithful of Ranald encounter, but Mathilde might do well to keep it in mind.
There's also conceptual trickiness in that there's only so much chaos you can apply to a city before it's not so much a city as it is a disaster area, and the Night Prowler has no sway there. Not really a problem most faithful of Ranald encounter, but Mathilde might do well to keep it in mind.
Far as I see it the coin makes it so Mathilde seems only like a random passerby on the street.

So as soon as the chaos exceeds the threshold when people look at every passerby with suspicion it stops working.
It's literally the raw power of the Aerthyr so I would say that's a good guess.
Think it might be of interest to the Slann, then? Or that it might give us access to their magic lore. Ehll, at a very optimistic outlook, it might even be part of how the Old Ones created all the different races, so it might let them, again very optimistically, create new Slaan. I highly doubt it, but could it be possible?
-Gretel - Boost to control, weak in power, boost to lifesteal/reaping effects. Probably should be good at things like communicating with the dead,
BoneyM vetoed our idea of a magic item with the 'communicate with dead' spell, I wonder if the spell still exists?

Like, if we ever woo Roswita, could we bring Gretel to Stirland to cast Knock of the Departed to get Abel's blessing?
Is voting closed, or do I have time for a push for:
[X] Parlay with Clan Eshin.
Okay, so this has little practical purpose behind it. I acknowledge that. But if you have ever wanted to have a long-term foe romance with an Eshin assassin, where we are the best of enemies, now might be our last chance to ensure it lasts. This would be really cool, and he already said he would kill us last.
I still maintain that making contact with a clan of super-assassins that aren't above taking jobs for humans has a practical purpose.

But also, yes, our star-crossed assassin power couple
Think it might be of interest to the Slann, then? Or that it might give us access to their magic lore. Ehll, at a very optimistic outlook, it might even be part of how the Old Ones created all the different races, so it might let them, again very optimistically, create new Slaan. I highly doubt it, but could it be possible?
Trying to interest the Slann in new and innovative things sounds like possibly the single hardest diplo check possible in the setting.
There is a minor problem with trying to pique a slanns interest in that they would likely just rip what they want out of your mind and only maybe put you back together afterwards.
Or that it might give us access to their magic lore.
Their magic lore is Qhaysh, which they manage by being biological supercomputers who learned how to do their thing from the beings that pretty much invented magic.
Trying to interest the Slann in new and innovative things sounds like possibly the single hardest diplo check possible in the setting.
I think the argument is that it's actually an old thing that they just forgot. Still not worth our while, though, unless our diplomatic situation becomes very different.
Like, if we ever woo Roswita, could we bring Gretel to Stirland to cast Knock of the Departed to get Abel's blessing?
Ah, sweet innocent Panny Guile.
You have to start thinking like a Grey Wizard, master of disinformation!
Knocks of the Departed: Contact deceased individual, it only answers with knocks
We can do that ourself.
K / Sounds: Creates a noise of the type and volume of your choice, projected from where you choose within line of sight, though it can't convincingly mimic speech
Edit: As Grey Wizard Mystery demands you should never ask a question you don't already know the answer to, this amounts to the same thing, right? Right! :V
I think the argument is that it's actually an old thing that they just forgot. Still not worth our while, though, unless our diplomatic situation becomes very different.
...are we still talking about Slann, or Runelords now?
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Trying to interest the Slann in new and innovative things sounds like possibly the single hardest diplo check possible in the setting.
Even when you bring what is possibly the same thing their creators and gods used to do literally anything, and create more of their literally dying race?
There is a minor problem with trying to pique a slanns interest in that they would likely just rip what they want out of your mind and only maybe put you back together afterwards.
That, on the other hand, is a fair concern.
Their magic lore is Qhaysh, which they manage by being biological supercomputers who learned how to do their thing from the beings that pretty much invented magic.
Is it? Well, I still maintian that Snekjuice might just let us use Quaysh, depending on our rolls and obviously after a very long and arduous process of study.
BoneyM vetoed our idea of a magic item with the 'communicate with dead' spell, I wonder if the spell still exists?

Like, if we ever woo Roswita, could we bring Gretel to Stirland to cast Knock of the Departed to get Abel's blessing?

I understand why this would be attractive, but allowing the dead to still be active participants in the story isn't something I want treated lightly because it'd too easily undermind the gravity of death and loss. Reaching out to him for that purpose specifically would work, but if I let Knocks of the Departed enter the story for anything but seriously dramatic and heavy moments I just know someone's going to start talking about teaching Abelhelm's ghost morse code to mine him for information.
I understand why this would be attractive, but allowing the dead to still be active participants in the story isn't something I want treated lightly because it'd too easily undermind the gravity of death and loss. Reaching out to him for that purpose specifically would work, but if I let Knocks of the Departed enter the story for anything but seriously dramatic and heavy moments I just know someone's going to start talking about teaching Abelhelm's ghost morse code to mine him for information.
Gate it behind the religious beliefs of a Morrite.
It'll only ever be used for matters of great import, because you dare not disturb a soul lightly.
going to be honest, I'm blanking on this too
I believe we saw it from the other end here. Or rather, didn't see it, because Invisibility (or maybe Substance of Shadow).
The answer would never come. The Fangleader had an instant in which he could have reacted as pain blossomed in his chest, and then a second, stronger thrust shoved the blade between two ribs and into his heart and he knew no more. The watching Skaven did not see the wound, as the chestplate the Fangleader wore blocked their gaze even as it posed no obstacle to the summoned dagger. All they saw was their leader crumple.

"Eshin!" came the whisper from a dozen mouths, and fear arced through the air, but none ran, not yet. They were Clan Mors, and they were destined to rule the Under-Empire. One of the few remaining Stormvermin approached cautiously, sniffing at the air, halberd swinging slowly back and forth as if searching for an invisible assailant.

"No," said the Stormvermin at last, eyes locked on the Fangleader's plumes. "No Eshin. Traitor-coward must have got lucky stab with spare knife."

A second later when he too crumpled to the ground, the remaining Skaven needed no further encouragement to give in to the overwhelming desire to flee.
It happened during the Trench assault, but we didn't get any overt mention of it being abnormal or anything. I guess part of the issue with the scene not being from Mathilde's perspective is that we didn't get to see ourselves come up with it or anything, and it's really subtle, so it's not like the Skaven could notice the finer details before she killed them with it.
Notice all those skaven who were getting stabbed THROUGH their armor in the Trench assault, without any actual gaps in the armor.
That's mostly indistinguishable from the default spell, though.
For the curious or alarmist, this is thus far the only change I've noticed.

On our list of languages, "Eltharin" has been edited to say "Tar-Eltharin". So basically just specifying that we speak the Ulthuani dialect. ... The Ulthuan dialect as taught by humans in Altdorf anyway, I guess.

... If you ask why I notice these things, it's because I have multiple tabs open of the Informational Threadmark in Reader mode, and obsessively F5 the second tab when update time rolls around. And then manually scan to see if I can spot changes.
That's mostly indistinguishable from the default spell, though.
Not really.I quote:
The answer would never come. The Fangleader had an instant in which he could have reacted as pain blossomed in his chest, and then a second, stronger thrust shoved the blade between two ribs and into his heart and he knew no more. The watching Skaven did not see the wound, as the chestplate the Fangleader wore blocked their gaze even as it posed no obstacle to the summoned dagger. All they saw was their leader crumple.
Thrust means stab. Melee.
Shadow Knives is a throwing spell. Ranged.
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