Von Horstmann was however, resident in the Pyramid of Light, which is the area most antithetical to demons. And still successfully summoned and treated with demons in the middle of the Pyramid while surrounded by Magisters.Van Horstmann wasn't a prisoner though.
It is one thing to keep watch over a prisoner and an entirely different thing to monitor every member of the colleges - mainly because you can have an apprentice hit a prisoner with a large cudgel in case of attempted summoning but that's obviously not viable when considering wizards who inherently have to live an active life and don't particularly want being spied upon.
And working with an entity that is somewhat reliably documented due to bitter experience.
As in, the Colleges have some idea of what a Chaos sorcerer working magic looks and feels like.
We wouldn't even know what a Skaven sorcerer summoning looks or feels like.
Mathilde's exceptional Windsight gives her an edge many Magisters don't have; just look at all the Magisters who have missed Empress Gabrielle's blessings. I do not share your confidence that a Magister would notice a Verminlord summoning in time, or be able to disrupt it.
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