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If it's theurgy, why is it so miscast prone?
Because the idea that a hypothetical divine Ranaldian sorcery (or any sorcery) would be less miscast prone has shaky foundations to begin with?

List of Miscasts by "theurgists"
Damsels of Bretonnian: Miscast like normal on tabletop, unkown in rpg.
Ice Witches of Kislev: Miscast like normal on tabletop, less then Arcane but more then pure divine in rpg. Also not sorcery like chaos sorcery or hypothectical ranaldian sorcery. Witch lores in rpg channel winds of magic through spirits, laylines and aethyric entities that are already present in the material world.
Hag Witches of Kislev: Miscast like normal on tabletop, less then Arcane but more then pure divine in rpg.
Chaos Sorcerors: Miscast like normal on tabletop, Worse then arcane in rpg.
Lich Priests of Nehehara: Miscast like normal on tabletop in 8th edition, do not miscast at all on tabletop in 6th edition but cannot cast "normally" every spell is a ritual, unkown in rpg.
Wood Elfs? Maybe? Possibly?: Miscast like normal on tabletop and in rpg.

Also. No, the Witches of Kislev do not use "theurgy"
Realm of the Ice Queen page 108 said:
The Kislevite pragmatic nature is a strong influence on this
acceptance. After all, Kislev's witches fend off the marauders of the
north, so why revile them? However, as Kislev was also founded by
a witch, supported by witches, and is currently ruled by a witch, it
should be no surprise to see them so widely accepted.
Due to their proximity to the Shadowlands, Kislev's witches long
ago learned to avoid the Chaos Winds, for they blow strongly
in the north and almost always herald corruption and mutation.
Thus, they mastered alternative methods of casting spells. This
difference has helped build their comparatively good reputation,
for they are not so readily associated with the Ruinous Powers.
To further ensure they do not succumb to the temptations of
Chaos, the witches have taken another extreme measure. They
believe the Winds of Magic corrupt those who are ambitious,
warlike, or greedy, and the witches claim these traits are
primarily masculine. So in Kislev, magic is solely practised by
women and is seen as a feminine art. Male spellcasters in Kislev
are figures of hatred and ridicule, for no sane man would risk
his soul by meddling with womanly matters.
By comparison, Kislev's divine magic is much the same as
elsewhere, and priests able to empower their words with divine
authority are celebrated by the people, regardless of their gender.
Hag Witches
Millennia ago, the Ungols learned to cast magic without using
the mutating Chaos Winds. Their spellcasters mastered
techniques to manipulate, cajole, bully, and bribe the many
spirits of Kislev to do magic for them. However, these spirits are
capricious and demand a terrible price in return: a witch's youth.
The following rules for hag witches replace their equivalents in
WFRP. If a rule is not replaced, it is used as normal.

Realm of the Ice Queen page 110 said:
Before invading the Old World, the first ice witches
practised their magic on the Endless Steppe. Unlike their
Kurgan neighbours—who worshipped the Great Eye and
channelled the dangerous magic it seeped—the Gospodars
learned to tap the cold power coursing through the land.
Although this magic did not carry the same risks of mutation,
it was difficult to control and often killed unwary witches.
Many centuries later, things are little different.

Realm of the Ice Queen page 115 said:
When you gain access to a Witch Lore, you must choose
one of the three lists of spells provided for your lore. You
have access to all spells on that list but no others. You may learn
spells on other lists in your lore with the Extra Spell Talent.
The Lore of the Hag s
The Ungol hag witches have dealt with Kislev's spirits for
countless generations. In that time, several distinct traditions
have formed. The koldunja, or spirit witches, are hags who
tend the spirits of the land and are called upon when the spirits
need placating, banishing, or summoning. The vorozheja,
or fate witches, specialise in communicating with spirits of
fortune and are consulted by those wishing to know the future.
The znarkharja, or folk witches, ward against the influence
of Chaos and tend all manner of ailments plaguing their
communities. But no matter what ancient traditions a hag
practices, all are known for one power above all others: their
ability to curse their enemies.

Realm of the Ice Queen page 119 said:
The Lore of Ice
The ice witches of Kislev practice traditions founded long
before the Gospodars migrated across the Worlds Edge
Mountains. Witches from the noble bloodlines are taught
the old ways of their Khan-Queen ancestors and learn spells
to manipulate the great ice spirits of the land and spells of
rulership and war. The common folk, by comparison, are less
concerned with regal ice spirits and instead practice spells
manipulating the cold magic that saturates the oblast (oblast
witch). Lastly, ice witches guarding the leylines and ancient
Oghams of Kislev learn spells to control the freezing flows of
magic that flood those powerful places (ley witch).

Waitaminute. Chaos god of Order? Could you explain that one?

Old, out of date and retconned 1st edition rpg setting detail. Where the chaos gods represent wild and destructive change (which they don't all do anymore but what ever) the Law Gods (not the chaos gods of order) represent eternal unchanging stasis).
I assume it's similar to that one Chaos god of Atheism. Chaos is both powerful and self-defeating.
Also not a thing for at least 20 years.

So why isn't worship of the chaos god of order mandatory everywhere? We should be making that the most powerful chaos god, strong enough to dominate all the others.
Because the only law god still canon is Solkan now the god of tyranny, worshipped by an outlawed sect of witch hunters that get hunted as illegal cultists by their fellows. Source: The Empire Army Book 8th edition.

His Name is Necoho, God of Atheism. Yes he is aware of how nonsensical that actually is.

All the other gods demand shit from you and will likely mutate you in someway if you go far enough down thier path.

Barring Necoho, who asks nothing, and gives nothing.
Thats 40K. The only 5th chaos gods in fantasy are: The Horned Rat (Ruin, Plague, Rats and the destruction of Civilisation), Hashut (Industry, Fire, Bulls, Slavery) and Malal (Anti-Chaos and no longer canon).

Edit: Also Necho (Doubt) and Kweethul (Destruction) apparently. Thanks @Andres110!
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Law Gods. Just as inhuman and malevolent as the Chaos Gods but orderly instead of chaotic. Distinct from Order Gods, who are normal gods like Sigmar and Verena and Ranald and such, who are benevolent and rather human.
Why does it seem like the Order Gods are fundamentally weaker compared to the Chaos Gods, anyway? If they could I'd imagine they'd collectively kick in the door of the Chaos Realm and kill everything until there was nothing left to kill and the realm was formatted into something like the nice parts of the aethyr. But it seems like the Order Gods have nothing like the howling masses of demons that the Chaos Gods do, and in straight up fights the Chaos Gods seem to win over the Order Gods.
Why does it seem like the Order Gods are fundamentally weaker compared to the Chaos Gods, anyway? If they could I'd imagine they'd collectively kick in the door of the Chaos Realm and kill everything until there was nothing left to kill and the realm was formatted into something like the nice parts of the aethyr. But it seems like the Order Gods have nothing like the howling masses of demons that the Chaos Gods do, and in straight up fights the Chaos Gods seem to win over the Order Gods.

The order gods need faith to exist. if they stop being worshipped they die. In addition they're power is tied to how many worshipper's they have, this is why the big name gods or ones tied to universal concepts are so much more powerful than side gods like handrich.

Chaos gods don't need faith, they're fed by any emotion matching them whether the person feeling that emotion wants to or not.

Ambition and hope feed Tzeentch, anger and hate feed Khorne, Despair and defiance feed nurgle, and love and hedonism feed Slaanesh.

I think this is actually why all the gods hate vamps, because vamp souls can't feed any of the gods.
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Why does it seem like the Order Gods are fundamentally weaker compared to the Chaos Gods, anyway? If they could I'd imagine they'd collectively kick in the door of the Chaos Realm and kill everything until there was nothing left to kill and the realm was formatted into something like the nice parts of the aethyr. But it seems like the Order Gods have nothing like the howling masses of demons that the Chaos Gods do, and in straight up fights the Chaos Gods seem to win over the Order Gods.
The Chaos Gods have fundamental emotions fueling them, the Order Gods only have direct worship.
Why does it seem like the Order Gods are fundamentally weaker compared to the Chaos Gods, anyway? If they could I'd imagine they'd collectively kick in the door of the Chaos Realm and kill everything until there was nothing left to kill and the realm was formatted into something like the nice parts of the aethyr. But it seems like the Order Gods have nothing like the howling masses of demons that the Chaos Gods do, and in straight up fights the Chaos Gods seem to win over the Order Gods.
First, Order gods is a fan thing. In universe they are the Imperial Gods, Tilean Gods, Dawi Gods, Elf Gods etc.

Second, the doyalist reason is because then the game wouldn't eternally five seconds from exploding and the watsonian in-universe theory is that it is because the Chaos Gods are fed by baser emotional states that are more plentiful.

Actually yes he is.

From WFRP 2e, Tome of Salvation, page 135

Well I have egg on my face. :V

In that case we don't want people to worship him because he is the god of doubt not just atheism.
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The order gods need faith to exist. if they stop being worshipped they die.

Chaos gods don't need faith, there fed by any emotion matching them whether the person feeling that emotion wants to or not.

Ambition and hope feed Tzeentch, anger and hate feed Khorne, Despair and defiance feed nurgle, and love and hedonism feed Slaanesh.
Okay. So /why/ do the gods work that way, and how can we fix it?

For instance, could we create a network similar to the waystone network that absorbed ambient emotional energy and formatted it into the right worship shape for the Order Gods to use, feeding them and simultaneously starving Chaos?
Exactly what kind of preparations can you make for something like that?

I mean, preparations that we can make here, in the field, in the middle of an enemy stronghold the cosmically powerful being is destroying.
Rather than walking straight up to it going "howdy, neighbor!", using Illusion to create an appropriately-sized billboard saying something like "Human wizard requests peaceful talk" in Eltharin, Praestantia, Khazalid, and Old Reikspiel. I agree that startling the dragon whose only interaction with smol creatures today has been "getting gassed by them" or "killing them" is a bad idea, but leaving a note out in the open and observing the dragon's reaction seems safe enough. If it reacts in a hostile way... well, that's information, and our Windsage will let us get a bearing on its emotional state.

Like, yes, parlaying with the dragon is dangerous, but this is probably the best chance we'll get. The fact that it's fighting skaven is dangerous but also an opportunity, since we can perform the service of helping it to get on its good side, should it so demand.
Rather than walking straight up to it going "howdy, neighbor!", using Illusion to create an appropriately-sized billboard saying something like "Human wizard requests peaceful talk" in Eltharin, Praestantia, Khazalid, and Old Reikspiel. I agree that startling the dragon whose only interaction with smol creatures today has been "getting gassed by them" or "killing them" is a bad idea, but leaving a note out in the open and observing the dragon's reaction seems safe enough. If it reacts in a hostile way... well, that's information, and our Windsage will let us get a bearing on its emotional state.

Like, yes, parlaying with the dragon is dangerous, but this is probably the best chance we'll get. The fact that it's fighting skaven is dangerous but also an opportunity, since we can perform the service of helping it to get on its good side, should it so demand.
Who knows! Maybe the Eshin sorceror will summon a Verminlord and we can fight it together with the Dragon? After all, we only have middling diplomacy but we also have a proven track record of making friends by beating our mutual enemies together.
Why does it seem like the Order Gods are fundamentally weaker compared to the Chaos Gods, anyway?
In addition to stuff that others have said, it's also because the good guy gods only exist on Mallus, while the Chaos Gods exist across entire universes. It's canon nowadays that Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar and 40k are connected, and that the same Chaos Gods exist in both. The Chaos Gods draw power from across multiple universes, while the Order Gods draw power from only a few nations on a single planet.
Who knows! Maybe the Eshin sorceror will summon a Verminlord and we can fight it together with the Dragon? After all, we only have middling diplomacy but we also have a proven track record of making friends by beating our mutual enemies together.
🎶F is for Friends who do stuff together🎶
🎶 U is for U and Me🎶
🎶 N is for No survivors🎶
🎶 Up here inside Karag Yar🎶
Damn it, just realised something. I was hoping that if we had to fight some of the skaven's heroes it'd be easier because they'd be tired from multiple hours of fighting, but something that heroes would have access to is warpstone tokens, which let them fight at full capacity even if they'd otherwise be exhausted.
In addition to stuff that others have said, it's also because the good guy gods only exist on Mallus, while the Chaos Gods exist across entire universes. It's canon nowadays that Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar and 40k are connected, and that the same Chaos Gods exist in both. The Chaos Gods draw power from across multiple universes, while the Order Gods draw power from only a few nations on a single planet.
Does that mean it's theoretically possible to travel between universes?
Okay. So /why/ do the gods work that way, and how can we fix it?

For instance, could we create a network similar to the waystone network that absorbed ambient emotional energy and formatted it into the right worship shape for the Order Gods to use, feeding them and simultaneously starving Chaos?

make everyone undead.

undead don't feed chaos.

or take the necron (from 40k) solution.

Feed your souls to eldritch manifestations of the laws of physics, then upload your neural patterns into immortal robotic bodies.
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It's okay to plot out long term schemes. And it's a problem that really, really needs solving eventually.

This isn't even a long term scheme though. Global infrastructure that is beyond even what the Dwarves and Elves could create when they were at their peaks is more like wishful thinking than a long term scheme. If you want to speculate on something along those lines but actually potentially achievable, it would be something like learning how to do Waystone maintenance and working on fixing parts of the network.
make everyone undead.

undead don't feed chaos.
Maybe we can make people just a little bit, tiny, technically undead? I don't think any necromancers have ever explored the possibility of undead who were basically normal except didn't feed Chaos, have they?

Of course the undead don't feed the nice gods either.
Maybe we can make people just a little bit, tiny, technically undead? I don't think any necromancers have ever explored the possibility of undead who were basically normal except didn't feed Chaos, have they?

Of course the undead don't feed the nice gods either.

That's basically vampirism with the kinks worked out.

well you don't need the nice gods if chaos isn't a thing now do you.

But there technically is another option... tech up enough to do perfect mind uploads and get rid of "Souls" all together.
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This isn't even a long term scheme though. Global infrastructure that is beyond even what the Dwarves and Elves could create when they were at their peaks is more like wishful thinking than a long term scheme. If you want to speculate on something along those lines but actually potentially achievable, it would be something like learning how to do Waystone maintenance and working on fixing parts of the network.
They built the waystone network and the great vortex, didn't they? Global infrastructure is possible. We just need to get people organized and working together.

You make a good point that when we visit the Elves we should ask to learn everything about waystones. There's got to be a lot of potential uses for that kind of technology. Especially if we can combine it with Dwarven runes.
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Maybe we can make people just a little bit, tiny, technically undead? I don't think any necromancers have ever explored the possibility of undead who were basically normal except didn't feed Chaos, have they?

Of course the undead don't feed the nice gods either.
They tried that, in Nehekhara. Just a little bit of undeath, they promised, you won't even notice. Then they slipped and got the 'oops, all bones' of undeath servings.

Settra was not well pleased.
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They tried that, in Nehekhara. Just a little bit of undeath, they promised, you won't even noticed. Then they slipped and got the 'oops, all bones' of undeath servings.

Settra was not well pleased.

Nagash is the right idea.

Spooky scary skeletons are the ideal life forms.

meanwhile in the 40k universe the necrons agree.
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