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it doesn't, it uses geomantic energy or some shit.

it's tied to the land of kislev in some way.
I presume winds are the ultimate source of geomantic energy, but the geomantic process does something to the winds before they're used to alter them, producing the weird ice effects in the case of Kislev's ice witches and the crazy stuff the Slann can do?
What wind does the Lore of Ice use?

Or we could just ask a dragon? Seems like the fast way to find out.
None, when it doubt everything is Hysh, which actually....
MOTHERFUCKER! that's how it works! Hysh is stealing lores from the other schools by getting to them first and claiming them.

"Rock? Oh of course it belongs to Hysh, what else could it be?"
*Kicks Ghyran under the table*

"Ice? A natural conduct for light, after all light passes through it"

"What is this about time? No one wants is? Well don't mind if I do"

"Space is just flat time after all, you would know that if you had paid attention"

"Well of course technomancy belongs to Hysh, if you put enough electricity into something it makes light"

"You know, I had never thought of the idea of interdimensional travel, but sounds like something light could do"

It's how that magister stole our spell! Filthy thieves!
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there really isn't, even the 'temperate change' theory is admittedly half-assed in universes.

I only guess at the 'high-low' mana environment idea because they do seem to wake up a little when shit is going down and most of the time the winds pick up as well at those times.
I wonder if something in the Aether could be affecting them somehow. Chaos god plot?
It's how that magister stole our spell! Filthy thieves!
No, that was a guy from the fire college. He just used fireballs instead of fog, totally legitimately.
That seems more for the spell, not the style. And the spell doesn't seem to be a ritual. Needs to be a little more correct. But I really want this acronym to work...
Well, I figured it'd be something you'd cast beforehand, and then you could flicker the sword at will while the spell was going, but you're right about the split between the style and the spell, sorry.

Mathilde's Insubstantial Sword Technique? (MIST).
also, while I know the wiki is suspect I did notice this

"When the Old Ones first crafted their Gates from the substance of stars, I was there to assist their labour. Down the long ages I have come, watching the rise and fall of you lesser races and your civilisations. I've laid waste to knights and cities, burned fields and routed armies in my years. I could tell you much of the world that you have forgotten and more that you never knew, but I think not. You and yours are suited for nothing more than to provide me with amusement and the occasional graceful bauble for my lair. I see little else worthwhile about you."

Brinrairdih, also known as the "The Storm that Roars", Ancient Wyrm.

that is the only Dragon quote i could find...

I really hope Brinrairdih was just an asshole...
And where is that army?Oh yes, nowhere nearby.
This is Mathilde rolling the dice on an extreme personal risk, to possibly reduce a collective risk, which we have other means to address in the worst case scenario. Worst case here is GG, game over, thanks for playing, you die alone. Now, that's often the case for Mathilde... but this is a real gamble, and in an area of weakness.
I quote:
Even though most of the work was done by others, no sense leaving the jobs half-done; you point the Besiegers and Princess Edda's Throng towards Karag Rhyn, reasoning that assuring there's enough crossbows per Troll is more a matter of logistics than leadership, and let King Kazador and his forces repeat their previous sweep of Karagril in Karag Zilfin.
We quite literally just sent ten thousand dwarves and their dwarf king into Karag Ziflin.
The mountain hold which is topped by the dragon's lair and hoard. The idea that you have a real choice about getting involved with the dragon after sending your best available dwarven commander into Ziflin is an illusion.

Your only real alternative involves giving up on having any influence on how the Dragon chooses to react to seeing them there.

-Extreme personal risk is not how Mathilde herself characterizes it.
Given as Mathilde actually has met Asarnil's Dragon, held long conversations with Asarnil the Dragonrider, and thus has some idea of what to expect from approaching a Dragon, I'd say she has a better hold on this situation.
also, while I know the wiki is suspect I did notice this

"When the Old Ones first crafted their Gates from the substance of stars, I was there to assist their labour. Down the long ages I have come, watching the rise and fall of you lesser races and your civilisations. I've laid waste to knights and cities, burned fields and routed armies in my years. I could tell you much of the world that you have forgotten and more that you never knew, but I think not. You and yours are suited for nothing more than to provide me with amusement and the occasional graceful bauble for my lair. I see little else worthwhile about you."

Brinrairdih, also known as the "The Storm that Roars", Ancient Wyrm.

that is the only Dragon quote i could find...

I really hope Brinrairdih was just an asshole...
There was another quote some provided way back when the dragon was first talked about. The quote was something about how the dragon respected other races for their deeds or something. I will try and find it but I think that dragons are quite varied in how they see others.
I remember someone proposed that a skink would come by for our translation of Queekish if it happens we could trade for geomatics. The K8P really looks like it was built for it. I do want to study theurgy though. If we can get symbology which already looks like it has ties to magic it would be a great step forward for human magic.
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There was another quote some provided way back when the dragon was first talked about. The quote was something about how the dragon respected other races for their deeds or something. I will try and find it but I think that dragons are quite varied in how they see others.

It was this one I think.

On the other hand, from the same source:

"Your lives to ours are as brief sparks to raging fires, yet some of you dance in the darkness with such grace that I cannot help but notice. I have seen wonders flow from the forges of the Dwarfs, the skill of the Elves, and even from the courage of Men. I suspect the admiration is quietly mutual. I've observed the images that adorn the shields of your mightiest warriors and grace your standards. I think that when my kind are gone, you will miss us."
– Tinairath The Wind, dragon

Dragons vary greatly in how they see the other races.
Oops. I mean...I have no idea what you're talking about. And even if i did, there is no proof. Anymore.
Wat....? It's a nega-verse quest, seems a bit weird to delete it...oh well.

Edit: So dragons can be dicks...nice to know. Maybe the idea that the dragon currently committing genocide is also a dick may not be too far from the tree.
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also, while I know the wiki is suspect I did notice this

"When the Old Ones first crafted their Gates from the substance of stars, I was there to assist their labour. Down the long ages I have come, watching the rise and fall of you lesser races and your civilisations. I've laid waste to knights and cities, burned fields and routed armies in my years. I could tell you much of the world that you have forgotten and more that you never knew, but I think not. You and yours are suited for nothing more than to provide me with amusement and the occasional graceful bauble for my lair. I see little else worthwhile about you."

Brinrairdih, also known as the "The Storm that Roars", Ancient Wyrm.

that is the only Dragon quote i could find...

I really hope Brinrairdih was just an asshole...
There was another quote some provided way back when the dragon was first talked about. The quote was something about how the dragon respected other races for their deeds or something. I will try and find it but I think that dragons are quite varied in how they see others.
Also, judging by his epitaph, Brinrairdih seems likely to be a Great Storm Dragon (the Azyr emperor dragons) rather then an Ice Dragon so we hopefully won't have to deal with him.
I remember someone proposed that a skink would come by for our translation of Queekish if it happens we could trade for geomatics. The K8P really looks like it was built for it. I do want to study theurgy though. If we can get symbology which already looks like it has ties to magic it would be a great step forward for human magic.

I suspect knowledge of geomancy would be a tall, tall order. Also they might have the requisite theoretical knowledge. The Web was built on specific orders of the Old Ones on what node was to go where. The Slann might not know why the locations had to be where they are, just that they work that way.

What do you mean by symbology?
[X] Parlay with the dragon.

Sorry Eshin buddy, opportunity knocks and you'd surely understand that better than anyone if you aren't dead!
So not that I actually support this idea, but something did occur to me recently. If, by any luck, there is still the option to loot Esshin either after talking to the dragon or sometime later, and we manage to get lots of lore on their magic and whatnot, is there anything actually stopping us from using it? Like, yeah, It's Dhar based, but we are supposed to be immune to the taint, and unlike necromancy you're not doing anything particularly evil as far as I understand it. So, other than it simply being illegal because of Dhar, is there any particular reason not to use Esshin magic?
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