No it's not.You seem to be severely misinterpreting that quote.
It's say that is safer to fight the dragon (if it comes to a fight) here than in it's lair, and that we can easily find a way to approach him.
It says nothing about the safety of meeting with him, basically it says that jumping at a polar bear in the Savannah is easier and safer than to go looking for a polar bear in the artic.
Which is, relatively speaking, true, but still not safe at all.
It's saying it's easier to approach here in Karag Yar, not that it's easier to fight. Because your diplomat is not freezing his n....nose off, or suffering from altitude sickness, and the dragon is not as arrogant as it would normally be in it's place of power. Or as touchy about strangers being near it's hoard.
Not that it's easier to fight an Emperor Dragon with full combat buffs in Karag Yar.