Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Way I see it, We Assault the trolls, Ranger Zilfin, Personally Scout Yar. I'd prefer to stay out of the Dragons way, really.
Or, We assault the trolls, ranger Yar and Personally Scout ZIlfin, trying to catch the MM.
They only continue to exist in the form of meals.
If the only threat that's left is a mauled force of trolls, I say we clear Rhyn. Ditto mauled Skyre - the Clan least able to bounce back from such an event - and Zilfin.

If we kill every meaningful force in Karak Eight Peaks that isn't us, then we don't have to garrison against any enemies that aren't outside. Gather all the garrisoning forces (except the forces holding the Karak Drazh underway and Kvinn Wyr) in the Caldera in front of the Citadel, and bait the Orcs into attacking. If the dragon decides to attack, it's facing off against our entire army and all of those siege weapons, and the Eye.

It's definitely worth just freeing up our forces internally.

I think I'll vote for something like:

[ ] YAR: Make no move until you've scouted the Karag Yar battle.
-[ ] Personally.
[ ] ZIFLIN: Assault the mountain to slay any surviving Skaven.
[ ] RHYN: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.

With the intention of taking the forces that cleared out the Skaven next turn to clear out Rhyn.

@BoneyM is this still a turn-by-turn thing, or would you prefer a vote more along the lines of:
[ ] ZIFLIN: Assault the mountain to slay any surviving Skaven.
[ ] RHYN: After clearing Zilfin, Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.
If they have no Grudge against it, it will be hard to convince anyone to give their lives to remove a dragon who will undoubtably inflict a very high number of casualties and perhaps even be unbeatable, to reclaim a Peak they have no inmediate or near-future use for.

True, but dwarfs can be stubborn.
Means we should not take it now though; dwarfs will be way saltier about temporarily taking the Peak only to immediately give it bak, moreso than just not poking it at all, I suspect.

The few dozen trolls which are the ones still standing after annihilating two tribes of greenshins. That's the sort of mop up that dissolves your mop.
Just means we have to do it now, before they recovered from battle.
Thanks. Given that people have already begun creating plans, it might be worth specifying that it's not one in the text of the update.

...also, while I've got you, god damn, the opening of this update. I mean. Damn. Way to thread the needle of "this is a fucked-up situation" without being either overly upsetting or massacre-masturbatory. I was expecting you to elide the details, but this worked better.
I think that we should make sure both Skaven clans, especially Eshin, are dead before we do anything, be it sealing Karags or taking them. The last thing we want to do is seal both of them only to find out two or three turns later that they both had a bunch of Breeders that didn't get killed, and used the safety of their sealed Karags to get back in shape.
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It's all happening simultaneously. Pick the approach you want to take with each mountain.
Ah, okay. I'll probably just go with clearing but not garrisoning both of them.

[ ] Plan Low Hanging Fruit
-[ ] YAR: Attempt to make contact with the dragon.
--[ ] If it gets close enough to talk to, don't go looking for it.
-[ ] YAR: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.
--[ ] Specify who: Karak Izor immigrants
--[ ] Specify leader: Mathilde
-[ ] Write in: Secure Karag Mhonar
--[ ] Clan Angrund
-[ ] ZIFLIN: Assault the mountain to slay any surviving Skaven.
--[ ] Azul with king Kazador
-[ ]RHYN: Assault the Trolls now.
--[ ] Undumgi (have the Border Prince mercs take over Wyr defenses) and Braganza's Besiegers

This lets us secure 3 Karags with minimum risk and lets things settle a bit. Talking to the Dragon right now while it's still pissed is probably a bad idea, but if it gets close enough to our fortified positions we could try... politely. I know we don't need to assign forces to anything but Yar, but with the mystery thing running around, I'd like the humans to stay away from where it's been detected. It doesn't seem to be hostile to dwarfs and the Trolls seem to have run it out of Mhonar on their way through, but to be safe, lets keep them away from it.

There's no point in garrisoning Mhonar, there's nothing to defend against. We aren't looking at force distributions for the Waaagh this turn.
True, but dwarfs can be stubborn.
Means we should not take it now thoug
It's also filled with chemical spills and noxious gases. Easiest to justify only condoning it with rangers until we've figured out what to do about the dragon.

Otherwise I'm thinking we mop up trolls and Mathilde only scouts. Not sure we actually want to interfere in Yar yet, since I think the best outcome here is almost all rats dying before the Eshin elites high roll like crazy and gank the dragon.
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Ah, okay. I'll probably just go with clearing but not garrisoning both of them.

There's no point in garrisoning Mhonar, there's nothing to defend against. We aren't looking at force distributions for the Waaagh this turn.

It's more of a recon in force. pick off any troll stragglers and maybe find out what's been living there with more eyes. 900 odd troops aren't going to make a lot of difference anywhere else. it's more of a formality of guaranteeing that it's empty and securing anything of value that might still be there. Not married to that part of the plan, It just covers it just in case.
So, five salients after we're done the mop-up here, we've gone from seven to five, and if we're on the ball, we'll have wiped out all organized opposition in Karak Eight Peaks, leaving us solely with mop-up.

The final salients will be the West Gate, the East Gate, the Karak Drazh Underway, Und Uzgar, and the Trench.

Christ, I know this was 100% the matter of some serious, absurd lucksacking, but we just went from a very complicated three dimensional table to a relatively simple one over the course of an afternoon, almost entirely from OPFOR own-goaling themselves. Amazing.
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So, five salients after we're done the mop-up here, we've gone from seven to five, and if we're on the ball, we'll have wiped out all organized opposition in Karak Eight Peaks, leaving us solely with mop-up.

The final salients will be the West Gate, the East Gate, the Karak Drazh Underway, Und Uzgar, and the Trench.

Christ, I know this was 100% the matter of some serious, absurd lucksacking, but we just went from a very complicated three dimensional table to a relatively simple one over the course of an afternoon, almost entirely from OPFOR own-goaling themselves. Amazing.
While this has been a great relief on the conventional front, we still need to deal with the two big question marks. Mhornar Mystery and the Dragon. I think looking at this vote, playing those two things front and center would be good. As well as, how long our people might be busy with the trolls, if the tunnel calls for aid.
Honestly I'm not sure if we should leave them be to be dealt with after the Waaagh, or take the bare minimum in fortification and garrisoning to insure they're secure.
We really need to Diplomacy the shit out of that dragon for the sheer amount of effort it has saved us, plus it would add to the arsenal of the 8 peaks, 1 Hyper death tower of doom, 1 extremely valuable silk trade, and 1 very powerful very skilled dragon.

I'm not sure but from a very very hazy memory Dorfs use dragons to help make some of their higher tier gear.
Additional issue of negotiating with Dragon, aside from lacking grudge records, is that it is squatting on what dwarfs consider to be their ancestral home.
I am not sure they'll be happy to cede Upper Zilfin to it, even if they aren't going to use it anyway.
I think Belegar would be willing to. Possibly even happy to, if it would be willing to make an actual alliance. Definitely less unhappy about it than he would be about the alternative. A friendly dragon makes a great partner in defending the Karak, an unfriendly one makes a lot of dawi die for a little unnecessary and not even particularly sentimental territory.*

*(I don't think there's anything up there on the level of Hall of Ancestors or similar?)
Where I'm at:

[ ] YAR: Make no move until you've scouted the Karag Yar battle.
-[ ] Personally.
I'm divided between doing this personally (more information) or with Rangers (dragon might take offense at our Ulgu-sneakiness). Does anyone know how likely it is that the dragon will take offense at our Ulgu-sneakiness?

[ ] RHYN: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.
Zero reason to assault them when we can defend against them.

[ ] ZILFIN: Assault the mountain to slay any surviving Skaven.
We do not want them to regroup at all, and the Mhonar Mystery has let dwarves live before.
While this has been a great relief on the conventional front, we still need to deal with the two big question marks. Mhornar Mystery and the Dragon. I think looking at this vote, playing those two things front and center would be good. As well as, how long our people might be busy with the trolls, if the tunnel calls for aid.

Mhonar Mystery seems definitively... Non-hostile towards us, probably. It bypassed the main battle lines and fucked up Skyre--which seems like it contributed to the Dragon sweeping them based on the results. Somehow it did this without being detected by the dragon.

The dragon though, yeah, that's a spicy meatball that can ruin everything if it gets pissed off enough.

Anyway, the way I see it, we get the Besiegers to clean up the trolls in Rhyn and start fortifying it, we confirm the kill on Skyre at Zilfin, and we put a cordon around Yar and catch anything that tries to run away.
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