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To be honest we suspect the mystery is not in Mhonar. That is not the same as knowing but likely worth the risk.
Honestly, at this point the distinction is not worth making :V

Also, does everyone agree on killing the Trolls in Rhyn? They won't be able to defend the Peak from the coming Red Fangs, there are very few of them, and the Undumgi are right there. Also, depending on how Yar goes, it probably will shorten our front lines.
  1. I seem to remember @BoneyM saying that Mathilde suspects the dragon is more likely to speak elf than dwarf
  2. Not sure how well diplomacy by translation works, but I guess we could take Johan with us, he has decent diplomacy
If I recall correctly, the dragon may decide to keep the man made of gold.

Belegar has sent of the grudge records for this dragon. They are not here yet but anyone with good diplomacy in the hold will know that Belegar doesn't want to fight the dragon if he doesn't have to. We have WoG that the Dwarfs take dragons on a case by case basis.
Talking to a dragon who may have grudges on him is still kind of a tall order, since you can't even make any actual promises.
Actually, IIRC, there is a good chance that if the Dragon has no ties to Caledor, its gonna get pretty goddamn pissed off if we try to talk at it in elvish.

How many actions can we take per peak? For example, can we vote to both scout the Karak Yar battle personally, and attempt to make contact with the Dragon, or do we only pick one action only per turn? Thanks for clarifying.

Also, if we want to attempt to conduct diplomacy with the Dragon, can we write-in to vote to bring Johann along. as some of the thread is suggesting, or is it simply impossible to get into contact with Johann right now within this hour?
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Threats and Fronts

FrontForceStatusNumbersPowerCommentPriorityFront PriorityFront Scouting Priority
Under KaragrilClan Mors, Karagril (CM,K)Bottled up against RF,UThousandsLowMay attempt to break out against our linesModerate, once the RF,U destroys them the latter will attack our linesModerate/HighModerate, They are going to die, it would be nice to know when they will
Karak Drazh UnderwayRed Fang, Underway (RF,U)Advancing on CM,KTens of ThousandsModerate/HighWill destroy CM,K and then hit our linesHighN/A, we do not have a front to Karak Drazh UnderwayModerate/High, We need to know how what we are going to get hit by once CM,K dies
Kvinn WyrWarpgut Trolls (WT)Guarding warpstone horde~TenModerateWill not move from warpstone hordeLow, They are a problem for another dayLow/ModerateLow, Unless we move to remove the RT we have generally secured Kvinn Wyr and have no need of scouts
River Trolls (RT)Probing Undumgi in Kvinn WyrTensLow/ModerateWill need to be contained or destroyedModerate, they are holding down one of our forces that could be used more effectively elsewhere
Karag RhynBroken Toof Orcs (BTO)ShatteredUnknownLowShattered, need to be mopped upHighHigh, We likely won't get a better shot at Karag RhynLow, Just Scouted
Crooked Moon Goblins (CMG)ShatteredUnknownLowShattered, need to be mopped upHigh
Herd of Trolls (HT)FeastingDozensLow/ModerateFeasting, opportunity to stab in the backHigh
Karag YarClan Eshin (CE)Fighting CM,Y to the knife, about to be hit by IDTens of ThousandsLow/ModerateSuffering from Black Hunger, may have period of weakness after conclusion of fight with CM,Y if victoriousHigh, When their fight is finished this is the weakest they will beHigh, Once they are done, Karag Yar will be at its most vulnerableHigh, We need an update on the status of the knife fight as last update put its conclusion at 1-2 hours from now and now the Dragon is attacking them
Clan Mors, Yar (CM,Y)Fighting CE to the knife, about to be hit by IDTens of ThousandsLow/ModerateSuffering from Black Hunger, may have period of weakness after conclusion of fight with CE if victoriousHigh, When their fight is finished this is the weakest they will be
Karag ZilfinIce Dragon (ID)Moving to Karag Yar, targeting CM,Y and CE1 Emperor DragonVery HighWe do not want to fight it unless we absolutely have toVery Low, If we have to fight it Very HighHighLow, Just Scouted
Clan Skryre (CS)ShatteredUnknownLowShattered, need to be mopped upHigh
Karag MhonarUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownModerate/High, this is a potential entry point into the underground for the RFW, even if we decide to not secure it, we need to know if there are any traces of the MM and if anything has taken residence
The SentinelsUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownModerate, Even if we decide to not secure it we need to know if any trolls got separated from the Herd and if they are threatening our infrastructure in the East Valley
Other ForcesRed Fang Waagh (RFW)Heading to West Gate to invade Karak-Eight-PeaksHundreds of ThousandsVery HighOur counter is the Eye and we need them to be above ground for it to workLow, Will be Very High upon arrivalN/A, We need to secure entrances to the Underground to keep them in range of the EyeLow, They will not be here for approximately twenty four hours
Mhonar Mystery (MM)Karag Zilfin?UnknownModerate/High, It kept an entire Karag clear of Greenshins, Skaven and TrollsWe need to figure out what on earth MM is, where it is, and what it is doingModerate, This thing is an unknown, but it didn't attack the RangersN/A, We don't know where it isLow, We would need to have an idea of where to focus our efforts
I've put this together mostly to organize all the information we have available for proper planning to prevent poor performance. If anyone has any info to add to the table or recommendations for changes, that would be most appreciated.
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Honestly, at this point the distinction is not worth making :V

Also, does everyone agree on killing the Trolls in Rhyn? They won't be able to defend the Peak from the coming Red Fangs, there are very few of them, and the Undumgi are right there. Also, depending on how Yar goes, it probably will shorten our front lines.
Yeah. I'm in agreement there. Remember we want to keep the Red Fang out of the underway and in the Caldera.
Don't forget there are still trolls in Kvinn-Wyr too, guys. We should probably clear that out as well while waiting for the dragon to finish before going anywhere else.
@BoneyM Voting is not by plan? So we can't have things like "kills trolls and fortify entrance to Karag Rhyn" or "Scout the Karag Yar battle and attempt to contact the dragon"?
[ ] YAR: Join the Karag Yar battle with a fourth force.
-[ ] Specify who:
-[ ] Specify leader:

More meat into the Yar Thunderdome! Also a chance at more Eshin loot?

[ ] YAR: Attempt to make contact with the dragon.

Diplomance the dragon for another title!

[ ] YAR: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.
-[ ] Specify who:
-[ ] Specify leader:

The safe option where we try to just keep what we have

[ ] YAR: Make no move until you've scouted the Karag Yar battle.
-[ ] With Rangers.
-[ ] Personally.

The safe option where we watch the dragon go to town.

[ ] RHYN: Assault the Trolls now.

Maybe later when we troops to spare/ slayer to throw.

[ ] RHYN: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.

Either this..

[ ] RHYN: Cordon the mountain with Rangers.

Or this if we want to leave the possibility open for later

[ ] RHYN: Leave them be.

why tho.

[ ] ZIFLIN: Assault the mountain to slay any surviving Skaven.

Notgoing into this place while the Mhonar Mystery is still acting up.

[ ] ZIFLIN: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.

Again the best options are this...

[ ] ZIFLIN: Cordon the mountain with Rangers.

and this.

[ ] ZIFLIN: Keep all forces clear.


How many actions can we take per peak? For example, can we vote to both scout the Karak Yar battle personally, and attempt to make contact with the Dragon, or do we only pick one action only per turn? Thanks for clarifying.

One each.

Also, if we want to attempt to conduct diplomacy with the Dragon, can we write-in to vote to bring Johann along. as some of the thread is suggesting, or is it simply impossible to get into contact with Johann right now within this hour?

Johann only speaks two languages, Reikspiel and bad Reikspiel.
@BoneyM Voting is not by plan? So we can't have things like "kills trolls and fortify entrance to Karag Rhyn" or "Scout the Karag Yar battle and attempt to contact the dragon"?

Fortifying Karag Rhyn is pointless if the trolls are dead. Fortifications against the coming Waaagh are for when everything's resolved here.

And scouting will happen either way, the scouting option for Yar is for only scouting and doing nothing until you get information back.
Fortifying Karag Rhyn is pointless if the trolls are dead. Fortifications against the coming Waaagh are for when everything's resolved here.

And scouting will happen either way, the scouting option for Yar is for only scouting and doing nothing until you get information back.
Ah, that's not what I had understood at all! Thank you for clarifying.
ahahahaha ranald is real

praise the gambler
[ ] ZIFLIN: Assault the mountain to slay any surviving Skaven.
[ ] ZIFLIN: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.
[ ] ZIFLIN: Cordon the mountain with Rangers.
[ ] ZIFLIN: Keep all forces clear.

- Any assault or garrisoning of Rhyn or Ziflin does not need the forces specified, whoever is spare will be assigned to it.
Zilfin, not Ziflin
Don't forget there are still trolls in Kvinn-Wyr too, guys. We should probably clear that out as well while waiting for the dragon to finish before going anywhere else.
The trolls there either live in problematic terrain or are seriously bad news but unwilling to leave the warpstone.
They can be left where they are as long as you fortify and garrison the exits and then you wait for less costly ways to deal with them.

The Rhyn trolls are both the most likely to wander somewhere we don't want them to be and are currently in a Karag we need somewhat fortified so that Red Fang can't take shelter there.
Rhynn greenskins - somewhat depleted but still in control of the karag for given values of control.
Trolls - very depleted, very fat, under Rhynn.
I'm thinking cordon with rangers here.

Ziflin Skaven - so badly mauled by the dragon that rangers can now operate freely within.
Dragon - has left for now, maybe because of the smell.
Mhonar thing - here?
It's pretty uninhabitable right now and the dragon will be back for its horde at some point. However right now it's unopposed shelter and passage for the Red Eye. If we want to do a gate collapse this would be the place. I don't want to leave a garrison in here with a live dragon's horde and poison gas - that's asking for trouble.

Yar Skaven - Ahahaha! They are the dragon's problem now.
While the dragon is within I don't think Orcs will be using the mountain in significant numbers. So far we've avoided being in the way of its rampage, let's continue that streak.

Mhonar thing - in Ziflin?
Maybe collapse the gate to trap the Orcs in the caldera better if we can spare the manpower. Don't want to start serious investigations until the waaagh! is dealt with.
I've put this together mostly to organize all the information we have available for proper planning to prevent poor performance. If anyone has any info to add to the table or recommendations for changes, that would be most appreciated.
I suggest putting in this map, makes it easier to see, maybe @vsh has a more updated version but it still shows the passages and slightly outdated fronts so we know what's where relative to what.
It occurs to me that we may soon have terrified Skavens fleeing en masse from Karag Yar. It may be a good idea to fortify the place (ie: the Yar/Rhyn Underway, the Caldera entrance, and the Under-Caldera/Yar Underway), so that we can kill those fleeing Skavens before they become an issue.
The main problem with that is that we can't do that and contact the dragon...
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Rhynn greenskins - somewhat depleted but still in control of the karag for given values of control.
Trolls - very depleted, very fat, under Rhynn.
I'm thinking cordon with rangers here.

Ziflin Skaven - so badly mauled by the dragon that rangers can now operate freely within.
Dragon - has left for now, maybe because of the smell.
Mhonar thing - here?
It's pretty uninhabitable right now and the dragon will be back for its horde at some point. However right now it's unopposed shelter and passage for the Red Eye. If we want to do a gate collapse this would be the place. I don't want to leave a garrison in here with a live dragon's horde and poison gas - that's asking for trouble.

Yar Skaven - Ahahaha! They are the dragon's problem now.
While the dragon is within I don't think Orcs will be using the mountain in significant numbers. So far we've avoided being in the way of its rampage, let's continue that streak.

Mhonar thing - in Ziflin?
Maybe collapse the gate to trap the Orcs in the caldera better if we can spare the manpower. Don't want to start serious investigations until the waaagh! is dealt with.

Actually, what is the voting option to collapse the gates anyway? Does Cordoning off both peaks do the job, and deny the incoming Waaggh realistic access to both Peaks, or do we have to garrison the peaks to actually properly seal Yar, Ziflin and Mhonar?
I think that making contact with the Dragon while he is bloodlusting for Skaven blood is a bad idea.

Let him have his fun, and once he is finished wrecking what's left of Mors and Eshin we can make contact with him...
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