Howto Squeek: Skaven for Beginners
Not 'How to Speak Queek'? A lost opportunity.
That was for Tale of Metal not Breach the Unknown which neatly sidesteps the issue as it doesn't reveal how to make.
It's the same general issue, though; the problem isn't in what it does specifically, it's in the Dwarves getting wind of Humans being able to just pull secrets out of stuff at will.
Eh, it's my opinion that if people really want to get something done, they'll get it done, regardless of a fictional character guilt-tripping them. Given pretty much everybody seems to agree that they want this done now, and just don't agree on how to do that, I figured it wouldn't matter.
It's not about Belegar guilt tripping us, so much as it's about doing our job; the thread is obsessed with doing our duty (in a good way), and it'll always come before personal goals, and then we have to stick one or two of our hundred nice-to-haves into the cracks if we want to fit them in.
Plan votes are basically a giant exercise in 'how do a hundred people decide on one way to get things done', so when the plans are being built with AV as the focus that means that it'll be 'a hundred people deciding on one way to get AV done', as opposed to the current situation of it being put by the wayside in favor of everybody's pet AP expenditure; spell research, skill lessons, Queekish, even temple building are talked about before AV is.
Mathilde went an actual decade and only managed to put in a single month's worth of work into it. The current situation just isn't working.
'Magister Weber discovered X' versus 'in a project lead by Court Wizard Weber, K8P has discovered X'.
The unfortunate trajectory of the matter, which needless to say I don't find satisfying either, is that it's not really that we can choose one or the other of these; based on previous trends, Magister Weber
won't discover X. Court Wizard Weber looks like she has much better odds.
Like, if we can dedicate job-levels of AP to it every turn, I'd take back my words. I want to get it done, and I'd love to not share credit for it. But we'd need serious plan-creating dedication to it, the sort that means we sacrifice other opportunities to get the juice done, and the only way to naturally channel that sort of thing is to set up a series of in-universe events that turns the plans that way. And the only in-universe event we can set up like that is our boss telling us to do this stuff.