Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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@ you three:
I think this is the wrong approach. As an artifact of the quest, I don't think BoneyM is likely to ever write the sort of blooming chemistry / beginning of romance that one would expect from naturally getting to know a character. From an OOC perspective, BoneyM presenting us with someone Mathilde is interested in has two likely outcomes: 1) Lots of salt from readers hoping for someone else. 2) That character winning the romance options by default, since people want to vote "in character".

This was less of an issue in the beginning of the quest, when BoneyM was still establishing Mathilde as a character. Even then, Abelheim/Mathilde would never have taken it further from either of the characters without the explicit approval of the voter base.

Normally I'm all for voting in character. The romance option is one exception, where the result will retroactively make it so that two characters would fit together romantically. I could see BoneyM trying to get out of this issue by starting to include very tentative hints at possible romance as a result the thread constantly talking about romance, but I doubt that we will ever see definite unambiguous chemistry between anyone and Mathilde in that way.
I take issue with the idea that my approach is somehow wrong in this case
I don't expect people to unilaterally agree with me, but it remains my opinion on a matter shaped by nothing but opinions
And my opinion is that while I don't mind testing the waters here and there to find someone compatible for Mathilde in the field of romance commiting to any love interest is wildly premature at this stage
Everyone has their preferences, mine is that Mathilde actually knows and has natural chemistry with whomever she's choosing to be with, rather than just throwing her at whoever seems most appealing on a whim and trying to retroactively create chemistry

Basically, 'social snob - the vote' :V

If you are not a royalty or at least a college patriarch, we ain't talking to you!
Are Elector Counts considered royalty?
Actually curious here

Last time I checked, we actually do blame Hysh. Sunscryer had one job, and it wasn't "explode and ensure that several blocks are on fire forever".
I doubt that he's any happier about that sequence of events for what it's worth
Yes. I have had co-authors whom I have never met in my life, and know just by reputation and because people I actually know say they are using those people's work for their work which I actually use.

But then again, I have been listed as a co-author in articles which I fully admit to not really understanding, much less having anything to do with writing them.

And, occasionally, you get politics mixed into that.

Academic authorship is weird.
And then it turns out that the one paper you didn't quite understand was fradulent, and now your name is stuck to it forever.

There's a reason I never got anything to the publishing state...
Apprentices will hate both us and Olenus. It is like an ultimate trick question:

Examinator: Who invented Mathilde's Multidimensional Aethyric Polysevirric Projection?
Student (to himself): *Well, that's an easy one. There was only one Mathilde who named everything after herself.*
Student (aloud): It was Lord Magister Mathilde Weber of the Grey College, professor!
Examinator: Wrong! Mathilde only invented the lesser-known Ulgu version of the spell. It was Lord Magister Olenus of the Bright College who built upon her work and made it into MMAPP we use nowadays.

Like, Cauchy is already ill-loved among students for the overabundance of the theorems bearing his name. Now imagine if one of his theorem was actually formulated and proven by Gauss.
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My original question was "under whose Authority is the Conspiracy maintained" and your answer appears to be it is solely under the authority of the Grey College, enforced by assassination.

The Conspiracy could only be dropped with the permission of the Grey College, if they feel something about the situation has fundamentally changed. No one else has any input on the decision or any ability to overrule their determination of the matter.

is that about right?

Both the Empire and the Patriarch or Matriarch of the Grey College would have to agree yes.
Princess Edda Grimbrow, Steward of Karak Eight Peaks

> Princess Edda is a formidable expert in the field of organizing Dwarves, but though she can get on fine with humans, when she manages them her eye for minor details becomes a weakness as she tries and fails to account for every possibility.
< You're very helpful, very good at your job, and a little bit frightening. She doesn't understand you, but as you're a wizard she never expected to. She likes you.

Adult: Having passed the age of 30, this Dwarf is considered an adult and ready to begin studying their trade in earnest.
Ambitious: Edda has her sights set on becoming a Queen.
Clan Grimbrow: This Dwarf is of the Royal Clan of Karak Izor.
Dawicentric: Despite trying, Edda has found herself completely unable to understand humans well enough to account for them in the systems she administrates.
Organized: Edda is extremely efficient at establishing, controlling, and keeping track of large projects.
Edda's relationship got changed, and looks like we have more details on why she's not doing much with the Undumgi.
At some point, if the trend continues, the Magisters trying to teach this thing to their apprentices are going to have to throw back their heads and screech 'MMAAAAAAPP' like a Pterodactyl in order to get the name right.
It's really not, the Skaven are a global power (perhaps the only trully global power besides the High Elves), the Empire are a regional power. It would not even be a contest.
Nominally. You know, if they could ever manage to work together. Which, outside of the end times, just isn't a thing; that's why all their ridiculous prowess gets handwaved away in the first place. It's like saying Bugs Bunny could destroy the world because he can rearrange all the stars in the sky.
My original question was "under whose Authority is the Conspiracy maintained" and your answer appears to be it is solely under the authority of the Grey College, enforced by assassination.

The Conspiracy could only be dropped with the permission of the Grey College, if they feel something about the situation has fundamentally changed. No one else has any input on the decision or any ability to overrule their determination of the matter.

is that about right?
I don't know who enforces it in particular, but assassination is usually not the favored method, killing people is messy and raises questions
Usually they enforce the Conspiracy with misinformation and slander
The institutions of the Empire maintain that Skaven don't exist and that any sightings of Skaven are simply variant Beastmen or mutants
People who choose to try and investigate are buried in red tape and told to knock it off or excommunicated
People who speculate and publish works on the existence of Skaven are discredited and laughed out as delusional
It's really not, the Skaven are a global power (perhaps the only trully global power besides the High Elves), the Empire are a regional power. It would not even be a contest.

They can't wield that power to swat down local powers though, unless the Horned Rat shows up and commands them they are too fractious to just pull all global assets to fight a regional threat.
Are Elector Counts considered royalty?
Actually curious here
BoneyM could over rule me but I believe so. The Empire is a very loose confederation and Electors are quite capable or setting their own foregin policy. For example Ostland can go to war with Kislev without pulling the entire empire into war and the states can war on each other with out censer. For example, the only way the Karl Franz could stop a war between Nordland and Hochland was by having Gelt use magic to degrade the coinage that the Elector Count of Nordland was going to use to pay his mercenary forces. Besides all that the empire's states are all individually larger than any Estalian kingdom or Tilean city-state.
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It's really not, the Skaven are a global power (perhaps the only trully global power besides the High Elves), the Empire are a regional power. It would not even be a contest.
True, but leveraging all that strenght is another matter entirely.

A fight to the hilt between the Empire and the Skaven would also likely have the elves and dwarves join in, for multiple reasons.

To say nothing of the fact that a truly desperate human empire means people giving appraising looks to Van Hal's how-to book on fighting an unending horde of ratmen and winning.
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I'd like to note that Conspiracy of Silence is likely much more older than the Grey College, since the one conflict it really needs to bury, Manfred Skavenslayer withstanding and then expelling weakened Skaven, happened over a millennium before the founding of the Colleges.
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