eating increasingly improbable things or from the deeps
remove "or" (Really enjoying the diary series, by the way.)
Honestly none of the current Romance options do anything for me, the only one I could honestly get behind would be Roswita after a long period of getting past the barriers she puts up because of the whole wizard thing.
I concur that nobody we know well at the moment does it for me, which is part of why I'd like to get to know some of the other characters in K8P, whose names we know but precious else.
The only established character I see any chemistry and likely happy future with is Anton. I've been voting to get to know more of the characters, but of those we have seen so far none really fit into the romance slot for me. Least of all Roswita, whom I see nothing more than an emotionally distant relationship with, before even getting into the complicated feeling both have for Roswita's father.
Some of us voted to marry for love in the hopes that we would develop chemistry with him
The very fact you say that acknowledges that there was a notable lack of chemistry with Anton
I don't know about you, but the idea of getting with someone you don't have chemistry with in the hopes that chemistry will manifest is not a sound endeavor
I really would be on board, the moment he expressed interest. Like, if he hits on us at all, I'm there, but until I see something on going to hesitate for the same reasons I voted against Anton.
@ you three:
I think this is the wrong approach. As an artifact of the quest, I don't think BoneyM is likely to ever write the sort of blooming chemistry / beginning of romance that one would expect from naturally getting to know a character. From an OOC perspective, BoneyM presenting us with someone Mathilde is interested in has two likely outcomes: 1) Lots of salt from readers hoping for someone else. 2) That character winning the romance options by default, since people want to vote "in character".
This was less of an issue in the beginning of the quest, when BoneyM was still establishing Mathilde as a character. Even then, Abelheim/Mathilde would
never have taken it further from either of the characters without the explicit approval of the voter base.
Normally I'm all for voting in character. The romance option is one exception, where the result will retroactively make it so that two characters would fit together romantically. I could see BoneyM trying to get out of this issue by starting to include very tentative hints at possible romance as a result the thread constantly talking about romance, but I doubt that we will ever see definite unambiguous chemistry between anyone and Mathilde in that way.
Wizard Lord 300-800 gc/year
On the one hand, this could be useful. On the other, people keep proposing purchase plans that would eat through any amount of money, no matter how large.
I don't see the purpose of making a post like this, and I say that as someone not voting for Roswita this turn. "I think you guys should vote for this thing, and here is why" is a productive comment. "I think you guys shouldn't vote for this thing, and here is why" is a productive comment. "I am glad that this option is losing because I hate it" feels like the sort of thing that can have no effect except to make the people who like that option and are unhappy it's losing more unhappy, and why would we want our fellow questers to be unhappy? There's no need to rub it in.
Meh, I think it's fine to be happy the votes you like win, or that the votes you find boring lose. Not every post has to be an argument for or against something, some just want to express their feelings. If you are worried about toxicity, I find posts calling out others for not expressing their feelings in the proper manner more toxic. It's not even like that was a new sentiment expressed here.
Perpetuals can't muster the kind of power, if its something a Perpetual could use then Magisters would have been independently reinventing it constantly.
Its more likely a role suited to Greys, people who have proven themselves trustworthy and skilled at magic but incapable of leaving the College anymore.
I'm fairly certain mostly depends on which "branch" of the Grey college you work in and how trustworthy you are. If you are an internal spymaster like Mathilde's Mentor, you get more access to spymaster spells. If you leave the Empire like Mathilde, you won't. I also doubt that Magisters would keep reinventing those spells. You would need to have specific traits gained from working in that field to invent them. I'd expect most Grey Magisters working as a secret police and focusing on the mind affecting aspects of Ulgu would also be those who get the spells in the first place.
There might be one or two Magisters who invent a similar spell independently, but I don't think it would ever be enough to become a major issue.