Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I definitely like the Mors option. Because they have every other Skaven clan gunning for them, it is a lovely opportunity to prop them up a bit to deliver the maximum amount of attrition and distraction to all of the other Skaven hanging around. Why fight your enemies when you can make them fight eachother?

Oooh, an interesting vote. I feel like Mathilde saying that she is Under Equipped would cause her to be laughed out of the mountains, she has some serious endgame shit. Don't wanna redouble religious faith, and don't want to sweep this under the rug.

Uncertain is tempting to me. I have already said that I think that Mathilde has been playing things pretty fast and loose lately, leaping into two extremely hazardous situations that her equipment just barely got her out of. As we have seen, even for a Ranaldite, luck sometimes runs out, so we cannot count on always having it. Giving an injection of hesitation is something that appeals to the risk-averse side of me that votes to avoid catastrophe. But I don't know how much I love the characterization.

Untrained is interesting, though while "getting skilled at exfiltration" is something I super duper want, is that a base skill? Having more spells will also enhance exfiltration, but if this is a specific skill than I think I approve. A bit of a drag for so many AP to be spent on this specific skill though.

Unprepared is solid, I would rather continue rolling the gacha tho.

I will think on this.

Also, because I meant to ask earlier...

Was there ever GM word on what these results would've been on Ranald's Heist? 1 sounds terrifying, 2 sounds like Ranald getting a little too much divine aggression from Gork and Mork, no idea on 3, 4 is what we got, 5 is an entirely new aspect for Ranald which would've been baller as hell, 6 must be the best outcome but I can't decipher it.

He sort of confirmed my theories were in the right ballpark.

6 means that Ranald wins out so much that Slaanesh rolls in and mugs him for his lunch money.
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You know at first I thought it was really freaking weird that so many Warbosses were here, assuming they had the capability to match the title. But given the connection to Karak Drazh and the low simmering tension that has kept the Waaagh from lowering but also kept it from leaping into violence and death of said becomes somewhat plausible.
Was there ever GM word on what these results would've been on Ranald's Heist? 1 sounds terrifying, 2 sounds like Ranald getting a little too much divine aggression from Gork and Mork, no idea on 3, 4 is what we got, 5 is an entirely new aspect for Ranald which would've been baller as hell, 6 must be the best outcome but I can't decipher it.
I think the consensus was that 6 was accidentally getting Slaanesh's attention or something, as 6 is the Sacred Number of Slaanesh. Not sure if it got Word of GM, though.

With credit to @vsh
Thank you! Forgot that was QM-certified and in the FAQ :)


[X] Clan Mors
[X] Unprepared
Aside from the practical 'one more reason to get invisibility' element, i think that taking the lesson of 'i almost died because i didn't prepare enough' is better than stuff like 'i almost died because i wasn't skilled enough/kitted out enough', since while the latter can help overall, the issue of 'jumping in face first counting on ridiculous skills and equipment to keep us alive' would remain; hopefully internalizing 'i need to be prepared for scenarios both specific and general, not just overall skilled and blinged out' will counter that some

(And of course many many thanks to @vsh for actually making the map)
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You know at first I thought it was really freaking weird that so many Warbosses were here, assuming they had the capability to match the title. But given the connection to Karak Drazh and the low simmering tension that has kept the Waaagh from lowering but also kept it from leaping into violence and death of said becomes somewhat plausible.

Black Crag is one of the major greenskin strongholds worldwide. It makes sense that badasses are going to spill out of it. So it's no surprise that a neighbouring cadet colony is going to have an unfortunately strong number of warboss candidates. The actual Red Fang themselves are probably considerably worse.
[x] Clan Mors
Keeping them in the fight keeps the attention of Skyre and Eshin on rats more than dorfs and the "rebel" clan holding a major link to the outside underway might limit the amount of greater UnderEmpire support coming in.

[x] Uncertain

Getting more spell, skills and gear is stuff we are going to do anyway and it's under direct thread control. Mathilde, mid-narrative, picking her go/ no-go moments with more attention to getting out alive is where we need a lesson learned vote to improve.
Black Crag is one of the major greenskin strongholds worldwide. It makes sense that badasses are going to spill out of it. So it's no surprise that a neighbouring cadet colony is going to have an unfortunately strong number of warboss candidates. The actual Red Fang themselves are probably considerably worse.
Indeed. They're the sort of Orc tribe whose Big Un's I'd assume were actually equivalent to lesser tribe's Warbosses, because the Red Fang's Warboss is that big and that much of a badass.
Hm. Looking at the Map, I'd guess our next option is scouting out the Karaks, and then securing Kvynn-Wyr. That would give us a full half of the 8 Peaks, and more then that, would finish securing the eastern half.
I'd still prefer to wait on Kvynn-Wyr. The trolls are almost certainly less trouble than whoever is camped in Karag Mhonar, though I definitely think we should scout out the other peaks before we take anything else. Especially our new neighbors in Karag Ziflin.
Now the main part of the battle's over, I really want to know just why they had no shamans. Was it just down to the mess we caused with the Heretic Idol and anti-Waagh, as some people suggested, or is there more to it?
You know at first I thought it was really freaking weird that so many Warbosses were here, assuming they had the capability to match the title. But given the connection to Karak Drazh and the low simmering tension that has kept the Waaagh from lowering but also kept it from leaping into violence and death of said becomes somewhat plausible.
To be fair, most of them weren't real Warbosses, they were all subordinate Big Bosses who Decided To Have A Go, since they were cut off from the actual Warboss in Black Crag.
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Mercs aren't going away, this is yet another campaign where it's short work for good pay and most of them even walked away to enjoy the cash. If anything, they're going to be emboldened even further.
Even if so, and I don't know that for sure, the point about recruitment for Karag Drazh and the supply line to Karagril still stand. Also important, conquering this still helps clan Mors survive longer by killing off one of their skaven enemies.
[X] Unprepared
[X] Unlucky
[X] Untrained

[X] Clan Mors
Ok first

distil it into something not dissimilar to whiskey,
you have no idea what Whiskey is. It's a Clear fermented grain mash that is aged in the old barrels of other Alcohols that have had the other Alcohol sooked into the wood for 5-23 years depending. as the temperatures of the seasons rise and fall the Whiskey expands and contracts and contracts into the lining of the barrel getting the favour and culture.

Example: I have a 21-year single malt in the backroom. it was aged in a sherry barrel for 10 years and Borbon for 11 years before being bottled.

what you described would be an IPA or Beer.

[X] Clan Moulder
Eight Peaks is safer if the enemy on this flank is focused elsewhere.

I feel like having the nearest enemy stretched thin and fighting others would be good. more likely to ignore us.

[X] Uncertain
Near enough isn't good enough. You should be more choosy about the opportunities you take.
IC I think this is a far one.

[X] Unprepared
Regimand told you it ages ago: you really should learn Shroud of Invisibility.

[X] Unlucky
Other people consider 'unlucky' to mean they can't do anything about it. You know better. Redouble your devotion to Ranald.

funnily enough this, this is pretty in line with our belives.
Even if so, and I don't know that for sure, the point about recruitment for Karag Drazh and the supply line to Karagril still stand. Also important, conquering this still helps clan Mors survive longer by killing off one of their skaven enemies.

Drazh alone would require a comparable investment to the entirety of the Eight Peaks campaign. Black Crag is seriously bad news.

I mean, ideally, at around the same time we finally make our move on Mors, we roll in and collapse the underway entrance so we can seal that salient.
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