Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm really tempted not getting involved in the underway fight. maybe let molder have it because of all the factions they are likely to be the one most pressed underground, but at the same time they are likely the ones best at nasty surprises like plagues and poisons.

I think you're thinking of Clan Pestilens. Clan Moulder is the one with giant mutant gribblies.
[X] Unlucky
Other people consider 'unlucky' to mean they can't do anything about it. You know better. Redouble your devotion to Ranald

more prayers for best god


Well. That went better than expected. Would having Mors be equal to the other Skaven clans be better in the long run? I know faar too little about Skaven to even guess.

It's worse in the extreme long run.

However, in the short and medium run, it's the better move. From the rolls here, Mors was on the god damn brink of defeat here, and they went all in on this breakout--should they then subsequently succeed, they're less likely to fuck with us when they're opening up a new greenskin salient and we haven't bothered them at the Citadel. They're going to prioritize the things that are actively trying to kill them as a result.

Of course, the nightmare scenario in this case is that the Horned Rat notices what we're doing and decrees that Clan Mors is no longer out of favor and that the other clans are to withdraw and return Clan Mors' territory to them. Skaven rapidly expand to the maximum capacity of their holdings to support, so this would mean they go from "Losing" to "Our most powerful foe of all" in a single move.

But that's a nightmare scenario on the same level as "Tzeentch activates a fully trusted deep cover cultist to reveal that Mathilde has read the Liber Mortis in a way that can't be dismissed". If a literal god has decided to directly intervene for the sole purpose of going "Fuck these people in particular", no amount of trickery can do more than weather that tribulation.
Well. That went better than expected. Would having Mors be equal to the other Skaven clans be better in the long run? I know faar too little about Skaven to even guess.
Mors are generally less powerful, and much more straightforward, than either Skyre or Eshin (respectively, mad science/magic and Assassins)
They're currently losing, and once they have lost, the other two/three clans would be in a much better state to attack us. We don't want them to win the underground war, but we definitely want it to last as long as possible.
[X] Unprepared
[X] Untrained
[X] Karak Eight Peaks
Why Karak Eight Peaks? Because right now we have mercenaries to help us, and it guarantees a supply line from Karagril to Karag Lhune, and finally, our next battle we can recruit the reclaimers of Karag Drazh.
[X] Clan Mors

Having trolls hold down Kvynn-Wyr has worked out pretty well. Mors can do something similar for us underground as a meat shield that absorbs attacks from other vectors.

The danger would be if they respond to the squeeze put on by their enemies by migrating up, but I gotta figure dwarfs on mountain defense can handle something like that.

[X] Unprepared

Are you even a wizard if people can see you in the plain old visible spectrum?
[X] Unprepared
[X] Untrained
[X] Karak Eight Peaks
Why Karak Eight Peaks? Because right now we have mercenaries to help us, and it guarantees a supply line from Karagril to Karag Lhune, and finally, our next battle we can recruit the reclaimers of Karag Drazh.

Mercs aren't going away, this is yet another campaign where it's short work for good pay and most of them even walked away to enjoy the cash. If anything, they're going to be emboldened even further.

Oh thank Ranald. The Rangers getting borked a bit worried me.

They lost, but their attached units rolled crits, that probably mitigated them down to light casualties.
As three deadly enemies clash with each other, the opportunity couldn't be riper to strike at a distracted foe. But, as King Belegar summarizes to you, to intervene would tip the scales in someone's favour. Who is it you'd rather end up ruling the tunnels and caves under Karagril?

[ ] Clan Mors
One less Skaven Clan, and with the extra territory Mors might reach parity with Skryre and Eshin, extending the stalemate.
[ ] Clan Moulder
Eight Peaks is safer if the enemy on this flank is focused elsewhere.
[ ] Red Fang
Greenskins are a much simpler problem than Skaven.
[ ] Karak Eight Peaks
Why stop here? Commit to the war underground and seek to defeat all three foes, extending Dwarven control of Karagril all the way down.
[ ] Whoever
Why interfere with greenskins and Skaven slaughtering each other? Sit back and let them sort things out.

I definitely like the Mors option. Because they have every other Skaven clan gunning for them, it is a lovely opportunity to prop them up a bit to deliver the maximum amount of attrition and distraction to all of the other Skaven hanging around. Why fight your enemies when you can make them fight eachother?

And as you leave the battlefield and the adrenaline fades away, in the back of your mind you're left pondering your recent brushes with death, first with Alkharad and then with the bodyguards of one of the Warbosses you cut down. Maybe you just got unlucky, or maybe the fault lies with your approach. What do you ultimately blame for your recent misfortunes?

[ ] Uncertain
Near enough isn't good enough. You should be more choosy about the opportunities you take.
[ ] Unprepared
Regimand told you it ages ago: you really should learn Shroud of Invisibility.
[ ] Unequipped
When it comes to magical arsenals, too much isn't nearly enough. More protection? More speed? More firepower? Whatever the answer, the Colleges can provide it.
[ ] Untrained
You're undeniably skilled, but you're not skilled enough. You need to get better at exfiltration.
[ ] Unlucky
Other people consider 'unlucky' to mean they can't do anything about it. You know better. Redouble your devotion to Ranald.
[ ] Untroubled
The important part of 'nearly dying' is the 'nearly'. Everything worked out, so why worry about it?

Oooh, an interesting vote. I feel like Mathilde saying that she is Under Equipped would cause her to be laughed out of the mountains, she has some serious endgame shit. Don't wanna redouble religious faith, and don't want to sweep this under the rug.

Uncertain is tempting to me. I have already said that I think that Mathilde has been playing things pretty fast and loose lately, leaping into two extremely hazardous situations that her equipment just barely got her out of. As we have seen, even for a Ranaldite, luck sometimes runs out, so we cannot count on always having it. Giving an injection of hesitation is something that appeals to the risk-averse side of me that votes to avoid catastrophe. But I don't know how much I love the characterization.

Untrained is interesting, though while "getting skilled at exfiltration" is something I super duper want, is that a base skill? Having more spells will also enhance exfiltration, but if this is a specific skill than I think I approve. A bit of a drag for so many AP to be spent on this specific skill though.

Unprepared is solid, I would rather continue rolling the gacha tho.

I will think on this.

Also, because I meant to ask earlier...

1: One Less God.
2: Two Gods Notice.
3: Man In The Middle.
4: Split Four Ways.
5: A Fifth Aspect.
6: The Sacred Number.

Was there ever GM word on what these results would've been on Ranald's Heist? 1 sounds terrifying, 2 sounds like Ranald getting a little too much divine aggression from Gork and Mork, no idea on 3, 4 is what we got, 5 is an entirely new aspect for Ranald which would've been baller as hell, 6 must be the best outcome but I can't decipher it.
Hm. Looking at the Map, I'd guess our next option is scouting out the Karaks, and then securing Kvynn-Wyr. That would give us a full half of the 8 Peaks, and more then that, would finish securing the eastern half.
I definitely like the Mors option. Because they have every other Skaven clan gunning for them, it is a lovely opportunity to prop them up a bit to deliver the maximum amount of attrition and distraction to all of the other Skaven hanging around. Why fight your enemies when you can make them fight eachother?

Oooh, an interesting vote. I feel like Mathilde saying that she is Under Equipped would cause her to be laughed out of the mountains, she has some serious endgame shit. Don't wanna redouble religious faith, and don't want to sweep this under the rug.

Uncertain is tempting to me. I have already said that I think that Mathilde has been playing things pretty fast and loose lately, leaping into two extremely hazardous situations that her equipment just barely got her out of. As we have seen, even for a Ranaldite, luck sometimes runs out, so we cannot count on always having it. Giving an injection of hesitation is something that appeals to the risk-averse side of me that votes to avoid catastrophe. But I don't know how much I love the characterization.

Untrained is interesting, though while "getting skilled at exfiltration" is something I super duper want, is that a base skill? Having more spells will also enhance exfiltration, but if this is a specific skill than I think I approve. A bit of a drag for so many AP to be spent on this specific skill though.

Unprepared is solid, I would rather continue rolling the gacha tho.

I will think on this.

Also, because I meant to ask earlier...

Was there ever GM word on what these results would've been on Ranald's Heist? 1 sounds terrifying, 2 sounds like Ranald getting a little too much divine aggression from Gork and Mork, no idea on 3, 4 is what we got, 5 is an entirely new aspect for Ranald which would've been baller as hell, 6 must be the best outcome but I can't decipher it.
6 is the Sacred Number of Slaanesh. The thread figured it was the Summon Bigger Fish to the Table option.

Four is basically Ranald's sacred number, though he doesn't really have one per se.
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