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you have no idea what Whiskey is. It's a Clear fermented grain mash that is aged in the old barrels of other Alcohols that have had the other Alcohol sooked into the wood for 5-23 years depending. as the temperatures of the seasons rise and fall the Whiskey expands and contracts and contracts into the lining of the barrel getting the favour and culture.

Example: I have a 21-year single malt in the backroom. it was aged in a sherry barrel for 10 years and Borbon for 11 years before being bottled.

what you described would be an IPA or Beer.
Scotch is aged in sherry and other barrels, sure. By legal definition, american bourbons, ryes, and corn whiskey are all aged in charred new oak barrels, "new" meaning that they've never been used to age other alcohol. However, the barrel aging is only after it's been distilled. Before the distillation, it's just mildly alchoholic, and IIRC referred to as a wheat wine. (though that may just be a similar thing) Fermented and distilled barley would absolutely be similar to a whiskey, just one that hadn't had any time to barrel-age yet.

edit: In fact, that makes it very symbolic for the rangers, in a way. They're firey and pack a punch, but the refinement of centuries and proven lineage.
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Hmm... how many new fronts will we open if we try to take and hold the underground? Part of the reason we've been relatively secure so far is the relatively few routes the enemy have to come at us, but I get the impression from the map that trying to take the underground will drastically increase that. And if that's the case... do we have the numbers and strength to withstand the pressure that will place on us?
It will add 1ish front. Currently our relevant fronts are Karagril over vs Karagril under, and Karag Lhune under to Karagril Under. Conquering Karagril under erases these, but replaces them with 3, all vs. Karagril Under: Karag Zilfin under, Karag Drazh under, and Caldera under (which is the ish, as Mors is very busy surviving vs other enemies). So removing 2 and adding 3ish leaves us with 1ish. The benefit of adding Karagril though is that it consolidates fronts (as the new fronts are all in the same place), gives us defense in depth by putting a barrier between gribblies and Karag Lhune, and gives us a secure supply line.
In theory, though Skaven paranoia will mean they will drop forces down to garrison a front with us and possibly try to poke us a bit to see how we react. Depending on precisely how desperate they are.

There is Karag Ryhn and Mohnar to deal with, and being able to come at the Trolls from two sides would be rather helpful. Though personally I think we're starting to reach the limits of space we can actually populate and hold with Dwarves and humans unless we get more interested in reclaiming and settling with the conquest of Karagil. So the campaign might stall out for a few years if my impression is right.

They're not going to buy trouble like that in the immediate future. Especially as they'll be holding the bag for punching Moulder out, which is going to anger the other expeditions in Eight Peaks and cause them to redouble their own efforts. Their strength would have to increase dramatically despite the pressure they're eating to get away with that.

Beyond that? Mors is the most conventional of the Skaven clans--they're the Ultramarines of the Skaven faction if you will, the baseline that all others distinguish themselves by being different from.

And Mathilde rolls with a net +43 against Skaven tactics and strategy.
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They're not going to buy trouble like that in the immediate future. Especially as they'll be holding the bag for punching Moulder out, which is going to anger the other expeditions in Eight Peaks and cause them to redouble their own efforts. Their strength would have to increase dramatically despite the pressure they're eating to get away with that.
This is in the sense of fortifications and garrisons near our space with small raiding parties, which I think they can spare due to Skaven numbers. Its not a case of straight attacks, because as you say, they can't buy the trouble.

And Mathilde rolls with a net +43 against Skaven tactics and strategy.
This is a really good point.

We should see about developing the same for Greenskins. At some point in the distant future.
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It is a Dwarf hold, so I suspect that there is a group that wants to reclaim it. And I figure we are going to have to do it sooner or later.
Yeah, there's someone that'll want to reclaim it eventually. They aren't there now, though, and I wouldn't bet lives that they'll be there soon.
The other reason to grab Karagril Depths is that it is the next obvious place to expand. Where else do you think we are going to go next? We don't want to fuck with the Trolls, as they are useful idiots, the Caldera is adjacent to everyone, and Citadel Depths is pretty well defended against.
They're not going to buy trouble like that in the immediate future. Especially as they'll be holding the bag for punching Moulder out, which is going to anger the other expeditions in Eight Peaks and cause them to redouble their own efforts. Their strength would have to increase dramatically despite the pressure they're eating to get away with that.

Beyond that? Mors is the most conventional of the Skaven clans--they're the Ultramarines of the Skaven faction if you will, the baseline that all others distinguish themselves by being different from.

And Mathilde rolls with a net +43 against Skaven tactics and strategy.
I'd say the scariest Skaven for us to run up against are Pestilens, Eshin, and Moulder, in that rough order. Pestilens because plagues and poisons are absolute murder to deal with, Eshin because they can do to us what we've been doing to the Orcs but with multiple Mathilde-equivalents, and Moulder because you never can tell when one of them is going to throw together a nightmare beast perfect for dealing with you. In comparison, yeah, I'd say Mors are a ways down the threat totem pole- still dangerous, but their strengths play much more into the sort of warfare dwarves are good at dealing with.
You're right, I do not. I asked the internet what spirits made from barley was and it said whiskey. Is there a word for what whiskey is before it's aged?
moonshine, though that is a context dependent name. (Illicit liquor, "Made by the light of the moon")
So the dwarves would probably have a name for it like. TarnWater, or Ranger's Snowmelt. Something that reflects how its made and why its made that way.
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Yeah, Karagril Depths are next on the list, but I think we should let Mors hold the bag on that first while we figure out how to seal the Black Crag salient. Once that's closed, I'd feel comfortable taking and holding it.
[X] Uncertain
[X] Unprepared

More preparation is good. However, Mathilde is also sometimes to eager to rush into battle, especially against the second Warboss.

[X] Clan Mors
[X] Whoever

I would prefer if Mors wins. On the other hand, just staying out minimizes the risk of the Dwarves getting involved in the fight.
The other reason to grab Karagril Depths is that it is the next obvious place to expand. Where else do you think we are going to go next? We don't want to fuck with the Trolls, as they are useful idiots, the Caldera is adjacent to everyone, and Citadel Depths is pretty well defended against.
Karag Mohnar or Karag Ryhn. Preferably Karag Mohnar in my opinion, because if we can clear out its top and bottom we can then squish the Trolls between our two sides and roust them. And we can supply Mohnar much like we will be doing Karagil over the Caldera from the Citadel up until we clear Kvyn-Wyr and can Underway route from the East Gate.
[X] Clan Mors
[X] Unprepared

I'd love to go whole hog No Steps Backward!!! But overextension is a real risk at this point. 💀

Making worrying about the action backlog a thing in the forefront of our mind is all gravy as far as I'm concerned. :V
Yeah, Karagril Depths are next on the list, but I think we should let Mors hold the bag on that first while we figure out how to seal the Black Crag salient. Once that's closed, I'd feel comfortable taking and holding it.
I don't suppose we could solve the issue with a mining operation and a fuck-ton of high-explosives?
I don't suppose we could solve the issue with a mining operation and fuck-ton of high-explosives?
That is how Dreng and Gotri are going to suggest dealing with it, because it is pretty practical all told. We have the explosive capability what with working with the Dwarves and an open supply line to Zhufbar.
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