Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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We can keep the Journeymanlings safe if they are with us, barring actually disastrous assault results, but if the thread feels that their frankly mediocre performance so far warrants leaving them behind, I got no strong objections.

Throwing them into danger does raise their stats, though, as demonstrated by this very update.
On the other hand, if we went with the more believable lie that we're a messenger from a rival and insulted them on his behalf, that could work. But yeah, I think I'd rather stick with the coin we've got for now. That or change to the gambler so as to mitigate any problems that appear in the big picture.
I mean, I'm not married to my plan. If someone can think of a better lie, I'm game.
There were some stat and trait changes as a result of this update.
Oh, right, Gretel's Martial actually was 15 before this.

Gretel Maurer, Journeywoman of the Amethyst Order
Armament: Summoned scythe
Speciality: ???
Mission: Wealth
Martial: 15 - Her talents in combat have begun to blossom.
Learning: 17 - She's whip-smart and very well read in the Lores of Shyish and Morr.

Magic: 3 - She has superb control, but not a lot of power.

Morrite: Like many Amethyst Wizards, Gretel worships the God of Death and Dreams.
Unnerving Appearance: Gretel's limbs appear too long for her body.

Though, er, her Learning was always 17, both before and now. Did it drop for a bit in the update, and then recover by the end of it as she, er, recovered?
I think the hijinks of "Mathilde pretends to be an Ork Warboss and thereby start a mass brawl" are from a very different genre.

With a dead Warboss, I'd expect Infighting anyway- so we could more easily just make sure it continues by taking out strong candidates. The Night Prowler coin is good for this, too.
Looking towards the future, I'd like to avoid Gambler so that we still have an advantage in the next turn.
We definitely can't sound like them, though, or communicate passive information about how 'ard we are through their psychic field.
Doesn't matter how we sound as long as we can prove we're strong. Psychic field may be a problem, but if we do a show of strength (stab someone strong to start with) we can probably get away with a lot.

We don't have to keep up the lie for hours. We just need 15 minutes, half an hour at most.
I mean, I'm not married to my plan. If someone can think of a better lie, I'm game.
The reason I think a messenger would be a better lie is because then we don't have to look like a badass. We just have to say we're there in the name of badass X who is now declaring himself boss and expect all of you gits to do what he says. They already know X is one of the contenders for boss so they can totally believe he'd do that. And they want to tell him no, so they attack us and we run and they keep going.

In short, I'm pretty sure it's a better lie than yours, since it doesn't ever rely on us looking like we're a strong orc, just a random orc boy. I still don't think a lie-based plan is the way to go but if we do I'd like it to be this one.
Oh, right, Gretel's Martial actually was 15 before this.

Gretel Maurer, Journeywoman of the Amethyst Order
Armament: Summoned scythe
Speciality: ???
Mission: Wealth
Martial: 15 - Her talents in combat have begun to blossom.
Learning: 17 - She's whip-smart and very well read in the Lores of Shyish and Morr.

Magic: 3 - She has superb control, but not a lot of power.

Morrite: Like many Amethyst Wizards, Gretel worships the God of Death and Dreams.
Unnerving Appearance: Gretel's limbs appear too long for her body.

Though, er, her Learning was always 17, both before and now. Did it drop for a bit in the update, and then recover by the end of it as she, er, recovered?

No, the learning was an error on my part. Fixed.
To those curious, Gretel's Martial went up by 1 and she has the "Grim Harvester" trait, which she did not have before the update. It represents her talents with the scythe and life drain techniques of Shyish.

Adela got the trait "Wand of Aqshy" which allows her to quickly form fire.

Hubert's Martial went up by 1 since the last excursion we went on, and he got the "Swordsman" trait that says he's building a hyrbid swordfighting style.
[ ] MATHILDE: Infiltrate Karagril early, and pick off any competent leaders.

Metal Gear Mathilde is a go.
Mathilda hiding as a cardboard box or a rock ala lord of the ring, only to pop out and murder-hoboing any orc with an attitude like a renaisaance Punisher is an image she wants to cultivate to terrorize the greenskin.

With her shadow chisel ability, how far can she make her kill?
[ ] MATHILDE: Infiltrate Karagril early, and pick off any competent leaders.

This seems like the strongest play to me. We've done the ground work, we know the mountain, it's set up. Preventing a strong +Martial Waaagh leader from emerging could make a big difference.
The reason I think a messenger would be a better lie is because then we don't have to look like a badass. We just have to say we're there in the name of badass X who is now declaring himself boss and expect all of you gits to do what he says. They already know X is one of the contenders for boss so they can totally believe he'd do that. And they want to tell him no, so they attack us and we run and they keep going.

In short, I'm pretty sure it's a better lie than yours, since it doesn't ever rely on us looking like we're a strong orc, just a random orc boy. I still don't think a lie-based plan is the way to go but if we do I'd like it to be this one.
Strong is still better, though I think we should frame it as being from the original Red Fang they got cut off from.
I think the hijinks of "Mathilde pretends to be an Ork Warboss and thereby start a mass brawl" are from a very different genre.
What genre is that and what genre is this?
Uh, everyone else all at once? Possibly setting aside their differences under an interim warboss till the "mad git with inexplicably shiny sword and strange fighting style" issue is dealt with?
These are orcs who want to be boss and we're a challenger. If they except that we are an orc, then they have to fight us themselves to prove that they are hard enough. Or are they too scared of this mad git? *insert provocative body language*
[ ] Set it to the Gambler for the coming battle.
The Gambler doesn't work so well for second-to-second events, but it could have an influence on the strategic level. If this is chosen, you will not have Ranald's Coin for the coming turn.

I really want us to use this. We want to stack the deck as much as possible for every one of these mountain battles, even the "easy" ones. Saving the coin for next turn isn't nearly as important as ensuring that the campaign's momentum continues. Plus despite this seeming like a certain victory, we don't know who else will be crazy/powerful enough to wade into the caldera, and we can't count on the dice always being in our favor. The right +10 or +20 on the strategic scale could be a huge difference.
What's the point of trying to lie about being a Warboss, or about one Boss challenging another? The former, I don't think that actually does anything; it would just make others challenge us, so we'd be in an immediate fight for our life. The latter would... also probably start a fight with us. This doesn't actually do anything.

It does not disrupt them any further, and it doesn't cause any more infighting than they are already engaged in -- because they've probably just started fighting each other to be Boss.

It makes no sense to try this tenuous tactic when you can just be super sneaky and just-another-face-in-the-crowd and decapitate anybody who looks like he's managing to rally the enemy.

In short, don't bother using the Deceiver here; there's no point, and there's no good place for it. Also, this is the middle of the assault! So it's not a good time for it anyway; it's not a good opportunity to test it out, because we're in a huge rush, and lies are more effective when you can speak the language well, have a matching voice, and have had time to plant them. ((I mean, you want to infiltrate the enemy's ranks... just so you can challenge them for leadership from within, in order to kill a Boss or Big Boss? Instead of just assassinating them and hiding with the Night Prowler? Why? This is just a harder and more complicated way to do a thing.))

Just keep using the Night Prowler if you want, or switch to the Protector to test out its function.
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For next turn objectives speculation, depending on who pokes their head out I can see us being told to scout out the last few Karaks to make future strategic planning less painful, and to possibly lock down any suprises.

Thinking about the improvised miscast grounding, I think Gretal might be a viable candidate for helping us sort out Ulgu-Shyish tongs. We demonstrated pretty well why we think that us messing around with the idea isn't a horrid one :V

[ ] DUCKLINGS: Kept together and going into Karagril with the Dwarves.
[ ] DUCKLINGS: Kept together and firing from the Citadel.
[ ] DUCKLINGS: Split up and placed with units going into Karagril.
[ ] DUCKLINGS: Split up and placed with units firing from the Citadel.
[ ] DUCKLINGS: Remaining by your side.

I'm inclined to keep them all together. Until they start branching out more, and until they lean more towards being journeymanlings than ducklings, having them together to cover each other feels like good sense.

At that point, it's a question of preferring the risk of the ducklings doing a miscast amongst the Dwarves while in close quarters or the risk of them being in the line of fire when the shit hits the fan in the Cauldra.

[ ] MAX: Firing from the Citadel.
[ ] MAX: Firing from a gyrocopter.
[ ] MAX: On dispel duty for Karagril.
[ ] MAX: On dispel duty for the caldera.
[ ] MAX: Remaining by your side.

Firing from a gyrocopter makes me wince. The idea of anything shooting Max down isn't something I like until he's much more plated. Though once he can survive a gyrocopter crash, this will be a very strong combo.

I'm inclined to have him as oversight for the Ducklings, so either firing from the Citadel or dispelling for Karagril.

[ ] JOHANN: Joining the siege weapon teams.
[ ] JOHANN: Fighting in melee in Karagril.
[ ] JOHANN: On dispel duty for Karagril.
[ ] JOHANN: On dispel duty for the caldera.
[ ] JOHANN: Remaining by your side.

I'm a bit split on Johann.

His Learning is actually kind of low, so we should keep him off dispelling.

His martial isn't the best, but his Narrative bonuses to combat are rather strong.

But at the same time, we've seen the benefits of siege weaponry as both an anti-magic measure and a Kill Things Good measure, and it's not like he hasn't done it before.

The two plans I'm seeing are centered around the Ducklings.

Either we commit them to the Karak or we hold them back to keep them underneath Runelord overwatch.

If we commit them to the Karak, we should send either Max or Johann to watch over them while we get to our killing while the other one sits back to help with whatever ends up attacking the Cauldra and gain insights on Anvils of Doom.

If we leave them back on the Citadel then I'd be inclined to leave both Johann and Max back with them to help resolve whatever huge clusterfuck is probably going to hit.

That, or we grab everyone, join the mercs, and turn the first wave into a massive magical massacre :V
I really want us to use this. We want to stack the deck as much as possible for every one of these mountain battles, even the "easy" ones. Saving the coin for next turn isn't nearly as important as ensuring that the campaign's momentum continues. Plus despite this seeming like a certain victory, we don't know who else will be crazy/powerful enough to wade into the caldera, and we can't count on the dice always being in our favor. The right +10 or +20 on the strategic scale could be a huge difference.

I think that using the Night Prowler to break the orc defences from behind so that we won't leave our forces exposed in the Caldera for any longer than absolutely necessary seems more directly relevant.

Firing from a gyrocopter makes me wince. The idea of anything shooting Max down isn't something I like until he's much more plated. Though once he can survive a gyrocopter crash, this will be a very strong combo.

WHich enemies do you think will have anti-aircraft weaponry?
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What genre is that and what genre is this?
To my mind it'd be more at home in comedy, or anime, or both- something like Slayers, perhaps.

This is a grittier setting, darker and I find the whole impersonation premise far fetched.
No Waaagh field, no voice disguise, limited language... to start Orcs fighting?
Diplomacy 10 isn't the greatest actress, either.

It'd be easier to just kill emerging Orc bosses to prolong the infighting.
Hm. Leaning toward something like this.

[ ] MATHILDE: Infiltrate Karagril early, and pick off any competent leaders.

Mathilde do as Mathilde do. Gotta chomp up all the glory!

[ ] DUCKLINGS: Kept together and going into Karagril with the Dwarves.

They all really love melee fighting apparently, best give them some experience in squad fighting with some folk what are really good at it.

[ ] MAX: Firing from a gyrocopter.
[ ] JOHANN: Fighting in melee in Karagril.

Let the boys cut loose how they like.

[ ] Set it to the Protector, so that all will know your exploits.

Don't particularly care about maintaining like OPTIMAL TURNS, so I'm a-okay giving Maximum Bragging a test run haha.
WH got its own fair share of silly comedy, but the facts that we just do not really have the means to make it work, or even make it work better than simply slitting some more throats - that is true.
The thing is that we've just seen that the Journeymen are actually really pretty crap in melee. They actually are squishy wizards. They're just not ready to fight in the line of battle yet.

We should arrange for them to have human tutors to actually get them up to scratch for a while.
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