Ideas i collected while reading and added some of my own
[] Flying tower
Tower is imho better than Ship. Doesn't need to be staffed, probably can¨t make trips all the way to Lustria but to be honest i just don't think we are that kind of traveler? And its peak fucking Wizard.
[] Flying ship/Blimp
Personally not a fan of that one as it implies we see our future as very travelly. Very much something that feels like you are wasting if you don't use it, and i don't feel like we are about to be using it? Idk. Personally biased against it but it exists and has lot of noise around it.
[] Hilariously overenchanted We-Silk robes (protective)
Could always use something that saves our ass.
[] An actual zogging Mammoth (with or without battle altar of choice)
Any animal is iirc a commitment we need to give an AP every turn or two, but i gotta admit the mammoth possibility is just too charming. I know Boney was just kidding but i personally am actually tempted. (Hell i actually commissioned mammoth fanart, you know i am fucking invested)
[] Rainbow Throng/Promisory note to aid in Dwarf Campaign of choice (Nexus Reclamations)
We've called on Colleges several times, and while we made the best of what we were given (Hello, Girlfriend, Best Friend and Redeemed van Horstmann), they never really sent as much as they could or possibly should have. Potential hit to our reputation if they fuck up badly and go Jovi Sunscryer in middle of dwarven army, but hey.
[] Talisman to replace Boon of Hysh, Silver Seal tier
We never saw much use of boon of hysh, and idk if we will ever need it unless we tangle with nurgle. Idk. Potential protection beyond robes which we can make up to our pretty cool standard ourselves.
[] Super-staff
Ours is already useful, and there is no replacing the Supreme PAtriarch one because it seems to be keyed in to the entire magical infrastructure of Altdorf. But +2 magic would be neat, if possible.
[] More security for our library
[] More security for our towers
Dunno about these ones
[] Complete copy of Collegiate libraries for
our Library
So, you know how Colleges have people who can never, ever, ever leave the campus because the books they guard are so dangerous that the mere knowledge of their existence is too much to release into the wild. Yeah i don't think this one is very wise.
[] No Vow of Poverty
Mathilde slowly turning into dragon with this one fr fr. Beyond accumulation of treasure, which is to be fair pretty neat, not much benefit for this one.
[] Personal Knight order
Not much to this one. Men to throw at stuff. I think we could get that a normal way if we applied ourselves. Once you have them, you gotta use them.
That's it for the stuff i caught.
@Boney Would Von Draken tell us how the fuck did she get an adult dragon to listen to her? Scratch that, probably not at all applicable to our situation.