Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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If we choose the airship, which I love the most so far, Im imagining an aircraft carrier style design. Capable of supporting many gyrocopters and towers on its surface. Like a mobile, mini-karak for us and our forces for the the coming campaigns.

Or a giant dragon-mecha.
Here is a suggestion I want to propose to the thread that may not be as cool as a swarm of carnivorous laser blasting butterflies.

An All Colleges collaboration to make defenses for our tower/s and that tree we have. Maybe even our Library too, just for kickflips.

We do have a tower for every single Wind right? Even if a few of them are really bare bones? And if you think about it, if that tree grows enough (and we add enough liminal spaces attached to it), it could very well be somewhere all 8 Colleges can make new facilities for themselves.

Obviously we'd need to make it somewhat beholden to Eight Peaks, but beyond compromising the safety of the entire thing, making certain dwarf(king) usable failsafes for breaking down the door should be enough.
At the risk of sounding pretentious, I'm drawn to the airship/flying wizards tower idea because I feel like there's a bunch of thematic relevance to how Mathilde, through the Waystone Project, was able to materially help the world by uniting her scattered and sometimes uncertain loyalties to achieve something far beyond what would have been possible for any one of them, proving once and for all that all her efforts and struggle to care for others no matter how painful it was was meaningful. She's not free from her Divided Loyalties (title drop), of course, but in a sense I feel like what she's achieved with the Waystones is a perfect bookend to her life so far, emphasized here by the miraculous twist of fate that was catching the Asp that led her to resolving two of the great mysteries of the Colleges in front of all the Patriarchs.

Mathilde won. She changed the world, for everyone she cared about and will continue to care about. I think getting that airship is a way for Mathilde to step into a new chapter of her life, doing whatever strikes her fancy because she can trust that she's done well.
I kinda like the idea of "I want your help in trying to recreate the Supreme Patriarch's staff. And if it works, I want that staff."
fuck it.
[] Having done it and done it well was its own reward.
-[] Or, as Algard once said, the reward was we got to quite literally slit open reality's underside and meddle with the steaming guts that spill forth.
all 7 of the other patriarchs turn to stare at Algard
Algard: "Did I really say that?"
Mathilde: "The day I made Magister. It was memorable."
You know, now that Orbs of Sorcery can be produced reliably(if not quickly or easily), some people are going to wonder if they can be used to enhance other Empire superweapons besides the Collegiate Battle-Altars, like the divine equivalents, or the Steam-Tanks. If I were the Gold or Aqshy Colleges, I'd want to see if we could win points with the Engineers by making the Steam-Tanks go Super Saiyan with a MOrb.

Even if it's one set every decade on average, that will add up over time, and the Colleges will do their level best to make it a lot faster than that, especially since Mathilde's done like 95% of the work for them and handed off an instruction manual with a proof of concept, for all practical purposes.

Not to mention the obvious benefits to multiple Orbs of Sorcery in terms of simply testing the things out, as the Patriarchs/Matriarchs have been doing.
Ideas i collected while reading and added some of my own

[] Flying tower
Tower is imho better than Ship. Doesn't need to be staffed, probably can¨t make trips all the way to Lustria but to be honest i just don't think we are that kind of traveler? And its peak fucking Wizard.
[] Flying ship/Blimp
Personally not a fan of that one as it implies we see our future as very travelly. Very much something that feels like you are wasting if you don't use it, and i don't feel like we are about to be using it? Idk. Personally biased against it but it exists and has lot of noise around it.
[] Hilariously overenchanted We-Silk robes (protective)
Could always use something that saves our ass.
[] An actual zogging Mammoth (with or without battle altar of choice)
Any animal is iirc a commitment we need to give an AP every turn or two, but i gotta admit the mammoth possibility is just too charming. I know Boney was just kidding but i personally am actually tempted. (Hell i actually commissioned mammoth fanart, you know i am fucking invested)
[] Rainbow Throng/Promisory note to aid in Dwarf Campaign of choice (Nexus Reclamations)
We've called on Colleges several times, and while we made the best of what we were given (Hello, Girlfriend, Best Friend and Redeemed van Horstmann), they never really sent as much as they could or possibly should have. Potential hit to our reputation if they fuck up badly and go Jovi Sunscryer in middle of dwarven army, but hey.
[] Talisman to replace Boon of Hysh, Silver Seal tier
We never saw much use of boon of hysh, and idk if we will ever need it unless we tangle with nurgle. Idk. Potential protection beyond robes which we can make up to our pretty cool standard ourselves.
[] Super-staff
Ours is already useful, and there is no replacing the Supreme PAtriarch one because it seems to be keyed in to the entire magical infrastructure of Altdorf. But +2 magic would be neat, if possible.
[] More security for our library
[] More security for our towers
Dunno about these ones
[] Complete copy of Collegiate libraries for our Library
So, you know how Colleges have people who can never, ever, ever leave the campus because the books they guard are so dangerous that the mere knowledge of their existence is too much to release into the wild. Yeah i don't think this one is very wise.
[] No Vow of Poverty
Mathilde slowly turning into dragon with this one fr fr. Beyond accumulation of treasure, which is to be fair pretty neat, not much benefit for this one.
[] Personal Knight order
Not much to this one. Men to throw at stuff. I think we could get that a normal way if we applied ourselves. Once you have them, you gotta use them.

That's it for the stuff i caught.

@Boney Would Von Draken tell us how the fuck did she get an adult dragon to listen to her? Scratch that, probably not at all applicable to our situation.
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Why are we not dicussing using the favours to rename shit to spell Mathilde? I feel like this is important.

EDIT: We will need protection from time traveling people trying to get us for such act of naming things.
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Could we enchant a magical girl transformation to our robes? Probably not, the colleges do not seem like they have the knowledge to make such a thing other than perhaps on a purely cosmetic way, but if we could it'd be amazing.
I would like to emphasise that a gigareward isn't necessary. We could ask for a big reward from forlur colleges, and one reward each from the others.

Copies of the Lights' books would only be a single reward. Same with the vow of poverty.
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Mathilde slowly turning into dragon with this one fr fr. Beyond accumulation of treasure, which is to be fair pretty neat, not much benefit for this one.

It's got legal and reputational benefits.

Being able to fund our own personal super projects.

Being able to throw money at our problems.

Not having our stuff be able to be legally repossessed.

Don't underestimate the power of cash!
Hmm. Are there methods to make an apparatus to farm additional aetheric vitae? I feel like that compared to what they are proven to be used for, they are very limited in supply.

None that currently exist, and the Colleges will be investigating whether any are possible of their own accord.

@Boney Would Von Draken tell us how the fuck did she get an adult dragon to listen to her? Scratch that, probably not at all applicable to our situation.

Dragons are people. Elspeth knows something that works for one specific Dragon, not one weird trick that makes any Dragon obey.
I'm a little worried that if we have them all go in on a nice wizard robe, it's gonna end up Mathilde's Technicolor Dreamcoat.
@Boney Would Von Draken tell us how the fuck did she get an adult dragon to listen to her? Scratch that, probably not at all applicable to our situation.
Like with Cython, presumably: Being a good conversationalist.
From the ambers, I'd like to see about getting their help with runesmithing. We'd need a runesmith on the other end, but I think Mathilde can find someone enthusiastic about finally putting to use the otherwise useless lore that'd let them make those most powerful of runes.

EDIT: Actually we could just do this with normal CF.
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