Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv

[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [SPELL] Silence
[X] [SPELL] Skywalk
[X] [SPELL] Dispel

[X] [ENCHANT] Basics Only
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv

Fun name

[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [SPELL]Shadowsteed
[X] [SPELL]Dispel
  1. She needs it to cast safely
  2. This gives her strategic mobility and as long as she gets sounds she should be able to cast is safely
  3. All wizards should know how to dispel, it is the great equalizer, a good enough dispell means that battle mage over there might not cast and kill you after all and in the best case scenario he might die to a miscast
[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform

She would do much better with her own paradigm.
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv

[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [SPELL] Silence
[X] [SPELL] Skywalk
[X] [SPELL] Dispel

[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv
Still going with the punny name.

[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [SPELL] Magic Mapping
[X] [SPELL] Dispel

I've gone back and forth on this one a bit. Although I did talk about the mechanical advantages of learning RS spells, and it'd be neat to get Eike closer to Mathilde's level, I've been convinced by the "learning these spells means you're ready to begin Journeying" argument. If this was Eike's quest, the powergaming argument would be to learn them now, but it's not... which means both that Mathilde ought to be the one teaching Eike her first serious Grey magic, and that it isn't quite the time yet, despite it being intriguingly possible. So since we're not doing that... I agree that Dispel is absolutely a critical spell that every Wizard should have before they start their Journey, and I still want her to learn a Mathilde-spell, so Magic Mapping goes on the list. That's three.

[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform
I'm not certain we want to commit the time to personally teach Eike both Enchanting and her first RS spells. It's possible that she might develop her own style like this, but she also might not. On consideration, I'm willing to roll the dice on this one vs waiting for the perfect opportunity.
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv
[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [SPELL] Silence
[X] [SPELL] Skywalk
[X] [SPELL] Dispel
[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform

None of Mathilde's masteries.
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv

[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform

[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [SPELL]Move
[X] [SPELL]Blessed Weapon
[X] [SPELL] Dispel
[X] [SPELL]Take No Heed
As I recall, we can codify spells with masteries, and I thought those spells can get new masteries (after some thought i don't know if that was ever said, just that it works that way for new spells, and I guessed it extends). However, codifing spells is hard, and the version with masteries is even harder.

So my guess would be that recursively mastered spells are possible, just takes a lot of time, because the codification step is a large barrier, and the Colleges aren't that old.

That could explain how the Nekharans did some real shit. Though on the other hand, those spells don't really match what you'd expect from such a process, and people like the Druids should have them too.

So either there's some metaphysical distinction between the main part of the spell and the mastery of which there can only be one...
Or I'm poking the abstraction too hard.

Could you clarify that?

Codified Masteries tend to be more difficult to learn than the base spell, both because they're just plain doing more and so need more oomph to do it, and because they're built on two different magical paradigms from the original inventor and the person that codified the Mastery. That puts a very hard limit on how much it can be iterated before it goes into the Flight School bin.

Can Mathilde write a paper on the new magic bridges infrastructure.

There's not really a paper in it. It's a straightforward application of a spell known to the Colleges.

I imagine these are accidental uses of the second person plural? That first one should probably be "Teclis gave the Colleges Apprentices", and the second one probably "if you're being honest".

The former is a phrasal template. 'That's why X gave us Y' is a way to point out a simple solution to a problem, often humorously as it's ascribing something very mundane or profane to a divinity or honoured historical figure - eg: 'yes, there may be guards, but that's why Ranald gave us bribery'. In this case, it's humorously claiming that the reason that Teclis worked the institution of apprenticeship into the Colleges was to do simple and uninteresting jobs.

The latter is a phrase that implies that the speaker and the listener, or the writer and the reader, are part of the same institution and that there's an institutional secret or shame that's usually not spoken about but both parties are aware of. In this case, the Colleges are collectively aware of the commonalities between Dark Tongue and most magical languages, including Lingua Praestantia, but wouldn't usually bring them up.
The former is a phrasal template. 'That's why X gave us Y' is a way to point out a simple solution to a problem, often humorously as it's ascribing something very mundane or profane to a divinity or honoured historical figure - eg: 'yes, there may be guards, but that's why Ranald gave us bribery'. In this case, it's humorously claiming that the reason that Teclis worked the institution of apprenticeship into the Colleges was to do simple and uninteresting jobs.

The latter is a phrase that implies that the speaker and the listener, or the writer and the reader, are part of the same institution and that there's an institutional secret or shame that's usually not spoken about but both parties are aware of. In this case, the Colleges are collectively aware of the commonalities between Dark Tongue and most magical languages, including Lingua Praestantia, but wouldn't usually bring them up.
Ah, that's fair.
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv

[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [SPELL]Blessed Weapon
[X] [SPELL]Dispel
[X] [SPELL]Magic Alarm
[X] [SPELL]Magic Lock
[X] [SPELL]Magic Mapping
[X] [SPELL]Move
[X] [SPELL]Silence
[X] [SPELL]Skywalk

[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform
[x] [SPELL] Sounds

[x] [SPELL]Dispel
[x] [SPELL]Magic Alarm
[x] [SPELL]Magic Lock
[x] [SPELL]Move
[x] [SPELL]Silence
[x] [SPELL]Skywalk

[x] [SPELL]Mathilde's Multidimensional Aethyric Projection

[x] [ENCHANT] Freeform

[x] [PORTATIV] Portentiv
[x] [SPELL] Sounds
[x] [SPELL]Dispel
[x] [SPELL]Magic Alarm
[x] [SPELL]Magic Lock
[x] [ENCHANT] Freeform
[x] [PORTATIV] Portentiv

[X] [SPELL] Magic Mapping
Last edited:
Also not all that interesting, but it is for such purposes Teclis gave us Apprentices. You give Eike a moderate bag of silver, a list of materials from the Gold Order, and the names of a few organ-builders in Altdorf that the Light Order considers reputable.
I enjoyed the update. I think that this line in particular is funny. If anything, the later stages of the Collegiate apprentice system seems a lot more based on the Empire's system in general, which is influenced by the Karaz Ankor. :V

[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [SPELL]Dispel
[X] [SPELL]Take No Heed

I think she could do well with Take No Heed, she had problems with learning sounds because she was used to staying quiet.

[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv

[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [SPELL] Magic Mapping
[X] [SPELL] Dispel

[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform
Similarly the Bull Centaurs of the Chaos Dwarves, the Stormvermin of the Skaven, and the Skin Wolves of the Norscans might give one the impression of a polyphenic species until one digs deeper and finds that both are more likely explained to be mutations induced by the terrible Gods of those respective peoples.
Minor grammar thing: "both" is used for three things.

[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform
Expanding on my Shadowsteed thoughts: Mathilede interacts with horses pretty much exclusively through shadowsteed, which allows her to conceptualize it as an extension of her own will and body because the horse part isn't important. Eike on the other hand has done enough riding and horse care to learn 2/3 equestrianism, and the first time she visited us at K8P she was creeped out by shadowsteed's unnatural stillness. She has a radically different understanding of horses and i expect that to impact her understanding of the conjure horse spell

[x] [SPELL] Sounds
[x] [SPELL]Dispel
[x] [SPELL]Magic Mapping
[x] [ENCHANT] Freeform
[x] [PORTATIV] Portentiv
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv
[X] [SPELL] Dispel
[X] [SPELL]Skywalk
[X] [SPELL] Silence
[X] [SPELL]Shadowsteed
[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform
Expanding on my Shadowsteed thoughts: Mathilede interacts with horses pretty much exclusively through shadowsteed, which allows her to conceptualize it as an extension of her own will and body because the horse part isn't important. Eike on the other hand has done enough riding and horse care to learn 2/3 equestrianism, and the first time she visited us at K8P she was creeped out by shadowsteed's unnatural stillness. She has a radically different understanding of horses and i expect that to impact her understanding of the conjure horse spell
Same! If anything, I'd imagine that her progressing Equestrianism to 3/3 would make it more likely for her to develop her own unique Shadowsteed mastery in the future.
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentiv
[X] [PORTATIV] Portentous Portative Organ

[X] [SPELL] Sounds
[X] [SPELL]Magic Alarm
[X] [SPELL]Magic Mapping
[X] [SPELL]Magic Lock
[X] [SPELL]Skywalk
[X] [SPELL]Blessed Weapon

[X] [ENCHANT] Freeform
Incidentally, I realized that I hadn't updated the summary of Waystone events post since the turn results started coming in, so now we're up to date with the turn in progress, in case that's useful to people.
Voting is open