To add to all this...
Personally, my impression of the Sacred Site was that it was also a partially reflection of Ranald showing Mathilde what their battle and gamble together had accomplished. It felt kind of touching for that reason: A secret shown with a hint of "this is part of what you did for me/what we did together," to add a touch of the sentimentality of old friends to it.
As a result, I really wouldn't be surprised if the contest of influence between Mork and Ranald there is already mostly decided. Maybe Mork might make it even again with enough time and space to operate, but Ranald/Loec/the shadow's influence being "deeper and older and truer" strikes me that there's already a very solid lean in Ranald's favor.
I could absolutely see having a bit of the dynamics of the Stormfels fight, but at the same time I suspect the territory is a bit more favorable than that, seeing as the shrine to Stormfels was apparently uncontested by Ranald prior to Mathilde rocking up, if derelict, while this one is solidly contested, if active.