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The gods are not their followers nanny, survival instinct is up to the mortal.
I feel like that only holds true if the god isn't also put at risk. Ranald had the possibility to come out if the Mork stunt with a very, very bad day iirc, and whats proposed now is even more risky on his end since the god in question isn't otherwise engaged.

Remember, there was a 1/6 chance for "one less god", and Boney confirmed it would not have been in a way that would have been good for us, and a seperate 1/6 chance of Ranald getting mugged in turn by Slaanesh.
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First, I don't think that principle extends to cases where the god is at risk of being harmed along with the mortal.

Second, survival instinct is up to the mortal is not a great argument in favor of doing very dangerous things from the point of view of a character whose self-preservation is reasonably robust.

Oh I'm not specifically saying we should do it, I just don't think in the abstract that the god of thieves and gamblers is opposed to gambling while stealing on the grounds that the gamble is too big. That is opposed to his core nature, like again Ulric being opposed to one of his servants placing him in danger of dying in battle.
Oh I'm not specifically saying we should do it, I just don't think in the abstract that the god of thieves and gamblers is opposed to gambling while stealing on the grounds that the gamble is too big. That is opposed to his core nature, like again Ulric being opposed to one of his servants placing him in danger of dying in battle.
There is a difference between a gamble and a suicide attempt with potential upsides.
@Boney So just to confirm, the only thing we got out of the Vlag Library was their Runesmithing books (which we can't actually read), the Fire Spire books, and nothing else - no reciprocal exchanges where Vlag can access KAU, etc.?

If we tried to setup further exchanges for their other books (apparently lacking), would they be ashamed since they're trying to hide it seems?
Karak Vlag was the smallest and poorest of the major Karaks before the Great War. The only thing that makes their library worth pursuing over literally any of the others, Mathilde just got. Everything that remains is what Mathilde can get and largely has gotten from Barak Varr, or could get from any other Karak, all of which are closer to K8P than Vlag is and don't require major naval escorts to transport books back and forth.
Karak Vlag was the smallest and poorest of the major Karaks before the Great War. The only thing that makes their library worth pursuing over literally any of the others, Mathilde just got. Everything that remains is what Mathilde can get and largely has gotten from Barak Varr, or could get from any other Karak, all of which are closer to K8P than Vlag is and don't require major naval escorts to transport books back and forth.
Yeah that tracks, though can we offer some general reading to help them acclimate to this new time? We should have plenty of historical records so that they can catch up to current standards faster.
They're still a major Karak. They have full access to Karaz-a-Karak's archives and would not notice the cost of buying a copy of every historical book published on the continent in the past two centuries.
They're still a major Karak. They have full access to Karaz-a-Karak's archives and would not notice the cost of buying a copy of every historical book published on the continent in the past two centuries.
Would they be uninterested in becoming a partner library to gain access to KAU's expanding corpus outside of the Karaz Ankor like the Eonir/Empire books then? Just curious that they don't seem eager to make further connections.
Damn, but that's fair. Though that does makes me question if any madam can just ask kak for historical records?

Yes, it's a lot less needed in this age of safe-ish travel and gyrocopters but there was a time when keeping every corner of the Karaz Ankor informed about events concerning all the other corners was a major part of Karaz-a-Karak's duties as the capital.
Yes, it's a lot less needed in this age of safe-ish travel and gyrocopters but there was a time when keeping every corner of the Karaz Ankor informed about events concerning all the other corners was a major part of Karaz-a-Karak's duties as the capital.
... If the production of gyro carriages ever picks up we might see a regular mail and parcel service oh what a thought. As a postman myself a post dwarf would be welcomed in our ranks with open arms!
... If the production of gyro carriages ever picks up we might see a regular mail and parcel service oh what a thought. As a postman myself a post dwarf would be welcomed in our ranks with open arms!
I will direct your attention to the posts about the silver road war:

From what you gather, the way the Pilots Guild normally works is by the same Apprenticeship system that almost all Dwarven enterprises are built on, except with graduation to Master being reliant upon an available Gyrocopter to call their own. While this does ensure that every pilot is highly skilled and intimately familiar with the workings and quirks of his vehicle, it is also a system that does not adapt well to a sudden surge in demand for skilled pilots.


So Karaz-a-Karak has sent word out to every corner of the Karaz Ankor that every Apprentice and Journeyman Pilot that joins the second Silver Road War will have a Gyrocopter built for them that they can return to their home with upon its conclusion. For Dwarves that would normally have to wait for the death or retirement of their Master to inherit a Gyrocopter of their own, and for ones whose only path to being a full Pilot was cut off by the destruction of the vehicle they hoped to inherit, it is an irresistible lure. Even the Piloting Clans don't complain, as for every Apprentice or Journeyman Pilot that leaves there's many young Dwarves who yearn to fly but would normally be forced into some other occupation due to the hard limit on possible Masters, and now they have a chance to fulfil those dreams and increase the wealth and prestige of their Clan and Hold.
You may well get your wish
I will direct your attention to the posts about the silver road war:

You may well get your wish
Maybe, but this is still very much a military venture. Though we could probably convince the dwarfs that a regular exchange of Intel via gyro carriage is a good way to strengthen karaz ankor (and then we just argue logistics and efficiency that the gyro carriage shouldn't fly half empty so why not take letters and small parcels anyway.)
Maybe, but this is still very much a military venture. Though we could probably convince the dwarfs that a regular exchange of Intel via gyro carriage is a good way to strengthen karaz ankor (and then we just argue logistics and efficiency that the gyro carriage shouldn't fly half empty so why not take letters and small parcels anyway.)
It is a military venture, yes.
But it is also downright insane increase in pilot and aircraft capacity for Karaz Ankor, and once the war is over, those copters and pilots will stick around, and now there is so much more room for things other than immediate military use.
Sure it won't be civilian mail, at first, but once a system is in place, there is room to expand.
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Actually @Boney what does karak vlag think of gyro carriages? They are still traumatized from only living deep underground and iirc don't like the sight of the sky but the sheer usefulness seems hard to argue with.

Or do they just have a kak air corps gyro on permanent station?
I mean... she's not wrong. :V

We are definitely the loudest sneaky wizard of the generation! I am almost certain we are better known in the old world (and ulthuan even) then our own patriarch.

Honestly, its a pretty nice reputation to have.

Helps a lot when we are actually trying to be sneaky, such as when we are murdering heads of states.

Nobody suspects the loud ninja wearing orange of the sneaky stuff.
Actually @Boney what does karak vlag think of gyro carriages? They are still traumatized from only living deep underground and iirc don't like the sight of the sky but the sheer usefulness seems hard to argue with.

Or do they just have a kak air corps gyro on permanent station?
I can't remember if Boney has given a timeline for the invention of Gyros- they might have already been around before Vlag disappeared.
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