Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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@Boney How was Mandred officially discovered to have magical talent? We know that unofficially Heidi discovered it when he was seven when she noticed the enchantment on his toy being fiddled with, but was this also the story she told now when the enchantment alteration became more noticeable?
I'm going to be voting for the Brights.

The Bright College would make Mandred into an "inspiring warrior and leader" type, and not only do I think that is something Mandred would really click with, I also think that that is something the Empire will have great need of with the next Everchosen coming up soon.

(As an aside, I get the impression there isn't a lot of agreement among the Gold voters on any particular write-in? Might be good to try and figure that out 😅)
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[X] Jade, for ensuring the hardcore Druidic faction won't cause any political problems, inside or outside the College

It's a formula for dissonance and frustration, being passionate about a vote which doesn't gel with anyone. You end up self conscious about not only your arguments, but also your argument. You end up feeling dogpiled every time you post, even if few people reply directly. What If you spent more time advocating for it, could you have convinced people or just annoyed them? Ah, well. I suppose I can't feel too bad, because...

[X] Brights, for investigating and teaching the Cardinal, Indic paradigm of Aqshy
[X] Brights, for investigation into incorporating the Indic paradigm of Aqshy (cite)
[x] Bright, for investigating and teaching the Cardinal, Indic paradigm of Aqshy alongside their usual curriculum (cite)

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[x] Bright, for investigating and teaching the Cardinal, Indic paradigm of Aqshy alongside their usual curriculum (cite)
[X] Brights, for investigation into incorporating the Indic paradigm of Aqshy (cite)
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[x] Bright, for investigating and teaching the Cardinal, Indic paradigm of Aqshy alongside their usual curriculum (cite)
[X] Brights, for investigation into incorporating the Indic paradigm of Aqshy (cite)
[X] Grey
[X] Brights, for increased possibility of forming a Bromance with the Imperial dragon.
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Mandred can learn to understand both sides of Chamon, but it really can't be emphasised enough how well Aqshy emphasises his talents and immediate interests. It'll get him the most respect and accolades the fastest for something we won't be able to stop him from doing (going to war), and it fits perfectly with what we know of his personality. Chamon can get him fame, yes, but Aqshy lives and breaths military success.
Except for diplomacy.
No, it also works well there. The nobles he'd be mingling with most- that is, the commanders and warriors -are the most likely to have seen Aqshy on the battlefield and be used to it. They'll absolutely love it if he's able to charm them with some inspiring oratory too.
[X] Brights, for investigation into incorporating the Indic paradigm of Aqshy (cite)
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[x] Bright, for investigating and teaching the Cardinal, Indic paradigm of Aqshy alongside their usual curriculum (cite)
[] Bright, for investigating and teaching the Cardinal, Indic paradigm of Aqshy alongside their usual curriculum and a secondary goal of advocacy/support for future Waystone reclamation attempts

I really like the idea of fleshing out the Brights with the leadership aspect of Indic Aqshy, but even if that doesn't pan out the Brights are still the best fit for Mandred's personality and for nurturing his future roles as warrior, wizard, leader.

The Golds are very learning/logic-coded which runs opposite to Mandred's lack of disposition towards studying, so while they might be able to tailor a specific curriculum for him, it won't be as smooth-sailing and he might not achieve the same levels of success.

Offering an extra write-in for future Waystone reclamation support as a minor concession. EDIT: Changed my mind about asking for two things, probably not a good look and risks diluting the Indic curriculum part.
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[x] Bright, for investigating and teaching the Cardinal, Indic paradigm of Aqshy alongside their usual curriculum (cite)
[x] Brights, for investigation into incorporating the Indic paradigm of Aqshy (cite)
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[X] Brights, for investigating and teaching the Cardinal, Indic paradigm of Aqshy
Just a quick favor, if you could make a new voting post rather than editing my wording into this one so I could keep control of the link formatting (it requires my post to be the first one with the wording), that'd be appreciated. There may be words of boney that are ideal to add later, after all.
[x] Bright, for investigating and teaching the Cardinal, Indic paradigm of Aqshy alongside their usual curriculum (cite)
[x] Brights, on merits
[X] Brights, for investigation into incorporating the Indic paradigm of Aqshy (cite)

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[X] Brights, for investigation into incorporating the Indic paradigm of Aqshy
[X] Brights, for investigation into incorporating the Indic paradigm of Aqshy and a secondary goal of advocacy/support for future Waystone reclamation attempts

I really like the idea of fleshing out the Brights with the leadership aspect of Indic Aqshy, but even if that doesn't pan out the Brights are still the best fit for Mandred's personality and for nurturing his future roles as warrior, wizard, leader.

The Golds are very learning/logic-coded which runs opposite to Mandred's known disposition towards studying, so while they might be able to tailor a specific curriculum for him, it won't be as smooth-sailing and he might not achieve the same levels of success.

Offering an extra write-in for future Waystone reclamation support as a minor concession.
I think that extra write in is a bit much, you are asking for two things instead of one and it is unrelated to his education.
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