Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm not sure if I'm reading the action correctly.

The third is for the EIC to be granted full access to the markets of Tor Lithanel and allowed to buy up as many trade goods as it thinks it can shift until it exhausts the equivalent value of the Ithilmar
So, in one hand it's quite evidently letting the EIC be paid in trade goods.

On the other, it also kind of reads to me like the EIC does not currently have full access to the markets of Tor Litanel? And that after they've purchased the goods, that their access will be restricted again?
I think y'all are sleeping on getting Ithilmar armor. Ithilmar is the best armor an order mage can get, hands down, and if you aren't an elf or Marienburger, is pretty much impossible to get in any ethical way. Let's be real, Ulthuan is not going to give us any Ithilmar stuff for punking random druuchi in Nagarhythe, so this is about our only chance to score this stuff. And yeah sure, there's silk in the future, but we can just wear the silk under the mail. And yes, the ithilmar chain mail isn't going to be enchanted, but guess what: we're an enchanter who can do multiwind enchantments with a buddy. Getting Ithilmar chainmail is an investment into our endgame armor, basically.
I am pretty sure that mages still being able to cast magic without penalty while wearing Ithilmar armor is limited to The Old World. Boney hasn't updated the canon tier list, but I'm sure if you asked it would be included in Tier 5.

Canonicity (for Quest purposes)
Tier 5: Licensed video games, Warhammer Armies Project, WHFRPG 3e & 4e - mostly only used for things that aren't otherwise covered in higher tiers, and by default are not canon.
I'd gotten the impression it was significantly worse than that- more on the level of it being difficult to do much beyond the absolute basics of living (getting up, eating and preparing meals, etc) based on how Pan was described as acting in the winter. If that's incorrect then objection possibly withdrawn (depending on how bad it actually is).

The ruler of an entire province can't really afford to absent for 3 months straight every year if they want to do a good job, assuming the mark is as bad as I'd previously thought.

Just remember that Pan was furiously doing research and writing papers at that time out of stircraziness at that time. Winter is just bureaucracy season for the Jade Noble.

I don't like Light as an option, mainly the celibacy issue, He may very well become be a feudal lord, not being able to produce heirs would be a massive issue.

Once again the thread must be reminded that celibacy is not ironclad and the Lights can just handwave that away the same way we handwave away our poverty.
My only issue with your listing is this:
Come on now. We're already basically instantly lethal to any mundane physical opponent. Boney as much as said that we were about to (or already) hitting diminishing returns in regards to sword-mastery; frankly, if we run into an extended duel with anyone we only could have defeated with something better than the invisible Zweihander iaijutsu we already have, we have fucked up so horrendously they should take away our Lady Magister, Grey College and wizard licenses in that order.
The reason I'm interested in this isn't our abilities as an absolute (we are one of the best humans at swording). My concern is "how good at swording is an average warrior elf?" I want to know this before getting into a life or death sword fight with the Druchii. On a related note, we are likely going to do life or death fights with the Druchii next turn.
I'd definitely suggest Light above at least Bright and maybe Gold. The college strictures would need to be worked around, but that's not a major problem, and the Bright Arcane Marks can include a murderous temper which is really bad in a ruler. Grey, being diplomats, are also likely above Amber and maybe Bright. They're not high on the list, but they're higher than that.

That'd leave a list more like this:

1. Celestial
2. Jade
3. Gold
4. Light
5. Grey
6. Bright
7. Amber
8. Amethyst

Or maybe swap Gold and Light, though both of those have some issues...
I'd toss Grey near the bottom, and put Bright much higher. Mandred's in a political position, and the idea of a Grey wizard being a Elector Count is a no-no. Remember, a Grey Wizard even being an intrigue advisor is usually a no-no (unless you are Stirland).

Meanwhile, a Bright? With their military service, they are well liked, comparatively speaking.

Also, as a side note, Light would be fairly low down the list, as IIRC they are celibate, which doesn't work for noble families.

I'd rank it more
1. Celestial
2. Jade
3. Bright
4. Gold
He needs to be a politician - Amber
No kids - Light, Amythyst
Way too scary politically - Grey
Altdorf, once the city of Kor Vanaeth and currently the city that keeps building new museums to replace the ones that keep getting razed by angry Nehekharans.

The fact that this apparently happened more than once is concerning, the fact that it happened enough times that Mathilde seems to consider it perfectly normal is hilarious.

Regarding the social actions.

[ ] Initiate
For the first time, a child born in Karag Nar has shown a capability of using magic. It is the duty of a Wizard to ascertain their suitability to join one of the Orders of Magic.

This is both time sensitive and very iInteresting, this kid has grown up in a very different culture from that of the Empire. I suppose his perception of magic will be very different from what Mathilde is used to, it will be Interesting to see.

[ ] Dooming and Quickening
There will be rites and celebrations for Prince Mandred entering adulthood. Be present for them, and perform others that are pleasing to his true patron.
[ ] Entrance Examination
Dragomas is forming a panel of eight Wizards from the eight Orders to determine the most suitable fit for a certain child of nobility. Be the Grey Order's representative on that panel.

This two actions are a must, the whe plotline is a pretty big deal for both Mathilde and the Empire. We really want to see what happens and be able to influence the outcome.

[ ] Reading on Nehekhara
You recently acquired a great many Dwarven books on Nehekhara, including ones written in the direct aftermath of the Great Ritual by Dwarves who had known the Nehekharans when they still lived. It's unlikely your official duties will ever require you to delve too deeply into the topic, so the only way to indulge your curiosity is to dedicate some of your leisure time to the task.

This is something i really want to see. I want Mathilde to learn all the Deep Lore.

[ ] Witch Hunter
There's apparently some sort of Witch Hunter snooping around Gretel's lands. She'd absolutely be capable of dealing with it, but you'd be able to do so faster and would have more fun doing it.

This i want to see just becasue it would be extremely entertaning.

[ ] Swordplay
Test your novel swordfighting style against the swordsmen of Tor Lithanel.

This is something i wanted for a while, Mathilde testing her swordskills against elves will be fun to read abaout.
There's a lot of good choices this time. Let's see.....

[ ] Swordplay
Test your novel swordfighting style against the swordsmen of Tor Lithanel.

Not important. It can wait

[ ] Niedzwenka
Ask Baba Niedzwenka how she feels about the new Tzar, and about the political landscape of Kislev in general.
[ ] Sarvoi
Try to figure out if the Elves use the same Apparition-based spells that the Colleges do, and find out what the Elven perspective on that sort of thing is.

I'm leaning towards Niedzwenka, but Sarvoi sounds interesting too

[ ] The Festival Lord
The Eonir are holding a festival of games dedicated to Asuryan, the winner of which will ascend to (or remain on) the ruling Triumvirate of Laurelorn. Mathilde isn't at all allowed to participate, but she could watch.

I think this is worth a slot. I'm voting for this

Karak Eight Peaks
[ ] Okri
You've met Loremaster Okri of Karak Eight Peaks once before. Pay him a visit and see how his great ambitions for heavily-armed Ironbreakers delivered by Gyrocarriage are going.

Meh. Not immediate concern imo

[ ] Initiate
For the first time, a child born in Karag Nar has shown a capability of using magic. It is the duty of a Wizard to ascertain their suitability to join one of the Orders of Magic.

Hmmmm, This sounds important. Not to mention Mathilde is probably best-equipped to handle this one. I'm just more iffy on adding this to Mathilde's radar. Mmmmm

Foreign Relations
[ ] Middenland
See how the Ulricans are going with their new Eonir coreligionists.
[ ] Wissenland
Though the Elector Count is his usual self, some of their actions recently have hinted at the hand of someone a great deal defter. Investigate who took the job of his Spymaster after you turned it down.
[ ] Druchii Diplomats
Check in on these unexpected visitors to Tor Lithanel.
[ ] Reading on Nehekhara
You recently acquired a great many Dwarven books on Nehekhara, including ones written in the direct aftermath of the Great Ritual by Dwarves who had known the Nehekharans when they still lived. It's unlikely your official duties will ever require you to delve too deeply into the topic, so the only way to indulge your curiosity is to dedicate some of your leisure time to the task.

Mmmmmm, Nehekhara can wait. The others on the other hand....Gah, so much good choices.

Friends Abroad
[ ] Dooming and Quickening
There will be rites and celebrations for Prince Mandred entering adulthood. Be present for them, and perform others that are pleasing to his true patron.

This is an immediate yes. Godmother Mathilde is on her way.

[ ] Witch Hunter
There's apparently some sort of Witch Hunter snooping around Gretel's lands. She'd absolutely be capable of dealing with it, but you'd be able to do so faster and would have more fun doing it.

Dammit Gretel. Why now. This is probably gonna lose but dammit, I can't not vote for it.

Following Up
[ ] Amber College
Check in on the salamanders.

Not interested

[ ] Skull River Ambush
Look into the investigation of the mining of the Skull River, and any consequences of it.

I swear you'll win some day

[ ] Kalashiniviks
Investigate the fate of the Kalashiniviks, who were made a scapegoat for the death of the Tzar.

I'm interested in this

[ ] Entrance Examination
Dragomas is forming a panel of eight Wizards from the eight Orders to determine the most suitable fit for a certain child of nobility. Be the Grey Order's representative on that panel.

Sounds like another Mandred vote except it's from College pov. May as well vote this as well.

[ ] Orb Reveal
If you don't feel like waiting until you finish writing the book on how, you can make your grand reveal of the Orbs of Sorcery you created to the Colleges now.

I think this can wait if we're revealing it anyways.
What I'm saying is that we should stop bringing up arcane marks as a reason why he can't join this or that order, because it's ultimately irrelevant.
It absolutely is relevant. Yeah, some EC are crazy and can be ok rulers. But do we want Mandred to be a ok ruler, or a good one?

Furthermore, while some arcane marks can probably be mitigated some really can't. The one that makes you look untrustworthy or those that make you hate civilization would be worse than regular craziness.

Uhh. What are the chances that Grey Mandred + Eike starts looks like a start of Grey takeover?
I'd say 100%. The other Orders would likely throw a fit, and it could end up costing some reputation. The nobles would absolutely freak out.

I don't like Light as an option, mainly the celibacy issue, He may very well become be a feudal lord, not being able to produce heirs would be a massive issue.
He can always adopt.

All in all, my list is as such:

1: Celestial
2: Light
3: Jade
4: Gold
5: Bright
6: Grey
7: Amethyst
8: Amber
The Lights' Vow of Celibacy isn't even all that accurately named! Boney has previously stated that it forbids romantic relationships, or even just 'unique' relationships, because attachments can detract from channeling the Wind of merciless and objective truth. People do not think objectively when it comes to people who they deeply love.

That's not even getting into how the laws and ideals of any particular Order come after what the Supreme Patriarch/Matriarch and the Emperor say. Mandred's dad or Dragomas could easily tell him 'youre allowed to have children for the sake of your province' and the Lights couldn't actually gainsay him that much. It'd be weird but totally valid.

Point is, Mandred could absolutely have children if he becomes a Light.
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An Argument for Books

Honestly I did not even consider we could lift the military restriction on books with this. Now that I know we can I am all in on this, let me explain why. Firstly we are a wizard of the Colleges of Magic. 'Doing magic' is the fundamental thing that the institution does. The measure of that skill breaks down into two parts, personal and idiosyncratic skill and institutional lore that every single wizard can get. Going from Ulgu +5 to Ulgu +10 is huge, same for all the other winds. This is, and I am not kidding, potentially a bigger impact than the orbs in the long term, much like those Rooms of Calamity were. Knowledge of the Winds compounds, the more you know the safer you are pushing the limits the more likely those wizards are to live and push the limits more.

Secondly we have esoteric subjects like Apparition binding, we can make it more likely Knightbringer will be passed on, we can make Liminal Realms study more likely to bear fruit, we can make enchanting more likely to stick and work the way we want and so can everyone else with an access to the College's full body of works and so much more. The Colleges of Magic, all eight of them, have a significant number of wizards who stick around the campus and so would get the full book bonus of the Colleges. That bonus would in most regards double. We have never seen a College magical subject produce more than the +5 imperial and the only case of one we made was getting the Indic books on the Wind of Fire ourselves.

Thirdly this is a chance to get books on subjects the Colleges know nothing about like High Magic, sure we can't use the stuff but how it works might well have insights into the nature of magic. This has the potential to synergize very well with our new book on AV.

Lastly what we just did is sure to raise some eyebrows at least vis a vis handing a military resource to the Eonir, if we turn back around and give a military resource back to the Colleges and the Empire that is sure to mollify people and it will set the stage for more and more people in the Colleges and in the halls of imperial power in general thinking of the Eonir as allies.
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We still can't get spell books tho, so it's not as useful as it seems. Furthermore, I don't want everything we do to be linked to books. I'd rather get some nice money, and not just for the elfcation.

Everything linked above is not connected to spellbooks, it is the fundamental underpinnings of magic.

Can't argue with personal preference, though I will note that the last time we have the option to grab a lot of books, payment from Boris, we did not so I would hardly call that everything.
I say Amber so he can learn to turn into a griffon and really embody the Empire.
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.

Like I mentioned whrn Boney rolled for Mandred being a wizard...

Wait, we can take this further. If Mandred's dragon form is an Emperor dragon, and he rides the Imperial dragon...


Your argument is invalid.
I would say if we're worried about arcane marks the canon Celestial ones seem better, but frankly, the two Light ones that were mentioned (arrogance and paranoia) seem more like boons than anything in Mandred's possible case.

After all, it's hardly arrogance when you are, in fact, one of the most important and well educated people in the Empire, and hardly paranoia when the forces of Chaos are, in fact, incontrovertibly out to get you (the Wizard Prince of Reikland, a stabilizing force for the Colleges) specifically.

And to remember for all, arcane marks aren't a guarantee, they're a misfire, and only one of several.

I'd be chill with Celestials if it came to that though. Honestly, I'd say we see which of them gives us (and the Grey) the better offer and go with that.

Not at all worried about the vow of chastity - as said, if the only thing between the Light Order having the first wizard Elector is that, they'd do his matchmaking themself lmao.
Honestly I'm a tad concerned about bias here, I am not particularly invested in Mandred being Grey, so I would prefer to avoid even the appearance of putting a finger on that scale.
Rather a list of colleges I want Mandred to go to, I have a list that I don't - and the Grey college is one of them.

I want him to be able to openly play politics in the future, and not have people try to weaponise the Vowof Poverty against him.
I don't like Light as an option, mainly the celibacy issue, He may very well become be a feudal lord, not being able to produce heirs would be a massive issue.

As others note, the celibacy thing is sort of a non-issue. Indeed, Boney has specifically said on more than one occasion that they'd probably just waive it entirely to get an Elector Count in the College.

I'd toss Grey near the bottom, and put Bright much higher. Mandred's in a political position, and the idea of a Grey wizard being a Elector Count is a no-no. Remember, a Grey Wizard even being an intrigue advisor is usually a no-no (unless you are Stirland).

Meanwhile, a Bright? With their military service, they are well liked, comparatively speaking.

Also, as a side note, Light would be fairly low down the list, as IIRC they are celibate, which doesn't work for noble families.

Again, the celibacy thing has been repeatedly noted as just not a problem by the QM. As for the Brights, their Arcane Marks lean heavily into terrifying social problems combined with ridiculously bad tempers. Neither are a good idea for a ruler. Like, I don't think Grey is a good option at all, but it's better than Bright because it at least doesn't force them to have serious issues interacting with people, or not to the same degree, anyway.

Realistically, I think Celestial, Jade, Gold, and Light are the only ones that actually work for a ruler in the existing political climate. The order of the other four is a bit arbitrary, but none of them are a good fit. I rated Grey highest among the bottom four only because the actual magic is well-suited...the social problems make it not a great choice, though, it's true.
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Rather a list of colleges I want Mandred to go to, I have a list that I don't - and the Grey college is one of them.

I want him to be able to openly play politics in the future, and not have people try to weaponise the Vowof Poverty against him.
Another problem of the Grey College is its reputation. Most people are afraid of it, while the nobility is terrified of it. We're known as the Empire's secret police and assassins, and nobles wouldn't be very happy to have their EC be a part of it. Grey is one of the 3 worst, together with Amber and Amethyst. The Amethysts have an even worse reputation than the Greys, while Ambers are bad at being part of a civilisation. That would be problematic for someone who has to rule one.
If I'm being serious I have to agree that Light is the best fit politically, mostly because it's definitely the easiest to sell to the cults.

Is Egrimm free to take an apprentice atm?
If I'm being serious I have to agree that Light is the best fit politically, mostly because it's definitely the easiest to sell to the cults.

Is Egrimm free to take an apprentice atm?
Mandred has to spend time in the monowind environment of the colleges first. He's years away from an actual apprenticeship.

And God-shenanigans aside, the Light college is notoriously the one with the lowest ratio of aspirants to graduates, because of how hard Hysh is to actually grasp.
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