Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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An Ithilmar mail vest is neat… but Soon^TM the We Silk will be available, and while I'm not going to argue it's going to be truly competitive with ithilmar, I think it's going to be plenty capable for us to use that we don't have to burn this windfall on personal protection.

Though this does raise a point I don't know if we've already beaten to death, could we bring a bale of We Silk to some Eonir weavers and see if they could work it for us? Even if the Dwarves do get a handle on working it soon, I suspect the Elves would be more skilled for a while yet.
An Ithilmar mail vest is neat… but Soon^TM the We Silk will be available, and while I'm not going to argue it's going to be truly competitive with ithilmar, I think it's going to be plenty capable for us to use that we don't have to burn this windfall on personal protection.

Though this does raise a point I don't know if we've already beaten to death, could we bring a bale of We Silk to some Eonir weavers and see if they could work it for us? Even if the Dwarves do get a handle on working it soon, I suspect the Elves would be more skilled for a while yet.

That has been asked too a long time ago before we even came to Laurelorn. No elves working in a dwarf karak was the answer, that is too close to old grudges
tens of thousands of crowns
It's everything I hoped for! We will, once again, have absurd riches at our disposal. Even more absurd, this time!

I'm leaning towards option 1, as the most money-efficient option that still gives us available funds for Laurelorn. That said, the idea of just buying copies of the entire unrestricted portion of the Library of Mournings is surprisingly tempting!

The next day the tree is twice as tall, and the day after it grows by the same amount again. You run the numbers and start to get concerned, but thankfully the vertical growth slows as it starts growing outwards instead, additional trunks of the same tree growing out of the base. The refrain between you and Panoramia of 'at some point, it has to stop growing' sounds less and less sure every time it is said, as locals of all species start to turn curious but unconcerned eyes towards the giant tree growing in the centre of the Karak and casting its shade over more and more acres. At some point the enchantment dissipates, but it leaves behind what you believe to be proof of Panoramia's suspicion that it wasn't just helping it grow, as the tree draws in ambient Ghyran from the air and pumps it down to its roots. The amount of magic involved is less than even the meanest Waystone tributary you've seen, but it's a great deal for a single plant to hold. Not only does it fuel its unnaturally swift growth, it also seeps out into the land beneath its shadow, and the hardy shrubbery that had once covered the soil gives way to lush grasses and wildflowers.
The whole tree section was a lot of fun! I really enjoy the way you write magic research.
... We definitely should name our tree, no good magical tree should be without a name...
A loan is still converting favor into money though since having money now means you could say invest it to make more money. Time is interest.
Pretty easily, but it would be straining the friendship. If she's willing to put up her EIC shares as collateral she could get it from any number of places.
Those are fair points.
(Theres a saying in German, "friendship ends at money")
Would converting a gallon of AV into gold via runesmiths be a thing that is ok?
I think people are sleeping on the potential of the Middenland Crowns option. It provides us with an immediate lump sum of wealth to spend, while also incentivizing Laurelorn to trade further with the Empire in order to pay back the loans they took out to do so. While it doesn't enrich us as much as much as the gemstones would, nor increase the EIC's market share in the northern empire, it does tie Laurelorn's economy that much closer to the wider empire, which should hopefully strengthen the relationship between the two.
I feel like there's enough interesting social possibilities this turn that if it makes the top five, it will have earned it.
Respectfully, I must disagree. The Orb reveal is something we've been heavily invested in for quite some time. To us, at least, it's a major event that everyone wants to weigh in on. I predict that the Orb will be contentious enough that it'll warp the entire vote around it. And the way to vote for and vote against it are imbalanced - the most optimal way to vote against the Orb reveal is to vote for every other social action, while the most optimal way to vote for the Orb revel is to vote for it and it alone. Thereby creating very odd voting centered entirely around supporting and opposing the Orb.

I don't mind it taking up a social slot. I think that's entirely appropriate, really. But I urge you to please consider making it a separate yes/no vote.
That has been asked too a long time ago before we even came to Laurelorn. No elves working in a dwarf karak was the answer, that is too close to old grudges
Nah. I meant shipping a bale of We silk or two up to the Eonir for elven artisan weavers to make our promised bedsheet/newest robes there.

Not bringing them into the We industry as a whole so much as making a commission with our own materials.
Nah. I meant shipping a bale of We silk or two up to the Eonir for elven artisan weavers to make our promised bedsheet/newest robes there.

Not bringing them into the We industry as a whole so much as making a commission with our own materials.
That would go against our unstated aim to have it be done through sheer stubbornness. We don't want easy silk sheets, we want earned silk sheets... At least some of us do!
Respectfully, I must disagree. The Orb reveal is something we've been heavily invested in for quite some time. To us, at least, it's a major event that everyone wants to weigh in on. I predict that the Orb will be contentious enough that it'll warp the entire vote around it. And the way to vote for and vote against it are imbalanced - the most optimal way to vote against the Orb reveal is to vote for every other social action, while the most optimal way to vote for the Orb revel is to vote for it and it alone. Thereby creating very odd voting centered entirely around supporting and opposing the Orb.

I don't mind it taking up a social slot. I think that's entirely appropriate, really. But I urge you to please consider making it a separate yes/no vote.

I think that you've gotten an inflated idea of how different doing it this turn would be to doing it with a completed book. It really would not be wrong to call this a question of whether this scene happens on this turn or next turn.
Plants can be talked to, so let's keep in mind that the Giant Tree is probably paying attention to the things that trees are aware of, what with the extra magic and all.
I think that you've gotten an inflated idea of how different doing it this turn would be to doing it with a completed book. It really would not be wrong to call this a question of whether this scene happens on this turn or next turn.
Could you please not make it out to be my "inflated idea", as if I and I alone have this misunderstanding, rather than it being a topic of discussion for much of the thread for many months.
That would go against our unstated aim to have it be done through sheer stubbornness. We don't want easy silk sheets, we want earned silk sheets... At least some of us do!

Mathilde wants luxuriously decadent silk sheets, so we should definitely commission the most skilled weavers she can hire, if only in the spirit of jolly international cooperation.
It will be listed as a currency on the charsheet that will be automatically converted into gold over time, but can also be spent directly if Mathilde wants to make a big purchase at somewhere that can absorb a whole bunch of Elven jewels, such as Lothern.
I assume they'd be less valuable anywhere that can absorb that kind of thing?

Mathilde wants luxuriously decadent silk sheets, so we should definitely commission the most skilled weavers she can hire, if only in the spirit of jolly international cooperation.
The whole problem is that there are no available (skilled/trained enough) weavers to turn the silk into cloth though.
Could you please not make it out to be my "inflated idea", as if I and I alone have this misunderstanding, rather than it being a topic of discussion for much of the thread for many months.

Nothing about what I said was meant to imply that it's exclusively you. The person that asks me the question is the person I direct the answer to.

I assume they'd be less valuable anywhere that can absorb that kind of thing?

Not necessarily. Lothern, certainly, and Marienburg to an extent, but Altdorf would probably be pretty chuffed about them.
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