The next day the tree is twice as tall, and the day after it grows by the same amount again. You run the numbers and start to get concerned, but thankfully the vertical growth slows as it starts growing outwards instead, additional trunks of the same tree growing out of the base. The refrain between you and Panoramia of 'at some point, it has to stop growing' sounds less and less sure every time it is said, as locals of all species start to turn curious but unconcerned eyes towards the giant tree growing in the centre of the Karak and casting its shade over more and more acres. At some point the enchantment dissipates, but it leaves behind what you believe to be proof of Panoramia's suspicion that it wasn't just helping it grow, as the tree draws in ambient Ghyran from the air and pumps it down to its roots. The amount of magic involved is less than even the meanest Waystone tributary you've seen, but it's a great deal for a single plant to hold. Not only does it fuel its unnaturally swift growth, it also seeps out into the land beneath its shadow, and the hardy shrubbery that had once covered the soil gives way to lush grasses and wildflowers.