Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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But known only as a curiosity is the fragments
is -> are
15 -> 16 (or the other numbers are wrong)

That was a lot of fun. Currently I'm thinking that we should take the gems -- it should pay out enough in the short term that we'll be fine going to Lothern next turn and doing some shopping, so there's no need to ask the Queen to take a loan to repay us sooner than that.

Social action wise, here's what I want:
[ ] Initiate
[ ] Middenland
Really should find out more about the Eonir's existing diplomacy
[ ] Dooming and Quickening
[ ] Entrance Examination
More Mandred!!!
[ ] Skull River Ambush
It would be nice to get some answers about this, if there are any lying around.

Basically, a combination of followup and Mathilde being a mentor/authority figure, which I love reading.

EDIT: Btw, @Boney, you said that the decision of whether to drop the Orbs this turn or wait until finishing the book would manifest as a social action.
Current plan is for bookless morb reveal to be an option in the coming social turn.
I personally don't support doing this -- I'd rather wait -- but I am reminding you anyway because of who I am as a person.
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Can we take part of the payment in gold and have the crown hire elves to work or teach humans? Because while getting a teacher for the colleges would be interesting I am thinking of having an elf on retainer to create goods to teach someone how to create such goods would be helpful. Like say a weaver to make silk.
Can we take part of the payment in gold and have the crown hire elves to work or teach humans? Because while getting a teacher for the colleges would be interesting I am thinking of having an elf on retainer to create goods to teach someone how to create such goods would be helpful. Like say a weaver to make silk.

They're not just going to sell off their main economic advantage.
And the EIC has trickled in its own contributions from dozens of locations, making the sum total enough to almost fill one surprisingly light crate
Period missing from the end of this sentence.

[ ] Initiate
For the first time, a child born in Karag Nar has shown a capability of using magic. It is the duty of a Wizard to ascertain their suitability to join one of the Orders of Magic.
...This is actually slightly concerning. Based on my understanding of the Articles, Mathilde doesn't technically have the legal obligation to try recruiting/destroying them (which isn't an issue), but she also doesn't have the legal authority to recruit/destroy them (which is an issue), as K8P isn't a part of the Empire and as such its citizens aren't bound by the Articles. Sure, she can easily get Belegar's permission or assistance, but if they don't want to join the Colleges things are going to get political very quickly.
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Oh and a reminder of a social action you said would work @Boney

Actually speaking of apparitions @Boney would this be a valid social action for the upcoming social turn?

[] Speak to Sarvoi about Apparition Binding, see what a Hekratian perspective looks like and find out if the Golden Hounds are indeed an elvish spell, or at least an elvish spell dating before the Sundering which the Eonir would also have.

To be clear this is not trying to learn magic in any mechanical sense, just talk shop and on the side maybe find out if Feldman and Co were bullshitting us.

That would be valid.
[ ] Witch Hunter

The Border Princes are my guilty pleasure, like necromancy for Omegahugger. This is a must for me.
[ ] Orb Reveal
If you don't feel like waiting until you finish writing the book on how, you can make your grand reveal of the Orbs of Sorcery you created to the Colleges now.
And the bloodbath begins. @Boney I don't agree with making it "just" another social vote, because those in favor of it only need to ensure it makes the top five while otherwise voting for whatever else they want, while those not in favor of it will have to band together to keep the same five options ahead of it regardless of whether or not there were other options they would have preferred. Given how much time and debate has been put into this, I feel that a "Do you want to reveal the Orbs now or at a later date" vote would be fairer.
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And the bloodbath begins. I don't agree with making it "just" another social vote, because those in favor of it only need to ensure it makes the top five, while those not in favor of it will have to band together to keep the same five options ahead of it. Given how much time and debate has been put into this, I feel that a "Do you want to reveal the Orbs now or at a later date" vote would be fairer.

I feel like there's enough interesting social possibilities this turn that if it makes the top five, it will have earned it.
That would be a valid option for the Barter (specify what). That said, the 'bit' hints you might have a different idea than they do about the price for one of their very few ancient irreplaceable Bilbo-vests, but they will pay out what change there is.

OK guys do we want a Bilbo vest to enchant as a replacement for the last mediocre magic item we have on hand? Or do we just want cold hard cash for Lothern?
How meaningful would an Ithilmar vest enchanted by us vs just enchanting a new we armor silk robe be, like most of the strength comes from the enchantment?
Not a big fan of helping the EIC it already has plenty of advantages already with all the advanced info it has.
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...This is actually slightly concerning. Based on my understanding of the Articles, Mathilde doesn't technically have the legal obligation to try recruiting/destroying them (which isn't an issue), but she also doesn't have the legal authority to recruit/destroy them (which is an issue), as K8P isn't a part of the Empire and as such its citizens aren't bound by the Articles. Sure, she can easily get Belegar's permission or assistance, but if they don't want to join the Colleges things are going to get political very quickly.
In theory you are correct, but in practice this is almost certainly a solved problem. "Human citizen is born with magic" is foreseeable enough that I have to imagine that Belegar's people have made precautions. Dwarfs are rather meticulous after all.

There's probably some treaty in place that says "The Articles basically apply to K8P" perhaps with some provisions for the fact that Eight Peaks isn't part of the Empire.
For the ithalmar I'm inclined to take payment in trade goods. It turbocharges trade relations between the empire and the elves, in such a way that allows the building of long-term diplomatic relationships in a way that any sort of one-time payment would not accomplish. Once the elves establish these sort of 10,000s of crown trade relationships, the houses/individuals involved will be quite reluctant to cut off those relations once more. Plus in the long run we probably make more total money by having the EIC transport the goods across the empire and sell them when demand is high, as I imagine elven goods come with quite the markup in the empire.
So instead you put your time towards teaching Panoramia the subtle art of acting mysterious and smug when someone asks questions you don't actually have the answers for, and before long all of Karak Eight Peaks believes that she somehow deliberately created a giant tree as a centerpiece of the inner Karak - possibly as an aid to her future plans of turning the central caldera into grazelands, possibly just to show off.

What's the point spending your life learning how to be able to warp reality if you can't be mysterious and unknowable? I'm glad Mathilde is teaching Pan the true joys of life.

I do wonder what the tree will eventually be able to do. K8P is a giant nexus, so I could imagine it tapping into a bit of that to pull off dome cool things.
How meaningful would an Ithilmar vest enchanted by us vs just enchanting a new we armor silk robe be, like most of the strength comes from the enchantment?
Not a big fan of helping the EIC it already has plenty of advantages already with all the advanced info it has.

Very meaningful as far as protection goes, we would not have to use magic to make it armor, it would already be armor so we could put down two enchantments with wind herding on it.
[] [ITHILMAR] Precious Stones
As a grey wizard who has no great immediate need of vast wealth, this seems an effective balance of boon and downside

[ ] Dooming and Quickening
There will be rites and celebrations for Prince Mandred entering adulthood. Be present for them, and perform others that are pleasing to his true patron.
[ ] Entrance Examination
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