Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I like the option for middenland crowns. Not just because it's money, but also because it makes the Eonir indebted to Middenland and the cult of Ulric. The cult or middenland might use that for some favour in future, but if they don't it still introduces the idea of foreign creditors to the Eonir and integrates them tighter economically with the empire.

Besides that I'm going to go for all the Mandred options.
The third is for the EIC to be granted full access to the markets of Tor Lithanel and allowed to buy up as many trade goods as it thinks it can shift until it exhausts the equivalent value of the Ithilmar, supercharging the EIC's expansion into the northern Empire and ensuring a massive spike in profits for the EIC in general and you in particular, but meaning you won't directly receive a lump sum that you can turn around and spend immediately.
This would put the EIC in a prime position to take advantage of the mist road once it opens, which means in the long run it'll earn the EIC a lot of money. It would also put the Hochlander in a prime position to keep an eye on the new trade between the Eonir and the Empire and to plant spies in a bunch of new locations, including Middenheim, which retroactively turns this get-rich-quick scheme into a totally legitimate spying gambit.
Thus concludes the work Mathilde performed these past months, but not every waking moment was filled with work. With whom did she spend her free time? The five with the most votes will be chosen, not counting those locked in.
Oh no, they're all great.
- Suggestions for additional social actions are welcome, especially ones that I've previously said that I'll add and then forgotten to add.
I believe you previously said the festivals of Asuryan are happening this turn?
I know, I know, this is the EIC's money so the Vow doesn't apply, but it's still deeply hilarious how Mathilde keeps ending with more and more incredibly huge amounts of money in (near) her hands. It's like all the fish in the ocean have entered a Jumping Aboard Mathilde's Ship competition.

Mathilde is at the level where half the things she does can instantly be converted to a ton of money. Dwarf boons? Assassinate a Tsar? Unique irreplaceable magical liquid? Money was the least expensive thing Mathilde could ask for all of these... it took a while to find something that's valuable but not too valuable.

Launching the EIC into becoming a 4-polity international trade juggernaut that economically ties the majority of the Old World together seems a bit more important than 'grab some dosh' or 'get a fancy hauberk'

Then again the money could be used in Ulthuan.

Either way expanding the EIC or having a lot of resources are 'nice to have' bonuses and not overly important.
This is amazing. I love that Mathilde and Snorri are just vibing but poor Fred has no chill whatsoever.

Ah he's just lining up his angle to cut open the top of his Bugman's barrel so he can drink from it like a mug. He's only got one empty bottle at his feet, so he's definitely stone cold sober and will be all smiles once he's properly tipsy. Or at least has a drink in hand.
if we're guessing at purposes, im gonna throw out the possibility of "this is how you grow dryads"

[X] Dooming and Quickening
[X] Witch Hunter
[X] Entrance Examination
[X] Initiate
Moratorium for another, uh, 28 hours and 56 minutes.

@Boney, just for calibration's sake, if we picked the gems option, would that mechanically manifest as "boosting Mathilde's per-turn income until all the gems have been sold"? I ask because the question of "how much does this option contribute to our liquidity in the short-term" is relevant to our interests.
[X] Initiate
[X] Orb Reveal
[X] Entrance Examination
[X] Dooming and Quickening
[X] Swordplay
[X] [ITHILMAR] Books, primarily restricted books on magic with everything else secondary.
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I believe you previously said the festivals of Asuryan are happening this turn?


@Boney, just for calibration's sake, if we picked the gems option, would that mechanically manifest as "boosting Mathilde's per-turn income until all the gems have been sold"? I ask because the question of "how much does this option contribute to our liquidity in the short-term" is relevant to our interests.

It will be listed as a currency on the charsheet that will be automatically converted into gold over time, but can also be spent directly if Mathilde wants to make a big purchase at somewhere that can absorb a whole bunch of Elven jewels, such as Lothern.
"Agreed. It might not lead us to being able to replicate whatever this is, but it is much more likely to give us something usable. And if nothing else, we'll have nuts to roast."
Theres the halfling rubbing off on her.
"I wouldn't want children playing under it, but the worst kind of unruliness that a lone tree can get up to is the sort that a moderately alert woodsman would be able to deal with. The resources of an entire Karak would have no trouble felling it if it became necessary."
It'd be pretty embarrassing if we have to call in specialists from the wood working hold though.
You run the numbers and start to get concerned, but thankfully the vertical growth slows as it starts growing outwards instead, additional trunks of the same tree growing out of the base

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Imma gonna be a heretic.

Elfcation can wait, while getting the EIC direct access to trade goods would be a spectacular way of building up a warchest for the plans to expand in Kislev's general direction.

Also, I think that the asrai were attempting to replicate Getafix fast growth oaks. Somebody should tell the Gauls Bretonnians.

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It will be listed as a currency on the charsheet that will be automatically converted into gold over time, but can also be spent directly if Mathilde wants to make a big purchase at somewhere that can absorb a whole bunch of Elven jewels, such as Lothern.
Oh sweet, so if we went to Lothern we can basically just use them for face cash value? So if we care about Lothern specifically rather than other large purchases, then Precious Stones is just better than Middenland Crowns. Awesome, thanks.
Money? Not sure

Social actions? My preferences:
[ ] Initiate
For the first time, a child born in Karag Nar has shown a capability of using magic. It is the duty of a Wizard to ascertain their suitability to join one of the Orders of Magic.
[ ] Dooming and Quickening
There will be rites and celebrations for Prince Mandred entering adulthood. Be present for them, and perform others that are pleasing to his true patron.
[ ] Witch Hunter
There's apparently some sort of Witch Hunter snooping around Gretel's lands. She'd absolutely be capable of dealing with it, but you'd be able to do so faster and would have more fun doing it.
[ ] Orb Reveal
If you don't feel like waiting until you finish writing the book on how, you can make your grand reveal of the Orbs of Sorcery you created to the Colleges now.

I'm actually a bit dubious about the Entrance Examination, but would not be unhappy if it wins.
There are, to my horror, four time sensetive options which I feel bound to vote for: the festival of Asuryan, the new K8P Wizard, our Godson's dooming and our Godson's College interview ("a certain child of the nobility" is one way of putting it, Dragomas). This leaves only one spot for anything else, which I must give to the Skull River Ambush by ancient law...but I want to talk to Sarvoi and Niedzwenka and hang out with Gretel! And I'm actually in favour of showing the Orbs this turn! Ah, it's true what they say - the social actions you love most are also the ones who hurt you the most.
I'm a little concerned about the tree, I gotta say. Please tell me we ran this by Belegar ahead of time?

It would take a fair bit of explaining for him to realize why this is something that he might need to pay attention to. Putting plants on top of the Karak is the whole reason he has Halflings, and the whole reason the Halflings have Panoramia. Putting a really big plant up there is just doing a really good job of it.
It would take a fair bit of explaining for him to realize why this is something that he might need to pay attention to. Putting plants on top of the Karak is the whole reason he has Halflings, and the whole reason the Halflings have Panoramia. Putting a really big plant up there is just doing a really good job of it.
"I hired you to grow things and in my expert opinion that's definitely grown."
I know this is something we iirc didn't want to do... But @Boney how hard would it be to acquire a 2000 gold loan from belegar for the vacation if we decide to invest in our trade conglomerate (or buy a shiny vest)?
[ ] Entrance Examination
Dragomas is forming a panel of eight Wizards from the eight Orders to determine the most suitable fit for a certain child of nobility. Be the Grey Order's representative on that panel.
So what would people's goals for this to be? To ensure that Mandred ends up in whatever Order he would prefer/fits him best, whatever order Ranald would nudge us towards, the Grey Order to keep our eye on him?
It would take a fair bit of explaining for him to realize why this is something that he might need to pay attention to. Putting plants on top of the Karak is the whole reason he has Halflings, and the whole reason the Halflings have Panoramia. Putting a really big plant up there is just doing a really good job of it.

To be fair if we just want to get his attention saying: 'It is from the Murder Tree Forest' is sure to get his attention. I do not think we want that attention though. :V
Imma gonna be a heretic.

Elfcation can wait
As someone who is strongly against doing the elfcation anytime soon, i agree :p

As for the social votes... assuming no *more* cool or time limited options are added:
[ ] Initiate
For the first time, a child born in Karag Nar has shown a capability of using magic. It is the duty of a Wizard to ascertain their suitability to join one of the Orders of Magic.
[ ] Dooming and Quickening
There will be rites and celebrations for Prince Mandred entering adulthood. Be present for them, and perform others that are pleasing to his true patron.
[ ] Entrance Examination
Dragomas is forming a panel of eight Wizards from the eight Orders to determine the most suitable fit for a certain child of nobility. Be the Grey Order's representative on that panel.

These three are, i think, obvious. Time sensitive, interesting, and very informative!
[ ] Skull River Ambush
Look into the investigation of the mining of the Skull River, and any consequences of it.

I dearly wish to find out more about this...i will vote for it every social turn
[ ] The Festival Lord
The Eonir are holding a festival of games dedicated to Asuryan, the winner of which will ascend to (or remain on) the ruling Triumvirate of Laurelorn. Mathilde isn't at all allowed to participate, but she could watch.

This one i'm less personally interested in but its time limited and relevant so...probably?

If not the festival, then these would be the ones i'd look at otherwise...probably sarvoi is the most interesting of them, while one of the political/diplomatic ones would be most useful in character as well as being interesting, and witch hunter would just be fun :p

[ ] Niedzwenka
Ask Baba Niedzwenka how she feels about the new Tzar, and about the political landscape of Kislev in general.
[ ] Sarvoi
Try to figure out if the Elves use the same Apparition-based spells that the Colleges do, and find out what the Elven perspective on that sort of thing is.
[ ] Druchii Diplomats
Check in on these unexpected visitors to Tor Lithanel.
[ ] Kalishiniviks
Investigate the fate of the Kalishiniviks, who were made a scapegoat for the death of the Tzar.
[ ] Witch Hunter
There's apparently some sort of Witch Hunter snooping around Gretel's lands. She'd absolutely be capable of dealing with it, but you'd be able to do so faster and would have more fun doing it.
Voting is open