Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm of the opinion that we're probably going to need an especially deadly weapon at some point in the years to come, but it's unlikely to be so soon that we don't have time to have one made.
I am ready to wait in order to get heavy favor great-sword, instead of cheaper one. Half-baked items are worse than no items at all, considering we are unlikely to ever swap wargear.
Another con to the 25 favor plan for a weapon: You are asking one of the finest Runelords in the world (Kragg or Thorek) to reach for their absolute limit in skill, which will likely take them a very long time to complete. It's not just an opportunity cost for us, it's a very big opportunity cost to them. And, frankly, their time is a lot more valuable than ours.
I love the image, i'm a bit hesitant to do it due to the time it would take to be commissioned.
I think the time commissioned may be a plus. No matter what we pick, we'll have to spend the next two to three turns consolidating and setting up for our counselor position.

If we commission the sword right away, we'll get it just in time for hunting bosses. I'm sure we'll be scouting and maybe assassinating before then, but we don't actually need it right away.
I am willing to invest 10-15 Favor into a sword, but I am not willing to blow the entirety of our Favor on it when we can make better use of it by making our K8P Wizard tower is the best possible tower we can make.

Why do I want the tower to be so tricked out? Well simply because if we take the Learning Adviser option we will be using the tower frequently to investigate a dozen different phenomenon and I very much want as many safety features and enhancements as we can install.
With respect Teclis disagrees with you considering he made himself a sword that's almost exactly the same as a runefang.
Teclis actually has one of the better swords in the setting for the times when despite all the magic the solution is to stab someone.

I mean, fair enough.
But people don't pick him for swording. And don't throw him in melee. In fact, he is mostly stuffed in some unit, because, sword or no, he is still a weakling in a swordfight. It's...well, a weapon of last resort/holdout sword.

Holdout sword fit for one of 4 Level 5 Wizards in the setting.
Mathilde is a level 1 Wizard.
I am willing to invest 10-15 Favor into a sword, but I am not willing to blow the entirety of our Favor on it when we can make better use of it by making our K8P Wizard tower is the best possible tower we can make.

Why do I want the tower to be so tricked out? Well simply because if we take the Learning Adviser option we will be using the tower frequently to investigate a dozen different phenomenon and I very much want as many safety features and enhancements as we can install.

If you're only going ten favour deep on it don't even bother it's not worth the cost. There's nothing that we couldn't get done at the colleges for that kind of cost.
I am willing to invest 10-15 Favor into a sword, but I am not willing to blow the entirety of our Favor on it when we can make better use of it by making our K8P Wizard tower is the best possible tower we can make.

Why do I want the tower to be so tricked out? Well simply because if we take the Learning Adviser option we will be using the tower frequently to investigate a dozen different phenomenon and I very much want as many safety features and enhancements as we can install.
The tower can be upgraded later, room-by-room. It does not really benefit from a lot of favor expended in one go, and would work just in time if we buy it in installments.

Not so much the weapon.
College Rep is different from Dwarf Rep. It's more a measure of achievements and academic visibility than how much they like you. Hitting double digits mean you're someone to watch, hitting about forty would be where most Wizards who pay attention to other Orders have heard of you. Most Patriarchs and Matriarchs would have triple digits.
I'm rather suprised at how low Mathilde's rep is then.

In terms of publically known achievements I'd think we were one of the more well known wizards in the empire. While Spymistress is generally a less seen position we were well enough known to get our title of duskrider, and we led an entire military campaign after Abelheim died. In terms of something wizards are more likley to realise, we are also the only wizard who walked away from that when the Amythest Patriarch didn't.

Certainly, we keep running into people who recognise us.
If you're only going ten favour deep on it don't even bother it's not worth the cost. There's nothing that we couldn't get done at the colleges for that kind of cost.

Well, that's a good argument to not invest into close combat shinies and actually blow all favours on non-close-combat things, yes. Poisons, explosives, guns (a lot of guns(tm)), contacts, informants, lorebooks, and all other stuff.

Given that it's not a Marcus the Greatsword quest, I can definitely see merit.
Given that it's still Warhammer, I still think we need a sword in case stuff happens.
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Another con to the 25 favor plan for a weapon: You are asking one of the finest Runelords in the world (Kragg or Thorek) to reach for their absolute limit in skill, which will likely take them a very long time to complete. It's not just an opportunity cost for us, it's a very big opportunity cost to them. And, frankly, their time is a lot more valuable than ours.
We know that the time it'll take them would be about 18 months.

Personally, I see it that way - we will undoubtedly use our sword in the future, and I don't see any situation where us having a better sword would be a con, so we might as well get the best sword possible, because changing equipment later will be a pain. Unlike the tower, which can be expanded and made better in the future.
The tower can be upgraded later, room-by-room. It does not really benefit from a lot of favor expended in one go, and would work just in time if we buy it in installments.

Not so much the weapon.
We are going to be doing research pretty much immediately, so I want to be able to make sure it has all the necessary features immediately since we aren't a Combat focused hero. Our focus should be on magical research and espionage, which gets more directly boosted by having a high quality wizard tower up and running immediately as opposed to a really killy greatsword.

Also the sooner we have the tower up and running the better we can do our job which means the faster we can acquire more favor to spend on things like the hyperkilly sword people seem to want.
We are going to be doing research pretty much immediately, so I want to be able to make sure it has all the necessary features immediately since we aren't a Combat focused hero. Our focus should be on magical research and espionage, which gets more directly boosted by having a high quality wizard tower up and running immediately as opposed to a really killy greatsword.

Also the sooner we have the tower up and running the better we can do our job which means the faster we can acquire more favor to spend on things like the hyperkilly sword people seem to want.
Unless something else happened, up to now we exclusively earned favor in combat, so...
We are going to be doing research pretty much immediately, so I want to be able to make sure it has all the necessary features immediately since we aren't a Combat focused hero. Our focus should be on magical research and espionage, which gets more directly boosted by having a high quality wizard tower up and running immediately as opposed to a really killy greatsword.

Also the sooner we have the tower up and running the better we can do our job which means the faster we can acquire more favor to spend on things like the hyperkilly sword people seem to want.
The dwarves are the most anti-magic beings we know of. I'm not sure about askkmg them to commission us a powerful mage's tower.

Perhaps we might consider asking the college.
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There's no *explicit* rule in the Articles that we aren't allowed to use other Winds. And we'll have the best in dwarfen antimagic equipment and Kragg's belt to protect us from any accidental Dhar created while practicing. Just an idea to entertain.
Only problem is that to do it safely, even with the gear, she'd need training. And the only way to get that is to call on her good name with Asarnil and the dwarves to fashion a set of false elf ears for her and hope that nobody else can see through her flawless disguise when she turns up to the white tower and asks for entry.
And taking up Kragg's or Thorek's time for a year and a half, when they could be doing things like investigating the new runes they discovered, repairing Kragg's anvil, and to be perfectly frank, providing more potent magical support than we can, seems kind of irresponsible.
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I mean, fair enough.
But people don't pick him for swording. And don't throw him in melee. In fact, he is mostly stuffed in some unit, because, sword or no, he is still a weakling in a swordfight. It's...well, a weapon of last resort/holdout sword.

Holdout sword fit for one of 4 Level 5 Wizards in the setting.
Mathilde is a level 1 Wizard.

He doesn't in the Table Top. (except when enemies force the issue) Yet oddly enough in the novels he features in he's quite often putting sword through the face of his enemies, besides which the argument that Teclis doesn't need to use swords because he can use his fantastical magical might to blow enemies up in giant eruptions of magic doesn't apply to Mathilde and likely never will. Shadow magic isn't able to blast and our primary method of slaying enemies will always be using a sword or gun. We're looking at commissioning a piece of wargear here that will stay with us until Mathilde dies.

Well, that's a good argument to not invest into close combat shinies and actually blow all favours on non-close-combat things, yes.

Given that it's not a Marcus the Greatsword quest, I can definitely see merit.
Given that it's still Warhammer, I still think we need a sword in case stuff happens.

It's a good thing Mathilde has more than 30 odd rep with the dwarves to spend and will be earning more over time as an advisor and as and when she slays more foes which absolutely will happen whilst we're in K8P.

You know trying to claim it's a shiny is technically true but using it as a perjorative to try and poison discussion by implying that it's simply greed motivating my arguments is a bit crass. Regardless if we're going to spend dwarven rep to get a sword we should be spending a lot or nothing at all. It's simply wasteful to pinch pennies like that when spending more means a dramatic increase in what you're getting.

If we're spending 10 rep we get only bog standard runes from the army books if we're spending more we're getting unknown stuff from Kragg or Thorek which will be capable of a lot more. The belt we got if we'd spent only 10 favour almost certainly wouldn't have had the antidhar function for instance which is quite literally the best part.
We are going to be doing research pretty much immediately, so I want to be able to make sure it has all the necessary features immediately since we aren't a Combat focused hero. Our focus should be on magical research and espionage, which gets more directly boosted by having a high quality wizard tower up and running immediately as opposed to a really killy greatsword.

Also the sooner we have the tower up and running the better we can do our job which means the faster we can acquire more favor to spend on things like the hyperkilly sword people seem to want.
Your agument has no sway over me, I am of the undumgi faction and do not want us to be the learning advisor.

I want politics and political espionage, and while I somewhat support research, I do not wish it to be a focus. I am very much burned by the usual ck2 'let's uptech into infinity!' and find it boring, cliche and setting-breaking.
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