Shadowmancer of the Shadow Cabal
The lack of scouting actions being taken on the other peaks here. BoneyM has stated outright that event are in motion in each Peak equivalent to what we've seen already, which were creation of a Orc idol (Dragon tier enemy) and the potential deal between Grobi and Skaven which would have lead to cooperation between them and the goblins getting monsters and rat ogre packs to assist them.
WoG is that if we don't get there in time they happen. I don't particularly want hundreds of dwarves to die because Mathilde couldn't put off spending time with her friends.
From how I remember our time in Stirland, we were always short on actions.
Also, taking the three epilogue chapters together, we have nine actions, and choosing is still damn hard.
We haven't put one action towards scouting threats in nine actions if scouting fails and we know from WoG that the dwarves aren't capable of scouting in the way that Mathilde is.
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