To be honest SSS, while you're not strictly wrong--a lot of your position depends on "Every threat is at least as bad as the most dangerous one we've witnessed, and thus is impervious to conventional forces and also a single one detonating can render our position potentially untenable and every last one of these is on the cusp of firing".
And that's... Not really something we can do anything about? Awareness of six additional catastrophe level threats doesn't give us the ability to stop them, or even mitigate them to be perfectly honest. If our situation is that tenuous, the best we'd be able to do is disarm one, maybe two of them before the other four fire and destroy us.
Like, not every one of these plots is aimed at us, because until we charged in, their rivals were each other and the occasional dwarfen adventurer crew sneaking in to get salvage. I admit, scouting out will help tremendously, but I would hardly claim it to be the difference between survival and "You didn't take this one option that only you had the ability to succeed in, and so now you're on the back foot and will struggle to regain it".
It feels like you've got the assumption going that everyone can easily pivot their plot to turn it on us, and they will all do it at the same time, and not a single one of these will interfere with one another because they'll take turns kicking us with their ultimate monsters/rituals/weapons. And that all of these plots are as potentially devastating as the Rogue Idol would have been.
Your position isn't impossible, but we've not really been given any indication that they'll aim those plots at us as opposed to each other--like, why would the Skaven target us when we're an unknown, unplanned for vector when the greenskins they've traditionally rivaled for dominance of this area have taken a punch on the nose--and those greenskins are who their plots were aimed to wreck anyway. Why would the greenskins detonate their plots on us when they'll trip over the Skaven who are taking advantage of their weakness first?
I'd say Karagril is the plot most likely to give us a headache, as it's right next to our territories and also a place we have to seize if we're going to begin extracting additional currency. But just because it'll give us a headache doesn't mean Mathilde is the only one who can possibly counter it, we're not literally the only person in this organization who can take meaningful action.