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There's one that might be already.'up?so=search

Fun trivia- a Slann character named Ulha'up first appeared in 2nd or 3rd edition as a 'Prince of the Slann' traveling with a group of Slann warriors out to take revenge on the Bretonnians for eating frogs.

This was back when the rest of the Lizardmen didn't exist and the Slann were instead walking frog-people that were more like the other races as opposed to the fat toad WMDs they are now.
Oh yeah Ulha'up would be amazing to see, mainly because his whole thing is Teaching the mortal races. What we could learn from him...
Alarielle's entry in 5th edition specifically says she carries no weapons or armor, but in 8th edition she's stated to carry a hand weapon.
Her lore blurb on the preceding page still states that she eschews weapons of all kinds, and indeed the novel Sons of Ellyrion states that she cannot even use offensive magic.

She has a hand weapon on her profile because it's part of the core rules of 8th edition that you need some kind of weapon to attack with, and a hand weapon can represent anything from a sword or axe to a claw or a fist. Rather, as her lore blurb and Touch of the Everqueen special rule would indicate, it represents her ability to purify and purge corruption from an opponent with nothing but, well, a touch.
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When King Charles I of Spain inherited the Archduchy of Austria, he was elected to lead the Holy Roman Empire and became Emperor Charles V.

If the rules work the same way in the Empire of Man, then the main requirement you need to be elected Emperor is to hold an imperial title (even if you are not an imperial yourself), and thanks to the precedent set by Dieter IV, titles can be awarded to almost anybody.
Y'know, people were talking Teclis' dnd stats earlier, but I'm curious what his ck2 ones would be.
Diplomacy is probably, low to average? With traits that make it worse. I imagine traits like Cripple have some bad debuffs. And probably has something like Bitter making his diplo bad towards most people. But probably with a positive trait about humans!
Martial, he probably actually has a good score considering his ability with swords and spells, he just needs to use potions to counter that nasty curse debuff.
Stewardship... prooobably good? He runs a major organizationafter all.
Intrigue... I have honestly no idea. He hasn't been assassinated by the druchii, chaos, or any of the many people he's insulted so probably not *bad*. Though he might just be minmaxing by using spells to alert him to attempts.
Learning is probably jacked as hell. That is all.
Magic... probably as high as it can go before being mechanically redundant? And then 1 more point because Teclis.
Martial, he probably actually has a good score considering his ability with swords and spells, he just needs to use potions to counter that nasty curse debuff.

His actual skill with swords is, uh, bad, he just has a magic sword that helps quite a lot. I'd say his Martial is single digits, low single digits, and then the Potions, the sword, and various other things grant bonuses or let him use other stats when other people would use Martial.
His actual skill with swords is, uh, bad, he just has a magic sword that helps quite a lot. I'd say his Martial is single digits, low single digits, and then the Potions, the sword, and various other things grant bonuses or let him use other stats when other people would use Martial.
Depending on where you take the info from, he can actually have human hero-tier stats in melee when he's on the right potion. Even before the sword.
His actual skill with swords is, uh, bad, he just has a magic sword that helps quite a lot. I'd say his Martial is single digits, low single digits, and then the Potions, the sword, and various other things grant bonuses or let him use other stats when other people would use Martial.
He's got the same WS as a State Trooper in 8E so probably not literally useless, but there is the swing factor of how much strategic ability gets integrated.
Y'know, people were talking Teclis' dnd stats earlier, but I'm curious what his ck2 ones would be.
Diplomacy is probably, low to average? With traits that make it worse. I imagine traits like Cripple have some bad debuffs. And probably has something like Bitter making his diplo bad towards most people. But probably with a positive trait about humans!
Martial, he probably actually has a good score considering his ability with swords and spells, he just needs to use potions to counter that nasty curse debuff.
Stewardship... prooobably good? He runs a major organizationafter all.
Intrigue... I have honestly no idea. He hasn't been assassinated by the druchii, chaos, or any of the many people he's insulted so probably not *bad*. Though he might just be minmaxing by using spells to alert him to attempts.
Learning is probably jacked as hell. That is all.
Magic... probably as high as it can go before being mechanically redundant? And then 1 more point because Teclis.
As far as Diplomacy goes, over the course of the conversation it's occurred to me that Teclis's relationship with humans sounds a lot like a negative trait version of Xeno-Affinity: Negative bonus when interacting with elves, positive when interacting with anyone else.
Y'know, people were talking Teclis' dnd stats earlier, but I'm curious what his ck2 ones would be.
Diplomacy is probably, low to average? With traits that make it worse. I imagine traits like Cripple have some bad debuffs. And probably has something like Bitter making his diplo bad towards most people. But probably with a positive trait about humans!
Martial, he probably actually has a good score considering his ability with swords and spells, he just needs to use potions to counter that nasty curse debuff.
Stewardship... prooobably good? He runs a major organizationafter all.
Intrigue... I have honestly no idea. He hasn't been assassinated by the druchii, chaos, or any of the many people he's insulted so probably not *bad*. Though he might just be minmaxing by using spells to alert him to attempts.
Learning is probably jacked as hell. That is all.
Magic... probably as high as it can go before being mechanically redundant? And then 1 more point because Teclis.

I think you are being too generous:
Diplomacy: Actively bad at it, not only would be have negative traits he never would have had an incentive to learn how to do it better, he had better things to be doing with his limited time
Martial: Poor to middling with his equipment and specialized skills pulling him above average, if he is in a fight he is more likely to be using learning to handle the enemy with magic
Stewardship: Dump stat, he has no interest in making money and he has underlings to handle organization. Teclis is the magical wunderkind
Intrigue: Mediocre with a focus on personal defense, some of his bad diplo traits may also make intrigue harder
Learning: World class enough said
Magic: See above
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If you go by Giantslayer Teclis is actually quite a murdermachine in melee, once he's got his potions and buff spells up.

The greenskin chieftain struck with the speed and fury of a summer storm. His blow fell like a thunderbolt, but the elf was simply not there. Moving with a swiftness that blurred sight, he moved around the orc's strike, and his own blade bit home into the orc's upper arm. The creature bellowed with fury and aimed a stroke that would have decapitated the slim elf had it connected. Teclis ducked to one side, executing what seemed almost a courtly bow, and the blade passed above his head. His return stroke was driven upwards with all the force of an uncoiling spring. It bit into the orc's ribs, drawing greenish blood. Only the orc chief's own lightning swiftness had kept the blade from burying itself in his bowels.

Strokes passed between the two almost too fast for Felix's eye to follow. The elf gave ground gracefully, moving backward like water flowing over stone. The orc pursued, grunting mightily, until he was almost past Felix. In his fury, his concentration was entirely on the mocking elf who danced away taunting him in his own language and who was slowly inflicting a dozen small cuts on him with his ripostes.
If you go by Giantslayer Teclis is actually quite a murdermachine in melee, once he's got his potions and buff spells up.

Yeah, but that would not be his martial skill would it? That fight would look like: 78+ 12 (Martial) +10 (potions) +20 (Speed of Light). Worth keeping in mind that martial is not just combat, it is also commanding troops and I do not think either buffs or potions help with that.
My guess is that Teclis has something like 18 Martial "normally", with a fat -25 penalty from the Curse of Aenarion applied when it comes to personal combat.

So his effective Martial can fluctuate wildly - when he's operating on "minimal" potion support and without a buff suite active, like in the recent update, if we assume that the potion gives him +10 Martial (which seems about right for "gives a normal elf the strength to lift boulders"), then he ends up with 3 Martial (which also seems about right for "can just about sit up unassisted and lift pens").

But when he pulls out the real good potions, and the Moon Staff of Lileath, and applies Speed of Light and so on, then he can become decent in melee anyhow.
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