Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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The dwarves were committing a cultural faux pas by insulting a monarch they claimed to be friendly to in his own court. They do not get to turn around and claim the elves started it.
I'm too busy to keep up with the thread, so I'm leaving my vote in the hands of someone I trust

[X] Glau

This how you do it? First time I vote by username.
Yep! It's showing up on tally for me.

You may also find pickle's flowchart useful to differentiate between the many very similar plans.

If you care to vote tactically, the main difference between the two currently leading plans is which apparition to go for, between Rider in Red and The Whispering Darkness, other differences being where they put the Gambler on and whether to put Tochter on Foundations.
Piety also hasn't been the most relevant stat for us through the quest. It's had high points (generally whenever Ranald gets involved directly), but turn-to-turn we don't make very many rolls using the stat, compared to others. So training it up for Eike isn't really a priority

I'd argue that Piety is one of Mathilde's most important skills. It's just that it's mostly a passive stat that indirectly affects the narrative, rather than being something we actively roll.

Also I'd imagine a lot of our Piety rolls are hidden because we won't know Ranald's reaction unless He wants us to know.

As for Piety actions, there's the Kurgan Shrine we can study—that will probably involve Piety in some way.
The dwarves were committing a cultural faux pas by insulting a monarch they claimed to be friendly to in his own court. They do not get to turn around and claim the elves started it.
The entire reason the Dwarfs were there was because a fair number of people had been killed by what, so far as they could tell, were agents of the Phoenix King.

Gotrek was considered extremely forbearing for actually sending an ambassador and not a declaration of war.
  1. Piety is a very personal thing, and not all of the thread is comfortable with religion even with the filter of fiction. Maybe we just leave Eike to handle that segment of her character sheet on her own and never involve ourself in her spiritual development. It's an odd take for a mentor in a very spiritualist setting who herself has very strong views on several of the Gods, but it's a valid one.

Personally I don't think it's that odd, considering the college position on religion. As well as the fact that Mathilde's religious journey was basically not formally structured at all and progressed near completely internally.

For me personally it just doesn't seem that important though, as it doesn't seem like it's a huge deal to her. She comes across as basically the level of religious most people in the setting are at, or even somewhat less.
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The dwarves were committing a cultural faux pas by insulting a monarch they claimed to be friendly to in his own court. They do not get to turn around and claim the elves started it.
I mean yes yes they do since they ultimately came to find out the reason why what seemed to be high elves were slaughtering dwarven caravans.

Caledor evidently displayed at best he didn't care if his peeps were slaughtering dwarves and the Karaz Ankor should just deal with it.

If we use this logic we should upon retrieving Marienburg raid elven ships and Ulthuan for loot and elven mage prisoners to torture magical secrets from since if the elves think slaughtering foreigners is ok then we should as well.

It worked out well for Nagash, just gotta roll the gatcha on stealing secrets from the elves and maybe we'll role lucky and get waystone passwords
I think if you assume that the dwarves were too stupid to notice that their buddy Malekith not coming around anymore and none of the elves they ask being willing to talk about it probably means Some Shit went down, you are on the elven side by default.

You really should not assume that because GW didn't. As far as we know in canon the dwarfs did not know and the elves did not tell them. It is certainly possible to construct fanom that does not have the elves bear most of the responsibility for starting the war, but that is all it would be.
For me personally it just doesn't seem that important though, as it doesn't seem like it's a huge deal to her. She comes across as basically the level of religious most people in the setting are at, or even somewhat less.
We also, as comparison, haven't gotten even a hint of Max's personal piety despite the guy working with or for us for a long, long time.
I suppose we could take her on an action to fight human foes and see if we trip a shallyan pacifism belief of hers or something?

If she was a full on pacifist, I doubt she'd be as enthusiastic about sword training as she is.

Her Shallyan beliefs are probably more "I must protect people/prevent harm coming to them" than "I must not harm people".

Still, a live combat scenario to get her properly blooded would be a good idea in a few turns time. Don't want to have her trying to stab a zombie she found behind a secret door with a kitchen knife.
If she was a full on pacifist, I doubt she'd be as enthusiastic about sword training as she is.

Her Shallyan beliefs are probably more "I must protect people/prevent harm coming to them" than "I must not harm people".

Still, a live combat scenario to get her properly blooded would be a good idea in a few turns time. Don't want to have her trying to stab a zombie she found behind a secret door with a kitchen knife.

Also Eike is a naval combat enthusiast, that is her hobby, not something she does to impress Mathilde, or because she thinks it will help with her job. Her hobby is a deep interest in the forms and history of killing large numbers of people, just you know on the water. I do not think she is more than conventionally pious to be honest and that is fine. Not everyone has to think of their god as their oldest and dearest friend.
... If we ever do a shooting improvement option we take him with us for trick shot Training.
We could invite him along to the "Practice shooting while invisible" action, I suppose. Hmm, maybe next time we Windherd we make an Invisibility/(Some Hysh thing) item, then take that improvement action the same turn and invite him to test the gear out (he can keep it himself after).
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