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Actually speaking of Ranald and cats, I hope we can make sure there is a healthy population of cats in K8P since that would be helpful against the Skaven as they are afraid of them.
Frankly, I don't want a 15 sword. We'll want a right murder stick before this quest is over (and in my personal estimation, a lot sooner than that). If we're going to put out for a weapon, we should do it properly.
But the kind of sword you get for 15 dwarf favors absolutely is a right murder stick. Hell, the kind of sword you get for five dwarf favors is a right murder stick.
I would have thought making a tributary would be less effective and more work than just setting up in the proper location but it'll be good if I'm recalling incorrectly
I'm not sure taking a residence on the main torrents is better. It's a mighty flow of magic, and a lot of magic doesn't equal good in warhammer. For most things we want bit the raw power of natural leyline, but a controlled, preferably with a safety button, relatively small outlet. And when we absolutely need this raw power, we can do a ritual or two in the most auspicous location.
Oh yeah if we had elf favors for the lab I'd be screeching from the rooftops to dump literally all of them into there, but the idea that the dwarves have to be niche about this when they've been messing with Runelore for something like three times as long as the Empire has existed doesn't sit well. Ya know?

Their Runelore has only deteriorated since then. It just shows how amazing they were that even as a pale shadow they still make the best enchanted items. I bet back in their golden age, they had a lot more Runes dedicated towards research but that the've been steadily lost as War became ever more important than research.

A bit ago you were debating about how rune's can be safeties. Just want to add to your comments that RuneDudes do part time work dispelling and grounding enemy magics. And have specific runes for that. They don't actual need those safeties when making runes tho because Runecrafting is a slow and methodical process with dozens of rituals. Basically Grungi built the safeties into the very foundation.

Then there are the Anvil's of Doom. And to that I say "the only law of magic is that there's always an exception"

Stewardship...the dwarf method is likely more meticulous and they're well known for good stewardship.
I'm pretty sure Imperial banking is more advanced / sophisticated then their dwarf counterpart. Dwarves might have a greater focus on accounting though. I'm fine trying to get Belegar to teach us though.
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I for one only support 15 or less for swording
I kiindaaa want to spend few (1-3) favors for our journeymanlings but I realize this wouldn't be popular.
but someone mentioned spending favors to make the grumpiest dawi ever grumpied dance?
I support that, all of our favors to make Kragg sing and dance bawdy tavern song.
you know you want it.
I for one only support 15 or less for swording
I kiindaaa want to spend few (1-3) favors for our journeymanlings but I realize this wouldn't be popular.

We can't really transfer favors to the journeymen for the same reason we can't do that to the colleges, it's Mathilde's favor not theirs. This is not a tradeable commodity, it's a measure of trust, respect and a desire to reward us for great deeds.
Ranald's Coin: A somehow four-sided coin dedicated to the four faces of Ranald.
The Protector: When you act in a way that defends an individual or group from a danger that you did not cause, they will become aware of what you have done and will believe you acted selflessly in doing so.
Stirland Debt: You owe a great deal of money to Stirland, borrowed to buy into the fledgling EIC.
So when we go to pay off the Stiland Debt, talk about all the good deeds you did for her father, the people of Stirland, and how happy you are to see her fathers legacy continued threw his daughter.
Advanced Greatsword (1/3)
Where can we find a teacher for Greatswords?
We should finish this up soon, if we get 3/3 do we gain a trait?
So I am wondering if we can't import some cats and those little dogs we got for the Rat Catchers. I'd imagine that the Halflings and Humans would like them and they would be useful when it comes to dealing with Skaven infiltration and keeping tunnels clear.
We can't really transfer favors to the journeymen for the same reason we can't do that to the colleges, it's Mathilde's favor not theirs. This is not a tradeable commodity, it's a measure of trust, respect and a desire to reward us for great deeds.
Not transfer.
I'd like to uh, commission/purchase protective talismans for them.
If that count though consider me informed now.
So I am wondering if we can't import some cats and those little dogs we got for the Rat Catchers. I'd imagine that the Halflings and Humans would like them and they would be useful when it comes to dealing with Skaven infiltration and keeping tunnels clear.
We should just get into the pet-store business. Honestly, turn the temple of ranald into a cat sanctuary. Turn it into a cat cafe.
Not transfer.
I'd like to uh, commission/purchase protective talismans for them.
If that count though consider me informed now.
They were also paid for their own jobs, they have their own connections. The threads been debating how to spend our favors for are own benefits for a while now. I don't think I saw anyone else have the same idea as you. But for all I know theirs like 50 people who agree with you, so good for you being the first to post such an idea. Just be aware, some people might try to convince you of the errors of your ways, and the superiority of their own idea. When that happens, my apologies.
In practice it would amount for the same thing:
  1. Asking them what they want
  2. Suggesting that the dwarfs make it
  3. Hand it to them
That is transferring favor.

Laundering something is all about having so many extra steps that an outside observer couldn't spot it.

Do we have to worry about this with our mystical matrix?

The process of storing spells is fundamentally different. We also tested it for like a year irc.
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We should just get into the pet-store business. Honestly, turn the temple of ranald into a cat sanctuary. Turn it into a cat cafe.
While hilarious I don't think that would work. However increasing the number of cats in the Hold would be a very good idea, since not only would it help hamper Skaven but it also provides moral boosts and helps keeping the inevitable vermin issue down (since we all know that with Skaven nearby there will be normal rats).
While hilarious I don't think that would work. However increasing the number of cats in the Hold would be a very good idea, since not only would it help hamper Skaven but it also provides moral boosts and helps keeping the inevitable vermin issue down (since we all know that with Skaven nearby there will be normal rats).
Who cares about feasibility! Two words. Cat Cafe. *Mic Drop*
In practice it would amount for the same thing:
  1. Asking them what they want
  2. Suggesting that the dwarfs make it
  3. Hand it to them
That is transferring favor.
I um this is not exactly what I have in mind, like there's not really asking for one.
I just see it like this, Mathilde as someone who used to be (kinda) in charge over them wants to give them a farewell gift of some sort.
I just thought that Mathilde will be more practical and give something that can help them to finish Journeyman stage/survive.
It's like, commissioning a gift for someone.

Speaking of which, I also want to establish EIC here because the way I see it, they can provide services that can be useful to us and to the K8P itself.
Delivery of goods, trade, news etc etc
I um this is not exactly what I have in mind, like there's not really asking for one.
I just see it like this, Mathilde as someone who used to be (kinda) in charge over them wants to give them a farewell gift of some sort.
I just thought that Mathilde will be more practical and give something that can help them to finish Journeyman stage/survive.
It's like, commissioning a gift for someone.

Speaking of which, I also want to establish EIC here because the way I see it, they can provide services that can be useful to us and to the K8P itself.
Delivery of goods, trade, news etc etc
Whilst I am one of those cursed by the disease known as the "Stingy Ghost" and frankly could care less about the gold wizards. I see your point. That being said EIC is a must. Gotta grow our wealth we are not suppose to have.
Searching for quotes on mobile is a bit of a special hell, but I recall the phrasing was "without much trouble"
A tributary has advantages in that all other qualifications being met, you can have the right amount of power.

Building on the site itself is likely to be fairly inconvenient, if they're still intact its probably due to isolation.
I took a look around. Is this the one you were referencing?
Unknown. That's the problem with grabbing territory early, you don't have all the facts - but if you wait, some will be snapped up. That said, ancient humans were able to build tributaries to the Network with standing stones and menhirs, so it's not inconceivable Mathilde could do the same.
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