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Water Spirit definitely isn't applicable, or the Dreaming Wood, but there's no reason the Halethan one wouldn't work.
The lack of flowing water is a shame. If we had a river, I feel the locals would appreciate the practicality and utility of the Halethian bag of stones.
He walks you through the events of the last three years in a slow but terse recital, from the Wild Dog That Was Worrying The Sheep, which was slain with a slingstone, to the Eagle That Almost Got At The Lambs, which was also slain with a slingstone, to the Zombie With One Arm that, as it happens, was also slain by a slingstone. The only problem of late that a sling couldn't solve was a moderate drought two years ago
If they aren't raiding the Empire they will be raiding somewhere else, and trade with Mathilde/the Empire is probably not going to upset the balance of power enough to make a noticeable uptick in internal Dark Elf conflict.
Them raiding elsewhere is an irrelevant argument. If we kill dark elves, there'll be less dark elves to do any raiding, period. Whatever benefits the winning faction gains is outweighed by the harm to druchiikind as a whole and therefore the reduced harm they can inflict on others, to say nothing of the direct benefits to the Empire.

I am a little skeptical of any plan that involves the Asur sending trade ships to the seat of the Dawi naval presence
I'm a little confused, why's it implausible that the Asur would trade with Barak Varr when Bel-Hathor made a point of opening relations with the dwarves? Finubar's continuing Bel-Hathor's foreign policy.
I'm a little confused, why's it implausible that the Asur would trade with Barak Varr when Bel-Hathor made a point of opening relations with the dwarves? Finubar's continuing Bel-Hathor's foreign policy.
I'm pretty sure Dogs of War says that Tileans make a fair bit of money acting as middle-men for Dwarf-Ulhuan trade because the two polities generally refuse to trade with each other.

Edit: Page 73 of 5th edition Dogs of War.
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Them raiding elsewhere is an irrelevant argument. If we kill dark elves, there'll be less dark elves to do any raiding, period. Whatever benefits the winning faction gains is outweighed by the harm to druchiikind as a whole and therefore the reduced harm they can inflict on others, to say nothing of the direct benefits to the Empire.

I'm a little confused, why's it implausible that the Asur would trade with Barak Varr when Bel-Hathor made a point of opening relations with the dwarves? Finubar's continuing Bel-Hathor's foreign policy.
Mostly because the dwarfs still don't like the elf's. They are barely ok with the eonir and that's because they see them as rebels that split from the Asur empire.
Being fair, the Elves also don't like the Dwarfs. It's a firmly mutual distrust.
Absolutely, but we know much more about the dwarfs, which is why I went with it. Thorek is here because he trusts us and we did him a big favor. Kragg would only go to laurelorn to make it the world's biggest charcoal produce.

Edit: and there are many more dwarfs that vaguely think like Kragg then they think like Thorek.
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Thinking about buying Ilthimar, is it possible for Thorek or Kragg to make runecraft equipment out of it? Or maybe get the Vaul Priests in collaboration with Thorek to forge us a new equipment?
Everyone knows that when their constant infighting drops their population too much, new ones just spawn in random alleys when no one is looking. It's how malekith has kept their house of cards going as long as he has.
Fortunately for us Boney is not subsidized by GW's "Grimdarkness maintenance and intensification" fund .
Thinking about buying Ilthimar, is it possible for Thorek or Kragg to make runecraft equipment out of it? Or maybe get the Vaul Priests in collaboration with Thorek to forge us a new equipment?
... Ok Thorek is pretty open minded but even he would balk at doing anything rune related together with elves or on metal that he never tested.
Thinking about buying Ilthimar, is it possible for Thorek or Kragg to make runecraft equipment out of it? Or maybe get the Vaul Priests in collaboration with Thorek to forge us a new equipment?

Having Thorek and elven smiths collaborate is a big ask.

And for what? The thing with new equipment is that it ought to bring something extra that the old equipment wouldn't. Until we get spider silk we're pretty maxed out in terms of gear.
Only the High Elves know how to forge it, though a Dwarf Runesmith would surrender his family's entire treasure hoard to learn its secret.


Ithilmar (lit. 'sky-silver' in Eltharin) is a wondrous, lightweight metal found only in Vaul's Anvil, the largest volcano in Ulthuan.[1a] Forged by Elven smiths, ithilmar is priceless, and serves as an excellent alternative to steel or iron mail.[3b] In Norsca, it is also known as the...

Dwarves would like to know how to make Ithilmar, but honestly, they can buy scraps from the Empire themselves so I doubt it'll be as simple as just dropping a few tons in front of them.
... Ok Thorek is pretty open minded but even he would balk at doing anything rune related together with elves or on metal that he never tested.

I mean Thorek could have time to study it, same as he did for AV

And for what? The thing with new equipment is that it ought to bring something extra that the old equipment wouldn't. Until we get spider silk we're pretty maxed out in terms of gear.

It could be for Eike. Although I'm mainly interested to know if Ilthimar can be runed and what properties it could have
Dwarves would like to know how to make Ithilmar, but honestly, they can buy scraps from the Empire themselves so I doubt it'll be as simple as just dropping a few tons in front of them.
As far as the quest goes, Boney has said that men can work it.

You know, I did wonder if the 'scales' were Ithilmar… main reason I didn't bring it up is that Terror in Talabheim says that the local smiths can work the material, so I figured it wasn't.
Gutta cavat lapidem. Anything can be worked if you're patient enough and don't mind ruining a lot of tools in the process.
That was for something that just charges a rune. Not where you put a rune on something. Muuuuuuuuuuuch different. Charging a rune isn't changing how it's working or it's base principle.

I am not sure that is the case. Unless I misremember nothing can recharge Anvils of Doom (except a Storm of Magic) and Thorek would have never seen AV (and it isn't even a metal!).

I don't think working out the properties of a new material for runesmithing is that much harder than figuring out an use for AV.
Dwarves would like to know how to make Ithilmar, but honestly, they can buy scraps from the Empire themselves so I doubt it'll be as simple as just dropping a few tons in front of them.
Mathilde isn't going to find a few tons and the Dwrafs can't make ithilmar. They might be able to work the existing material (although one could argue that should ruin it, as it's an alloy), but the only actual place to get more of it is to find the requisite ores in the Dragonspine Mountains in Ulthuan.
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