Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Reminder that this is from our first meeting with Panoramia:

Panoramia seems to enjoy potion making from her squealing when Mathilde said she could make materials for her, but there's something going on regarding her own feelings regarding that side of her skillset. Maybe the fact she's named after Panoramix makes her remember her mother and her expectations which leaves a sour taste even if she does like it.

It's easy to think of everything Jade related Panoramia does is a manifestation of her feelings towards the College and her mother, but I think this might be a case where a simpler explanation makes sense, she just did not have the time to keep up more advanced potion makiing that she uses for the rangers and fieldwardens. Skills do decay in time, especially when they are not used.
I don't know if it could be included in Web-Mat actions due to the number of collaborators, but if it meshes well with our talk with the emperor, I'd like to write an article or a book about our new tributaries rituals and most importantly, the methodology and background to create new tributaries rituals.

Such an article would likely have to be somewhat expunged and some degree of confidentiality, but it would certainly be a groundbreaking and useful publication.
I don't know if it could be included in Web-Mat actions due to the number of collaborators, but if it meshes well with our talk with the emperor, I'd like to write an article or a book about our new tributaries rituals and most importantly, the methodology and background to create new tributaries rituals.

Such an article would likely have to be somewhat expunged and some degree of confidentiality, but it would certainly be a groundbreaking and useful publication.
Personally i would do that a bit later, if we choose to do other tributaries we'd then need to write another paper. The tributaries are very useful but their not so urgent that we need to get them all running right now.
It's easy to think of everything Jade related Panoramia does is a manifestation of her feelings towards the College and her mother, but I think this might be a case where a simpler explanation makes sense, she just did not have the time to keep up more advanced potion makiing that she uses for the rangers and fieldwardens. Skills do decay in time, especially when they are not used.
I think the fact she's literally named after a famous potion maker has a little more substance than just being a Jade Wizard. You'd feel weird if you were in Dragonball and your parents called you Goku and started teaching you martial arts to be like him.
Kurgan weapons: Unlikely to offer novel insights but who knows? Probably worth some money or Favour from donating them after we study them. Buddy up with Johann?

Regarding the Kurgan weapons, we do have a lot of them. Like, a dozen. And that was all we could carry—we almost certainly left some behind.

Seriously, we pillaged twelve magic weapons from a single battlefield. That's a lot.

This suggests one of two things:
A) the Kurgan had a genius enchanter who could churn out enchanted weapons very quickly (and probably died in the bearricane)
B) the enchantment is very simple and can easily be mass produced, even by enchanters of low to middling skill.

Either one would teach us something interesting about enchanting, but the main thing to me is that it has been 200 years since the Kurgan invaded the Empire and our knowledge of their military technology is out of date. We need to know and disseminate whether or not the Kurgan have the ability to quickly make enchanted weapons, because if we go into battle against them assuming they all have mundane weapons, but then it turns out they have a whole bunch of elites armed with enchanted weapons that could be very bad. Being able to prove or disprove that could be very important.

Remember how valuable Clan Angrund was in the expedition—1000 dwarves armed to the teeth with runic equipment. We even got a paper out of watching them fight.

Alternatively, they are runic weapons made by the Chaos Dwarves and traded to the Kurgan, and if so we'll be able to share that knowledge with Kragg to help him determine if that weird axe we found is northern or eastern in origin.

I agree it's not super urgent though—we're not in immediate danger of being invaded by Kurgan, and have other higher priority projects.
Personally i would do that a bit later, if we choose to do other tributaries we'd then need to write another paper. The tributaries are very useful but their not so urgent that we need to get them all running right now.

Keep in mind that making a new type of tributaries will probably be at least 2 AP (one for design and one for prototyping). If we ever get around to that, it will probably be quite a while considering there is so much we need to do and we already have perfectly servicable rituals.

I'd rather give other organisations like cults and other traditions the tools to create their own rituals as soon as possible. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if such a paper or book ended up with people knocking on our door to join the project on their own.

It's not like the AV where there is no real hurry and I don't see us developping a new type of tributary for a while.
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My understanding is that Tomb King peasants still have some level of independence and sense-of-self?

Less than the nobility, but more-so than, say, your typical Sylvanian skeleton.
This is indeed correct. One of the key things that seperates the undead of the Tomb Kings is that none of them were bound. None. Not a single one. This is because the processs of raising the undead for various reasons has to be split into 2 rituals. He had completed the first part, casting the single strongest undead ritual ever. But the second part he never got to finish, as the first and only time in Skaven history they stopped fighting each other occured when the clans cane together to make sure Nagash died hard at the hands of a pure warpstone sword. They did this near impossible task of not backstabing each other because Nagash legitimately was likely closer than anyone for a very long time to successfully conquering the world.

This meant that while Undead, the Nehekharans were unbound. The thing is, part of being undead is having your soul shoved back into your body. Their soul being back inside their body, this means that being unbound, they basically just go around doing that what they did in life woth at least some sembelence of their old self present. The better preserved the body, the more of that sembelence survived. The best preserved fully retained their entire memory.

So there is actually a society of undead at work here. Its just that much of it is very passive. The Tomb Kings are still searching for a way to finish the act of raising themselves and their people into full alive fleshy form.
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Please, I'd like to beg something from the thread before it goes further.

I know how we are, I know how we act, so I know we'll try it, but please:

Let's not try to fix the Tomb Kings.

The Action backlog is bad enough already.

Please, I'd like to beg something from the thread before it goes further.

I know how we are, I know how we act, so I know we'll try it, but please:

Let's not try to fix the Tomb Kings.

The Action backlog is bad enough already.

Oh i don't think we could if we wanted to. Ulgu definitely doesn't have anything to do with undeath in itself and our other speciality makes undead, not cure it...
The Tomb Kings are still searching for a way to finish the act of raising themselves and their people into full alive fleshy form.

I wonder if the gilding the gold order does would be of interest to them? It turns the effected part to maximum effectiveness - plus extras - so that seems similar enough that it might allow the leaders to become more lifelike. Then again, if being undead implies that they have dhar or shyish running through them, that might interfere with the process.
Of the artifact backlog (or "artiback," if you will (don't, you really shouldn't encourage me)), which do you think we should prioritize?

  • Ranald's Coin: No.
  • Vampire skulls: Really old stuff, but we don't really have anyone with applicable skills, and it doesn't seem likely to be relevant any time soon unless Sylvania goes straight to hell again.
  • Branalhune: Sonoluminescence is cool but not as cool as the other stuff on our list.
  • Asur explorer writings: Neat, potentially relevant to Waystones if there were any on Lustria, probably not gamechanging. Buddy up with Max?
  • Vampire Prophecies: Can't read Nehekharan, can't do with WEBMAT.
  • Carstein Ring notes: Can't read Nehekharan, can't do with WEBMAT, but when we do have Nehekharan it's probably worth squeezing out an AP for this because it might offer really good enchanting insights we can use for ourself.
  • Ghyran Nut: I really want to do this with Panoramia rather than with WEBMAT, which unfortunately means we need to use personal AP for it.
  • Kurgan Shrine: Might have some insights Cython will care about, and knowing about their religious practices might help us understand how their tributaries work. Buddy up with Egrimm?
  • Kurgan weapons: Unlikely to offer novel insights but who knows? Probably worth some money or Favour from donating them after we study them. Buddy up with Johann?
I'm leaning towards the Asur explorer, particularly if we are doing Windherding with Egrimm (spread out the love a bit). It'd also make a great Eike tag-along, she can practice her Eltharin and make herself useful. It's not a definite lock, though; the shrine may be worth more as a paper and the weapons will at least be practically useful, and Eike can find something valuable in any of those activities.
Mostly agree with your takes, except I think that as an ehnchanting related activity I think the man for the weapons study is our resident enchanter Egrimm. I also lean towards the Lustrian rubbings, and I also agree that the weapons and the shrine also work. I dunno, maybe I'll wait until the rest of the turn plan gets nailed down and then pick whichever action rounds out Eike's actions the best?
I wonder if the gilding the gold order does would be of interest to them? It turns the effected part to maximum effectiveness - plus extras - so that seems similar enough that it might allow the leaders to become more lifelike. Then again, if being undead implies that they have dhar or shyish running through them, that might interfere with the process.
I don't think it would work, but i do think settra would want it anyway. Iirc he got promised a golden undying body when he died and was a bit annoyed when woken up without the bling.
People seem to want to keep Eike far away from the waystone project.

And while that likely is prudent for the actual research actions, I'd love to take her along on the network exploring actions.

She'd get to see so many different places.

Also in general we'll be busy with waystones for most, perhaps even the entirety, of her apprentice-ship.
Keeping her out of them entirely isn't truly feasible.
The concensus seems to be not investigating more than one component per turn so far. Yet I feel like finding what we are dealing with is what needs to be done first. That's why I would like to fit both Capstone and foundation next turn. To find how complicated they arr and plan accordingly.
The concensus seems to be not investigating more than one component per turn so far. Yet I feel like finding what we are dealing with is what needs to be done first. That's why I would like to fit both Capstone and foundation next turn. To find how complicated they arr and plan accordingly.
There's some overlap in the crews we want looking at the Capstone and the Foundation, perhaps most notably Thorek and Hatalath. Doing two different things a turn means less time for each, and while I don't think we should never put someone on two actions Thorek and Hatalath are our heavy-hitters and the Capstone and Foundation actions are crucial actions; this turn saw Hatalath going off for months to prototype Rune designs, that stuff isn't going to happen if he's juggling two different big research projects in the same turn.

I agree that we should find out what we are dealing with, which is why I don't think we should continue working on leylines and instead go through the other Waystone components, but taking two turns to look at two components feels like a good middle ground between speed and thoroughness.
There's some overlap in the crews we want looking at the Capstone and the Foundation, perhaps most notably Thorek and Hatalath. Doing two different things a turn means less time for each, and while I don't think we should never put someone on two actions Thorek and Hatalath are our heavy-hitters and the Capstone and Foundation actions are crucial actions; this turn saw Hatalath going off for months to prototype Rune designs, that stuff isn't going to happen if he's juggling two different big research projects in the same turn.

I agree that we should find out what we are dealing with, which is why I don't think we should continue working on leylines and instead go through the other Waystone components, but taking two turns to look at two components feels like a good middle ground between speed and thoroughness.
On the other hand... we've been told that Thorek and Hataleth is a potentially problematic combination, one being a Runelord amongst elgi and the other having been alive during the War of Vengeance. Even if they're both mature enough not to get in a fight over it, there's a solid chance that they aren't going to reveal as much whilst the other is present. Hataleth seems like the obvious exanple, actively shutting down his junior in front of us, but I've actually noticed that Thorek has definitely seemed even more taciturn than might be expected in previous actions.

If we're expecting these to take multiple actions each, we might well be better off splitting the two up and swapping members between teams.
Is it too early to talk turn plans? The turn is over so we have enough information to decide what to do next. I suppose it's possible that the Emperor has something to say about the whole Reikland nexus and that would effect next turn's Waystone actions, or maybe our social interaction initiated by someone else will be Teclis coming to tell us that he is very proud of us and here are the leyline keyphrases, but setting that aside, what are our thoughts for next turn?

Assuming we're going to do 3 Waystone actions and that we'll do 2 WEB-MAT action for the bonus WEB-MAT AP, I think my very rough and very vague draft plan is something like this:
1. Waystone mapping (Estalia and Tilea, though Estalia and Bretonnia make more sense if you aren't counting on recruiting Bretonnia eventually)
2. Artefact study (Kurgan Weapons/ Kurgan Shrine / Lustrian Rubbings) (With Eike)
3. One of:
- Long-running project (Appiration Binding / Windherding) (if Windherding, with Eike?)
- Iron Orcs??????????
- maybe another artefact idk

Waystone Personal:
1. Waystone Gold (Thorek, Elrisse, Hatalath, WEB-MAT, Karak Azul metalsmiths or something, maybe Cadaeth because her tributary trees contain metals?)
2. One of:
- Lornalim (team tributaries +Hatalath?? -Zlata? ), which kind of synergizes with Waystone Gold maybe?
- Follow-up to this turn's tributaries (if available and required)
- Bugman's nexus with Thorek? This means team tributaries is taking half a year off, but honestly they deserve it after this turn's fantastic results.

Personal AP for Personal Projects:
1. Swording (with Eike?)
2. RoW codification (with Eike? might be too advanced for an apprentice) (Gambler probably goes here)
3. Liminal realm studies (not enough AP, so would have to come at the expense of one of the above - probably swording, because we're gonna codify RoW next turn istg. my preference is swording though)

EIC: propose RoW trade route (if we're codifying, definitely. If we're not,uh...maybe do it anyway? other trade options are problematic for various reasons atm, and other EIC actions aren't super relevant except maybe auditors division I guess) (with Eike)
Library: Karak Vlag (with Eike??????)

Eike Studies: Still on the petty magics train, I think. Judging by this turn's progress there's a decent chance she finishes off petty magics if she has as much time to study as she did this turn, which she won't have if we take her on like 5 actions so maybe don't do that)
What are people's thoughts? Does anyone have more concrete turn plans in mind?
I'm tempted to go for a 3-personal 3-waystones plan, not taking Web-Mat this turn - we could put all our boys on the Capstone.

But honestly, I think it's entirely possible that whatever new waystone actions pop up in our radar are going to make us reconsider the specifics of any plan. Like, if "Investigate the Reikland Nexus' control platform/Belthani writings" becomes an action, I'm sure people would give serious thought to taking that alongside Tochter, Cadaeth and maybe Sarvoi - Tochter because Belthani, Cadaeth because a Dreaming Wood is involved, and Sarvoi because we probably want to theorize extensively on the control platform before even thinking of touching it. Or maybe overseeing distribution or negotiations on how to spread the tributary rituals safely would be an action? Or perhaps just towards giving them support?

For the personal actions, I'll vote for almost anything that either finishes Eonir diplo or advances Branarhune. We could conceivably spend a second action on the latter too - I don't think we'd get any momentum out of trying to use The Gambler on it, when we have codifying RoW or the Liminal Realm action being the things we want to spend it on, so it's not like we'd be losing anything from taking both it and the follow-up bonus in the same turn.

Re: Capstone and/or Foundation, I could go either way.

Swords and Capstone plan placeholder
  1. Branarhune (hand-switching) with Eike
  2. Branarhune (guard break) or exploring one of the Wards of Tor Lithanel (either way, with Eike)
  3. Either securing a Liminal Realm or codifying RoW with Eike (either way, give this one The Gambler)
  4. Waystone: Flex: Study the Reikland Nexus (Tochter, Cadaeth, Sarvoi)?
  5. Waystone: Tributaries (Scythian) (Baba Niedzwenka, Zlata, Aksel)
  6. Waystone: Capstone (Thorek, Hatalath, Elrisse, Egrimm, Max, Johann)
Swords, Capstone and Foundation plan placeholder
  1. Branarhune (hand-switching) with Eike
  2. Branarhune (guard break) or exploring one of the Wards of Tor Lithanel (either way, with Eike)
  3. Either securing a Liminal Realm or codifying RoW with Eike (either way, give this one The Gambler)
  4. Waystone: Flex: Study the Reikland Nexus (Tochter, Cadaeth)?
  5. Waystone: Foundation (Hatalath, Sarvoi, Egrimm, Baba Niedzwenka, Zlata, Aksel)
  6. Waystone: Capstone (Thorek, Elrisse, Max, Johann)
Distribution of project members is a bit haphazard here, but again, I expect there to be something that pops up next turn that makes us reconsider how exactly to plan things out and anyway they're placeholders.
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Do we have reason to prefer one of the Wards over the others? I know @Codex is into the Ward of Storm (because there's a cool witch, if I remember correctly?) but I am not sure if we have any stronger reason than "because we expect some cool people to be in one of them."
Well, Rain has the Tarn of Tears and the portal thingy, and we might end up looking at those for purposes of the River Leylines action. Jury's still out on whether we'd pick that one, though.

Or we could go with Frost to show Eike firsthand the problems of Laurelorn's conflict with Nordland.
Do we have reason to prefer one of the Wards over the others? I know @Codex is into the Ward of Storm (because there's a cool witch, if I remember correctly?) but I am not sure if we have any stronger reason than "because we expect some cool people to be in one of them."
I got invested because I assumed she was a former companion of Scarloc because she shares the exact same name and title as another Kaia Stormwitch, so much so I made an omake about it, but all evidence points to it not being the case.

I would still support it, but I can't get Gretel off the ground, so I don't have much hope regarding a character we don't even know.
On the other hand... we've been told that Thorek and Hataleth is a potentially problematic combination, one being a Runelord amongst elgi and the other having been alive during the War of Vengeance. Even if they're both mature enough not to get in a fight over it, there's a solid chance that they aren't going to reveal as much whilst the other is present. Hataleth seems like the obvious exanple, actively shutting down his junior in front of us, but I've actually noticed that Thorek has definitely seemed even more taciturn than might be expected in previous actions.
You make a good point. I guess between the two of them, I expect Thorek to be more useful for the Capstone because of metalsmith contacts? We know runecraft requires magically potent metal for the most powerful runes (gromril, obviously), so this seems up his alley.

Though they were both on the Runes action this past turn and nothing seemed to go wrong there, so.
Well, Rain has the Tarn of Tears and the portal thingy, and we might end up looking at those for purposes of the River Leylines action. Jury's still out on whether we'd pick that one, though.

Or we could go with Frost to show Eike firsthand the problems of Laurelorn's conflict with Nordland.
Oh, I forgot about the Totally Not A Portal To The Aether that we smugged at Hatalath about. Yeah, that's worth investigating at some point if that's on offer.
I got invested because I assumed she was a former companion of Scarloc because she shares the exact same name and title as another Kaia Stormwitch, so much so I made an omake about it, but all evidence points to it not being the case.

I would still support it, but I can't get Gretel off the ground, so I don't have much hope regarding a character we don't even know.
Gretel did pretty well this round and I think she's got good odds of getting in next turn or the turn after, but as the founder and sole member of the Oswald Oswaldson Fan Club, I am extremely sympathetic to "I would like to go check out this thing that seems interesting but it's really hard to gin up critical mass". Is there anything else cool going on in the Ward of Storm we might want to see?
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