Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Is it too early to talk turn plans? The turn is over so we have enough information to decide what to do next. I suppose it's possible that the Emperor has something to say about the whole Reikland nexus and that would effect next turn's Waystone actions, or maybe our social interaction initiated by someone else will be Teclis coming to tell us that he is very proud of us and here are the leyline keyphrases, but setting that aside, what are our thoughts for next turn?

Assuming we're going to do 3 Waystone actions and that we'll do 2 WEB-MAT action for the bonus WEB-MAT AP, I think my very rough and very vague draft plan is something like this:
1. Waystone mapping (Estalia and Tilea, though Estalia and Bretonnia make more sense if you aren't counting on recruiting Bretonnia eventually)
2. Artefact study (Kurgan Weapons/ Kurgan Shrine / Lustrian Rubbings) (With Eike)
3. One of:
- Long-running project (Appiration Binding / Windherding) (if Windherding, with Eike?)
- Iron Orcs??????????
- maybe another artefact idk

Waystone Personal:
1. Waystone Gold (Thorek, Elrisse, Hatalath, WEB-MAT, Karak Azul metalsmiths or something, maybe Cadaeth because her tributary trees contain metals?)
2. One of:
- Lornalim (team tributaries +Hatalath?? -Zlata? ), which kind of synergizes with Waystone Gold maybe?
- Follow-up to this turn's tributaries (if available and required)
- Bugman's nexus with Thorek? This means team tributaries is taking half a year off, but honestly they deserve it after this turn's fantastic results.

Personal AP for Personal Projects:
1. Swording (with Eike?)
2. RoW codification (with Eike? might be too advanced for an apprentice) (Gambler probably goes here)
3. Liminal realm studies (not enough AP, so would have to come at the expense of one of the above - probably swording, because we're gonna codify RoW next turn istg. my preference is swording though)

EIC: propose RoW trade route (if we're codifying, definitely. If we're not,uh...maybe do it anyway? other trade options are problematic for various reasons atm, and other EIC actions aren't super relevant except maybe auditors division I guess) (with Eike)
Library: Karak Vlag (with Eike??????)

Eike Studies: Still on the petty magics train, I think. Judging by this turn's progress there's a decent chance she finishes off petty magics if she has as much time to study as she did this turn, which she won't have if we take her on like 5 actions so maybe don't do that)
What are people's thoughts? Does anyone have more concrete turn plans in mind?
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Is it too early to talk turn plans? The turn is over so we have enough information to decide what to do next. I suppose it's possible that the Emperor has something to say about the whole Reikland nexus and that would effect next turn's Waystone actions, or maybe our social interaction initiated by someone else will be Teclis coming to tell us that he is very proud of us and here are the leyline keyphrases, but setting that aside, what are our thoughts for next turn?

Assuming we're going to do 3 Waystone actions and that we'll do 2 WEB-MAT action for the bonus WEB-MAT AP, I think my very rough and very vague draft plan is something like this:
1. Waystone mapping (Estalia and Tilea, though Estalia and Bretonnia make more sense if you aren't counting on recruiting Bretonnia eventually)
2. Artefact study (Kurgan Weapons/ Kurgan Shrine / Lustrian Rubbings) (With Eike)
3. One of:
- Long-running project (Appiration Binding / Windherding) (if Windherding, with Eike?)
- Iron Orcs??????????
- maybe another artefact idk

Waystone Personal:
1. Waystone Gold (Thorek, Elrisse, Hatalath, WEB-MAT, Karak Azul metalsmiths or something, maybe Cadaeth because her tributary trees contain metals?)
2. One of:
- Lornalim (team tributaries +Hatalath?? -Zlata? ), which kind of synergizes with Waystone Gold maybe?
- Follow-up to this turn's tributaries (if available and required)
- Bugman's nexus with Thorek? This means team tributaries is taking half a year off, but honestly they deserve it after this turn's fantastic results.

Personal AP for Personal Projects:
1. Swording (with Eike?)
2. RoW codification (with Eike? might be too advanced for an apprentice) (Gambler probably goes here)
3. Liminal realm studies (not enough AP, so would have to come at the expense of one of the above - probably swording, because we're gonna codify RoW next turn istg. my preference is swording though)

EIC: propose RoW trade route (if we're codifying, definitely. If we're not,uh...maybe do it anyway? other trade options are problematic for various reasons atm, and other EIC actions aren't super relevant except maybe auditors division I guess)
Library: Karak Vlag (with Eike??????)

Eike Studies: Still on the petty magics train, I think. Judging by this turn's progress there's a decent chance she finishes off petty magics if she has as much time to study as she did this turn, which she won't have if we take her on like 5 actions so maybe don't do that)
What are people's thoughts? Does anyone have more concrete turn plans in mind?
I would just tackle the Foundation and the Capstone at the same time. That way we will know what needs to be done later. Until we start with them, we won't know
Mathilde has yet to be confronted with a delicacy that had a 1% chance of killing the imbiber.
Honesty, I think she'd consider a non-magical delicacy that has a low chance of killing her. Gotta get some use out of the seed, and people eat poisonous fish without implanted magic healing.
Probably not potions though, because mixing magics is not a good idea.
I was really thinking more about knowing the theory of potion-making than Mathilde chugging down Kislevian Roulette brews, but who am I to stop gastronomical enthusiasm?
Speaking of potions, How good of a potineer Panaromia is anyway? I don't think she has used any since K8P expedition. Back then it was one of her main skills but I think she let it fall fallow, unless she has been using off screen?
What are people's thoughts? Does anyone have more concrete turn plans in mind?
I really like your outline and would be totally happy with it, but I would like to propose the following plan which does some weird stuff for AP efficiency; I don't know if it's better, but I kind of like it.
  • WEBMAT 1: Map Bretonnia and Estalia. Egrimm speaks Tilean, right?
  • WEBMAT 2: Hit up the Los Cabos Nexus while we're in Estalia.
  • WEBMAT 3: Windherding.
  • Mathilde 1: Capstone
  • Mathilde 2: Learn High Nehekharan.
  • Mathilde 3: Branarhune.
  • Mathilde 4 (since we have Overwork available): Codify RoW with Gambler.
High Nehekharan is necessary for the highly illegal research materials we looted, useful for various Waystone things we will want to do (like investigating their network), and might be useful for spellwork -- I think that's unlikely in this case, but given the other factors also pushing us toward it I think it's worth picking up. Hopefully we roll well and Polyglot lets us get there, or most of the way there, in one turn.

Though, question. Do they speak High Nehekharan in Nehekhara, or is it purely a magical language? Is this a Classical Latin/vulgar Latin thing where it's mutually intelligible but you'll probably sound absurd to the people? I'm actually unsure of how useful High Nehekharan will be for going to Nehekhara and looking at their network; I know basically nothing about that place other than that Settra is cool, and if learning High Nehekharan will make it impossible to interface with locals without immediately outing ourselves as a weird foreigner, is that going to be a problem?
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Irt the Druchii.

I recently read the Tyrion and Teclis trilogy and Malekith in his internal monologue mentions the importance of reinforcing the Vortex if he intends to rule Ulthuan. He could want the Waystone project to have some measure of success out of base self-interest.

the time he tried to unbind the Vortex was when he'd lost the war and decided that if he couldn't rule, nobody would.
I think mapping bretonnia and looking into iron orcs with web-map would be good to do together
maybe learning High Nehekharan

Are we using the boon on vlag in which case they scribe the books for us? If we don't use the boon our scribes won't have all the languages
What about Shallayan cult book exchange as a possible way to get leads on the second daughter and a piety action to take Eike on?
We should have Eike practice diplomacy along with learning spells
2. RoW codification (with Eike? might be too advanced for an apprentice)
I'm a big proponent of bringing Eike along for this.

I do think the magic is far too advanced for her to learn anything from, but I think she would have a lot to learn about methods to interfacing with the colleges and other magic users, and/or the importance of strategic-level fog of war moments that decide a battle long before the flashy stuff finishes them.

And who knows, considering she managed to get part of waaaghbane her first turn as an apprentice, she might surprise us and get something magical out of it.
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Speaking of potions, How good of a potineer Panaromia is anyway? I don't think she has used any since K8P expedition. Back then it was one of her main skills but I think she let it fall fallow, unless she has been using off screen?

She still makes poisons for the Rangers and Fieldwardens from time to time, but hasn't really kept it as honed as it was during the original expedition.
I think mapping bretonnia and looking into iron orcs with web-map would be good to do together
maybe learning High Nehekharan

Are we using the boon on vlag in which case they scribe the books for us? If we don't use the boon our scribes won't have all the languages
What about Shallayan cult book exchange as a possible way to get leads on the second daughter and a piety action to take Eike on?
We should have Eike practice diplomacy along with learning spells
I agree that mapping Bretonnia and looking into the iron orc together makes sense.

It even helps with the Knightlander 'double speaking to save face' angle of "oh, I was just travelling around to map some magic stones and noticed that there where orc around, not that you needed help obviously, but I thought 'if am already here, why not?'"
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I really like your outline and would be totally happy with it, but I would like to propose the following plan which does some weird stuff for AP efficiency; I don't know if it's better, but I kind of like it.
  • WEBMAT 1: Map Bretonnia and Estalia. Egrimm speaks Tilean, right?
  • WEBMAT 2: Hit up the Los Cabos Nexus while we're in Estalia.
  • WEBMAT 3: Windherding.
  • Mathilde 1: Capstone
  • Mathilde 2: Learn High Nehekharan.
  • Mathilde 3: Branarhune.
  • Mathilde 4 (since we have Overwork available): Codify RoW with Gambler.
High Nehekharan is necessary for the highly illegal research materials we looted, useful for various Waystone things we will want to do (like investigating their network), and might be useful for spellwork -- I think that's unlikely in this case, but given the other factors also pushing us toward it I think it's worth picking up. Hopefully we roll well and Polyglot lets us get there, or most of the way there, in one turn.

Though, question. Do they speak High Nehekharan in Nehekhara, or is it purely a magical language? Is this a Classical Latin/vulgar Latin thing where it's mutually intelligible but you'll probably sound absurd to the people? I'm actually unsure of how useful High Nehekharan will be for going to Nehekhara and looking at their network; I know basically nothing about that place other than that Settra is cool, and if learning High Nehekharan will make it impossible to interface with locals without immediately outing ourselves as a weird foreigner, is that going to be a problem?
We'll probably be outed as a foreigner in Nehekhara on account of still possessing flesh.
Mathilde has yet to be confronted with a delicacy that had a 1% chance of killing the imbiber.

Bah only as likely to kill her as using a Fiendishly complicated spell to enter a sunken dwarfish ironclad under cover of some sails? That sounds downright safe. :V

Seriously let's not and say we did when it comes to potions. The most useful thing I can think of is precisely as useful as a power stone and those do not kill us dead on a 1.
If it cannot clear the bar for fifth place as a social I really doubt any plan including them can make the cut
I don't think we can assume that, largely because while I didn't vote for their social I would vote for
[ ] Spend time investigating a character without their knowledge: (one of the Druuchi ambassadors)

He could want the Waystone project to have some measure of success out of base self-interest.
If he did really want to destroy the world he has had a few thousand years to come up with an alternative method
Personally I'm all for doing the iron orcs next turn. We got some success but probably not enough to sway bretonnia on its own and dealing with weird chaos orcs just seems sensible.

Edit: also it just seems like a fun thing to do.
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We'll probably be outed as a foreigner in Nehekhara on account of still possessing flesh.
Wait. All Nehekharans are undead? There are no civilians left? I thought it was a Sylvania-ish situation where there is a dark mummy-lord at the top, a bunch of people at the bottom, and various levels of spookiness in between. If Nehekhara is what it sound like you're making it out to be, how the hell are we supposed to investigate its Waystone network at all? Just try to poke around completely undetected without interacting with any of the locals?
Wait. All Nehekharans are undead? There are no civilians left? I thought it was a Sylvania-ish situation where there is a dark mummy-lord at the top, a bunch of people at the bottom, and various levels of spookiness in between. If Nehekhara is what it sound like you're making it out to be, how the hell are we supposed to investigate its Waystone network at all? Just try to poke around completely undetected without interacting with any of the locals?
Nope, iirc all people who lived in nehekhara or had ever lived in
nehekhara died and then got resurrected.

Edit: also for investigating their network, iirc the tomb kings aren't all mindlessly cruel, to some you can even talk without dying.
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Bah only as likely to kill her as using a Fiendishly complicated spell to enter a sunken dwarfish ironclad under cover of some sails? That sounds downright safe. :V

Seriously let's not and say we did when it comes to potions. The most useful thing I can think of is precisely as useful as a power stone and those do not kill us dead on a 1.
So, we have a lot of things on our plate, and I doubt anyone is going to come around to thinking the Potions class makes the cut any time soon - hell, even I don't believe that.

But to argue in favour of taking the Potions class against the idea that learning about potions would be completely useless, I think it would be nice to pick up at some point for two main reasons. Firstly, if we come across someone else's potion, or notes on potions, we'll have a chance to understand what they're doing.

Secondly, it's the last field of magic that Mathilde doesn't have any training in, and it would be nice to finish that list. Both because it's satisfying to be a real renaissance wizard, but also because insights from one field can sometimes be applied to related fields. I doubt that knowing that adding species of flower A to potion B achieves effect C will do much for enchanting, but knowing why it has that effect might do.

Of course, it's possible that the Empire's "dilettantes" don't have that knowledge either, which would be a disappointment. But if the sky ever falls and we run short of things to do, learning potion-making isn't the worst idea.

Wait. All Nehekharans are undead? There are no civilians left? I thought it was a Sylvania-ish situation where there is a dark mummy-lord at the top, a bunch of people at the bottom, and various levels of spookiness in between. If Nehekhara is what it sound like you're making it out to be, how the hell are we supposed to investigate its Waystone network at all? Just try to poke around completely undetected without interacting with any of the locals?
Some Tomb Kings rule over their domains as they did in life, with bustling markets and people moving through the streets.

But those people are all skeletons, puppeted in a macabre parody of what they did in life, going through the motions because it pleases the Tomb Kings to rule over a kingdom as they did "in life". Nehekhara is dead. If we make diplomatic contact, it will be with a Tomb King or not at all.

(Or at least, I remember reading so somewhere, but I've got no source for the claim, so it could be someone else's invention.)
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Wait. All Nehekharans are undead? There are no civilians left? I thought it was a Sylvania-ish situation where there is a dark mummy-lord at the top, a bunch of people at the bottom, and various levels of spookiness in between. If Nehekhara is what it sound like you're making it out to be, how the hell are we supposed to investigate its Waystone network at all? Just try to poke around completely undetected without interacting with any of the locals?
I think the only living people there are merchants and immigrants (some tomb kings like to have some pet immigrants quarters, also there are some nomads that TK consider invaders) but I don't remember where I got this from.
Wait. All Nehekharans are undead? There are no civilians left? I thought it was a Sylvania-ish situation where there is a dark mummy-lord at the top, a bunch of people at the bottom, and various levels of spookiness in between. If Nehekhara is what it sound like you're making it out to be, how the hell are we supposed to investigate its Waystone network at all? Just try to poke around completely undetected without interacting with any of the locals?
I believe there's a mention of one Tomb King offering shelter to living nomads to have something of a living population again, but otherwise, all undead.

Nagash's last action against the nation was to kill every living thing in it, then raise them as his slaves. (Then getting interrupted during the 'enslavement' portion by Alcadizzar, the last living Nehekharan)

That's why the other name for Nehekhara is the Land of the Dead.
Wait. All Nehekharans are undead? There are no civilians left? I thought it was a Sylvania-ish situation where there is a dark mummy-lord at the top, a bunch of people at the bottom, and various levels of spookiness in between. If Nehekhara is what it sound like you're making it out to be, how the hell are we supposed to investigate its Waystone network at all? Just try to poke around completely undetected without interacting with any of the locals?
I think there's one city where there's some living people being ruled over by undead overlords. But the entire population of Nehekhara died to Nagash's ritual, and the river making life possible in most of Nehekhara was poisoned. For all practical purposes there's no living people in those lands.

Concerning the investigation, I imagine that we would look at the former conquests of the Nehekharan for any waystone they might have left or ask the cult of Trismegistus (or whatever is the name of the Light Order's parent tradition) what they know.

Édit: all the Tomb Kings aren't murderous maniacs, I think diplomacy is possible with some of them. But I don't know what we could offer them in exchange for looking at their waystones.
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So, we have a lot of things on our plate, and I doubt anyone is going to come around to thinking the Potions class makes the cut any time soon - hell, even I don't believe that.

But to argue in favour of taking the Potions class against the idea that learning about potions would be completely useless, I think it would be nice to pick up at some point for two main reasons. Firstly, if we come across someone else's potion, or notes on potions, we'll have a chance to understand what they're doing.

Secondly, it's the last field of magic that Mathilde doesn't have any training in, and it would be nice to finish that list. Both because it's satisfying to be a real renaissance wizard, but also because insights from one field can sometimes be applied to related fields. I doubt that knowing that adding species of flower A to potion B achieves effect C will do much for enchanting, but knowing why it has that effect might do.

Of course, it's possible that the Empire's "dilettantes" don't have that knowledge either, which would be a disappointment. But if the sky ever falls and we run short of things to do, learning potion-making isn't the worst idea.

Some Tomb Kings rule over their domains as they did in life, with bustling markets and people moving through the streets.

But those people are all skeletons, puppeted in a macabre parody of what they did in life, going through the motions because it pleases the Tomb Kings to rule over a kingdom as they did "in life". Nehekhara is dead. If we make diplomatic contact, it will be with a Tomb King or not at all.

(Or at least, I remember reading so somewhere, but I've got no source for the claim, so it could be someone else's invention.)
My understanding is that Tomb King peasants still have some level of independence and sense-of-self?

Less than the nobility, but more-so than, say, your typical Sylvanian skeleton.