[ ] [SCRIBE] Cult of Scripsisti
Dedicated to the Goddess of Writing, considers the creation of accurate copies to be their religious duty. Will build ties to the Cult of Verena. Reikspiel, Tilean, Old Reikspiel, Classical.
Reliable if not necessarily loyal to us in specific.
Permanent employees:
[ ] [SCRIBE] Orphans
You can take your pick of literate orphans from throughout the Old World, and train them up from scratch to guarantee their loyalty. Reikspiel, Tilean, Estalian, Kislevarin.
Loyalty guaranteed but is going to take a bit to get going.
Thus concludes the work Mathilde performed these past months, but not every waking moment was filled with work. With whom did she spend her free time? The five with the most votes will be chosen, not counting those locked in.
Karak Eight Peaks
[ ] Panoramia
In the wake of an apparently quite controversial paper, Panoramia is finally taking her Magisterial exams. Be there to observe the fallout and offer moral support.
A no brainer.
Following Up
[ ] Brief the Emperor
Though the Waystone Project is in early days, you've had a few early wins and have uncovered some important information about the Waystone Network as it relates to the Empire's security.
He might want to know about the giant fountain of life magic on his back yard, if only so he can put some guards on it and maybe start charging people for its use.
[ ] Amber College
Check in on the salamanders.
It's lizards, and fire, how people keep not voting for lizards and fire is beyond me.