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It also puts random people looking for beer money next to our collection of rare and dangerous magical books. I don't know if I want to give Hans the Aldorf University screw up who took the gig to get away from the fallout of a mass brawl access to our books on the Old Ones.
Luckily we have zealous spiders the size of a Volkswagen ready to stop people with beer going into the library. Like our own library is very secure because the librarian literally lives in it and part of them is always awake.
The advantage of orphans is imo that we can teach them more and more languages as we learn them. So long term we dont need to look for new sources of scribes for new languages/cultures that come to our interest.
I think that is a good deal overall. (For us and them)
@Boney follow up question on the language training thing—would Mathilde also learn the language alongside the scribes? I imagine she wouldn't, because she'd be too busy using the action to hire teachers and set up a training schedule, and other admin stuff, to actually participate, but I just wanted to confirm that.
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We can teach everyone new languages with actions, that has been confirmed by the GM.

Of course, but the orphans we teach and hire stay with us, while the university students will graduate and leave. Same as any other gig worker: they wont necessarily stay with us afterwards, so i doubt we would actually spend actions on teaching them.

Its a whole different story if we know that they will stay as our employees after we spend the action on them.
Of course, but the orphans we teach and hire stay with us, while the university students will graduate and leave. Same as any other gig worker: they wont necessarily stay with us afterwards, so i doubt we would actually spend actions on teaching them.

Its a whole different story if we know that they will stay as our employees after we spend the action on them.

Sure, but the same is true for Locals and our contingent of priests or Runescribes, they too would stay with us.
Good ol' Grimgor. Though seriously, this seemed like the cooler ending. Why was it made non-canon?
"Archaon embarrassingly fails at all his strategic objectives and gets most of his army killed" really puts a damper on playing up chaos as any sort of serious threat. In effect all the reasons you or I think it seems like a much cooler path for the world to go is exactly the reasons why games workshop found it to be unacceptable. (But also again, technically never formally decanonized because games workshop never actually decanonizes ANYTHING.)
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[ ] [SCRIBE] Cult of Scripsisti
Dedicated to the Goddess of Writing, considers the creation of accurate copies to be their religious duty. Will build ties to the Cult of Verena. Reikspiel, Tilean, Old Reikspiel, Classical.

Reliable if not necessarily loyal to us in specific.

Permanent employees:
[ ] [SCRIBE] Orphans
You can take your pick of literate orphans from throughout the Old World, and train them up from scratch to guarantee their loyalty. Reikspiel, Tilean, Estalian, Kislevarin.

Loyalty guaranteed but is going to take a bit to get going.

Thus concludes the work Mathilde performed these past months, but not every waking moment was filled with work. With whom did she spend her free time? The five with the most votes will be chosen, not counting those locked in.

Karak Eight Peaks
[ ] Panoramia
In the wake of an apparently quite controversial paper, Panoramia is finally taking her Magisterial exams. Be there to observe the fallout and offer moral support.

A no brainer.

Following Up
[ ] Brief the Emperor
Though the Waystone Project is in early days, you've had a few early wins and have uncovered some important information about the Waystone Network as it relates to the Empire's security.

He might want to know about the giant fountain of life magic on his back yard, if only so he can put some guards on it and maybe start charging people for its use.

[ ] Amber College
Check in on the salamanders.

It's lizards, and fire, how people keep not voting for lizards and fire is beyond me.
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(now that I think about it, is Panoramia's name based on Panoramix, the druid from Asterix in the french version?)

Yes. Most names in this quest are either canonical or a veiled reference to something.

while he doesn't LITERALLY get kicked in the balls by grimgor

An entertaining bit of confusion, arising from people not understanding that 'nutted' is English English for 'headbutted'.

Good ol' Grimgor. Though seriously, this seemed like the cooler ending. Why was it made non-canon?

Management got sick of being asked things like "how would Lizardmen turn up to a fight on the other side of the world from them?" (consider all the handwaves they came up with for literally everyone to turn up to both the Nemesis Crown and Albion events) and decided to blow it all up in favour of a setting where portals from anywhere to anywhere could randomly open up whenever convenient. To do that, they had to retcon away the version of history where Archaon lost. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

@Boney follow up question on the language training thing—would Mathilde also learn the language alongside the scribes? I imagine she wouldn't, because she'd be too busy using the action to hire teachers and set up a training schedule, and other admin stuff, to actually participate, but I just wanted to confirm that.

No. It'd be setting up teachers with a library action, not attending the classes herself.
Warhammer just needs to have everyone fight everyone anyways; chaos being humiliated doesn't mean Norscans and Chaos Warriors don't exist. Can't they just have the Empire pick fights with Brettonia or the Border Princes, or maybe have a four way fracas between Dawi, Asur, Skaven and Greenskins next?
I still want to bind the Libary to the general culture of K8P in the long term - and it's not just warriors; there's halfling farmers and would-be wives and eventually new kids. Even if it'll take longer to get a good range of languages I would prefer that.
Then again. 'Accurate copies as a religious rule' is very appealing for the long term - these see the least likely to get lazy and proably have stuff like getting someone else to check each copied page.

@Boney Emotionally, I think is me trying to have my cake and eat it, but if we pick Orphans/Locals and look to hiring teachers next turn, would we be able to pay one of the established groups (Scripsisti/Clio/Runescribes Guild) to show how its done right, or would they see it as being asked to train up their own competition?
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Priests and runesscribes are not permanent hires, they are us outsourcing the job.

Locals on the other hand i agree also stay as permanent hires (they are in that same category as orphans).

Honestly i wouldnt mind a mix of both of those, as locals seem like they can start right away, while orphans come with bigger longterm value (4 languages from the onset vs 2)
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Management got sick of being asked things like "how would Lizardmen turn up to a fight on the other side of the world from them?" (consider all the handwaves they came up with for literally everyone to turn up to both the Nemesis Crown and Albion events) and decided to blow it all up in favour of a setting where portals from anywhere to anywhere could randomly open up whenever convenient. To do that, they had to retcon away the version of history where Archaon lost. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
I know at this point that my first assumption about this update was likely wrong, and it was a site from a game instead, but I still can't help but imagine it as a temple-city and from that being a lead into to an alternate answer to this dilemma in the form of "Oh yeah, Slann and Lizardmen have a tendency of popping up hither and yon to do maintenance on old sites every few decades/centuries. Usually in secret, but sometimes heads need a knocking."
Management got sick of being asked things like "how would Lizardmen turn up to a fight on the other side of the world from them?" (consider all the handwaves they came up with for literally everyone to turn up to both the Nemesis Crown and Albion events) and decided to blow it all up in favour of a setting where portals from anywhere to anywhere could randomly open up whenever convenient. To do that, they had to retcon away the version of history where Archaon lost. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
I'll note that even before this they had pretty much immediately disregarded the actual events of storm of chaos. Even before blowing up the world the changes it made to the setting were pretty much the opposite of the changes they thought were good moves for the setting, at least on the wargame side, the WFRP side fucking LOVED the post-storm-of-chaos setting, a big apocolyptic threat on the horizon is frankly kinda bad for a lower powered rpg where you're not exactly the sort of people equiped to deal with that, but the storm of chaos itself shook things up a bunch and left all kinds of things around to have been screwed up and now need dealing with by a dwarf an elf and two ratcatchers while the actual army was still chasing down chaos marauders in kislev.
I have no strong opinion in regards to the scribes, though I guess I might be interested in the Orphans options. This is admittedly just part of me wanting to see how much our lucky streak with children is gonna strike again :V

As for the social....hmmm

[] Panoramia

This one feels appropriate especially since we're gonna need to be there in her time of need for either consolation/support.

[] Gretel

I'm seeing that this isn't a popular vote to push, but I want Mathilde to check up on how our favourite duckling is doing. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but during my reread I noticed that among all the other wizard socials, Gretel seems to be the only one who has yet to have a dedicated one taken; I want to rectify that. Moreover, it's a way to have an update on how progress is going with Border Princes out in the fields.

[] Brief the Emperor

I don't feel this one as strongly as I do of the two above, but I am interested in a social with him as well as to briefly check-up how the Empire overall is doing.
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I thought the Lizardmen were capable of teleportation? Isn't that how the lizardmen strike forces move when reclaiming their gold?

Not routinely, in the lore only Oxyotl can do that regularly and that's because he got stuck in the warp for thousands of years and went all "I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me" to the Daemons.

@Boney Emotionally, I think is me trying to have my cake and eat it, but if we pick Orphans/Locals and look to hiring teachers next turn, would we be able to pay one of the established groups (Scripsisti/Clio/Runescribes Guild) to show how its done right, or would they see it as being asked to train up their own competition?

Both Cults and Guilds tend to consider their way of doing things to be the sort of things they don't share around freely, to the extent that they'd consider it within their rights to murder someone trying to take them and in a lot of places the law would consider that justified.

I'll note that even before this they had pretty much immediately disregarded the actual events of storm of chaos. Even before blowing up the world the changes it made to the setting were pretty much the opposite of the changes they thought were good moves for the setting, at least on the wargame side, the WFRP side fucking LOVED the post-storm-of-chaos setting, a big apocolyptic threat on the horizon is frankly kinda bad for a lower powered rpg where you're not exactly the sort of people equiped to deal with that, but the storm of chaos itself shook things up a bunch and left all kinds of things around to have been screwed up and now need dealing with by a dwarf an elf and two ratcatchers while the actual army was still chasing down chaos marauders in kislev.

I agree, the entire 2e WFRP is written in the post-Storm of Chaos setting and it gets a huge amount of mileage out of the postwar fallout and aftershocks. The 'we stared down the apocalypse and it blinked... but now we gotta rebuild everything' vibe is one I really like.
I'd just like to say that Max is a very underrated minion and I'm really interested in whether his transmutation projects have gotten anywhere in the years since we checked up on him.

Other than that, I do kinda want to stick with Locals for the scribes, since it gets the people of the Karak invested in the library instead of just ignoring it. I want it to be a local point of pride, not just something they vaguely remember exists.
Luckily we have zealous spiders the size of a Volkswagen ready to stop people with beer going into the library. Like our own library is very secure because the librarian literally lives in it and part of them is always awake.
I argue that we there would be a lot university students turnover every 2-4 years or if they get bored.

[ ] [SCRIBE] Orphans
You can take your pick of literate orphans from throughout the Old World, and train them up from scratch to guarantee their loyalty. Reikspiel, Tilean, Estalian, Kislevarin.
Honestly I really want this as they would be working and living here for most of their life as we gave them hope, purpose and a better life than a life full of hardship and suffering!!
Also they can marry Locals too.

Let's face it, orphans don't live a happy lives and often get screw over by a lot people due to money and blood.

From where will Mathilde recruit an army of scribes for the Library of Kron-Azril-Ungol?
Just checking we can only pick one scribes right?
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Will we need to train the locals, too? If not, then can we get both the locals and orphans?

Edit: Just saw Boney's post.
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