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Well, now we know we've drawn the attention of the Changer for sure.
This is a very good point. We walk in and say "hey, so I just got proof that I do, in fact, have Tzeentch's attention, mind checking me", and it probably wouldn't go further than that. He already expected it, and the Greys can just keep an even closer eye on her just in case.
she was told The Four view her Divided Loyalties as the most delicious of presences, and as the individual that has killed *the Most Important pieces* that if she were become a god, they would find that resistance as enjoyable as her defeat. Because they want someone to *choose* them.
They're probably even telling the truth that they'd let her resist, if she wanted to. Unfortunately, by the time she got there, she wouldn't want to.
It's Tzeentch. Trying to figure out what it wants is like trying to figure out if you're in the matrix. You can never be sure until you have hard proof in your hands, so just deal with it then.
If it was Tzeentch then they'd definitely want both outcomes, plus at least half a dozen more. With this 'just' being one of their demons, it might not be quite so convoluted- it might actually prefer one outcome over the other.
Fuck you Tzeentch, and fuck your offer too! You've ruined the damn gigaflex! We can use AV to make liminal realms, but now we probably can't put that in the damn book because it might literally damn people who try it out!

People make Liminal Realms all the time. Forests make them. The Grey College is inside one. Algard has spend most of his career tinkering with them, and his main achievement is interdimensional filling cabinets. I think most people will be fine if they properly respect the fact that they are weakening the border between two worlds. We didn't know we were going to do that, so we didn't respect it, and now we got to deal with the consequences of that.
Also, on infohazards: Some of the infohazards the demon presented are kinda unavoidable, because we already received them.

The demon is trying to influence us with stuff like "ah, you're an everchosen candidate!", "egrimm and alric were also candidates", and so on, but that's stuff we were already speculating on, or knew from canon.

We've already integrated the infohazards the demon wished to influence us with into our decisionmaking, before we even met it. Our metaknowledge has essentially become another vector through which the demon can influence us.
I think we got an invite to the EverchosenBowl.
Fun times.

I like your funny words, Daemon Thing.
Me too. Our hat IS nice. Very ironic.

You got the result - compressing Vitae creates a liminal realm. You just also got a giggling birdman standing next to it and saying "dare you enter my magical realm?"
Well I think the gray college exists in a laminar realm as well. So it's not automatically a chaos portal.

Though comparing our own abilities to Teclis... teclis is way, way better at magic than us.

These is a outrage how dare Tzeentch tempt Mathilde, we should do what every is needed to get rid of Tzeentch influence on Mathilde.
I know! And thanks Grandpa. You always know just what to say.

But it has given Mathilde some new speculation on the nature of Winds.
I can't believe more people aren't talking about.

Which means that the Winds can't be born of the mere inertia of what already is. Reality is being imposed upon Chaos by something other than reality.

This seems like a HUGE deal.
Honestly, unless Chaos Gods provide their blessings in the form of AP boosters per turn, I can't really be bothered to consider becoming an Everchosen. Like, for what?

Sell me on this, Chaos voter gang, cuz the eye kinda didn't, for me?
Ugh catching up on the thread. Seriously people, don't fall into pointless paranoia and prove the demon right. Realise we've achieved the ability to create a liminal realm at will and work out what we can do with that. We could really lean in to making our branch college more like the other colleges by stuffing it in one for example. We also know it's possible to create liminal realms without attracting instant chaos attention because again: Colleges.

Or we could try and go full Gazul and make our own afterlife. Really take up that "MATTY IS THE DWARFIEST DWARF SINCE THE ANCESTOR GODS SUCK IT SIGMAR" thing to it's logical conclusion.
Honestly, I figure we just put it in the book, and hand off responsibility for it off to other people who don't have a Bird just waiting for them in particular to try again, much like with the rest of AV's uses.
If it was Tzeentch then they'd definitely want both outcomes, plus at least half a dozen more. With this 'just' being one of their demons, it might not be quite so convoluted- it might actually prefer one outcome over the other.
Aren't daemons just a part of the bigger gods, at least the aligned ones? Or is that only in 40k? I can't remember.
Also, on infohazards: Some of the infohazards the demon presented are kinda unavoidable, because we already received them.

The demon is trying to influence us with stuff like "ah, you're an everchosen candidate!", "egrimm and alric were also candidates", and so on, but that's stuff we were already speculating on, or knew from canon.

We've already integrated the infohazards the demon wished to influence us with into our decisionmaking, before we even met it. Our metaknowledge has essentially become another vector through which the demon can influence us.
Of course it's Tzeentch that meta games. Turning our own trick on us.
The only way to not be susceptible to Tzeentchian influence is to never use magic in the first place. He is the Chaos God of Magic, and another word for 'miscast' is 'the Curse of Tzeentch'.
So I totally accept this from an in universe perspective and I agree it makes for compelling storytelling. I'm not complaining about the outcome.

My point is that it falling out of a single roll personally feels disempowering and unfair. It invokes the same feeling in me as when a D&D GM will screw your character over because of a single roll. For example miscasts feel fair because say we roll a Nat 1, we screw up our spell, then we get to roll for 'is this serious' and then again for 'which mark do you get, some of which are positive'.

I'm sorry I don't really know how to describe it and I can tell I'm in a minority compared to the rest of the thread who are loving the twist.

Thank you for being so willing to engage. I thought the update was wonderfully written, as always, btw.
One implication from this- unrelated to the demon stuff- is that Teclis is either capable of inducing the 'not quite magic' state on the winds through his own power, or has his own supply of AV. This is two techniques now we know he's used that are directly related to/can only access via use of AV (orbs and liminal realm creation), so while we can't be sure that he's actually doing the same thing it does carry implications.
Nah, just say it makes a liminal realm and then very pointedly speculate about what sort of attention that could draw.
...Right, should have thought of that. Yeah, that might do it. "Hey uhh, I made a very small liminal realm but I closed it right after for fear of what it might attract without any proper defenses."

I read this paragraph, together with our new trait as implying that our soul has been marked by Tzeentch in some way, and likely tainted.
If it helps, Boney also said this:

The assumption that Tzeentch, God of Sorcery, needs to mutate Mathilde for Tzeentchian sorcery to like her, is one that perhaps could use some reexamination.
I think it is distantly possible that, if we annoy or bore Tzeentch enough, the trait could go away. But then again, that might involve swearing off of magic entirely, so shrug. We have to deal with the realities of our situation. Magic in warhammer is always dangerous. Always. We forget that from time to time because Ranald laughs with us from time to time.

Yeah like

Having had time to reflect, that's the bit that irritates me. Nurg's I could handle. Slanny I could roll my eyes at. Khorne I'd laugh at.

This is frustrating because Tzeentch would totally tell a long string of truths worded to feel like lies just to try and make you suffer for doubting them and drive you closer to them... and they also might just be lying.

It's a headache.
I truly hate (in a Watsonian sense, I'm loving this Doylistically) that Mathilde was read like a book as far as her deeds go, and some of her personality. I really do hate that we're already proving this goose right that we are already dwelling and obsessing over the most inane statements it makes because that is our nature as someone who has taken in Ulgu into our souls (and also being a quest thread).

But the birb did not touch into anything really meaningful of Mathilde as a person, only of her deeds. It didn't say anything about being someone who loves a really hardcore farmer girl, or how she loves making puns, or all the more positive or petty aspects of her that still make her who she is.

The only aspect of that whole monologue that I think is fully 100% right is that the purpose of our Order is to be the little 'no' in the darkness.
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Anyways to give my proper thoughts on this update. There is something I've said a lot in the 40k and Fantasy fandom back in the day. Demons need to be scarier. But not in the way of terrible overwhelming power, mind bending existences, and what not. But what they most often lack is suspense! This was a pretty suspenseful chapter! I don't want to far onto a tangent about the role of suspense in horror. But it makes the monster finally showing up all that awful. This made a foe who 'felt absent' from the story all the more dangerous in the readers mind.

Anyways one of my fav updates, great work.
So I totally accept this from an in universe perspective and I agree it makes for compelling storytelling. I'm not complaining about the outcome.

My point is that it falling out of a single roll personally feels disempowering and unfair. It invokes the same feeling in me as when a D&D GM will screw your character over because of a single roll. For example miscasts feel fair because say we roll a Nat 1, we screw up our spell, then we get to roll for 'is this serious' and then again for 'which mark do you get, some of which are positive'.

I'm sorry I don't really know how to describe it and I can tell I'm in a minority compared to the rest of the thread who are loving the twist.

Thank you for being so willing to engage. I thought the update was wonderfully written, as always, btw.
What's falling out? We got a bad trait from the worst outcome of a science experiment. I'm fine with that. This is a minor setback.
Aren't daemons just a part of the bigger gods, at least the aligned ones? Or is that only in 40k? I can't remember.
As I understand it they're part of the god, but more in the same way an employee is part of a company than being a hive-mind with it. They can have their own private agendas, personality, etc, unrelated to their progenitor.
It's Tzeentch. Trying to figure out what it wants is like trying to figure out if you're in the matrix. You can never be sure until you have hard proof in your hands, so just deal with it then.
Trying to figure out what Tzeentch wants is easy, he wants every option all at once. His plan goes off without a hitch? Great, now he gets to make a new plan undoing the old plan. If you foiled his plan, you just saved him the trouble so he can make another plan about something else.

He doesn't actually want to win, he wants to keep making plans forever and ever and ever.

He's like an aethyric Rubi Goldberg machine, a monkey with a typewriter churning out endless elaborate plans that all contradict each other, just for the sake of planning.
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We could ask the ancient magical being that is our neighbor to check us out and maybe tell us what changed... you know the dragon that we are in a book club with? That would also avoid attention we might not want as well.
There are three things I take from this update. Maybe in time therell be more.
First, we now know A way to create a liminal realm. Neat. Id like to do some follow up on that. (emphasis on a because theres certainly more ways, were most likely the only ones with AV)
Second, were now watched by Tzenntch. Not that we werent interesting before, but now we got his attention. Neat. That can only mean were going to live in interesting times :D
Third, I think everyone needs to take a step back, take a deep breath and calm down. Aside from my second point, were basically fine.
Aside from major paranoia, but thats par for the course. What just occurred is comparable to a really major miscast, but thats something that happens. Its an occupational risk for wizards. Even a miscast on a minor spell can spiral out of control and rip a minor tear into reality. If youre really unlucky. Until now we were pretty lucky with that, but its basically the same thing that happened with the Asp before the quest even started. A paranoia spiral helps no one and only builds frustration.
So we should check ourselves over to make sure nothing bad happened and make sure we better prepare for when the mollusk's minions come after us.

He can take that offer of Everchosen and stick where the sun don't shine!
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