Only three wounds a turn is becoming GWs go to for 'this is a badass'. It used to be a C'tan only thing.You joke, but that's how Morathi works. She counts as two separate characters each with their own model and stats. They have to be in the battlefield at the same time, and any wounds allocated to Morathi-Khaine (Little Morathi) can be shuffled to The Shadow Queen (Big Morathi, who has 12 wounds). Their special mechanic is that Big Morathi can only ever suffer 3 wounds per turn max, any instakill abilities only inflict 3 wounds, and that she can't be healed.
Not what I'm looking for, but Age of Sigmar rules can be pretty cool.
New Abbadon is apparently a pain in the ass for most army's, (I'm a grey knight player, so it's not that big a deal for me., damage on all turns)
Expect mr everchosen to get the same treatment in the future.
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