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Because why would we? Does Mathilde even have an official family who would like to be inducted? Only thing I can think of is Panoramia if Mathilde marries her. Maybe Johann if he wants to be adopted, but it's not like he's ever stated his family situation. I like the idea of a found family because that's a sweet trope that I love, but I don't really see the benefits and I can't imagine a scenario where Mathilde pitches it in-universe.
Why did we become a knight when we don't have a family to be inducted? Titles like treasure exist to be collected, just ask Deathwing.
Mathilde being legally a dwarf brings to question if she can now Night Prowler, without disguising herself, places where dwarfs are known to be allowed to be present but not humans.
I was about to say she's just legally a dwai when for the coin she needs to have the appearance of a dwai, but I litteraly just read this WoB so...
If she dressed in Dwarven fashion it would be difficult to tell whether she was a tall Dwarf or a short human.
Mathilde being a knight will be of use when she investigating and creating ways to bind Riders in Red to her cause, at least that's my thinking/hope. It'll probably also be of some use when she starts interacting more with Bretonnia.
Speaking of Bretonnia, last we spoke to a Damsel, she implied that we'd need some solid progress on the Project and/or help deal with the Iron Orc situation to recruit one of them.

Does that sound like something we'd like to tackle at some point, or do we just want to wait for some actual progress on the project? I'm not too clear on just how big the Iron Orc presence is in Carcassonne, and just how valuable our presence there for a turn or two would be.
I'm not too clear on just how big the Iron Orc presence is in Carcassonne, and just how valuable our presence there for a turn or two would be.
I think Mathilde helping would almost certainly take the form of figuring out where the Iron Orcs are coming from. They definitely aren't natural, so someone/thing is making them.

Is there a Chaos Dwarf Daemon-smith set up in the Vaults? Is there a set of Orc Chaos-Shamans that have developed Chaos magic? Is there some kind of portal in there?

I think it'd be the best way to go about it. I don't think Mathilde would be using her strengths if she was to, for example, focus on fighting the Iron Orcs martially when that is the Bretonnians whole deal.
Speaking of Bretonnia, last we spoke to a Damsel, she implied that we'd need some solid progress on the Project and/or help deal with the Iron Orc situation to recruit one of them.

Does that sound like something we'd like to tackle at some point, or do we just want to wait for some actual progress on the project? I'm not too clear on just how big the Iron Orc presence is in Carcassonne, and just how valuable our presence there for a turn or two would be.

So apparently in canon, one of the reasons the Iron Orcs are a threat is because they are only ever seen by people from Carcassonne—whenever somebody from a different duchy (or even neighbouring Tilea) investigates, there's no evidence of them to be found, making many people think that Carcassone are sabre rattling against a non-existent threat for tax concessions from the King.

I imagine our role would be to go full stealth mission, find their base, find how they are avoiding specific groups of people, possibly sabotage their foundry where they make chaos armour, and then Rite of Way as many knights as we can find up a mountain and into their base.

I reckon a single WEB-MAT action with Egrimm would be sufficient. We know greenskins, he knows chaos and demonology, and together we should be small enough to slip in and out, but also strong enough to blast our way out and come back with reinforcements.

If we can do that, get some functioning tributaries up and running, and maybe figure out a few other things, then I reckon the Damsels will come running to us.
Speaking of Bretonnia, last we spoke to a Damsel, she implied that we'd need some solid progress on the Project and/or help deal with the Iron Orc situation to recruit one of them.

Does that sound like something we'd like to tackle at some point, or do we just want to wait for some actual progress on the project? I'm not too clear on just how big the Iron Orc presence is in Carcassonne, and just how valuable our presence there for a turn or two would be.
I don't feel like recruiting them is worth delaying research at this point. We don't have any deliverables yet, and that should be our primary objective for right now. Everything else will follow from that—success breeds success, and the damsels will be more interested when we have something to point to and show off.
The orcs don't seem worth it to me. We already have a lot of perspectives on the project, so it seems far more productive to work at the problem then to get more. If we get stuck at a roadblock that we have reason to think Brettonia can help with, then we can reconsider it at that point.
I don't feel like recruiting them is worth delaying research at this point. We don't have any deliverables yet, and that should be our primary objective for right now. Everything else will follow from that—success breeds success, and the damsels will be more interested when we have something to point to and show off.

Technically, so far we've developed three different types of tributaries and have the basic blueprint to create more variations. We simply haven't tested any of them yet.

The orcs don't seem worth it to me. We already have a lot of perspectives on the project, so it seems far more productive to work at the problem then to get more. If we get stuck at a roadblock that we have reason to think Brettonia can help with, then we can reconsider it at that point.

I can basically think of three reasons to bring in Bretonnia: 1) to gain access to their political and material resources, 2) to officially extend the reach of the waystone project so that we can stabilise the network in Bretonnia, and 3) to figure out how the hell they can use three winds at once. That last one won't be useful knowledge for Mathilde personally (we're very much locked into one wind), but could still be interesting to know.
The testing is pretty important.

It's entirely possible that none of the three work and we have to go back to the drawing board.

That's true, they are all unproven so far, but I feel that the fact that the group was able to make three potentially viable and distinct types of tributary suggests to me that it's not a fluke and we do have something workable, even if it may need some iterating down the line.

If only one of them had been able to make a ritual, I'd be like "hmmm, are you sure you made it correctly", but the odds of all three failing are unlikely.

It's a shame the translating took so much time so we couldn't assist with the ritual creation—it would be much easier to judge if we had been able to witness it.
I don't feel like recruiting them is worth delaying research at this point. We don't have any deliverables yet, and that should be our primary objective for right now. Everything else will follow from that—success breeds success, and the damsels will be more interested when we have something to point to and show off.
The orcs don't seem worth it to me. We already have a lot of perspectives on the project, so it seems far more productive to work at the problem then to get more. If we get stuck at a roadblock that we have reason to think Brettonia can help with, then we can reconsider it at that point.
Well, I did say 'at some point'. But yes, most of my interest in Damsels is how one would help in mapping out Bretonnia and poking at Athel Loren - stuff that can be safely put off for a while, until after we have done some juicy research.

The biggest thing that's blocked by those things is... probably the IC revelation that Albion exists, I guess, which can also be put off for a while.
edit: I just realised that this took so long to post that the conversations completely moved on :oops:

This is why I kind of dislike the whole 'living ancestor council makes mathy a dwarf' thing. in the universe it's interesting, but a lot of the players don't really seem to get the nuances of it.

The ancestors declared it as political fiction/political compromise, as to keep egos from being bruised, not to actually give mathy all the rights of a dwarf. even if giving mathy all the rights of a dwarf was the collateral.

The Kings of the holds know this and understand the implications.

most dwarfs know this and understand the implications.

most humans (of those that would know dwarf politics) know this and understand the implications.

Mathy knows this and understands the implications.

Parts of the thread seem to have a hard time understanding the implications.

Political fiction/political compromises works when people leave it alone as much as they can, poking it is not a good idea unless you want it to fall apart.

Yes, technically Mathy has all the rights an (imperial) dwarf would have, would even get all the rights and duties a Kark ankor dwarf would have if she were to fully swap sides.

there might even come a point where leveraging that technicality would be advantageous enough that Mathy might do so if it comes up.

but 'gaming it', or doing 'loud' things like declaring high G Grudges, is inviting people to look at and think about the details of this declaration of Mathy the dwarf.

something no one actually wants to be looked at too hard.

so any action that makes people look at it hard, is not going to be an action that Mathy will take if she doesn't have too unless she wants to piss people off.
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I mean, being fair, you'd have to ask the thread members who were around for that. It's been a bit.
Many of the earliest threadgoers aren't around I think. Or they might be but they aren't interacting a lot. I think the whole Knighthood thing was about wanting recognition or something like that, but I definitely wouldn't have gone for it if I was there back then. It seems kind of redundant by now, but there's no use questioning what's been done for years.

I mean, maybe Mathilde's status as a Noble would have mattered if she hadn't climbed to Magister and effectively gained similar status through that, and if we actually stayed in the Empire instead of leaving any chance we get.
I think it still matters that Mathy is a knight in the sense that the offers of dukedom that Van hal offered were to Dame Mathy, not Lady Mathy. I don't think even Lord Wizards are allowed to have land titles.

its just that currently, 'land' jobs are not that popular when they come up.
edit: I just realised that this took so long to post that the conversations completely moved on :oops:

This is why I kind of dislike the whole 'living ancestor council makes mathy a dwarf' thing. in the universe it's interesting, but a lot of the players don't really seem to get the nuances of it.

The ancestors declared it as political fiction/political compromise, as to keep egos from being bruised, not to actually give mathy all the rights of a dwarf. even if giving mathy all the rights of a dwarf was the collateral.

The Kings of the holds know this and understand the implications.

most dwarfs know this and understand the implications.

most humans (of those that would know dwarf politics) know this and understand the implications.

Mathy knows this and understands the implications.

Parts of the thread seem to have a hard time understanding the implications.

Political fiction/political compromises works when people leave it alone as much as they can, poking it is not a good idea unless you want it to fall apart.

Yes, technically Mathy has all the rights an (imperial) dwarf would have, would even get all the rights and duties a Kark ankor dwarf would have if she were to fully swap sides.

there might even come a point where leveraging that technicality would be advantageous enough that Mathy might do so if it comes up.

but 'gaming it', or doing 'loud' things like declaring high G Grudges, is inviting people to look at and think about the details of this declaration of Mathy the dwarf.

something no one actually wants to be looked at too hard.

so any action that makes people look at it hard, is not going to be an action that Mathy will take if she doesn't have too unless she wants to piss people off.

Whoa, okay pal, that's a big stick of canon and political competence you have here, I would appreciate if you stopped hitting me in the face with it.

I am, without any sarcasm, sorry if my post came off as something serious and what I would actually like to try, but for all intents and purposes, and I really thought I made it clear with the structure and adding the sheer impossibility of runesmithing which Mathilde just doesn't have the genetics to be apprenticed for in the list of options, it was a shitpost.
Does that sound like something we'd like to tackle at some point, or do we just want to wait for some actual progress on the project? I'm not too clear on just how big the Iron Orc presence is in Carcassonne, and just how valuable our presence there for a turn or two would be.
Not really. We've had far too much adventure and not enough progress on the waystones, so going for tangible progress on them sounds like better pitch for recruitment than going for another adventure so soon.
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