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Was El Cadavo Tilean?

There's not exactly a ton written about him, but just going by his name...

Where El Cadavo is originally from seems to be a mystery, but at least one of the several founding expeditions set off from Miragliano and the men with him are described as Tileans.

Noble clans and Royal clans have been referred to a few times, are there differences between the two, or is a royal clan just a noble clan that leads a Karak? Also, is multiple noble clans living in the same Karak something unusual?

In early editions every Dwarf in a Clan had to join the Guild their Clan was associated with, except for Noble Clans who could join any Guild, and where most leaders and ambassadors were drawn from. In later editions Dwarven society was made slightly less rigid and the leadership role of Noble Clans was largely replaced with that of the Karak's Royal Clan. So I'd say that Royal Clan and Noble Clan would generally have the same meaning, and when there is a distinction it would generally be that a 'Noble Clan' would be a way to refer to an extant Royal Clan of a fallen Karak, or the ruling Clan of a minor Karak. And in these times it's not unusual for there to be one or more Noble Clans of fallen holds knocking around a Karak with a native Royal Clan.
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And in these times it's not unusual for there to be one or more Noble Clans of fallen holds knocking around a Karak with a native Royal Clan.
hm, So the specific situation in K8P of Grimbrow being a noble clan in another hold even though their hold of origin is still extant, is unique in the modern Karaz Ankor as far as we know?
hm, So the specific situation in K8P of Grimbrow being a noble clan in another hold even though their hold of origin is still extant, is unique in the modern Karaz Ankor as far as we know?

Pretty much. Their exact status would be murky if they didn't have so much goodwill, prominence, and influence in K8P, and it wouldn't be hard to argue that they're effectively the Royal Clan of Karak Rhyn.
The good thing about having a personal wiki is I don't have to remember things like Bregonne, I just have to encounter it once and add it to the relevant part.
You have no idea how much I want to take a look at that personal wiki, if it wasn't for the fact that I'd likely be spoiling myself. I've given up on recording things by this point because I considered it too much of a hassle, so now I just associate information with a bunch of places that I know where to look for to get further information.
You have no idea how much I want to take a look at that personal wiki, if it wasn't for the fact that I'd likely be spoiling myself. I've given up on recording things by this point because I considered it too much of a hassle, so now I just associate information with a bunch of places that I know where to look for to get further information.

Yep, that's the secret to knowing everything: You don't actually need to know anything, except where you can find the correct knowledge you need.
Yep, that's the secret to knowing everything: You don't actually need to know anything, except where you can find the correct knowledge you need.
You make me sound like a librarian


Come to think of it, I end up searching books almost every update Boney posts so I can quote lines pertaining to what Boney ends up writing. Maybe I am the DL equivalent of a librarian.
Yep, that's the secret to knowing everything: You don't actually need to know anything, except where you can find the correct knowledge you need.
You make me sound like a librarian


Come to think of it, I end up searching books almost every update Boney posts so I can quote lines pertaining to what Boney ends up writing. Maybe I am the DL equivalent of a librarian.
This is extremely relatable content, speaking as the guy whose shtick (well, one shtick among several) is "can find specific Words of Boney among the over ten thousand posts in the thread." There's a reason why I voted for Order for our library's chief value: I bet if the SV Operators are capable of running metrics on how many times a particular user interacts with the search function, I am a huge outlier at the top.
Wait wait wait. Since Mathilde is legally a dwarf, could she legally declare Grudges?

Like, not thread shitposting, actual, literal, "You didn't pay the agreed upon price for my services, so I'm violently terminating our contract, with full backing of the Dwarven Empire" Grudges?

If she can, then possibilities are limitless, she can complain about the quality of mangling bear, she could grumble, she could ( probably not, though ) runesmith…
Wait wait wait. Since Mathilde is legally a dwarf, could she legally declare Grudges?

Like, not thread shitposting, actual, literal, "You didn't pay the agreed upon price for my services, so I'm violently terminating our contract, with full backing of the Dwarven Empire" Grudges?

If she can, then possibilities are limitless, she can complain about the quality of mangling bear, she could grumble, she could ( probably not, though ) runesmith…
I bet she could declare Grudges since she was Loremaster of K8P.

Simply because she had an official function. Not something to do frivolously ofc, but something she could've done.
Wait wait wait. Since Mathilde is legally a dwarf, could she legally declare Grudges?

Like, not thread shitposting, actual, literal, "You didn't pay the agreed upon price for my services, so I'm violently terminating our contract, with full backing of the Dwarven Empire" Grudges?

If she can, then possibilities are limitless, she can complain about the quality of mangling bear, she could grumble, she could ( probably not, though ) runesmith…
I don't know if most actual Dwarfs could declare "full backing of the Dwarfen Empire" Grudges.
Wait wait wait. Since Mathilde is legally a dwarf, could she legally declare Grudges?

Like, not thread shitposting, actual, literal, "You didn't pay the agreed upon price for my services, so I'm violently terminating our contract, with full backing of the Dwarven Empire" Grudges?

If she can, then possibilities are limitless, she can complain about the quality of mangling bear, she could grumble, she could ( probably not, though ) runesmith…
Not quite? We could probably declare grudges on our own, and probably get the backing of K8P but that's about the biggest we could do. Grudges are proportional and big G Grudges which involve the ankor as a whole can only be declared by the high king.

Also we can't become a runesmith because you need the blood of thungni for that, as in a direct ancestoral connection.

Edit: she can absolutely grumble though
Wait wait wait. Since Mathilde is legally a dwarf, could she legally declare Grudges?
Here's a WoB on how that works:
So, since the Karaz Ankor consider Mathilde a dwarf, or at least her soul as dwarven, does that mean it'll start levying grudges on her behalf if something wrongs her?

Edit: Karaz Ankle, thanks autocorrupt.
Not of their own accord. The way the system works is that a Dwarf who is wronged and cannot right matters themselves escalates it to their Clan's leadership, and if the Clan decides it's a valid Grudge they resolve it if they can and escalate it further to their King if they can't, and from there if it can't be resolved in the immediate term it gets entered into the Karak's Book of Grudges. Mathilde could interface with this by either claiming Clanless status and petitioning Belegar directly or by claiming to be head of Clan Weber and escalating it to Belegar as her Clan's King.

Guilds and Cults can also play the same role as Clans in this process. Dwarven society has an inbuilt assumption that being a Dwarf of the Karaz Ankor means being a member of at least one of those.
That said, I'm struggling to come up with a set of circumstances where the thread would vote to delegate revenging a personal grudge to Belegar rather than carrying it out personally, outside of Mathilde's own eventual death by gribblies.
That said, I'm struggling to come up with a set of circumstances where the thread would vote to delegate revenging a personal grudge to Belegar rather than carrying it out personally, outside of Mathilde's own eventual death by gribblies.
Political difficulties?

Say Mathilde is wronged by the Grand Theogonist and decides to use the Dwarfs as a weapon against him.
That WoB makes it sound like declaring a Grudge is in a way an admission of failure and weakness. Not that the Dawi perceive it as such, of course, but still... There's no way Mathilde would ever do that.
She doesn't outright monologue about her own greatness, but she definitely hates the very idea of being viewed as unable to do something.
That said, I'm struggling to come up with a set of circumstances where the thread would vote to delegate revenging a personal grudge to Belegar rather than carrying it out personally, outside of Mathilde's own eventual death by gribblies.
That would be an interesting thing for someone to find in Mathilde's will. Her own book of grudges with most of them crossed out.
I mean, Mathilde's psychology is distinctly different than that of a Dwarf's. A Grudge has a cultual context specific to Dwarfs and their mindset, and I can't really see Mathilde being into it. Not that Mathilde doesn't hold grudges, but the way she deals with them is likely to be quite different than what a Dwarf does. I struggle to think of a situation that would involve Mathilde calling on her Dwarf connections for vengeance. Mathilde can deal with her own grudges, considering her skill set.
Hang on... Thats a thing we could do!?!
Why the hell haven't we created a Clan Weber formally yet?
Because why would we? Does Mathilde even have an official family who would like to be inducted? Only thing I can think of is Panoramia if Mathilde marries her. Maybe Johann if he wants to be adopted, but it's not like he's ever stated his family situation. I like the idea of a found family because that's a sweet trope that I love, but I don't really see the benefits and I can't imagine a scenario where Mathilde pitches it in-universe.
Only thing I can think of is Panoramia if Mathilde marries her. Maybe Johann if he wants to be adopted, but it's not like he's ever stated his family situation.
Thorgrim: Praise be Valaya! Karaz Ankor welcomes a new clan! The first in a thousand hundredyears.
Advisor: But, my king... they're all wizards. And Umgi.
Thorgrim: <chokes> what!?
Belegar: <rubs hands gleefully> Yes. I've also taken the initiative and founded the Vala Azril Ungol Zhufokrul Guild. The paperwork is already approved.
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