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Thoughts on the Waystone Project going forwards:

The Rune... I suppose we could have Mathilde learn Arcane Khazalid to see if she can pick up on any connections the Runesmiths might not be able to? That or we could go do some hunting in Lustria for more Old One Script?

There's some obvious potential with the Gold Order and the capstone metal. If we plan on investigating that, I think it makes sense to fully bring the Gold Order in on the same turn we do. If we stick with just "giving Johann and Max authorization" then it probably won't cost much either, as opposed to if we tried to hire a new Gold Wizard specialist. It's also worth noting that we have a Major Boon from the Karaz-a-Karak Metalsmiths Guild since we personally rescued a ton of them, which we could likely parlay into either them giving us guidance if we end up stumped, or into having them supply us with a bunch of Waystone Gold if we figure out the recipe ourselves.

The foundational wheel... seems somewhat similar to Thorek's device for recharging Anvil Runes. Beyond that, just discuss Wind theory to try to pin down an underlying truth? Get some texts from Cathay or Ind for extra insight?

Leylines - this is where the Amber Order comes in, I don't doubt that they could help us fill in our speculative map a great deal. A bunch of field excursions too, to see what the situation in Sylvania and Mouslion are like.

Tributaries - a lot to talk about with the Hedgewise here. Likely worth bringing in a number of other cults that we think might retain historical knowledge of tributaries. Probably need to bring in the Ulricans first for political reasons.

Other Networks - since I doubt Athel Loren or Nehekara are sharing, this is gonna rely heavily on what and how much Zlata decides to share.
I wrote a post with some ideas about our research going forward you might want to take a look at. Getting Dawi Metalsmiths to help us with the Waystone Gold is an interesting idea, I'll add it to the post later, but I don't think it's going to require a boon: this probably falls under "Dwarf Favour help now comes free if it's for the Karaz Ankor", as the Waystone project definitely serves the Karaz Ankor. Regarding the other networks, I actually think Nehekara is our best bet, because the Lights should be more willing to share other people's secrets, just as Niedzwenka was happy to share information about a network she know about but isn't using herself.
There are many Arcane Marks that exhibit physical changes. What's your proof that what Gretel's going through isn't an Arcane Mark?
I don't have proof that it's not an arcane mark. I never said that either. But we have reason to believe that just Shyish could produce it without an arcane mark, and that that is a meaningful difference. And I could ask just as well: What proof do you have it is an arcane mark? I could argue that occam's razor says less assumptions (aka no mark) is better, but the evidence also suggests that such a mark quite possible, so it's not really a very heavy assumption. Whatever the case, it's not something we can answer with what we know, and the effort to find out isn't really worth it.
I don't understand how that proves what Gretel is going through isn't an Arcane Mark. The Mushrooms weren't channeling Shyish through their soul, they were just exposed to Shyish, so the circumstances are substantially different anyways.
Thing + Shyish = thing with stopped growth? I'm genuinely not sure how else to put it, it seems to be clear to me (which to be clear, means that I'm not communicating my point well enough).
The fact that they don't channel shows that the soul aka arcane marks is not necessary at all for the phenomenon.
Yesterday I had a realisation about who we could possibly recruit, in the best case scenario: Grand Hierophant Khatep.

If you don't know him, according to the Lexicanum, Khatep was the first member of the Mortuary Cult to achieve "immortality" (Liche Priests are technically alive, but look very very dead), and knows all of their secrets. When the Tomb Kings first got woken up, he was the one to wake Settra, to prevent a civil war that would tear apart what was left of Nehekhara. Settra was pretty pissed with the Mortuary Cult however, as this new life was nothing like what he was promised. He exiled Khatep from all of the cities of Nehekhara until he found a way to fulfil his promise.

Tbh I'm not sure how we could recruit him, but he would bring a whole lot of Nehekharan lore if we did, especially about the pyramids. I'm not sure he'd be so far from Nehekhara, or even if Mathilde currently knows about him, but maybe its an idea the Light Order can suggest?
Tbh I'm not sure how we could recruit him, but he would bring a whole lot of Nehekharan lore if we did, especially about the pyramids. I'm not sure he'd be so far from Nehekhara, or even if Mathilde currently knows about him, but maybe its an idea the Light Order can suggest?

Or it may come up during study of ancient Nehekharan coinage, as an apparently prominent figure of the kind that may have appeared in coins (assuming that the periods match).
In the interest of avoiding the "adult in child's body" trope, perhaps a vampire child would also like... stay a child mentally? Or at least, their brain wouldn't mature.
In Twilight at least that's the case. So vampire children have the temper and the carelessness of a child with the bloodlust and strength of a vampire. The vampire clan in charge of the masquerade has made embracing children a capital crime, because they will inevitably reveal themselves to humans.

Tbh I'm not sure how we could recruit him, but he would bring a whole lot of Nehekharan lore if we did, especially about the pyramids. I'm not sure he'd be so far from Nehekhara, or even if Mathilde currently knows about him, but maybe its an idea the Light Order can suggest?
He a necromancer from an undead faction, and is in the same weight class as Hatalath. Even if people in the WP knows of him, there's no way we can convince anyone to accept him. Actually I'm pretty sure Mathilde herself would refuse outright. We would have more chance of recruiting the vampire librarian in Nuln than Khatep.
He a necromancer from an undead faction, and is in the same weight class as Hatalath. Even if people in the WP knows of him, there's no way we can convince anyone to accept him. Actually I'm pretty sure Mathilde herself would refuse outright. We would have more chance of recruiting the vampire librarian in Nuln than Khatep.

Technically he is not a necromancer, he is a priest of the Mortuary Cult who uses the divine magic of Nehekara, he is also not undead even as much as the other Tomb Kings because he did not rise from his grave, he simply had his life extended by the secrets of his order. His heart still beats... about once a year.
Technically he is not a necromancer, he is a priest of the Mortuary Cult who uses the divine magic of Nehekara, he is also not undead even as much as the other Tomb Kings because he did not rise from his grave, he simply had his life extended by the secrets of his order. His heart still beats... about once a year.
Yeah, technically he isn't a necromancer. But in practice he still reanimate dead bodies, so I think everyone ´s opinion in-universe would be that's too technical a difference to fly (if they even know).
And that's why I said « member of an undead faction » instead of « undead »😉 Again, I think it's not the kind of technicalities that's acceptable.
He a necromancer from an undead faction, and is in the same weight class as Hatalath. Even if people in the WP knows of him, there's no way we can convince anyone to accept him. Actually I'm pretty sure Mathilde herself would refuse outright. We would have more chance of recruiting the vampire librarian in Nuln than Khatep.
Technically he is not a necromancer, he is a priest of the Mortuary Cult who uses the divine magic of Nehekara, he is also not undead even as much as the other Tomb Kings because he did not rise from his grave, he simply had his life extended by the secrets of his order. His heart still beats... about once a year.
That's a point actually. Could he classified as a "foreign priest" like Ice Witches and Damsels are? I mean he is as priest, but can that loophole be used to bring him onto the project?
Yeah, technically he isn't a necromancer. But in practice he still reanimate dead bodies, so I think everyone ´s opinion in-universe would be that's too technical a difference to fly (if they even know).
And that's why I said « member of an undead faction » instead of « undead »😉 Again, I think it's not the kind of technicalities that's acceptable.

I do not think he actually animates the dead. All of the walking corpses in Nehekara were made by Nagash's botched ritual, not the Liche Priests and if any of them do get broken I think they just rise again from the tainted earth, driven by their oaths. All in all I think the Colleges could swallow him if we managed to pull it off somehow, they do actually care if someone uses Dhar or not. The General public would of course freak out but the solution to that is not to tell them
*Mathilde shows up at the next meeting of the WP with a mummy in a trenchcoat and a big fake moustache*
Everyone else: "Uh, is that-"
Mathilde: "Yes! This is my good friend Kha-, uh, Karl! A priest I recruited to help the project that is definitely not an unholy abomination!"
*Deceiver coin procs*
Everyone else: "Well, that sounds reasonable."
There's propably no law against being a Liche Priest in the Empire (if only because nobody borne in the last few millenia managed it) and there's no Dhar involved, as far as we know.
And technically they are not undead.

So all is well with Khatep-Karl?
I do not think he actually animates the dead. All of the walking corpses in Nehekara were made by Nagash's botched ritual, not the Liche Priests and if any of them do get broken I think they just rise again from the tainted earth, driven by their oaths. All in all I think the Colleges could swallow him if we managed to pull it off somehow, they do actually care if someone uses Dhar or not. The General public would of course freak out but the solution to that is not to tell them
I think he does animate them, and at the very least he commands them. In the tabletop the army crumbles if the priests are killed. I'm pretty sure the technicality wouldn't fly, even if he had important knowledge and was friendly.
Arcane mark or not, Mandred can't be that much stranger than Averland's EC, who is, oh what's a polite way to say this, not playing with a full deck of cards, if you get what I mean.
Marius is a really fun character.

Isn't that an Eldar D-Cannon but less reliable? If the Skaven make that then the Orks will reverse reverse engineer it to make Shokk Attack Kannon.
Orcs don't really do that so much in Fantasy. They're much less able to just make stuff happen by sheer force of belief.

The Rune... I suppose we could have Mathilde learn Arcane Khazalid to see if she can pick up on any connections the Runesmiths might not be able to? That or we could go do some hunting in Lustria for more Old One Script?
Dangerous although possible. Canon-wise the Asur have some examples, and seeing as the thread wants to use Elfcation to leverage into access to shinies like that anyway, that might be a way in.

I'm convinced Vlad tried to create his own network/vortex in Sylvania. It would explain why the waystones are not cleansing the land of Dhar even after a thousand years.

Edit: also, as far as I can tell, Drakenhof is directly south of Mordhiem.
I think Drakenhof is south-east of Mordheim and directly south of Bechafen? I could certainly see an experiment like that as something that occcurred in Sylvania, although honestly I'd bet on Mannfred doing it mroe than Vlad. Also, the Waystone Network being broken there would alos explain the lack of cleansing.

In the army books for 8e they have the undead rule, as do necromancers, but that's a game mechanic to let them be in undead units. Lore wise neither is actually undead. Same with the Liche Priests, technically.
To be fair, the Undead rule does explicitly say that not every unit with it is actually one of the dead, but claims that they're all linked to the will of the sorcerers. I imagine in a Sauron "do my bidding" mental domination way. Liche Priests though basically seem to work on the same principles as the rest of their armies though, needing magic to keep themselves together, even if they're not technically dead.

I do not think he actually animates the dead. All of the walking corpses in Nehekara were made by Nagash's botched ritual, not the Liche Priests and if any of them do get broken I think they just rise again from the tainted earth, driven by their oaths. All in all I think the Colleges could swallow him if we managed to pull it off somehow, they do actually care if someone uses Dhar or not. The General public would of course freak out but the solution to that is not to tell them
Liche Priests "know the rituals needed to draw forth spirits from the Realm of Souls and bind them once more into corporeal bodies" which is definitely raising the dead. Khatep specifically brought Settra back from the dead, when Nagash's ritual failed to penetrate the defences on his pyramid and Khatep decided he was needed to prevent Nehekhara being utterly destroyed.
Even if people were inclinded to let Khatep in on the "technically not dead", which i doubt, since you never wanna be in a situation where "well, technically" is your line of defence.

Khatep is also kind of, a part of the faction that has like, sacked the empire several times. It's a bit different from allies like Dwarfs and Kislev to semi-neutral like the elves to invite him in. Especially since he is the guy who started the whole Tomb King stuff.

People are gonna, and rightfully so that you are inviting Nagash 2.0 into the Empire, given how they come from same place and so forth.

It would be a bit like finding an Ork Shaman really into beating intellectual challengs and was totally willing to come on board to "beat the glowy roks". He might be willing, but the rest of the empire would be having some raised eyebrows
Technically he is not a necromancer, he is a priest of the Mortuary Cult who uses the divine magic of Nehekara, he is also not undead even as much as the other Tomb Kings because he did not rise from his grave, he simply had his life extended by the secrets of his order. His heart still beats... about once a year.

No one in the empire is going to care to make that distinction.
Khatep's Nehekaran Necromancy 102:

Step 1: Acquire a stick.
Step 2: Approach a skeleton
Step 3: Prod it until it gets up
Step 4: Wait for it to recognize you as a Liche Priest.
Step 5: Repeat Steps 1-4 until you have assembled an army.
Even if people were inclinded to let Khatep in on the "technically not dead", which i doubt, since you never wanna be in a situation where "well, technically" is your line of defence.

Khatep is also kind of, a part of the faction that has like, sacked the empire several times. It's a bit different from allies like Dwarfs and Kislev to semi-neutral like the elves to invite him in. Especially since he is the guy who started the whole Tomb King stuff.

People are gonna, and rightfully so that you are inviting Nagash 2.0 into the Empire, given how they come from same place and so forth.

It would be a bit like finding an Ork Shaman really into beating intellectual challengs and was totally willing to come on board to "beat the glowy roks". He might be willing, but the rest of the empire would be having some raised eyebrows

The argument that Khatep is like Nagash is sort of like arguing that the colleges of magic are evil because Black Magisters are a thing, Nagash is a heretic and madman to the rest of the Liche priests. Also Khatep may or may not be worshiping Mor in a funny mustache.

As for sacking the Empire at one point or another... so did Bretonia. Not saying it would be as easy of a sell as a Damsel, we do not have a history of working with Liche Priests as much as against them, but I do not think you would get tha sort of unthinking rejection that an orc would. For one thing the Lights must have gotten their lore from somewhere and I doubt they looted it.
For one thing the Lights must have gotten their lore from somewhere and I doubt they looted it.
Imo, it comes from when the Nehekharans conquered parts of the territory that would become the Empire. Nehekharan culture likely had an influence on the local populations, and some of their magical knowledge might have trickled towards the existing traditions of those regions. I highly doubt lich priests would teach their arcane secrets to adventuring wizards visiting Nehekhara.

edit: and Khatep is still reanimating dead bodies, there's no way anyone in the Empire wouldn't try to kill him on sight.
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