Ahh yes. The one good point to feudalism.
All the authority of a totalitarian state.
Only half of the instability.
Speaking of options. Going with the Cults might weaken their influence short term but might make them more valued allies to magic colleges in the future, thus leading to cooperation between them against the hegemony of the signmarites and the witch hunters.
I think you misunderstand which Cults are being meant here. We wouldn't be asking the Taalites or whatever to sanction us. We would declare the present members as authorities of the "Cults" of Halétha, the Earth Mother and Tahoth and then just do whatever the hell we want while not feeling quite as bad about it. It's a fig leaf excuse that essentially is the same as Conspiracy, except that it replaces guilt with arrogance and allows for us to at least say anything at all in our defense if we get caught.
Or maybe, just maybe, I completely misunderstood the point of that option. Which I only think likely because, as I understand it, it is so blatantly bad as to confuse me when I try to figure out why it exists as an option at all.
Arguably that's by far the biggest secret we learned. And IMO it's a doozy even if it isn't Elven, considering that this is the very first day of the Waystone Project. And the fact that it is possible and that Humans can do it (with divine help) is something that Elves definitely wanted to continue keeping secret. Asur Elves that is.
Yes anvils of Doom are a military secret.... Lighting runes on stone definitely aren't. Even just visiting one of the old holds would tell you that stone anti magic bias has not stopped the dawi from putting runes on it. Actually we knew they had a network, we found out about it. We also had a suspicion about Kislev but their not a elder race so it doesn't really matter.
And Thorek looked pained about basic knowledge. The whole situation goes against anything a runesmiths learns. It's airing guild business outside of guildhalls. It would probably pain him to talk about his favourite chisel if he used it for runes...
We knew that Runes
on stone could still function and have their intended effects. Not that there are Runes that specifically make stones more porous/conductive for Winds and Wind magic.
I've seen some argue that going to the Emperor is somehow more shady or less legitimate or something, and I'd just like to mention that it's not. Going to the Emperor and getting a dispensation from him is every bit as proper and legitimate as going through the College channels, one just bypasses the usual authority and so can annoy it. But it's not wrong or something that would open the dispensation to more questioning, and so, considering the usual authority is Dragomas who doesn't care much for it, I think reducing the spread of information even a little is worth it just on the general principles.
To add, the idea that it would be seen as more shady by non-collegiate third parties implies that said third parties trust Dragomas and his Wizard buddies more than the rightful Emperor of Sigmar's Holy Empire. Who are those people?
Is it? Wait, why do we even have a vote, if it is common knowledge that anything that involves Waystones also involve Dhar?
I thought the general knowledge was about Herdstones and blocking Winds inside to stagnate them into Dhar, not that Dhar producing is the normal working order for Waystones.
It's common knowledge that Dhar accumulation is normal for broken or corrupted Waystones. Or even just turned off ones. Like, when Mathilde turned of that Waystone near Karak Vlag it would have eventually become a messy and irreparable Dhar pool if she had randomly decided not to turn it on again.
So you were partially right, but one doesn't need to go through some complicated dark ritual to achieve it.
Also Herdstones can be set up without having a Waystone ready to corrupt at hand. Beastmen do all those rituals in order to set up a new thing. The location might be important, but there doesn't need to be anything there currently.
No, because those aren't tributaries. According to our newly minted terminology tributaries are those structures that deal with small amounts of magic that don't retain the nature of the individual winds, and while I have no idea what the heck the immaterial Waystone is it's probably not that because
1. I'm pretty sure Altdorf is a leyline nexus
2. I would imagine that the Lights are doing something with Hysh so their Waystone should be able to hand decently large amounts of wind, large enough for them to retain the nature of Hysh
Jyn did in fact
make a list of all the various types of Waystones/tributaries we've seen and collated a whole bunch of information on Waystones besides, but right now the research avenues proposed by Mathilde seem to mostly focus on the Elf-Dwarf Waystones (half of our research avenues are just studying components of those Waystones) and the tributaries because the tributaries are simple. Other designs we've seen are only important to those research avenues insofar as they can teach us about those things - so the Obelisk of Laws is interesting because it doesn't use the Waystone Rune and maybe we can learn about the Rune's purpose by comparing it to regular Waystones, for example.
There's also the three extra large ogham stones we saw in that Taalite holy place in Ostermark. They work like a nexus despite being human made if I remember correctly. And they are located at what used to be a major artery, so they weren't only functional due to being minor tributaries.
You know part of me wonders how the others saw this conversation. I mean we have some really diverse PoVs here. Actually let's try
I wonder if any of the Elves were impressed by MAP. It's a minor spell, but maybe not one that they know. Although, maybe it is exactly the kind of obvious cantrip that Teclis didn't bother teaching.