Because it's the official and correct way to do it, rather than bypassing all the highly important paperwork via personal connections, and means that if anyone complains we have the correct forms in triplicate to make them shut up. The only downside is that Dragomas has to inform Algard, Feldmann, Paranoth, and Alric that their wizards have permission to study dark magic. He doesn't have to tell them why, or what that dark magic is, except that it relates to the waystones, which suck up Dhar and removes it.
I can see that reasoning thanks. Going directly it is indeed not that right way I agree with your points, but I still don't think it compares to information security, call it paranoia.
It seems the mechanical effetcts are similar, both end up with permission, main differences are:
- Other heads learn about the Dhar subject (long term they will learn about it through their wizards)
-- With this information know to more people it may bring more oversight, maybe not to us but high chance the other wizards will have it.
-- Paranoia speaking: why should we let them know? Can we trust their information security? Probably yes. Can we trust they will trust us with such sensistive topic? I don't.
- Dragomas will be bypassed if we choose Imperial option.
-- Do we care? Does he? He does, probably, but I don't think he will mind much
-- Dragomas, the other project wizards and anyone else invoved in the permission will know we have a connection with the Empress (thats a secret?)
---This kind of thing may count as a favour
Edit: focused so much on the heads forgot to write. I dont think we can be sure only the heads will learn about it. The less people know it, the better