It's fine. Worst comes to worst she can just lie about stuff like when she was embezzling from Stirland.I feel like there is a accounted somewhere looking over Mathilde's expense report in a dark room somewhere in the colleges.
This has come up before and Algard himself has been cited as an example of using pocket dimensions to store stuff, and if I remember right, the answer boiled down to no.The whole idea of looting the enemy makes me think about the issue of limited pocket space. Is there any enchantment that could serve as a Bag of Holding? Ranaldite Magic has Poor Man's Face (though with a risk of Ranald deciding to keep particularly intestesting trinkets for himself), but can arcane magic come up with something similar?
IIRC, it was a flight school meme.This has come up before and Algard himself has been cited as an example of using pocket dimensions to store stuff, and if I remember right, the answer boiled down to no.
Serious answer: Some creativity with utility spells could get you partway there, but nothing with the straightforward utility of the D&D item.Shame there is no magic item for a bag of holding. @BoneyM Or is there?
Comedy answer: Pit of Shades, if you can work out one or two bugs.
Algard couldn't use Algard's pocket dimension to make a bag of holding.@BoneyM can we use Algard's pocket dimension magic to make a bag of holding?
I mean, when said territory is a liminal realm naturally too thin for an electron to remain uncrushed…It does make me wonder how scary Algard could be in home territory. Never fight a Wizard in his lair probably goes double for him.
Home territory ala space shenanigans housing members of an organization he heads proximally surrounded by as-potent factions that combine into a self-sufficient city-state (I think Altdorf counts?).It does make me wonder how scary Algard could be in home territory. Never fight a Wizard in his lair probably goes double for him.
@Boney can I ask what Alric got up to post-miniquest? Or is it a big enough thing to warrant being exclusive to an update? I think Mathilde has enough connections to find out and the compulsion to ask it. Reason I ask is I doubt he's gonna win any socials for a long time nor will anything he do be relevant to the Waystone Project.
There's always that weird mix of satisfaction and disappointment when you go to give a post a rating but can't because you already gave one ages ago.
Every time you summon a bound apparition, it's as easy and dangerous to lose control of it as miscasting Battle Magic. Using it for something like holding on to loot doesn't sound like an especially healthy idea.You know speaking of magical storage I have just had an idea. @Boney as far as Mathilde knows an apparition that is 'bound to the wizard's soul' is in fact in the warp just with a leash right? It is not bound inside a wizard's soul? Because if that is the case I wonder if we can just hand the loot to say a handmaiden de-summon them and then call them back with it in tow. We know physical matter can last for some time inside the warp since people get pushed in and back out sometimes.
Every time you summon a bound apparition, it's as easy and dangerous to lose control of them as miscasting Battle Magic. Using it for something like holding on to loot doesn't sound like an especially healthy idea.
You know speaking of magical storage I have just had an idea. @Boney as far as Mathilde knows an apparition that is 'bound to the wizard's soul' is in fact in the warp just with a leash right? It is not bound inside a wizard's soul?
Because if that is the case I wonder if we can just hand the loot to say a handmaiden de-summon them and then call them back with it in tow. We know physical matter can last for some time inside the warp since people get pushed in and back out sometimes.