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DL Adventure Hooks
I've been reading the Adventure Hooks in Heirs of Sigmar, and I thought it'd be a fun idea to make a bunch for a few ongoing plot threads in the DL universe. I had fun making it, but got kinda carried away so I'll put them in neat little spoilers to make it easier to scroll through.

Adventure Hooks:
The Great Enchanter Constant Drachenfels, a blight on the history of the Empire. Despite being defeated by Emperor Sigmar thousands of years ago, his Castle, built on the Grey Mountains north of Ubersreik, still haunts the Empire. Its 7 grey spires claw towards the sky and present a looming edifice that strikes fear into the hearts of Reiklanders as it wakes once more.

The Reikland Army very recently performed an operation to purge the Castle, but the citizens of Morlenfurt are whispering that they can hear eldritch wails during the night, unsure of whether it is the wind or the beasts of Drachenfels. The Mayor of Morlenfurt is more than happy to hire the PCs to investigate Drachenfels and bring evidence of its status, whether it sleeps or wakes once more.

It is true that the Reikland army purged the majority of the Castle, but unbeknownst to them, there are many beings within the Castle that would rather bide their time than engage an army, but would very much prefer to prey on an adventuring party…
As much as the Empire likes to maintain the secrecy of the Conspiracy of Silence, there are times when it is threatened. One such event has occurred very recently within the confines of Ubersreik, as its citizens were sworn to silence on the subject of the army marching into their city to clear an under-city full of the verminous creatures known as the "Skaven".

Despite their best efforts however, the movements of a military force do not go unnoticed, and while they've left to return to their posts, a significant garrison still remains within the city to clear out the remaining holdouts. The overworked Watch Captain of Ubersreik, Lars Kramer, was left in charge of the operations with vague promises of Dwarven support. He technically should not be hiring mercenaries to assist in these operations, but he is desperately short of manpower and willing to bend the rules. Perhaps the PCs can take advantage of that…
Or perhaps the PCs can take a different route. Instead of involving themselves in clearing out the Skaven of Ubersreik's under-city, they might decide to take advantage of the influx of the city's black market.

Many of the underground guilds and gangs are making quite the profit selling products "confiscated" from the Skaven, from deadly gunpowder to certain drugs, and they're looking for contractors to smuggle them out underneath the Empire's nose. Whether the PCs involve themselves here to earn a hefty sum of money, dismantle the gangs to gather their resources, or report them to the watch (likely to lead to bounties posted that they could collect on) entirely depends on their temperament and morality…
At this point, everyone has heard of it. "Marienburg's acting up again" is the sort of thing you'd hear daily at this point, as the disgruntled Imperial citizenry chafe under the tightening resources caused by the Marienburg blockade. "That city nees' ta get torn down I tell ya" is another common refrain. Whatever the citizenry feel about this, this is an opportunity for the PCs to exploit.

Marienburg's blockade started as a result of the Canals being built between the Black Water-Aver Reach and the Stir-Talabec, as the Burghers of Marienburg refused to have their monopoly undermined. The Empire refused to accede to their demands, and continue to build these canals with Dwarven support. Nobody is naive enough to believe that the preceding explosion in riverine banditry in the southern provinces happens to be a coincidence. Tensions are racking up, and war is not entirely out of the realm of possibility. Such circumstances are the perfect opportunity for mercenaries, as they flock to Marienburg to lend their services and are held on retainer "just in case".

If one is feeling particularly patriotic, this could be taken advantage of. The Empire would be willing to pay quite the sum of money or favor to whoever grants them valuable information to undermine the Burgomeisters, as long as sufficient evidence is provided. One has to be careful however, as there are few enemies as vindictive as a scorned merchant…
Much talk is bandied about in regards to the canal being built in Ostermark between the Rivers Stir and Talabec. The primary contention point is that Talabecland traders are incensed at the audacity of the Ostermarker upstarts to think they could bypass Talabecland's rivers and tolls and undermine their dominance in matters of trade. Unfortunately for them, things are not in their favor as Karak Kadrin are the ones building the canal, and after a nearly disastrous attempt to stop the project that almost got them grudged, the Talabeclanders are no longer keen on interfering. Directly, that is.

While the messing with the Dwarves is out of bounds, the Talabecland traders are more than willing to enact subterfuge on the Ostermarkers. In their search for ways to hamper their efforts, the Talabeclanders are desperate and willing to spend inordinate amounts of money for the PCs to find information that could devastate the Ostermark trade families. The task is difficult, and if they were to fail there would be no clues as to who hired the PCs, as the Talabeclanders are quite careful, but the rewards might be worth it.

Or perhaps they might turn sides, as the Ostermarkers look to have the advantage in this turn of affairs. One can only hope that if they choose this path, that the status quo remains constant. In the background of this conflict however, certain cults that have remained largely dormant and insular are swelling in both number and power behind the backs of Talabecland and Ostermark…
They say that Karak Vlag, a Dwarf hold watching over High Pass to the northeast of Kislev, suddenly came back to the pass it was watching over as if it never disappeared nearly 200 years ago during the Great War Against Chaos.

Most would dismiss this as ridiculous tall tales from Kislev, if the Dwarfs of the Karaz Ankor did not swear it to be true. Apparently the path leading to Vlag from Praag would be an even more significant trade route now that there was a hold watching over High Pass, but the path runs through Forest Goblin territory through the "Dukhlys Forest".

The Dwarfs are honorable and high paying customers, as long as you don't get yourself grudged, so the PCs can have quite the payout. They simply must make the long trek to the Eastern Oblast and fight Goblinoids in the freezing north of Kislev and deal with weird discombobulated paranoid Dwarves that are very much not like the Dwarves anywhere else. Simple.
The Elector Countess Roswita van Hal, daughter of the Hunter Count that fell in the Battle of Drakenhof, proved her martial prowess and determination when she eliminated the majority of the Vampire holdouts in Sylvania. One might even hope that it lasts, and Sylvania could finally be reclaimed! Unfortunately there are still two remaining holdouts. The Lahmian Vampires Mihnea in Mikalsdorf and Ioana in Waldenhof.

Mihnea is a weak sorcerer, having lost his magical artifacts he only has the inherent abilities of a Lahmian Vampire and little magical acumen. Despite this he is surrounded by defensible wetlands that give him a strong base. Ioana is more cunning and powerful, but she lacks the ability to summon animals in bulk in the midst of battle, relying on preparation over improvisation.

Despite this, both of their strongholds were simply laid under siege instead of a conflict being forced, due to the Countess becoming more cautious and preferring the slow approach. The Countess would greatly appreciate any assistance in speeding up this process, and the PCs could certainly cause quite a lot of chaos, as the populace of both towns are quite discontent, and their trade revenue has been cut as a result of Roswita's machinations.
The canal being built in South Stirland to connect the Aver to Zhufbar's Black Water lake, creating a possible trade link to the Old World bypassing Marienburg to the North, has been the cause of much concern and political trouble. Despite this, it has been making steady progress.

While the EIC, Halflings of the Moot and the Dwarfs of Barak Varr and Zhufbar are more than capable of holding their own, they would not deny the help of resourceful adventurers willing to clear the monsters of the Black Water or investigate Karak Varn. There are also rumors of remnants of the Ghoul Woods that are still wandering Southern Stirland, and any help confirming and dealing with these issues could see some very generous payout.
Many ambitious caravans have braved the treacherous road to the Far East to acquire the very valuable resources of that land and witness its splendour. Most end up regretting it as they either die or come back empty handed, as only the most guarded and luck of caravans can survive the trip through the Dark Lands and Mountains of Mourne.

Things might have changed however, as traders all over the Old World are speaking about the new route established to the Dark Lands. You only need to get to Barak Varr, get on one of their steamships down the Blood River to the port town of Ulrikadrin, defended by Ulrican Knights, and be escorted down a tunnel to a pass guarded by canon and mortar, watched over by Karak Eight Peaks. After restocking and resupplying there, the trip can begin as one advances over possibly the safest pass to the Dark Lands, bypassing Iron Rock, Thunder Mountain and Black Crag.

The problem does not lie on the actual trip to the Dark Lands, aside from the price it is quite safe, it is that the Dark Lands themselves are treacherous. Traders moving through Death pass don't have to worry about the Skaven of Crookback Mountain, but they must choose between the Plain of Bones; infested with monstrous creatures, undead dragons and more; or the Desolation of Azgorh; teeming with Chaos Dwarf outposts and watched over by the Night Goblins of Mt.Grey Hag.

As if that wasn't enough, an aspiring trader will almost certainly need to resupply in Pigbarter under the watchful eye of the greedy Ogres that rule it and the Gnoblars that infest it, and then sneak their way through the patrols of the Black Fortress in order to end up in the Ogre Kingdoms. If PCs think that's the end of the trip, just wait until they end up involved in the conflict between two neighbouring Tyrants...
Adventure calls from all across the Old World, as aspiring mercenaries and warriors begin to feel the vibration of History itself being made. Most are distracted by events further north, but to those who are savvy or involved with Barak Varr, they see how things are shaping up. The Dwarves have near total dominance over trade to the Far East, and many are eager to get into the ground level of such an endeavour. It is quite fortunate then, that there is talk of a concentration of human forces starting to build around the Howling River.

Wolf Riders and Knights of Ulrikadrin, Silver Pikes of Undumgi, Crossbows of Braganza's Besiegers, and the wild and varied equipment of the Border Prince and Barak Varr mercenaries. Big things are happening around Mad Dog Pass, and all those surrounding it can feel the tension in the air.

The Mercenaries of Lorenzzo's Pikemen, the Bandits of Jurgen the Ruthless, the Ironclaw Orcs of Iron Rock, the Bloody Spears Night Goblins and Black Spider Forest Goblins all have to brace themselves to survive the oncoming storm. If the PCs hear this call, could they resist it?

AN: I feel like I could have done better. I maybe could have combined both Ubersreik hooks into one hook but I couldn't figure it out, and I couldn't figure out how to do Nuln. That being said, I'm proud to have actually put out an "Omake" so to speak.
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I've been reading the Adventure Hooks in Heirs of Sigmar, and I thought it'd be a fun idea to make a bunch for a few ongoing plot threads in the DL universe. I had fun making it, but got kinda carried away so I'll put them in neat little spoilers to make it easier to scroll through.

Adventure Hooks:
The Great Enchanter Constant Drachenfels, a blight on the history of the Empire. Despite being defeated by Emperor Sigmar thousands of years ago, his Castle, built on the Grey Mountains north of Ubersreik, still haunts the Empire. It's 7 grey spires claw towards the sky and present a looming edifice that strikes fear into the hearts of Reiklanders as it wakes once more.

The Reikland Army very recently performed an operation to purge the Castle, but the citizens of Morlenfurt are whispering that they can hear eldritch wails during the night, unsure of whether it is the wind or the beasts of Drachenfels. The Mayor of Morlenfurt is more than happy to hire the PCs to investigate Drachenfels and bring evidence of its status, whether it sleeps or wakes once more.

It is true that the Reikland army purged the majority of the Castle, but unbeknownst to them, there are many beings within the Castle that would rather bide their time than engage an army, but would very much prefer to prey on an adventuring party…
As much as the Empire likes to maintain the secrecy of the Conspiracy of Silence, there are times when it is threatened. One such event has occurred very recently within the confines of Ubersreik, as its citizens sworn to silence on the subject of the army marching into their city to clear an under-city full of the verminous creatures known as the "Skaven".

Despite their best efforts however, the movements of a military force do not go unnoticed, and while they've left to return to their posts, a significant garrison still remains within the city to clear out the remaining holdouts. The overworked Watch Captain of Ubersreik, Lars Kramer, was left in charge of the operations with vague promises of Dwarven support. He technically should not be hiring mercenaries to assist in these operations, but he is desperately short of manpower and willing to bend the rules. Perhaps the PCs can take advantage of that…
Or perhaps the PCs can take a different route. Instead of involving themselves in clearing out the Skaven of Ubersreik's under-city, they might decide to take advantage of the influx of the city's black market.

Many of the underground guilds and gangs are making quite the profit selling products "confiscated" from the Skaven, from deadly gunpowder to certain drugs, and they're looking for contractors to smuggle them out underneath the Empire's nose. Whether the PCs involve themselves here to earn a hefty sum of money, dismantle the gangs to gather their resources, or report them to the watch (likely to lead to bounties posted that they could collect on) entirely depends on their temperament and morality…
At this point, everyone has heard of it. "Marienburg's acting up again" is the sort of thing you'd hear daily at this point, as the disgruntled Imperial citizenry chafe under the tightening resources caused by the Marienburg blockade. "That city nees' ta get torn down I tell ya" is another common refrain. Whatever the citizenry feel about this, this is an opportunity for the PCs to exploit.

Marienburg's blockade started as a result of the Canals being built between the Black Water-Aver Reach and the Stir-Talabec, as the Burghers of Marienburg refused to have their monopoly undermined. The Empire refused to accede to their demands, and continue to build these canals with Dwarven support. Nobody is naive enough to believe that the preceding explosion in riverine banditry in the southern provinces happens to be a coincidence. Tensions are racking up, and war is not entirely out of the realm of possibility. Such circumstances are the perfect opportunity for mercenaries, as they flock to Marienburg to lend their services and are held on retainer "just in case".

If one is feeling particularly patriotic, this could be taken advantage of. The Empire would be willing to pay quite the sum of money or favor to whoever grants them valuable information to undermine the Burgomeisters, as long as sufficient evidence is provided. One has to be careful however, as there are few enemies as vindictive as a scorned merchant…
Much talk is bandied about in regards to the canal being built in Ostermark between the Rivers Stir and Talabec. The primary contention point is that Talabecland traders are incensed at the audacity of the Ostermarker upstarts to think they could bypass Talabecland's rivers and tolls and undermine their dominance in matters of trade. Unfortunately for them, things are not in their favor as Karak Kadrin are the ones building the canal, and after a nearly disastrous attempt to stop the project that almost got them grudged, the Talabeclanders are no longer keen on interfering. Directly, that is.

While the messing with the Dwarves is out of bounds, the Talabecland traders are more than willing to enact subterfuge on the Ostermarkers. In their search for ways to hamper their efforts, the Talabeclanders are desperate and willing to spend inordinate amounts of money for the PCs to find information that could devastate the Ostermark trade families. The task is difficult, and if they were to fail there would be no clues as to who hired the PCs, as the Talabeclanders are quite careful, but the rewards might be worth it.

Or perhaps they might turn sides, as the Ostermarkers look to have the advantage in this turn of affairs. One can only hope that if they choose this path, that the status quo remains constant. In the background of this conflict however, certain cults that have remained largely dormant and insular are swelling in both number and power behind the backs of Talabecland and Ostermark…
They say that Karak Vlag, a Dwarf hold watching over High Pass to the northeast of Kislev, suddenly came back to the pass it was watching over as if it never disappeared nearly 200 years ago during the Great War Against Chaos.

Most would dismiss this as ridiculous tall tales from Kislev, if the Dwarfs of the Karaz Ankor did not swear it to be true. Apparently the path leading to Vlag from Praag would be an even more significant trade route now that there was a hold watching over High Pass, but the path runs through Forest Goblin territory through the "Dukhlys Forest".

The Dwarfs are honorable and high paying customers, as long as you don't get yourself grudged, so the PCs can have quite the payout. They simply must make the long trek to the Eastern Oblast and fight Goblinoids in the freezing north of Kislev and deal with weird discombobulated paranoid Dwarves that are very much not like the Dwarves anywhere else. Simple.
The Elector Countess Roswita van Hal, daughter of the Hunter Count that fell in the Battle of Drakenhof, proved her martial prowess and determination when she eliminated the majority of the Vampire holdouts in Sylvania. One might even hope that it lasts, and Sylvania could finally be reclaimed! Unfortunately there are still two remaining holdouts. The Lahmian Vampires Mihnea in Mikalsdorf and Ioana in Waldenhof.

Mihnea is a weak sorcerer, having lost his magical artifacts he only has the inherent abilities of a Lahmian Vampire and little magical acumen. Despite this he is surrounded by defensible wetlands that give him a strong base. Ioana is more cunning and powerful, but she lacks the ability to summon animals in bulk in the midst of battle, relying on preparation over improvisation.

Despite this, both of their strongholds were simply laid under siege instead of a conflict being forced, due to the Countess becoming more cautious and preferring the slow approach. The Countess would greatly appreciate any assistance in speeding up this process, and the PCs could certainly cause quite a lot of chaos, as the populace of both towns are quite discontent, and their trade revenue has been cut as a result of Roswita's machinations.
The canal being built in South Stirland to connect the Aver to Zhufbar's Black Water lake, creating a possible trade link to the Old World bypassing Marienburg to the North, has been the cause of much concern and political trouble. Despite this, it has been making steady progress.

While the EIC, Halflings of the Moot and the Dwarfs of Barak Varr and Zhufbar are more than capable of holding their own, they would not deny the help of resourceful adventurers willing to clear the monsters of the Black Water or investigate Karak Varn. There are also rumors of remnants of the Ghoul Woods that are still wandering Southern Stirland, and any help confirming and dealing with these issues could see some very generous payout.
Many ambitious caravans have braved the treacherous road to the Far East to acquire the very valuable resources of that land and witness its splendour. Most end up regretting it as they either die or come back empty handed, as only the most guarded and luck of caravans can survive the trip through the Dark Lands and Mountains of Mourne.

Things might have changed however, as traders all over the Old World are speaking about the new route established to the Dark Lands. You only need to get to Barak Varr, get on one of their steamships down the Blood River to the port town of Ulrikadrin, defended by Ulrican Knights, and be escorted down a tunnel to a pass guarded by canon and mortar, watched over by Karak Eight Peaks. After restocking and resupplying there, the trip can begin as one advances over possibly the safest pass to the Dark Lands, bypassing Iron Rock, Thunder Mountain and Black Crag.

The problem does not lie on the actual trip to the Dark Lands, aside from the price it is quite safe, it is that the Dark Lands themselves are treacherous. Traders moving through Death pass don't have to worry about the Skaven of Crookback Mountain, but they must choose between the Plain of Bones; infested with monstrous creatures, undead dragons and more; or the Desolation of Azgorh; teeming with Chaos Dwarf outposts and watched over by the Night Goblins of Mt.Grey Hag.

As if that wasn't enough, an aspiring trader will almost certainly need to resupply in Pigbarter under the watchful eye of the greedy Ogres that rule it and the Gnoblars that infest it, and then sneak their way through the patrols of the Black Fortress in order to end up in the Ogre Kingdoms. If PCs think that's the end of the trip, just wait until they end up involved in the conflict between two neighbouring Tyrants...
Adventure calls from all across the Old World, as aspiring mercenaries and warriors begin to feel the vibration of History itself being made. Most are distracted by events further north, but to those who are savvy or involved with Barak Varr, they see how things are shaping up. The Dwarves have near total dominance over trade to the Far East, and many are eager to get into the ground level of such an endeavour. It is quite fortunate then, that there is talk of a concentration of human forces starting to build around the Howling River.

Wolf Riders and Knights of Ulrikadrin, Silver Pikes of Undumgi, Crossbows of Braganza's Besiegers, and the wild and varied equipment of the Border Prince and Barak Varr mercenaries. Big things are happening around Mad Dog Pass, and all those surrounding it can feel the tension in the air.

The Mercenaries of Lorenzzo's Pikemen, the Bandits of Jurgen the Ruthless, the Ironclaw Orcs of Iron Rock, the Bloody Spears Night Goblins and Black Spider Forest Goblins all have to brace themselves to survive the oncoming storm. If the PCs hear this call, could they resist it?

AN: I feel like I could have done better. I maybe could have combined both Ubersreik hooks into one hook but I couldn't figure it out, and I couldn't figure out how to do Nuln. That being said, I'm proud to have actually put out an "Omake" so to speak.
Really good.

a funny one about transporting rare books from the far side of the empire to K8P on behalf of a dwarf bookseller clan to a very eccentric and very very shady shadow wizard would be another one.
@Boney, for dwarf names, when you do use relative surnames and when do you use clan surnames? Like, when is it that a dwarf's called Urist Snorrison and when is it that a dwarf's called Urist Angrund?
@Boney, for dwarf names, when you do use relative surnames and when do you use clan surnames? Like, when is it that a dwarf's called Urist Snorrison and when is it that a dwarf's called Urist Angrund?

Are they generally thought of in the context of their Clan? If so, Clan surname. Are they generally thought of in the context of their parentage? If so, patronym. Are they known for their own deeds? Then they get a cognomen.
The difficult part for me is figuring out if something is a Clan name or a patronym.

Like, to use something brought up earlier, Gunnisson is definitely a Clan name, I'm pretty sure Gunnarsson is a Clan name, but I think Gurnisson might be a patronym? (Especially given his relationship with his Clan in-quest)
I realised that working on really big stuff kinda saps my motivation, so I thought I'd pump something out relatively quickly by going over all the Divine Casters we've met:

Heideck: Short and stocky Averlander, an older man who serves as a Priest of Ranald and Wolf's partner in crime. Current head of the Wurtbad Thieves' Guild, more of a social club and church group than a complex organisation. His service to Ranald is to "pay back" all the support he got in his endeavours, and both he and Wolf seemed able to channel the energies of Ranald to banish an Idol of Stormfels' influence. The more serious foil to the butt of the joke in your standard slapstick comedy duo, but lost his partner several years ago so really a coin with one side.

Wolf: Seemingly younger than Heideck but still an older man, a taller and slimmer Nordlander. Irreverant and lighthearted, willing to make bawdy jokes and lighten the mood at his partner's expense. Priest of Ranald and Heideck's partner in crime, used to work with him in the Wurtbad Thieves' Guild. Seemed to be able to channel Ranald's divine energies during the purificaiton of the idol of Stormfels. Unfortunately, the upper half of his body was obliterated, resulting in his death. The bright side is that "most people end up in debt to Ranald, but few end up with Ranald in debt to them", so he's probably having a good time in Ranald Heaven. Wolf the familiar is named after him, and a Wolf shrine in honor to his deeds was built on Mathilde's Estate.

Codrin Petrescu: Name means "In the forest, Son of my privates". True name unknown, Codrin is a Sylvanian Morrite who is part of the Tilean Order known as the Fellowship of the Shroud, Morrite Templars that seek to eradicate the undead by any means necessary, using a mixture of science, alchemy and occultism to achieve their goals. Considered a radical sect, they are heavily mistrusted by other Morrites due to the Fellowship's encouragement of cremation, which is blasphemy to the Morrites who prefer Gardens in all but the most deperate of circumstances. Gained the respect of his fellow Sylvanians and Stirlanders and acted as their leader during the Karak Eight Peaks Expedition, and simply disappeared afterwards. Apparently he was working to eliminate the Vampire bloodlines of Sylvania and needed a place to lay low for a while. Codrin being a divine caster is speculation, for Mathilde only mentioned that he had "a faint hint of Morr about him", but it is likely that he has some degree of ability in that sense.

Chaplain Kasmir Heinz: The Piety Advisor of Elector Count Abelheim Van Hal and later Elector Countess Roswita Van Hal, Kasmir is a Sigmarite Warrior Priest instituted as Chaplain as a bargaining chip by the Grand Theogonist, and a former zealot. He did not necessarily hate the other faiths, but he was completely ignorant about their practices and only ever focused on Sigmarites, which led to some serious backlash when that very flaw resulted in infiltrators and an Army that lacked Morrite, Shallyan and Ulrican priests because he chose not to recruit them. After receiving one hell of a wake up call, Kasmir resolved himself to do better and began paying attention to other priests, but this change of heart was only further advanced by the Grand Theogonist's failure to supply support to the Sylvanian campaign and his own failure to save Abelheim from the clutches of death. Kasmir left his post in Wurtbad and wandered Sylvania, rebuilding the homes of those who lose their houses in the Fire District of Drakenhof, healing the wounded and fighting the undead of the land. This reinforced his battered faith when he found that his divine energies could still be harnessed, and he later found himself determined to restore the faiths of the Sylvanians who had lost all hope in the Empire's gods, so they wouldn't fall to Vampires again. He was convinced to become Roswita's Chaplain by Mathilde, and his relationship with Mathilde is somewhat complicated to say the least.

'Heidi Haupt-Anderssen': Ranaldian Priestess and the Empress to Sigmar's Holy Empire, arguably the Empire's biggest and boldest con artist. A favored of Ranald, she is capable of channeling His Divine favor, and lived a very long life due to performing favors for the Shallyans, extending her lifespan and bringing her back to the flower of her youth. Formerly ran a 13 year long con as Countess Gabriella Von Nachtafen, pretending to be a Vampire and stealing tax money. Mother of the current heir to the throne, Crown Prince Mandred, Mathilde could be considered to be her "partner in crime" in a sense, as she serves as Mandred's god mother.

Joerg Von Zavstra: A high ranking Templar Knight of the Knights of Taal's Fury, he rides a Demigryph and channels Taal's favor despite not being an anointed priest. His name speaks volumes, for his surname is a Kislevite town, albeit one at a four ways crossroad between the Empire's provinces and Kislev. According to Liljiana, he still knows something of the "Old Ways". A devout Taalite knight, he is experienced in facing Chaos and especially in the form of Beastmen. Relatively simple and pragmatic man, more relieved that the trip to the chaos wastes was less eventful than expected than disappointed.

Lucas Von Salkalten: Ostlander Sigmarite Witch Hunter from Salkalten, paranoid and tight as a coiled spring. Roswita's Intrigue advisor, he seems as single minded as her, focused on Sylvania and allowing Julia under his control to spend some of her time to bolster her own family. Lost his arm and got a few scars since becoming advisor, and holds a strong enough connection to Sigmar to indicate to Mathilde that he can channel His Divine favor.

Liljiana: One of the four Hromada Ledyanoy Ved'ma Mathilde met, a Gospodarinyi Ice Witch who is included due to her in between status. An old and energetic woman with quite the strong personality, she was sent by the Ice Witches to retrieve Za Goblet with Mathilde's assistance, and seemed relatively carefree about her possible death. Quite powerful and capable of channeling the Ice Magic of Kislev, connected to the Ancient Widow of the land. She has very strong opinions about the relations of magic and the Divine, and seems to view Ursun, Dazh and Tor as the Ancient Widow's brothers. Her ability to channel the energy of her gods and summon their manifestations of the physical realm to achieve her mission put some truth to her words and puts her in the "technically a divine caster" territory.
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I realised that working on really big stuff kinda saps my motivation, so I thought I'd pump something out relatively quickly by going over all the Divine Casters we've met:

Heideck: Short and stocky Averlander, an older man who serves as a Priest of Ranald and Wolf's partner in crime. Current head of the Wurtbad Thieves' Guild, more of a social club and church group than a complex organisation. His service to Ranald is to "pay back" all the support he got in his endeavours, and both he and Wolf seemed able to channel the energies of Ranald to banish an Idol of Stormfels' influence. The more serious foil to the butt of the joke in your standard slapstick comedy duo, but lost his partner several years ago so really a coin with one side.

Wolf: Seemingly younger than Heideck but still an older man, a taller and slimmer Nordlander. Irreverant and lighthearted, willing to make bawdy jokes and lighten the mood at his partner's expense. Priest of Ranald and Heideck's partner in crime, used to work with him in the Wurtbad Thieves' Guild. Seemed to be able to channel Ranald's divine energies during the purificaiton of the idol of Stormfels. Unfortunately, the upper half of his body was obliterated, resulting in his death. The bright side is that "most people end up in debt to Ranald, but few end up with Ranald in debt to them", so he's probably having a good time in Ranald Heaven. Wolf the familiar is named after him, and a Wolf shrine in honor to his deeds was built on Mathilde's Estate.

Codrin Petrescu: Name means "In the forest, Son of my privates". True name unknown, Codrin is a Sylvanian Morrite who is part of the Tilean Order known as the Fellowship of the Shroud, Morrite Templars that seek to eradicate the undead by any means necessary, using a mixture of science, alchemy and occultism to achieve their goals. Considered a radical sect, they are heavily mistrusted by other Morrites due to the Fellowship's encouragement of cremation, which is blasphemy to the Morrites who prefer Gardens in all but the most deperate of circumstances. Gained the respect of his fellow Sylvanians and Stirlanders and acted as their leader during the Karak Eight Peaks Expedition, and simply disappeared afterwards. Apparently he was working to eliminate the Vampire bloodlines of Sylvania and needed a place to lay low for a while. Codrin being a divine caster is speculation, for Mathilde only mentioned that he had "a faint hint of Morr about him", but it is likely that he has some degree of ability in that sense.

Chaplain Kasmir Heinz: The Piety Advisor of Elector Count Abelheim Van Hal and later Elector Countess Roswita Van Hal, Kasmir is a Sigmarite Warrior Priest instituted as Chaplain as a bargaining chip by the Grand Theogonist, and a former zealot. He did not necessarily hate the other faiths, but he was completely ignorant about their practices and only ever focused on Sigmarites, which led to some serious backlash when that very flaw resulted in infiltrators and an Army that lacked Morrite, Shallyan and Ulrican priests because he chose not to recruit them. After receiving one hell of a wake up call, Kasmir resolved himself to do better and began paying attention to other priests, but this change of heart was only further advanced by the Grand Theogonist's failure to supply support to the Sylvanian campaign and his own failure to save Abelheim from the clutches of death. Kasmir left his post in Wurtbad and wandered Sylvania, rebuilding the homes of those who lose their houses in the Fire District of Drakenhof, healing the wounded and fighting the undead of the land. This reinforced his battered faith when he found that his divine energies could still be harnessed, and he later found himself determined to restore the faiths of the Sylvanians who had lost all hope in the Empire's gods, so they wouldn't fall to Vampires again. He was convinced to become Roswita's Chaplain by Mathilde, and his relationship with Mathilde is somewhat complicated to say the least.

'Heidi Haupt-Anderssen': Ranaldian Priestess and the Empress to Sigmar's Holy Empire, arguably the Empire's biggest and boldest con artist. A favored of Ranald, she is capable of channeling His Divine favor, and lived a very long life due to performing favors for the Shallyans, extending her lifespan and bringing her back to the flower of her youth. Formerly ran a 13 year long con as Countess Gabriella Von Nachtafen, pretending to be a Vampire and stealing tax money. Mother of the current heir to the throne, Crown Prince Mandred, Mathilde could be considered to be her "partner in crime" in a sense, as she serves as Mandred's god mother.

Joerg Von Zavstra: A high ranking Templar Knight of the Knights of Taal's Fury, he rides a Demigryph and channels Taal's favor despite not being an anointed priest. His name speaks volumes, for his surname is a Kislevite town, albeit one at a four ways crossroad between the Empire's provinces and Kislev. According to Liljiana, he still knows something of the "Old Ways". A devout Taalite knight, he is experienced in facing Chaos and especially in the form of Beastmen. Relatively simple and pragmatic man, more relieved that the trip to the chaos wastes was less eventful than expected than disappointed.

Lucas Von Salklaten: Ostlander Sigmarite Witch Hunter from Salklaten, paranoid and tight as a coiled spring. Roswita's Intrigue advisor, he seems as single minded as her, focused on Sylvania and allowing Julia under his control to spend some of her time to bolster her own family. Lost his arm and got a few scars since becoming advisor, and holds a strong enough connection to Sigmar to indicate to Mathilde that he can channel His Divine favor.

Liljiana: One of the four Hromada Ledyanoy Ved'ma Mathilde met, a Gospodarinyi Ice Witch who is included due to her in between status. An old and energetic woman with quite the strong personality, she was sent by the Ice Witches to retrieve Za Goblet with Mathilde's assistance, and seemed relatively carefree about her possible death. Quite powerful and capable of channeling the Ice Magic of Kislev, connected to the Ancient Widow of the land. She has very strong opinions about the relations of magic and the Divine, and seems to view Ursun, Dazh and Tor as the Ancient Widow's brothers. Her ability to channel the energy of her gods and summon their manifestations of the physical realm to achieve her mission put some truth to her words and puts her in the "technically a divine caster" territory.
I must have missed it, when was the name of Roswita's WH friend given?
Not sure sensing the divine around somebody (for example Codrin Petrescu, Joreg, Lucas Von Salkhalten) necessarily means they're a caster - they could just have passive blessings from their respective patrons without having the ability to cast spells.
I must have missed it, when was the name of Roswita's WH friend given?
Has she brought in friends, forces, or visible assets of any kind other than that one witch hunter? And what is his name, anyway?
Either she brought a lot of Witch Hunters or they've become a lot more visible without Abelhelm keeping them in check. The new Spymaster's name is Lucas von Salkalten.
Not sure sensing the divine around somebody (for example Codrin Petrescu, Joreg, Lucas Von Salkhalten) necessarily means they're a caster - they could just have passive blessings from their respective patrons without having the ability to cast spells.
This is what Mathilde says about Lucas:
The Witch Hunter is a coiled spring, and has the strange taste of divinity about him that you're learning to associate with those who can wield the miracles of their God.
And Boney heavily implies that Joerg can channel Divine Magic here:
As Joerg roundaboutly said, being able to channel Divine magic doesn't automatically make you part of a formal Priesthood.
Citing work is miserable. Having to look for this stuff with SV's search sucks.
Found a typo, I think:
In time the ancestors of the Empire arrived and conquered or assimilated the Belthani, and those Dwarves became the first of the Imperial Dwarves, and some of their ancestors probably call Nuln home once more. No wonder they'd be touchy about the home of their fallen glory.
Should the bolded instance of ancestors be 'descendants' instead?
Teclis, looking at this eternally on fire disaster of a nation: I'm going to give these people chiselhands. That'll make everything better.
Honestly for all we know he could have gone there planning to try to teach them a more stable method of using magic, took one look at the ensuing clusterfuck, went 'holy fuck', then adjusted his education itinerary for a race of angry, overterritorial cats.
I have a question for those who read my informational posts. Do you guys prefer more descriptive blurbs like the one I did with the Divine Casters or the shorter ones that I did with the College Rolodex? On the one hand one takes more effort than the other, but it contains far more information. The other allows for quick skimming though. I'm torn on the subject and want to decide before I take on the task of making dozens of profiles.
Honestly for all we know he could have gone there planning to try to teach them a more stable method of using magic, took one look at the ensuing clusterfuck, went 'holy fuck', then adjusted his education itinerary for a race of angry, overterritorial cats.
It should be remembered that humans, for all their endless bickering, are nothing compared to the elves, and a hell of a lot more flexible and willing to compromise than the dwarfs.

A race of angry, overterritorial cats would be a blessed relief compared to Ulthuan. They had to con him into coming back.
I have a question for those who read my informational posts. Do you guys prefer more descriptive blurbs like the one I did with the Divine Casters or the shorter ones that I did with the College Rolodex? On the one hand one takes more effort than the other, but it contains far more information. The other allows for quick skimming though. I'm torn on the subject and want to decide before I take on the task of making dozens of profiles.
I prefer the Rolodex one:) And thanks for doing those posts, it's very helpful:)
So if forcing another wind into doing what we want without creating dhar doesn't work
Can we guide a wind into doing what we want by leaving a escape open in the direction that we want it to?
So if forcing another wind into doing what we want without creating dhar doesn't work
Can we guide a wind into doing what we want by leaving a escape open in the direction that we want it to?
No, the winds repel each other, and "guiding a wind" isn't exactly shaping it. Mathilde can drag a wind over for a person to sense it like she did with Eike, but she can't shape it into anything resembling a spell without it thrashing like a wild animal and causing Dhar.

If you want to do multi Wind casting, Mathilde theorised a very possible course of action. If a small portion of the winds came into contact, the Dhar that results from it overcomes the repellant nature of the Winds and allows you to quickly weave Ulgu to shape whatever the other wind is while it's docile and then release it with a minimal amount of Dhar that stains the caster and the environment. This is probably even less dangerous than necromancy, but it involves deliberately breaking the articles and deliberately and consistently manifesting Dhar over time, even in small amounts that adds up.
Since there's not much going on, some preliminary (very preliminary considering the turn isn't even finished) plans for the future. Now after some feedback I've made some changes and put in some additional thoughts. I'll be editing this occasionally so others can be aware of my thoughts if they desire and later reposting this when the vote actually commences.

[] Plan Preliminary Future Considerations v2
-[] EGRIMM: Work on Sevirscope
-[] MAX: write a paper or Books and rubbings from an Asur explorer of Lustria and the Southlands
-[] JOHANN: Kurgan enchanted weapons
-[] Attempt to bring an Order into the Waystone Project (Jade)
-[] Investigate how the Vitae reacts with Divine Magic.
--[] COIN: The Gambler
-[] get access to elf library and resources / Furnish the living spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (2000gp)
-[] EIC: Completely hand over management of the EIC intelligence apparatus to the Hochlander.
-[] SERENITY: Observations of Karag Dum and its unusual guardian

The most obvious change here is that I've swapped gaining control of an arcane mark for looking at vitae. This change was mostly done because I forgot we weren't actually doing the vitae project this turn. Oops.


Waystone project proper.
The Jade College sits right at the top of people who are going to have useful knowledge of waystones. The Druids from which they're descended from believed they raised the waystones and who knows, they might have actually done so for some of them. As far as pre-teclis knowledge goes these guys definitely appear to be in the lead. Also Teclis's introduction to them is basically him showing them a bunch of new tricks with them so if Teclis left information with anyone it's these guys.

Elf knowledge is the reason we set up in Laurelorn and library is a good place to start. If we don't already have access to it then we need to change that and if we do have access to it we want to start delving through it all. Quite likely that may mean taking the Lay the foundations action if we have sufficient knowledge to start our project but before we start that we also want our lab set up. As such the sequence here is elf library -> elf lab -> waystone foundations.

We previously spent a whopping 6 actions on the waystone project so I feel comfortable going down to a more reasonable 3 out of 6 actions for this turn. Taking Jade college recruitment, Elf resources/lab and the sevirscope should give us good progress on our task and also let us progress in other areas such as researching the vitae.

Being the Boss
Egrimm working on sevirscope (item that lets people view the winds), it'll bring everyone on the same page for talking about the winds, might help tracking leylines by letting anyone see magic and be help for runesmiths. Useful for the waystone project and other things as well. (I could also see working on some of the Karag Dum expedition papers to be a decent alternative to this.)

Max is our loyal anthromorphic paper mill and so will once again be set to doing paperwork. Publishing old papers is good but so is going through those Asur notes we spent so much on, also they might even have something relevant to the project in them even if it's unlikely. On the other hand those Asur notes aren't going anywhere but our memories of the expedition are getting faded so papers seem like the better choice for now.

Johann I think would do well on the weapons we brought back. May as well get through some of our backlog and have Johann be useful.

Note that if we somehow manage to find something relevant to the waystone project those would make for valuable alternatives to Max and Johann's current actions but we'll have to see if something comes up. Alternative ideas are welcome.
An Alternative combination with the current situation could be just taking the 1 Egrimm action on the sevirscope and spending the other action on a non WEB-MAT action. This would mean not getting the buy 2 get 1 free deal but also increases personal flexibility.
Another combination might be taking 2 Max actions and dropping Johann in favor getting more papers published.

Investigate how the Vitae reacts with Divine Magic is the action that's replacing the arcane mark improvement and is hopefully going to be quite interesting. Will the Vitae turn into divine power that we can then sell to various gods using Ranald as our fence? I have no idea but I'd be interested to find out.

It looks like we're winding down with our involvement with the EIC. We've got people we trust to manage it so it's time to let it run independently for a bit, it's not like it won't still be running if we leave it in capable hands. One of previous EIC actions was Found an internal investigation division, to investigate possible misconduct so passing over the handling of the EIC at this point feels like a good choice.

No real ideas here. The expedition stuff is probably the most exciting and will get the most attention though so I picked one of those papers.

Other actions that didn't quite make the mark.

[ ] Involve yourself in the Sylvanian campaign
It's been over 5 years (turn 22) since we set loose a bunch of battle wizards in Sylvania and while I'm sure they're having a great deal of fun stomping whatever happens to come up it's probably about time we actually deal with Ioana. Mathilde is well equipped as a top level infiltrator with basically the whole Grey Wizard spell list, more protection than a steam tank, dragon's breath and the ability to in an emergency just screw over an entire necromantic army.

[ ] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses.
Trying to improve our windsight and our arsenal. A worthy goal.

[ ] Lay the foundations: work with the current members of WEB-MAT and the Waystone Project to build a single unified framework for understanding the Waystones
This is an action we want to do after we've gotten what we think are the core resources together. Personally I'd say those are the Jade College, the Runesmiths and everything we can reasonably grab from Laurelorn. Hopefully with access to Laurelorn's libraries we can create a more comprehensive understanding of the waystones and not look like idiots by missing things that every elf that's looked into waystones already knows.

Recruiting Kislev
"And everyone comes running with promises. Well, here is Kislev's promise. You say there might be ways to push back Dewastacja? Restore Praag? Push back Troll Country? I say: to make this happen, all of Kislev will move mountains. You need gold? Kislev has gold. You need Ice Witch? They want make friends with me after father ignores them, they want me to take Ice Witch wife, I can make them cooperate. The Hag Witches? The kossars know they are mine, you can have Hag Witches. Ursun knows me, His priests will cooperate. If Elves in Erengrad want to stay in Erengrad, they must help. There is nothing I would not make happen if it means more Kislev and less Za. Do you understand?" You nod. "Good. I have gone to the returned Dwarves, spoken to them of you. You tore them from the grip of the Za after all had given up on them. After they had given up on them. Do the same for Kislev, and there would be no reward too great."
I think that says it all on how willing they seem to be.

Other actions.

[ ] Personally scrutinize a Waystone as thoroughly as you possibly can
Mathilde has previously looked at waystones before and even made changes. While this isn't the worst action in the world Mathilde's current jobs is primarily about facilitation, we want to grab everyone's knowledge and then pretend we knew everything all along. As it is I mostly see this action as unlikely to have any unique insights that other wizards haven't been able to acquire by carefully examining waystones over the years and we'd be better of putting our efforts in acquiring knowledge from those that have it already and putting the pieces together.

This is mostly here for posterity, the reasoning mostly repeats of what's above.

[] Plan Preliminary Future Considerations
-[] EGRIMM: Work on Sevirscope
-[] MAX: Write a paper or Books and rubbings from an Asur explorer of Lustria and the Southlands
-[] JOHANN: Kurgan enchanted weapons
-[] Attempt to bring an Order into the Waystone Project (Jade)
-[] Attempt to gain control of one of your Arcane Marks (Mantle of Mist)
--[] COIN: The Gambler
-[] Go through elf library and resources / get access to elf library and resources
-[] EIC: Auditing division or hand over

Other stuff I'm interested in
-[] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses.
-[] Involve yourself in the Sylvanian campaign (vampire assassination)


Waystone project proper.
The Jade College sits right at the top of people who are going to have useful knowledge of waystones. The Druids from which they're descended from believed they raised the waystones and who knows, they might have actually done so for some of them. As far as pre-teclis knowledge goes these guys definitely appear to be in the lead. Also Teclis's introduction to them is basically him showing them a bunch of new tricks with them so if Teclis left information with anyone it's these guys.

Elf knowledge is the reason we set up in Laurelorn and library is a good place to start. If we don't already have access to it then we need to change that and if we do have access to it we want to start delving through it all and maybe brag to all the other wizards which should aid in recruitment.

Being the Boss
Egrimm working on sevirscope (item that lets people view the winds), it'll bring everyone on the same page for talking about the winds, might help tracking leylines by letting anyone see magic and be help for runesmiths. Useful for the waystone project and other things as well. (I could also see working on some of the Karag Dum expedition papers to be a decent alternative to this.)

Max is our loyal anthromorphic paper mill and so will once again be set to doing paperwork. Publishing old papers is good but so is going through those Asur notes we spent so much on, also they might even have something relevant to the project in them even it's unlikely.

Johann I think would do well on the weapons we brought back. May as well get through some of our backlog and have Johann be useful.

The Arcane Marks are something that we should get around to managing. The Mantle of Mist is a notable weakness that could be changed into a notable strength if Mathilde can train noxious gasses to avoid her face and would work well in synergy with Johann if we can team up and play with gas weapons. Mostly I chose it because Mathilde has a misty staff and fog talents, I'm not certain they'll be any help but any advantage we can muster for something like this seems like a good idea.

Also getting Mathilde's soul in order sounds like an important thing to do that could lead to interesting benefits or insights. It seems like an important prerequisite before we start trying to lash apparitions to Mathilde's soul if we want to try that type of research in the future.

It looks like we're winding down with our involvement with the EIC. We've got people we trust to manage it so it's time to let it run independently for a bit, it's not like it won't still be running if we leave it in capable hands. The question is do we want to explicitly make an auditors division or trust in the intelligence we're already getting to deal with it. Additionally it's possible Wilhelmina or The Hochlander will do it themselves. I thought I remembered us doing something like this previously so double checked. One of previous EIC actions was Found an internal investigation division, to investigate possible misconduct so passing over the handling of the EIC at this point feels like a good choice.

No real ideas here. The expedition stuff is probably the most exciting and will get the most attention though.

Other actions that didn't quite make the mark.

[ ] Involve yourself in the Sylvanian campaign
It's been over 5 years (turn 22) since we set loose a bunch of battle wizards in Sylvania and while I'm sure they're having a great deal of fun stomping whatever happens to come up it's probably about time we actually deal with Ioana. Mathilde is well equipped as a top level infiltrator with basically the whole Grey Wizard spell list, more protection than a steam tank, dragon's breath and the ability to in an emergency just screw over an entire necromantic army.

[ ] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses.
Trying to improve our windsight and our arsenal. A worthy goal.

edit: Double checked previous EIC internal monitoring action.
-[*] Found an internal investigation division, to investigate possible misconduct.
Last edited:
Not sure if managing arcane marks is important enough to use not only AP but also the Coin.

We've got the sword style to improve, a ton of research, bringing more people into the Project... Poisonous gas is rare; there's no indication we're going to be fighting skaven or going into a place with poisonous gas anytime soon, so there doesn't seem to be much reason to make controlling that arcane mark a priority.
And being Teclis, no one gave a fuck back home, for he wasnt Tryion the Murder-blender.
I feel I should point out that to 90% of Ulthuan, Teclis is a hero. It's just that he's not as popular at Court because Tyrion is a lot more charming, and also a lot of people pity him for being a cripple (although I think they've stopped trying to insult him over it).

A race of angry, overterritorial cats would be a blessed relief compared to Ulthuan. They had to con him into coming back.
They didn't con him into coming back. They just sprang a surprise promotion on him while he was.
[] Plan Preliminary Future Considerations
-[] EGRIMM: Work on Sevirscope
-[] MAX: Write a paper or Books and rubbings from an Asur explorer of Lustria and the Southlands
-[] JOHANN: Kurgan enchanted weapons
-[] Attempt to bring an Order into the Waystone Project (Jade)
-[] Attempt to gain control of one of your Arcane Marks (Mantle of Mist)
--[] COIN: The Gambler
-[] Go through elf library and resources / get access to elf library and resources
-[] EIC: Auditing division or hand over

Other stuff I'm interested in
-[] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses.
-[] Involve yourself in the Sylvanian campaign (vampire assassination)

Personally, I'm not convinced on the Sevirscope, and I'd rather we move Egrimm onto something waystone related as soon as possible. Same with Max and Johann, although what we set them all on will probably depend on what information Max unearths this turn.

I'd also prefer to put the coin on order recruitment. I think it would also be best to also do the organisation framework action as soon as, so once we've got the runesmiths and at least one order, we should punch that in. For people worried about having to redo the action if we recruit more people; well that'll just be part of the "looking busy" we need to sell to the elves. We can drown them in bureaucracy until we actually have something to show them. We also need to do an "investigate waystone" action as well.

If we want to control any arcane mark, it should be the shadow, as I'm fairly sure that has a dip malus on our interactions with people.

As for the Sylvania thing, as much as I would love to know what's happening over there, I don't think we have the time to get invested in that just yet.

Here's what I would suggest doing:
Plan: Foundations
[ ] [WEBLINGS] Assign waystone tasks that match their strengths (2 actions)
[ ] Attempt to bring an Order into the Waystone Project (Jades) (1 action)
--[ ] COIN: The Gambler
[ ] Furnish the research spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (2000gc for Laurelorn-grade) (1 action)
[ ] Personally scrutinize a Waystone as thoroughly as you possibly can (1 action)
[ ] Lay the foundations: work with the current members of WEB-MAT and the Waystone Project to build a single unified framework for understanding the Waystones (1 action)
[ ] [SERENITY] Write a paper: Windfall or Observations of Great Steppes Or start the Windsoak mushroom book maybe?
[ ] [EIC] ??? Not really sure what to do here? Maybe try to put some agents in Nordland? We're basically blind over there, and if the guilds or nobles are planning to interfere I'd like to see it coming.

... Wait, fudge. There's no room for an av action there. Recalculating.

Plan: Jades, waystones and AV
[ ] [WEBLINGS] Assign waystone tasks that match their strengths (2 actions)
[ ] Attempt to bring an Order into the Waystone Project (Jades) (1 action)
--[ ] COIN: The Gambler
[ ] Furnish the research spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (2000gc for Laurelorn-grade) (1 action)
[ ] Personally scrutinize a Waystone as thoroughly as you possibly can (1 action)
[ ] Investigate how the Vitae reacts with Divine Magic (1 action)
[ ] [SERENITY] Write a paper: Windfall or Observations of Great Steppes Or start the Windsoak mushroom book maybe?
[ ] [EIC] ??? Not really sure what to do here? Maybe try to put some agents in Nordland? We're basically blind over there, and if the guilds or nobles are planning to interfere I'd like to see it coming.

We can do the framework after we get an elven group I guess.
Personally, I'm not convinced on the Sevirscope, and I'd rather we move Egrimm onto something waystone related as soon as possible.
Surely the Sevirscope would be waystone related though as it would allow the runesmiths working on the project to see the winds which I imagine would be pretty helpful, especially if any of the techniques used in Bok were also used in the waystones.

Also your plan has 6 actions, which would give us the overwork penalty. I'm not sure anything we are doing is that important.
Voting is open