Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I sure hope we get a round of trait gains from this set of adventures if they go on for long enough.
The big thread-vote 'trait events' you're likely thinking of have tended to be at the end of entire career arcs, not just adventures. Stirland culminating in Drakenhof, and the entire K8P arc. (I also note in passing that those arcs both also roughly corresponded with Collegiate promotions...)
It's possible the Waystone Project as a whole has the potential to achieve the same narrative significance as those arcs, but don't expect it from a single 'adventure jaunt' like this.
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We got this in the Player created information tab, Might be out of date, but still a source.

Found a variation of Choking Fog and something that is a mix of burning shadows and Fog, probably the acid fog idea mentioned, so direct damage fog spells are viable.
Yeah but its nowhere near "you are bisected by the impossibly thin edge of shattered reality". Mathilde needs oomph. Penumbral pendulum is such a beast of a spell that it can kill a dragon. Thats what Mathilde is lacking, a native way to deal with big threats or deal tremendous area damage. She can, with fireflask, but that leaves her vulnerable for a period of time.
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I don't think we'll get traits for these; for one, they are two short—literally 1 AP each—and two, if we do get traits then that means Boney has to do extra work in the future to prevent us from "farming" adventures every turn to get free bonus traits.

At least, that would be my concern if I was the QM. Who knows, maybe Boney has a plan for that.
The Pendulum does D3 Wounds, Sun Dragons have 5.

Might take 2 casts, might take 5 of them.
I gaslit myself. I just remembered Dragon and Penumbral in the same sentence and my brain conjured the rest. I blame this.
For comparison, getting hit with the Pendulum is comparable to a direct hit with a cannon, and Mind Razor cast even on a unit of regular spearmen makes every man hit harder than a dragon.
EDIT: Wasn't it Pit of Shades that did that, actually?
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My honest experience with Dragons in the wargame is them constantly getting dunked on. Legit always get their head chopped off or blown in half by a cannon. But its been years since I played and I can't remember it very well.

Although I vividly remember a bret's players eyes lighting up when another dude dropped a dragon on the table. It died literally the moment it tried to engage.
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I mean, improving our ability to sword might work. We've historically had a pretty good success rate at that.

Like, no one's been strong enough to no sell us yet, our swordswomanship has consistently been good enough that it would at the very least take time and effort for the enemy to beat us, which is pretty darn great considering the kind of beings we've thrown ourselves against.

People have been able to outfight us, but no one's been able to ignore us or just casually beat us down without trouble.

Improving our swordsmanship might just be good enough .... at the very least, seeing as we never fight these battles alone, it'll be enough to buy enough time for someone to help finish them us out. Plus side, we're almost at the next swordswomanship rank.
Alakazam did tear out our spleen rather contemptuously in the initial clash, as I recall. We were already a Master Swordswoman at that point, I think.
The big thread-vote 'trait events' you're likely thinking of have tended to be at the end of entire career arcs, not just adventures. Stirland culminating in Drakenhof, and the entire K8P arc. (I also note in passing that those arcs both also roughly corresponded with Collegiate promotions...)
It's possible the Waystone Project as a whole has the potential to achieve the same narrative significance as those arcs, but don't expect it from a single 'adventure jaunt' like this.
Didn't the Karag Dum expedition give a trait vote? And that thing only lasted a few months, in-quest.
Eh, my main interest in Battlemagic is if we ever want to compete for Supreme Matriarch. There's plenty of other reasons and ways we could use it, but that's the one where it's almost necessary so long as Dragomas is around and I don't particularly mind one way or the other for the rest.
Didn't the Karag Dum expedition give a trait vote? And that thing only lasted a few months, in-quest.
That vote was also for the entire arc that had come before it.

Mind you, just an adventure can be notable enough, I think, but only really big things like the original Eight Peaks expedition. I doubt Boney would do anything with these adventures unless they broke fifty or more updates.
The big thread-vote 'trait events' you're likely thinking of have tended to be at the end of entire career arcs, not just adventures. Stirland culminating in Drakenhof, and the entire K8P arc. (I also note in passing that those arcs both also roughly corresponded with Collegiate promotions...)
It's possible the Waystone Project as a whole has the potential to achieve the same narrative significance as those arcs, but don't expect it from a single 'adventure jaunt' like this.

Admittedly though it is possible we could get traits from this. We got to chose two traits which we learned from our adventure in Karag Dum which was long but not as not long as the career arcs which likely contributed to Boney"s choice to give any two traits to chose from as lessons learned from the expedition un like the trait events which as you mentioned came from career arc ending. As shown here.

Mathilde will decide on two major themes to take away from the Expedition as a whole: one diplomatic, and one not. Vote for as many as you like from the list below, and one from each with the most votes will win. The exact mechanical effects will be revealed only for the winners.
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Eh, my main interest in Battlemagic is if we ever want to compete for Supreme Matriarch. There's plenty of other reasons and ways we could use it, but that's the one where it's almost necessary so long as Dragomas is around and I don't particularly mind one way or the other for the rest.

That vote was also for the entire arc that had come before it.

Mind you, just an adventure can be notable enough, I think, but only really big things like the original Eight Peaks expedition. I doubt Boney would do anything with these adventures unless they broke fifty or more updates.
I mean, we did get a trait from the last battle for Karak 8 Peaks. Which in lore was only about 3 days or so, and was about the same amount of updates as these last two ventures put together.

I think that us getting traits from fighting in major battles would make some sense personally. Getting into life and death battles of some significance could definitely change a person drastically, especially if they're fighting totally foreign enemies.
If you view it exclusively through the lens of "we spent two AP and got a trait" then yeah it might be a tad ridiculous, but if it's more like "we risked life and limb and fought powerful and ancient enemies nearly dying in the process" then getting a trait makes a lot more sense. All it takes is a single day to radically change a person's life, so I don't think AP is the lens we should look at traits through.
I mean, we did get a trait from the last battle for Karak 8 Peaks. Which in lore was only about 3 days or so, and was about the same amount of updates as these last two ventures put together.
It was for the final retaking of K8P... but also for every single turn we had spent as councilor after the Expedition wrapped up.

I don't see the point of arguing about it.

Either Boney intends to do one, and we'll have a conversation then.

Or he doesn't, and this is all us not-so-subtly pressuring him into giving us one.
Alakazam did tear out our spleen rather contemptuously in the initial clash, as I recall. We were already a Master Swordswoman at that point, I think.

On a nat 1. After that we fought him pretty evenly and then chopped off his arms.

As for being a 'Master Swordswoman', its a bit odd. We have a trait called Master Swordswoman but our actual sword swinging skill was and is still only at Advanced.

Finishing off our custom sword style is definitely my vote for the next self improvement actions to squeeze in somewhere. Its guaranteed to be useful and we know exactly how long it will take.

(Also I think its best to not even bring up trait votes unless one is already up or Boney actually asks for input.)
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The only trait I could see us getting from this little round of adventures is a nega-trait if we get killed and the seed bails us out.

That said, they'll definitely count as progression towards the next big milestone we eventually hit that does give us a trait - maybe once we have a major success on the Waystone project?
Between alpha-striking Alberich and taking on Drycha, maybe we'll be eligible for the Assassination trait again this time around... NGL I lust for that sweet sweet +40 murderin' bonus
The only trait I could see us getting from this little round of adventures is a nega-trait if we get killed and the seed bails us out.

That said, they'll definitely count as progression towards the next big milestone we eventually hit that does give us a trait - maybe once we have a major success on the Waystone project?

Possible, just not sure, could also instead just have skills relevant with this adventure arc increase due to high usage of them and application of them as shown again at the end of the Karag Dum arc like here.

[Skill increased: Colleges of Magic, Advanced: You've worked with your fellow Wizard of the Eight Colleges of Altdorf on numerous occasions. +1 Diplomacy]
[Skill increased: Kislev (2/2): You've developed a basic understanding of the northern realm of Kislev. +1 Diplomacy]
[Skill gained: Kurgan (1/2)]
[Skill gained: Strategy - Knights (1/3)]
[Skill gained: Strategy - Wizards (1/3)]
[Skill gained: Tactics - Wizards (1/3)]
[Skill gained: Scouting (2/3)]
[Skill gained: Logistics (1/3)]
[Skill gained: Kislev Pantheon (1/3)]
[Skill increased: Bibliothecography (2/3)]
[Skill gained: History (Old World) (2/3)]
[Skill gained: Linguistics: You've gone beyond a mere knowledge of languages and are developing an understanding of language itself. +1 Learning]
On a nat 1. After that we fought him pretty evenly and then chopped off his arms.

As for being a 'Master Swordswoman', its a bit odd. We have a trait called Master Swordswoman but our actual sword swinging skill was and is still only at Advanced.

Finishing off our custom sword style is definitely my vote for the next self improvement actions to squeeze in somewhere. Its guaranteed to be useful and we know exactly how long it will take.

(Also I think its best to not even bring up trait votes unless one is already up or Boney actually asks for input.)
Yeah finishing the sword style is probably the best bet. Though I don't know how accurate the terms "advanced" and "master" are even in our progression. Cause even when we hit Master level I expect that people like the Swordmasters of Hoeth will still be able to roundly kick our ass at swordplay.
Though that does maybe mean that advancement in that skill set is still possible even after we complete our sword style.
I expect that we will at least get some skill progress. Might even start getting a master level skill in assassination. This will be our second time this turn.
Yeah finishing the sword style is probably the best bet. Though I don't know how accurate the terms "advanced" and "master" are even in our progression. Cause even when we hit Master level I expect that people like the Swordmasters of Hoeth will still be able to roundly kick our ass at swordplay.
Though that does maybe mean that advancement in that skill set is still possible even after we complete our sword style.
If I recall correctly, Master assassination was mentioned once as explicitly verging on the supernatural, even for Warhammer. Like, Alith Anar and Deathmaster Snikch levels, so among the best of the best in the entire world. On the other hand, there is no Grandmaster Assassination or anything like that, and I think there is supposed to be one for swordsmanship even after we finish our sword style?

I think Mastery, for swordsmanship, will basically mean one of the best in the Old World—while our style gives us extra advantages on top of that—and Grandmastery would be one of the best fighters, period.
Yeah finishing the sword style is probably the best bet. Though I don't know how accurate the terms "advanced" and "master" are even in our progression. Cause even when we hit Master level I expect that people like the Swordmasters of Hoeth will still be able to roundly kick our ass at swordplay.
Though that does maybe mean that advancement in that skill set is still possible even after we complete our sword style.
In pure technical skill, sure, but funnily enough the Rune of Superior Skill disabling all enchantments means Mathilde should have an unexpected edge against units that normally equip themselves with magical swords.
If I recall correctly, Master assassination was mentioned once as explicitly verging on the supernatural, even for Warhammer. Like, Alith Anar and Deathmaster Snikch levels, so among the best of the best in the entire world. On the other hand, there is no Grandmaster Assassination or anything like that, and I think there is supposed to be one for swordsmanship even after we finish our sword style?

I think Mastery, for swordsmanship, will basically mean one of the best in the Old World—while our style gives us extra advantages on top of that—and Grandmastery would be one of the best fighters, period.
Yeah im gonna need a quote for that.
I'm terrible at quotes, and it honestly could just be my memory screwing with me. The conversation happened a while ago, if ever. Hopefully someone else can confirm or deny?
Only thing I found was this, from around the final battle for K8P:
@BoneyM are you willing to talk about the Skill scale since we have Transcendent Ranald in Piety? I'm assuming it goes something like Basic, Advanced, Master, Grandmaster, Transcendent?
Transcendent is because it transcends the skill scale. Anything above Advanced is yet to be determined. Achieve it and find out.
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