Just had a thought, you guys know how we wanted to make that shadow knight order, which we eventually scrapped because Shadowsteed belts for everyone would not be worth it given all the wizard man hours you would have to sink into the thing?
Well what if we did that, only instead of handing the belts to random knights, who only have the combat power of a random knight we were to make those as gifts of Kislev, specifically to the Ice Witches, one of the very few assets of a very mobile army which as
@Boney said is not very mobile? At that point I do not think it even matters if we get abstract Kislev favor or ice witch favor, knowing that the ice witches will be better able to run around and counter their enemies, which mostly means Chaos, will undoubtedly make the world a better place over all.
Hell since these are standard shadowsteed belts no bells and whistles and no wind herding we can just get them with CF and hand them out.
What do you guys think?