Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I like the Lady Magister Elrisse option - if nothing else, as the one who would face the least problems conducting research we actually need done, less bothered by politics.

Also, I assume the list is what Mira offered after she knew what the project is about, and the fact that there isn't a waystone expert in it means they don't actually have an expert worth considering, is that correct?

For payment - hey, we are already investigating Talabecland, how fortunate this is an option. "Investigate Alric" seems like a good deal. Alternatively, 1 favor options don't require much (if any) time spent on them. I don't like the "denounce" option though. It doesn't feel propa grey-wizardly and may bring unforeseen and annoying problems down the line. Do you want Alric giving us his personal attention?

On the other hand, "Sabotage Alric" is a bad commitment. He is seeking glory and support, but his actual actions are probably legitimate. If we investigate an find him tracking a cult, but we already committed to sabotage, what would we do? Not a situation I would want Mathilde to find herself in.
This would be my preferred plan:
[ ] Plan Measured Support
-[ ] Lord Magister Egrimm van Horstmann (1 Favour)
-[ ] Lady Magister Elrisse (2 Favours)
-[ ] Investigate Alric (2 Favours)
-[ ] Introduction to the Order of Guardians (1 Favour)

We have absolutely no reason think him any more suspicious than any other magister in-character, and attempting to balance this possibility using OOC knowledge of canon is just not how we roll.
I like this one. We are a Grey wizard we don't do anything openly if it can be helped. And we already going to start investigating him this turn.
And the order is a freebies but I'm not OK with sabotaging our library, it's ours goddamnit and if you want access you better ask nicely.
Anyone have any ideas for other Magisters we could ask after?
[] The Magister who knows most about Rituals (1 Favour)
I don't think we've got this skillet particularly covered, and it could be relevant?

@Boney is that valid?

Edit: the promise being worth 2 Favour is for our personal investigation of Alric, which in my read is not via agents or the EIC.
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Introduction to the Guardians and the Permanent Access to KAU seem like no brainers to me. Especially the first one.
If we were trading copying rights, I'd be fine with the library option, because that's the most obvious reason for the Light College to give our library copies of their own books.

That said, I am wary of giving up that leverage unless someone has a convincing idea of what else we could use to trade for copying rights.
Remind me what the deal is with Alric folks?
He's a douchewaffle. He's headstrong and he offends people. And in canon drove Egrimm into chaos because of insufferable he is.
He's been recently kicked out of his seat as Headlight wizard due to maneuvering and is currently trying to return via great deed.

I want to recruit him but we have Horstman. Shame.

My Votes:
[ ] Magister Egrimm van Horstmann (free)
He's already there. Horstman will become Lord Magister anyway.
[ ] Choirmaster Stephen (2 Favours)
Many Light Wizards can lead a choir, but very few can lead them for the weeks at a time it takes for the most potent of enchantments.
This sounds like the key to having a human coordinate magical winds for waystones. We need him before we need any of the others.
This is the group ritual master.
Horstman will become Lord Magister anyway.
[ ] Denounce Alric (1 Favour)
Nothing is stopping us from fixing our relationship by supporting what he's doing in secret.
[ ] Introduction to the Order of Guardians (1 Favour)
We can introduce them but that's it.
On the Elrise/Stephen choice, do we need Enchanting or Knowledge more?

The way I see it is that Light Enchanting is valuable in the sense that it frees us from the cost of hiring a capable elf who could do the same (more or less), while Knowledge ensure we get the most available info available.

If we do get the knowledge, we might even be able to leverage that into getting better deals with any other College we go to. Having the Enchanter won't really be able to do the same unless we were willing to asign them to it, which would be a waste of acquiring them in the first place.
Measured action seems to be the order of the day, so yes, an investigation and an introduction. I'm on the fence on library access, because that's a card we can't take back and we'd end up having to do a whole nother round of favor exchange to get reciprocal access in the future, but being able to afford skipping straight to the Magister Matriarch is definitely a temptation.

One side effect of having binged about a sixth of the quest discussion in the last little while is that I can see the very definite pattern we have post Lahmian Conspiracy Reveal of treating anything less than a 100% enthusiastic minion as an opponent, antagonist, or outright enemy. So I'm definitely not on board with sabotage or denunciation prior to an investigation.
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Considering we know out of game that Horstmann's secretly a chaos worshipper giving him any kind of support even if it's free seems like it's likely to backfire on us down the line rather a lot.
Considering we know out of game that Horstmann's secretly a chaos worshipper giving him any kind of support even if it's free seems like it's likely to backfire on us down the line rather a lot.
We know he becomes one, we do not know he already is one.

Edit: we literally changed the course of history for at least Sylvania and the karak ankor. So getting one wizard to not turn evil should be something we can do.
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[ ] Magister Egrimm van Horstmann (free)
If nothing else, Mira would allow Egrimm access to some of the inherited secrets of the Order of Light on the weight of Mathilde's deeds and reputation alone.
[ ] Lord Magister Egrimm van Horstmann (1 Favour)
With your vouching for him, Mira would be willing to fast-track Egrimm for promotion and clear him for even more information on the subject.
[ ] Choirmaster Stephen (2 Favours)
Many Light Wizards can lead a choir, but very few can lead them for the weeks at a time it takes for the most potent of enchantments.
[ ] Lady Magister Elrisse (2 Favours)

[ ] Investigate Alric (2 Favours)
Promise to personally investigate what Alric is up to in Talabecland, and to inform Mira of all the details.
[ ] Sabotage Alric (2 Favours)
Promise to indirectly interfere with whatever it is Alric is up to. Can be stacked with Investigate Alric.
[ ] Introduction to the Order of Guardians (1 Favour)

I think these balance out well. Openly denouncing Alfric and then sabotaging him just tells him who did it. I'd rather not paint that target on Mathilde's back. It would be better to make a private deal where no one other than us and Mira needs to be sure that Mathilde moved. Others may suspect, but leave it as suspicion.

And if we're not trying to recruit Mira herself, I think her most powerful Choirmaster and the person in the Light Order that knows all the secrets can do the job.
And in canon drove Egrimm into chaos because of insufferable he is.
In canon, Egrimm von Horstmann was already full-bore into Chaos worship and daemon summoning before he ever even became an apprentice in the Light Order. Like, to the point of having Chaos sigils and arcane and sorcerous symbols tattooed onto his skin. Granted, the exact circumstances of that are in more detail (detail that only adds to the questions of how any of this happened) in the actual novel for Horstmann (which is, sadly, just kind of terrible in quality).
Yes, but this is a commitment to do so personally. With not inconsiderable cunning of a Grey Lady Magister, instead of just a Perpetual and his agents.
I don't think it has to be personally just that we investigate and I'm sure us sending agents will be enough. And anyway a Grey Magister of our rank going to where Alric is would trip of alarm bells for him. Best to send lower agents instead so not to give away the game.
On the Elrise/Stephen choice, do we need Enchanting or Knowledge more?

The way I see it is that Light Enchanting is valuable in the sense that it frees us from the cost of hiring a capable elf who could do the same (more or less), while Knowledge ensure we get the most available info available.

If we do get the knowledge, we might even be able to leverage that into getting better deals with any other College we go to. Having the Enchanter won't really be able to do the same unless we were willing to asign them to it, which would be a waste of acquiring them in the first place.
Yeah, we dont know what we'd use super-Enchanting for at this time. Knowledge seems more useful now, so LM Elrisse seems better than the Choirmaster.
Yes, but this is a commitment to do so personally. With not inconsiderable cunning of a Grey Lady Magister, instead of just a Perpetual and his agents.
Or turning loose our Golden minions for that matter.

If we do find something actually super bad, we want Egrimm to get the official collar. Which itself is doing the Lights a favor by keeping the clean up apparently in house, and helps cement his loyalty to us.
I don't think it has to be personally just that we investigate and I'm sure us sending agents will be enough. And anyway a Grey Magister of our rank going to where Alric is would trip of alarm bells for him. Best to send lower agents instead so not to give away the game.

[ ] Investigate Alric (2 Favours)
Promise to personally investigate what Alric is up to in Talabecland, and to inform Mira of all the details.
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